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My “Brava” program (aka sleep-pumping)


(14-10-2020, 23:13)ShelaVenna Wrote:  

Today was the end of week 3. I averaged 9 hours pumping per night. I think my original measurement was wrong and I was actually at 32”, not 31.5”. I didn’t take a measurement while swollen this time, like I did last week. These are my measurements 8 hours after pumping.

Starting measurements:

Bust: 32”

Underbust: 30”

Week 3 measurement:

Bust: 33”

Underbust: 30”

An inch in 3 weeks is pretty damn good. I doubt I’ll keep growing at this pace. It would be crazy if I did. There’s not much of a visible difference yet. I don’t think I’ll really feel like I’m progressing, until I go up a cup size.

I’m a little worried that the skin on my chest has been looking odd lately. There’s no stretch marks or sores or anything like that. It just looks more “textured” than usual, especially right after pumping. It’s difficult to describe, and it would be pretty hard to take a clear picture of it. I haven’t been as faithful to my skincare regimen as I should have been. I’ve been trying to apply an aha/bha cream along with retinol, vitamin C, and hydroquinone everyday. Half the time I forget to do it. Anyone over 30 should strongly consider doing the same if they plan on pumping. I’m in my 30’s btw.

Wow great progress, in just 3 weeks impressive. I hope it keep growing that fast.  Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile"> Do keep us updated on your progress, its so inspirational to see success stories.


(15-10-2020, 03:15)milkANDcookies Wrote:  

(14-10-2020, 23:13)ShelaVenna Wrote:  

Today was the end of week 3. I averaged 9 hours pumping per night. I think my original measurement was wrong and I was actually at 32”, not 31.5”. I didn’t take a measurement while swollen this time, like I did last week. These are my measurements 8 hours after pumping.

Starting measurements:

Bust: 32”

Underbust: 30”

Week 3 measurement:

Bust: 33”

Underbust: 30”

An inch in 3 weeks is pretty damn good. I doubt I’ll keep growing at this pace. It would be crazy if I did. There’s not much of a visible difference yet. I don’t think I’ll really feel like I’m progressing, until I go up a cup size.

I’m a little worried that the skin on my chest has been looking odd lately. There’s no stretch marks or sores or anything like that. It just looks more “textured” than usual, especially right after pumping. It’s difficult to describe, and it would be pretty hard to take a clear picture of it. I haven’t been as faithful to my skincare regimen as I should have been. I’ve been trying to apply an aha/bha cream along with retinol, vitamin C, and hydroquinone everyday. Half the time I forget to do it. Anyone over 30 should strongly consider doing the same if they plan on pumping. I’m in my 30’s btw.

Wow great progress, in just 3 weeks impressive. I hope it keep growing that fast.  Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile"> Do keep us updated on your progress, its so inspirational to see success stories.

Thanks Milk. Unfortunately I think I’m going to have to stop this program, or at least cut waaay back on the pumping.


Welp, this sucks, but it looks like I have to switch up my program  Sad"  . My skin issues have been getting worse instead of better. No more fake Brava for me. I might still sleep pump in the future, but not for more than 4-5 hours at a time, and only while using real Brava domes. Brava domes come in narrow and wide sizes, and the ones I bought are wide. Narrow domes are very hard to find, so I took a risk and bought wide domes because some people with small ribcages have apparently been able to wear them. I can only fit one dome at a time onto my chest, so I’ll probably pump one breast for half the night and then switch to the other for the rest of the night. Unfortunately I can’t start pumping again until my skin recovers.

I’m going to try to explain the skin issues I’ve been having, but it’ll be difficult. When I pump my pores immediately swell up and look like goose bumps. That also used to happen many years ago when I first tried pumping, before I gave up on NBE for a long time. When I was younger, the goosebumps would go away an hour or two after pumping and I wasn’t really concerned about them. Now that I’m in my thirties, they’ve been taking longer and longer to go away and I think the bumpy skin near where there rims sit might even be permanent. I’ve never heard of anyone else ever having this issue, so it might be very rare. These are not pimples or the dreaded “red dots” (burst capillaries) that many people get from pumping. It’s looks a bit like my pores are forming scar tissue in response to the pressure, which is very unusual. On top of that, I’ve been scratching the hell out of my breasts in the morning, even though I know I shouldn’t, because the sudden drop in pressure when I remove the cups makes my skin extremely itchy for a minute or two. Normally nothing bad happens when I scratch, but a few times I’ve managed to give myself a few painless, narrow scrapes that look like cat scratches. Tiny scratches like those will usually shed they’re scabs in a day or two and disappear without a trace, but I think the vacuum pressure is keeping them from healing correctly. They seem to to be healing 2-3 times as wide as they were when I caused them, and it looks likes they might be scarring as well. Besides the “permanent goose bumps” and the scratches, my breast skin just looks more textured all over. I can’t quite put it into words, but even in the areas that don’t have weird bumps, my breasts just don’t look as smooth as they did before I started pumping again. I never had any of these problems when I was younger and my skin was more resilient, aside from some slightly rough skin near my armpit where the cups dug in. I should probably point out that there are a LOT of people on the Noogleberry pumping forum who are much older than me and pump a lot harder than I do, who have not had any of the problems I’m describing, so don’t let this scare you too much. I’m going to continue my breast skin care regimen during my pumping break, in the hopes that my skin will be better able to handle the pressure when I restart.

Luckily, I already bought what I need to start a hormonal NBE program. I was planning to start in 6-8 weeks to give me enough time to figure out how much growth I could expect from pumping alone.  Now that I’m on a pumping break, I’ll start my hormonal program right away.


I’ll be starting a new NBE program from today on. Read my last post if you want to know why I’m taking a break from pumping for now.

I decided to start a PM and progesterone cream program. I’m on birth control, so I won’t be cycling. I’ll be taking all these supplements all month long. I tried Ainterol PM a long time ago, but I think I gave up on it too quickly, and I was much thinner and a AAA at the time. I’m also not convinced that Ainterol isn’t adulterated with cheaper species of pueraria that don’t work as well true PM. I decided to try using a high quality standardized pm extract this time, instead of Ainterol. Purestrol is the only standardized pueraria extract available in the west as far as I know. It might be the only standardized PM extract in the world, but I’m not sure. There are only three brands that contain Purestrol. The brand I decided to go with is Amata Life.

This is what I’ll be taking all month long:


Amata Life Pueraria Mirifica Plus (which contains 100 mg of PM extract) twice per day, morning and night.


656mg reishi extract morning and night

675mg white peony root extract morning and night

665 mg spearmint extract morning and night


USP progesterone cream, one 20mg pump per day

2000mg Myo-inositol, morning and night
50mg D-Chiro-inositol, morning and night.

Growth Hormone and IGF-1:
10mg MK-677 once per day. Mk-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue. This a grey market product (meaning that it’s not entirely legal since it was never officially released onto the market by it’s creators). It’s controversial around here, and for good reason. I’m not suggesting that anyone run out and buy it. I’m trying it out because I saw a study where researchers were attempting to do non-surgical breast augmentation by giving biological women huge doses of estradiol (a very bad idea that they abandoned). In their study the women who produced more IGF-1 in response to the estradiol grew a lot. The women who did not release more IGF-1 did not grow at all. That doesn’t mean that MK-677 will necessarily increase breast  growth, but I haven’t responded well to any form of hormonal NBE before, so I’m trying it out regardless. 

Otsuka Placenta C Beauty Jelly, one stick per day. This is a strange jelly candy stick that contains placenta extract. People usually take it as a skincare supplement. I honestly only bought this on a whim because Chiyomilk used it, but I’m not sure it’s necessary and it might even be counterproductive since I’m also taking birth control and PM. Placenta extract contains estrogen, progesterone, possibly IGF-1, and some other unusual hormones that may or may not be useful for our purposes. After I use up my one month supply, I probably won’t repurchase it.

While I’m following this program I’ll also be following a diet high in protein, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, and low in carbs. I’ve already been doing that somewhat, but I haven’t been very consistent. I also plan to get more serious about working out regularly. If I actually stick to this part of my program, I should be able to stop taking the inositol after a few months, since it balances hormones by increasing insulin sensitivity.


I finally managed to take some half decent photos of the horrible skin texture change I got from pumping. They’re not very clear, but it should still be obvious why I freaked out and stopped pumping. I’ve read a whole lot of noogling threads over the years, like an embarrassingly massive amount of threads, and I’ve never heard of this happening to anyone else. This problem seems to be unique to me, so don’t let it put you off.

Just to recap, my pores swell up like goose bumps when I pump. That’s normal for me, and when I was younger, the swollen pores always went back down in an hour or two, so I didn’t think it was a big deal, now it seems like my pores are forming scar tissue in response to the swelling. From a distance, it doesn’t look that bad. It looks a bit like a mild rash, but I’m afraid it will get worse if I keep pumping. It’s been 5 days since I last pumped and the bumpy pores have gotten a little smaller, but not by much.

These are photos of the area right above my nipple. The rest of my breast is also bumpy but it’s not as bad as this area. Looking at these close up photos, I think I might also see tiny baby stretch marks starting to form, but they’re not visible in real life. I’m having second thoughts about ever pumping again. I’m just not sure how i can prevent this from happening. I’ll be very disappointed if I can’t keep pumping.

[Image: 5236-A960-FFA8-4101-9882-D603317-A6-B12.jpg]

[Image: 9947-B0-B7-4-AB0-49-EC-8368-74-EF974-DCBC8.jpg]

I’m still using retinol, vitamin C, aha, and bha on my breasts to increase and improve my skin collagen and elastin. This regimen didn’t prevent this from happening, but maybe it could have if I had prepared my skin for months before starting. I know this must have something to do with age related changes in skin collagen, because the pores swelled but didn’t scar when I was younger. Even so, there are lots of older, even elderly, people who pump on the noogleberry forum and on here, and I have never seen anything like this in all my years perusing the threads. So something unique must be happening in my case.

It’s been a week since I started my new program, so I thought I should drop in to say that I’m still continuing. No growth or swelling to report yet, but I didn’t expect anything to happen in one week.

My skin is still not fully healed, but the exfoliants I’m using have caused most of the bumps to flake off. Very bizarre. I expected them to slowly flatten over time, not just peel right off, but I’m glad they did.

I definitely won’t keep updating weekly, unless things keep changing. The next time I update it will probably be because I’ve had a huge change in my skin and I’m ready to try pumping again.



I just came across your thread and I really hope that you will be able to pump again!

The skin on your breasts reminds me of the skin on the back of my upper thighs and my lower butt lol. I also have these goosebump-thingies going on there. I have never taken a picture of them, so I am not exactly sure they are the same thing you have on your breasts. Just for the record, I have never pumped my butt and I have no idea when I started having them.

Anyway, I hope you won't be experiencing any further issues because I am very interested in a "real person's" Brava progress :-) And of course for your own well-being lol

Take care


(05-11-2020, 17:37)koyasha Wrote:  


I just came across your thread and I really hope that you will be able to pump again!

The skin on your breasts reminds me of the skin on the back of my upper thighs and my lower butt lol. I also have these goosebump-thingies going on there. I have never taken a picture of them, so I am not exactly sure they are the same thing you have on your breasts. Just for the record, I have never pumped my butt and I have no idea when I started having them.

Anyway, I hope you won't be experiencing any further issues because I am very interested in a "real person's" Brava progress :-) And of course for your own well-being lol

Take care

Thanks Koyasha. What you’re describing is KP (keratosis pilaris). I have that on my arms and legs, but not on my breasts. KP is just clogged pores, but a lot dryer than the oily clogged pores people get on their faces. I think what’s on my breasts is some bizarre form of scarring, not just clogged  pores that can empty out over time with the right skincare. That’s why I’m so confused about how to treat and prevent them.


It’s been a little over 2 weeks since I started my PM program, and I’m already running into issues. I normally get my period at the end of my birth control pill pack even though I don’t take breaks. In other words, I take “active” BC pills all month long but i still get a period at the end of my cycle. This cycle my period started about a week early and has been going strong for 10 days. It normally lasts 5 days. I’m not sure what to change in my program. I thought BC would prevent the menstrual issues that PM can cause, and I’m not sure why it didn’t. I may stop taking the placenta jellies, at least until I run out of mk677, my growth hormone secretagogue. I heard placenta extract contains placental growth hormone, which is different from “regular” growth hormone, but still increases igf-1, so I may need it once I stop ordering mk677. I’ve already decreased my PM to one dose daily. Hopefully stopping the placenta extract and decreasing the PM is enough to solve this problem.


(05-11-2020, 18:31)ShelaVenna Wrote:  

(05-11-2020, 17:37)koyasha Wrote:  


I just came across your thread and I really hope that you will be able to pump again!

The skin on your breasts reminds me of the skin on the back of my upper thighs and my lower butt lol. I also have these goosebump-thingies going on there. I have never taken a picture of them, so I am not exactly sure they are the same thing you have on your breasts. Just for the record, I have never pumped my butt and I have no idea when I started having them.

Anyway, I hope you won't be experiencing any further issues because I am very interested in a "real person's" Brava progress :-) And of course for your own well-being lol

Take care

Thanks Koyasha. What you’re describing is KP (keratosis pilaris). I have that on my arms and legs, but not on my breasts. KP is just clogged pores, but a lot dryer than the oily clogged pores people get on their faces. I think what’s on my breasts is some bizarre form of scarring, not just clogged  pores that can empty out over time with the right skincare. That’s why I’m so confused about how to treat and prevent them.

I didn't know there was a word for that, but there probably is one for pretty much everything!
Have you thought about asking a doctor or ask on an online platform such as reddit? I'm sure someone there has advice for you, I know there are a lot of crazy people, but also some that give sincere and good advice! 
Take care


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