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journey from a 34AA


I've been Noogling since late July, so that makes it almost 4 months now. I'm currently almost through my second month of UB.

So far, I haven't had any results whatsoever. No tingling, no aching, and I'm not really sure if I'm even getting any swelling. After my 1hr+ session of Noogling, I would notice that the indentations from the cups make my breasts appear to protrude out more, but once the indentations fade away, the allusion of swollen breasts is gone and I'm back to normal. My measurements never changed from before to after Noogling. Sad

As for UB, I read that most people experience some sort of aching sensation/growth on their second month. I feel like everyone got on the boobie bus except me. The only effect I've gotten from UB is that I missed my period last month, even though I'm on birth control pills (that's never happened to me before, and I'm not pregnant). Also, I all of a sudden have a bad case of acne but I don't know if that's related to UB or not.

This is my program currently:

3 UB pills a day
protein intake (if i eat a lot of meat, i skip my protein shake)
temp is always above 98.2
noogle on average 1hr a day (though i skip some days if i'm too busy, and some days i do up to 4hrs throughout the day)
i massage before noogling, and drink plenty of water.

current measurements:

underbust : 28.75"
overbust: 31" - 31.25" depending on time of month

5'1", 105bls

I keep on reading that Noogleberry works for everyone. I'm starting to think that maybe the people that Noogleberry didn't work for just never posted on these forums.

I thought about quitting NBE but the thought of losing all hopes of ever getting bigger breasts (without surgery) bums me out too much! Sad

Just be persistent with UB. Give it some time!!!

Dear lled34AA,
Count me in as someone who has used NG for 5 mo., BB for 2 mo. & PM for 2 mo and have had NO growth at all. I do get tremendous swelling but it deflates in about 3 hrs. I also get tingling sensations. So you are not alone. But I have no answers. Everyone also has no answers except be patient but that is easier said than done.
Keep me posted re: your journey.


It's nice to know I'm not alone. At least you're getting swelling from NB... all I get is ring marks. Today I had a day off so I noogled 4 times 1hr+ each time - still no swelling! Sad After you Noogle, does the swelling stay a little bit longer each time? Are you still on BB or PM? I also tried PM for almost a month but it made me super bloated, I had to stop.

My acne is getting worse and I suspect it might be the kelp. I only took kelp for 3 days though, so I don't know, it might be UB. Sad I'm also going to switch to BB even though it's WAY more expensive because of 2 reasons: 1. everyone who's had acne problem on BO has been using UB, not BB, and 2. I looked up the address on the UB bottle and it's just some random house. That's so sketchy to me.

HELLO lled34AA,
The swelling doesn't seem to be increasing. I just started the XL but can't get both on at once cause of my narrow chest so I use 1 LG & 1 XL. The XL swells more.
I stopped PM about 1 mo ago because I thought I may have had a "fake" batch, did a liver cleanse & restarted on BB (I have 24 days left from my first try in July). I'll then take generic BO (from Swanson).
I take adrenal, l tyrosine, GABA, PABA, MSM, to enhance the BO & NG. Of course nothing is working. So the waitng is on.
Stay in touch.

That's so weird about the UB address Huh
Maybe he/she is cutting cost and has a factory in the house lol I kid but I'd definitely like to know what is up with that

Periwinkle12, let us know if you find anything out about the UB house. haha.

I am on my 4th day of Yaz (birth control pill). I'm hoping this will help clear out my acne. Yesterday, I started feeling a little bit of aching/sharp pain on my left breast. This is new for me! I don't want to get my hopes up too high since there are girls that experience breasts pain but no growth. Plus, I don't know if it's growth from UB, or just swelling from me recently switching to Yaz.

I find it odd that I experienced breast pain yesterday, on the one day that I slacked off on my protein shake.

Also, I THINK I'm beginning to get a tiny bit of swelling from NB!!!! The swelling is very very slight. After my noogle session, my bra fits the same... breast measures about the same, but when I touch them, they seem to fill out my hands more. Yay!

My BB pills should arrive by Friday. I'm a little worried about breaking out from it since it contains kelp. I tried emailing BB to ask how much kelp is in the pills but no answer yet. Does anyone know of anyone who's on BB that's getting acne?

Oh, almost forgot, I added MSM powder to my routine about a week ago. Maybe that's what's helping me with the swelling?

I am sorry that it seems that you are getting little result from all that work. The only thing I might say is maybe try to restructure how you are thinking about it. The fact is that you are the size you are, and your journey w/NBE is a sort of supplementation into your life. If you don't stick with it a while longer you will never know. The worse thing that could happen is not changing but at least while you are taking your BO and Noogleing you have a project to think about on the side. Think less about your results and think more about your day-to-day tasks that will get you to the results. There are some people who have posted pics on here that it took 9mos + to get noticeable results and, while they may seem small, the growth is just what they needed for encouragement and that extra reminder that WE ARE GIRLS AND our girls CAN POKE OUT A BIT!
I am glad to hear that you are finally getting some sensation in your boobs. That is exciting, and who knows what else might start happening soon. I was also going to mention that I did take BB and seemed to break out horribly on it. I am taking UB now and I think that I am getting way less acne. I also noticed that the more junk food I eat the more I will break out, and if I watch my diet and eat mostly fruits and veggies (staying away from processed food) my face seems to treat me much better.


You also need to keep in mind that BO does not work for everyones body type. Did you do the temperature test before trying it? If you do not maintain a temp of 98.4 or higher, chances are that it won't work. That is one of the reasons we try to post that fact on here as often as possible so that no one is disappointed.

As for the noogleberry, I'm one of the slow responder to it, I have been pumping for a year now and I didn't begin to see any swelling or growth until this past summer and even then my growth is slow and the swelling minor compared to other gals, but I'm glad I stuck with it since I am beginning to see results from it.


itsjust4fun91, I'm so jealous of your growth on BB!

I'm really really hoping BO will work for me as I've tried herbs in the past and that didn't give me any growth at all. This is my last attempt at NBE, using BO and NB. I think I'm gonna give this program a year to see if I get any results. So far, I've been NB around 4 1/2 months, and doing BO for 2 months. Some days, I would think I'm getting result because my breasts look like they poke out more. But I also get the days when they look deflated... pretty much as small as how I started.

Every time I take my temp, it's always above 98.2. So I know that's not my problem. I think maybe because being a size AA, I have little breast tissues to work with so my response time is much slower? I dunno.

I'm getting a tiny bit of swelling from NB, which is great. But the breast sensations that I felt last week is gone. I'm using the large domes, and I've been stuck at the 2.25" mark for the past 3 months! It's kinda frustrating that no matter how hard I pump, I just can't get past that mark. I try not to pump hard too many times though since I don't want to get injured.

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