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Lara's HRT & NBE


I read all the postings that you do in all of you threads.  I may not always reply to them.  You have made remarkable progress and I know it is hard but to not get down with those who don't see you for who you are and the wonderful person you are.  You have given me guidance and always offer advice.  I'm glad to know you.

Good news and bad news... Bad ones, my doctor has lost her lisence to prescibe HRT. Kept her practice but the gate keepers got to her. Going against the book, being rogue saint for us got to her. Crying This is not a problem at this moment, but it will be a problem next year. Also my T blocker prescription ran out but I have a plan for that. Soon my gender marker will be renewed, that means I have access to female healthcare, meaning that I can get my local gynecologist to renew prescriptions. For progesterone that might be difficult as they do not ever want to prescribe it in Finland.

So, the situation is this, me and gf are now planning ahead on how to keep our medication going, we have quite a lot of stuffon prescription we will get, I told her to buy everything she has written for her because that makes a whole lot of things to stock up upon. Patches, gel, T blocker, all of it. I have to figure out how to get progesterone prescribed again next year. We need to figure out where to source EEn as I want to be absolutely certain we never run out of anything. So likely it means another purchase to Lena if she's back in business like the word in the scene is. Or I mix my own as I have plenty.

Good news... I want to see gynecologist for booking a breast screening and to over all dicuss my female healthcare needs as there will be a lot of that coming up in the future, hopefully just good fun stuff rather than being sick. The current program is magical as a combination, topical program feels like it was the last missing piece of massive mammary puzzle. I also added a tiny drop of estrogel to the mix as suggested and it feels fantastic, it feels like its helping DHEA and PG creams absorb better if that makes any sense.

Here's my program as it is right now:

EV injection biweekly 3,2mg/0,08ml 40ml/10ml concentration.
EV patch biweekly 50mcg
Cypro 12,5mg/Day
Progesterone 200mg boofed

Swanson BO 250mg x 2
Vitamin A 5000iu
Blessed Thistle 400mg x 2
Panax Ginseng 500mg x 1
Multivitamin x 1
L-tyrosine 500mg x 2

Swanson BO 250mg x 2
Blessed Thistle 400mg x 2
Panax Ginseng 500mg x 1

Swanson BO 250mg x 2
Vitamin A 5000iu
Blessed Thistle 400mg x 2
Panax Ginseng 500mg x 1
Vitamin D3 10000iu
GABA 750mg x 2
DHEA 30mg
PG cream 40mg
Estrogel a tiny drop per breast

My breasts are growing on crazy unforseen pace! I've never had it like this before and I bet its the topicals + BO doing it. Wink Its like the topical stuff is amplifying what bovine ovary has been doing since the day one. Only problem I keep noticing is female acne type of thing which flares up often during my period, now showing outside of the usual timing. Also I've woken up sweaty as heck couple of times and that's often associated with a HGH + IGF-1 levels going high during sleep, makes sense as GABA does that and I would guess the topical stuff is rather potent so its likely playing along.

Here's a fresh pic from this morning. Five days without noogle. If the projection was good a while back, its getting better each day. After bumping topical dosages, there's been much happening. Its no wonder my bra is tight. EDIT: I updated timeline with 25½ month picture. Fifteen day difference looks quite nice, there's again a visible obvious difference on a record pace, adding the "boring" pic here too for reference.


Sorry to hear about your doctor but you seem to have a plan for the future.   Awesome picture.

I'm a woman now even in Finnish govt systems. My social security number and gender marker got updated just minutes ago. ***Y is gone and I got only numbers to replace it. I find it weirdly symbolic how the letter of my old number was Y and its gone now. Hug 

I feel like I need a drink. This is one big step, from now on as soon as I get info updated everywhere, I will stealth in official settings too. I'm completely a woman to them from now on. And this is the last chance for people in my life to start treating me correctly, never use deadname, never misgender or talk to me like to a guy and so on. From now on I have zero tolerance to such bullshit when even the Finnish society accepts the fact that I am a woman.

So say hi to brand new "persona", Lara is now F instead of M. Big Grin


Congratulations.  I know you're ecstatic.  I'm very happy for you.

(07-08-2023, 13:49)Mashtenn Wrote:  Congratulations.  I know you're ecstatic.  I'm very happy for you.
Thank you. ^_^ Its a big step for sure.

Another uninteresting, non contributing useless post to ignore, but here it goes regardless.  Tongue

I have been playing around with timelines. I have had it in mind for a long time to make ones with two and three month jumps, all the way from the beginning to show how its going in the long run. Its been eye opening with a whole lot, also visual cues for different HRT and NBE program changes come very obvious like that. 

And then I made a peculiar one, from 23 month mark to 25½ which was just days ago, on fifteen day intervals. My boobs have grown on such crazy unforseen pace I had to try this out. All I've done differently is adding bovine ovary dosage gradually from 750mg to 1000mg to 1500. Then started Blessed Thistle first at 1200mg and then doubled to 2400mg just recently. And then the topical program is the craziest piece of the puzzle. I also added a drop of estrogel to the mix as per Lotus adviced, I'm yet to see the results of that but the last several days have been extremely promising. (From 23½ month mark onward, I did estriol cream for a month and then replaced with DHEA + PG. This also had an impact on the results.)

I have had growth spurts before, I thought I have had rapid development before, but nothing like this. Nothing comes close. Each step of the way has a obvious visual difference to previous one, the pictures are scaled using the three small moles on my chest like usual, this isn't perfect but its the closest I can do without having a studio to take pictures. Look at this and be amazed, let this information sink in. High dose of BO, DHEA + Prog + estrogel, High dose Blessed Thistle and note that during last two and half months I have only pumped for 60 hours in total and now completely coming off of it. I have outgrown even the biggest domes to the point where they cause too much blisters and pain due to lacking space. I have substituted noogle with ton of massage instead. I guess this is my retirement from vacuum pumping. I'm over 2000 hours on it anyway.

My bra is getting tight.... Not far from switching to Bravissimo stuff. [Image: wink.gif]


Not much to report today, except that I'm willing to prove the power of the topical program. Or more like its effect along with other NBE items I've talked about lately. I believe what I'm doing is all playing together extremely well and the topicals were the missing piece. Otherwise I wouldn't be getting obvious BIG visible differences show up within ten days. Visible difference within fifteen days or a month is more usual fast pace, but this is whole another level.

I picked a photo from July 29th and then another from August 8th. What happened here is that I doubled DHEA and PG dosage three days after the older photo was taken, on the new one there's five days of estogel done, nine days on melatonin again as I've had trouble falling asleep, a week of Blessed Thistle on higher dosage and a week without noogle, replaced by massage.

Pictures are scaled by my usual method and then lines drawn on the moles centre of my chest and then fat folds just below boobs and upper part of stomach, these do not change places much so its a very nice reference when the camera angle is a close match. Take a look.


Another four day difference. [Image: biggrin.gif] Timeline pics are scaled using the three moles on my chests again, its not perfect as camera angle is slightly off. I'll try to get better pics for updating the long term timeline in two days.... So close to 26 month mark now. I got a lovely new hospital grade breast pump which I'm testing for the first time, part of my plan for full lactation later down the road. Its magnificent device and to my surprise, on each session it drew out droplets and not clear ones, but thick milky ones. It appears that GABA and Blessed Thistle on their own are quite amazing as along with massage and some oatmeal I'm not on any other prolactin boosting stuff for now.

I am planning to try to get it to full capacity soon and I made a list of things I want to try, those would be Goats Rue, Shatavari, Moringa, Blessed thistle and Alfalfa along with usual GABA + oats + hops. I'm thinking of trying a herbal program along with rather rigorous pumping routine to see if that's enough to push me far enough. I lactate very easily but I'm still not sure what do I need for full lactation. If I'm anything like my mother and aunt and so on, I will produce a lot once I get it going. Anyway, the pump is super comfy and powerful, I can't say enough good things about it.


Day 795

The pump I'm using is so amazing, I've had the "prolactin headaches" come and go for several days now. Its kinda interesting how that always happens when something pushes my levels higher. I'm not sure how effective the pump is but it feels like another world. Really amazing how its amplifying the growth aches and all that, I've been alternating between dry and some droplets so far, but I can tell its working wonders

I've done 5h15min for the last two days and for over a week from 2-5hours every day. Knowing that elevated prolactin has been doing good before, this might well help tremendously when coupled with massage and all the other stuff. I'm planning to do full lactation early next year if everything goes well. I'm gonna try to go at it by the herbal route, try to avoid needing domperidone. I've lactated before but not fully so getting started should work out quite easily as I'm on the brink already. Its really exciting, I guess the "hospital grade" on the pump description wasn't a joke.

Note about topical program, the possible androgen symptoms I had a while back have receded. Very likely this is my body adapting to the new balance as I've had similar stuff happen previously when ever my estrogen levels have shifted higher, I didn't expect DHEA + PG + E2 to do that but apparently its very potent combination. So if some mild androgen symptoms appear, it might not be reason for alarm. I'm about two weeks away from hitting two months on the topicals and its amazing, mind blowing, surprising... I can't praise this combination enough as nothing has been as effective before. I believe the trick here is the combination of things I'm on, its really seriously crazy good. I'm eagerly waiting for my new bra to arrive which hopefully will carry me until I fill the Bravissimo bras well enough. I have to get something, because my 36KK Elomi Molly is soon bursting at its seams. Straps dig in, unterwire digs in, band digs in. There's zero space in this thing left, I have to go up a size. Blush


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