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Is swelling a sign that growth will eventually happen?


(01-08-2020, 17:44)koyasha Wrote:  

We are way too obsessed with our boobs. If somebody could see us touching and looking at them all the time, they'd think we are so in love with ourselves and our breasts lol.

Good luck with the aquarium check valve, I really hope it will fit and that the pump will stay on!

I just ordered Kinesio tape, it should arrive around Wednesday. It is supposed to work as a nipple stopper and hopefully I will be able to get rid of my soft ball once and for all.

So today is the first, did you end up taking pics and measurements? :-)

Lol. As of today I keep reminding myself that real and noticeable  growth isn't even suppose to happen until the three month/12 week mark. Which is also why you're not suppose to quit before then or you lose your progress. It made me feel a little bit better. I think my brain compares it to the people who seemed to have results faster than that, but realistically for the most part I think some people pick up on the swelling and interpret it as growth when they feel like they have results within a few weeks or they are also doing something else on top of it like taking supplements and that is where early growth is coming from. I do know it's a bit different for women who have breastfed before too. It made me feel a little bit better over being so ridiculous by getting disappointed when I'm not doing anything else like herbs and today is only the three week mark. I think it's because I've had so much failure with NBE that I just want a glowing sign that tells me okay, it's going to work this time. 
Good luck with the tape. Let me know how it goes. I haven't been doing anything to my nipples so they are becoming quite engorged atm lol. I seem to be allergic to everything tape wise and break out in a rash when I tape them down.

Ekkk no. I'm terrible. I was pretty bad on my diet yesterday so I didn't want to take a picture, measure anything, or step on a scale or anything because I knew I'd feel bad about myself. I really need to though. 

My program is still constantly changing a bit. I still do the 3 sets of pump and release and then pump and hold the rest of the time, but as of today I've changed it into doing the pump and hold for three hours 2x a day instead of for 1 hour 3x a day. So I'm pumping a ton at this point. I think it's because I'm trying to transition into trying the long 12 hour pump/hold thing soon with the valve and bra thing. This was my longest all in one session. I didn't want to just jump into doing that though, so I'm trying to ease into it. My breasts don't hickey anymore because I think my skin is use to it, but I have had them go purple/blue on me a few times recently from cutting off circulation which I know is a huge no/no so I feel like I'm never going to be able to do a decent amount of pressure because it doesn't take much for that to happen to them and my only hope is low pressure for a very long duration. I do worry a lot about if because I can't get to the pressures people talk about if it will still work for me, but my hope is that if it's a good enough pressure that it's causing swelling then it will be a good enough pressure to cause growth.

EDIT TO ADD SOMETHING POTENTIALLY OPTIMISTIC: I know I said before that it looks like based off the swelling that when they grow I think they are going to go wider first when it turns into growth, but It also looks like it's going to go a bit to the outer breast too more than anything. The funny thing about that though is if anything I specifically don't target that area when pumping just because I'm scared of it digging into my armpit area.

The optimistic part: I'm not sure if I've mentioned it but they aren't just two different sizes they are pretty much too different shapes because one is completely underdeveloped including the areola and everything. One of my fears was what if I do somehow even get it to grow and it's a different shape than the other or the areola doesn't grow. My other breast (the larger one that is actually developed) has more fat to the outer breast and bottom with pretty much nothing on top or to inner cleavage area (which is fine because it's a small B so I imagine it's just too small to really have any of that and would have to get larger first). An interesting thing that I never noticed before because I generally did not stare at my breasts like 40 times a day is that the areola on the larger breast looks slightly wider to the outer part and to the top. I don't know why I just assumed in the past that areolas were perfect circles or something lol. My swelling is actually causing the areola to swell up and go down too (which is weird because I didn't think it was possible for an areola to grow a bit and shrink so maybe it's just that it's swelling?) but it is also to the outer part of the breast a bit and to the top.
The reason why that is optimistic (provided my eyes aren't just playing tricks on me at this point lol) is that it looks like if my swelling actually turns into growth that my small breast should follow the same patterns as the larger breast, areola and all so if the swelling turns into growth hopefully this is a sign that my breasts will actually be twins (areola and all).

This does bring up a interesting point though about how suctioning in different ways can change the breast shape. I've heard that a lot on here. So I just find it interesting that it looks like my swelling (and hopefully eventual growth) doesn't really seem to care exactly where I press the domes because it seems to want to grow in a certain predestined way. Idk everything is honestly soooo early. I'm only three weeks in so it's not like I have actual growth yet, but I've gotten the swelling enough times now that I notice that this is the same pattern it swells in every single time.

It's not much, but I honestly need every bit of optimism I can atm because I'm pumping 7 hours a day now so I want to believe that symmetrical breasts are at the end of the tunnel, so if my swelling can give me even a tiny bit of hope that it looks like they will match at the end of this then it's enough to keep me going. It's funny that even with the swelling it's still sooo much smaller than the other, but it's the fact that it looks like it's swelling (and hopefully growing) in a similar manner/pattern that my other one did.

Not seeing any sign of real growth can be very demotivating. Going flat again after having seen some nice swelling. I gave up twice last year after a short period of time because of missing 2 days in a row and forgetting to take my Vitex and I felt like things weren't good enough so I might as well stop and start again at some point. That was stupid.

I am not so sure the tape is really gonna help as I feel that I have to press my nipple inward somehow because that's where most of the fat sits and the goal is to spread it out evenly. But maybe the tape will do the trick.

It's best not to weigh yourself when you already know you are going to feel bad about it. I assume you're gonna get back on track tomorrow (Monday) ? :-)

3 hours twice a day is a lot of pumping, that's 1/4 of your whole time. I often sleep on my back, but when it's so warm outside, I don't, I turn over and sleep on my side. I want to try to get used to sleeping on my back again for a few days and then try to leave the dome on when I go to bed. It would be so convenient to just sleep through a pumping session.

Good to hear you are not getting hickeys anymore, I really hope your breast will get used to the pumping more and more and not turn purple anymore.

I also notice it going to the outer breast more, but I thought this was because of my breast shape.

It's great to hear that the areola on your small breast is starting to look similar to the other when your breast is swollen. I had no idea areolas weren't circles, either, never paid that much attention to them, they just looked round to me :-)

I just hope this doesn't mean that my breast wants to grow in her own tubular way no matter where I put the dome. But that's what the tape and the ball are there for in my case.

I really wish we could see a pic of what we will look like in a year if we keep going, that would be so motivating (or not..) :-)


(02-08-2020, 17:18)koyasha Wrote:  

Not seeing any sign of real growth can be very demotivating. Going flat again after having seen some nice swelling. I gave up twice last year after a short period of time because of missing 2 days in a row and forgetting to take my Vitex and I felt like things weren't good enough so I might as well stop and start again at some point. That was stupid.

I am not so sure the tape is really gonna help as I feel that I have to press my nipple inward somehow because that's where most of the fat sits and the goal is to spread it out evenly. But maybe the tape will do the trick.

It's best not to weigh yourself when you already know you are going to feel bad about it. I assume you're gonna get back on track tomorrow (Monday) ? :-)

3 hours twice a day is a lot of pumping, that's 1/4 of your whole time. I often sleep on my back, but when it's so warm outside, I don't, I turn over and sleep on my side. I want to try to get used to sleeping on my back again for a few days and then try to leave the dome on when I go to bed. It would be so convenient to just sleep through a pumping session.

Good to hear you are not getting hickeys anymore, I really hope your breast will get used to the pumping more and more and not turn purple anymore.

I also notice it going to the outer breast more, but I thought this was because of my breast shape.

It's great to hear that the areola on your small breast is starting to look similar to the other when your breast is swollen. I had no idea areolas weren't circles, either, never paid that much attention to them, they just looked round to me :-)

I just hope this doesn't mean that my breast wants to grow in her own tubular way no matter where I put the dome. But that's what the tape and the ball are there for in my case.

I really wish we could see a pic of what we will look like in a year if we keep going, that would be so motivating (or not..) :-)

Sorry about things being demotivating for you. I haven't really figured out a trick with the nipple either. It becomes so engorged after a pumping session but it seems to go back down afterwards. That's what sucks about noogling though. It's a lot of time and a lot of commitment for something that we have no guarantee will work for us which is why we have to let the little things keep us motivated.

I'm not sure how I did it but I actually managed to get back on track yesterday lol. Yes, it's actually kind of annoying mainly because the pump falls off every time I stand up. It wouldn't be so bad if I could get it to keep the suction and not have to have the pump dangling every time I stand up. Hopefully the aquarium valve fixes that. My areola was actually still a tiny bit bigger this morning for the first time and there's still a little bit of swelling left in the mornings so I'm crossing my fingers that maybe it's a sign that real growth is happening but just not in an amount that I can see yet. Man, I really need to stop dragging my feet on taking those pictures. I would save myself a lot of headache if I could just look at pictures instead of trying to tell if there is a tiny amount of difference all the time. I wish there was a good way to measure the size of just one breast and to see what bra size just one breast is as well. I suspect my small one is AA, but it's impossible to check these things with such a big difference between the two breasts but it's just a little bud with barely even any areola so I feel like it has to be AA. Whenever I have tried on 32A's which suffocate my big breast because my big breast is a small 32B but there is still a good sized gap in there, so I'm fairly sure it's a 32AA. Which means I will technically have to grow 2 cup sizes just for them to catch up to each other, which is probably why I have been dealing with discouragement lately seeing how far I will have to go.  
I wonder how long you'd have to go without pumping to know if something is legit growth or swelling? I don't want to stop pumping to find out, but I am curious at what point you are allowed to get excited. I try not to get excited about the minimal amount of difference that is still there in the morning because after only 12ish hours it's probably still just a little bit of swelling. Do you have an idea of at what point enough swelling has gone down you can feel comfortable calling something growth? If my areolas stay bigger I will probably take that as a good sign, so I'll probably keep a close eye on them to see what they do.

It's possible that maybe it just has to build a pretty good base before trying to shape it a certain way. 
Right, I would love it if we knew where we'd be in a year. I think that's why I'm so anxious and impatient for the first amount of growth not because I'm impatient to get to my goal but because I'm impatient to get that feeling of okay, this method is working for me. Probably why I'm doing 7 hours a day is because I'm so impatient lol.

EDIT TO ADD: For all of my talk of wanting them to be symmetrical so bad though I just realized by looking at the swelling that this one is going to be quite a bit lower than my other one because of my scoliosis Sad I should have thought of that considering my larger breast has one shoulder higher than the shoulder on the side of the smaller breast and everything. I don't know why I never realized until now with some swelling that it's going to be lower than the other. Ughhhhhhh. I've been trying to measure my breasts but it's been hard to get a good underbust measurement and I couldn't quite figure out why all of a sudden I was struggling until I just noticed while looking at them it's because with the swelling it's sitting so much lower than the other breast so it's hard to even figure out where is a good part to get the underbust measurement. I was wondering why my underbust keeps fluctuating between 32-33 inches everytime I measure it when it's normally just a stable 32 and I think it has to do with me starting at different places when I do it considering I'd normally start right below my big breast (because there is normally almost nothing but a bud for the small breast) but now the swelling causes the smaller breast to get in a way so that method doesn't really work so I think sometimes I'm starting below the bigger breast and getting a little bit of the smaller breast in the measurement and sometimes I'm starting below the smaller breast. i don't know where I'm suppose to take the measurement now with one being a lot higher than the other. Now I wish there was a way to fix my scoliosis so I didn't have this problem. This normally isn't a thing I think about because it's always the same but it sitting lower is making it hard to even get an underbust measurement.

Today I had something more motivating in my inbox, I posted a picture of my breasts on realself a while ago to find out if my breasts were TB type 1, 2 or 3. A plastic surgeon replied with this today: 

Yes, the photos show a tubular deformity, left breast slightly more than the right, but both are not so dramatic and seem relatively easy to repair.

Now I don't want them repaired by a plastic surgeon, but that sounds good! If they are not so dramatic, then maybe all this pumping will be worth it in the end!

Congrats on getting back on track on a Sunday!! :-)

I really hope the aquarium valve is going to do its job and you can get rid of that elephant trunk (the pump haha).

I also have no idea how to measure my bra size. Measuring both breasts, I am an A cup, so I think I might also be an AA and a B cup, but I might as well be an A and a C or an AA and a C? My bigger breast looks bigger than a B cup because it is top heavy and has no underboob. And my small breast always looked lost in A cup bras. I once had an A cup bra and it almost looked like it had been made for tubular breasts, it fit, but my big breast looked like it was trying to escape from every side possible lol.

I have no idea how long swelling actually lasts. It has been different for me. I remember seeing some swelling for a couple of days in a row (pumping twice on most days) and then I pumped right before going to bed one night and woke up completely deflated the next morning.

What are you doing while pumping? Assuming you can't move for 7 hours, do you watch tv?

I once read that you need to pump for at least 45 mins in one sitting, otherwise it's useless. Then I read that you need to pump for at least 2-3 hours a day. I have no idea which is true, but I go by the 45-min-rule. I try to pump for as long as possible, but I need to pump for at least 45 minutes. I have a roommate, he is my ex (we've been separated for 4 3/4 years, but it's easier financially with him around as I took a loan 6 years ago to buy the apartment we are living in). He lives in the living room and I live in the bedroom and he knows that I pump, I've known him for 15 years. But still, I don't want him to see me like that so I try to pump my way around his schedule. Both rooms have access to the balcony and I feel so exposed sitting here with the dome on when he is out on the balcony smoking lol. Not that he'd care what I am doing.

Is it obvious that one of your shoulders is higher than the other? Maybe one of your breasts sitting lower than the other doesn't look weird at all if that's the case. Maybe you can measure below both of your breasts, so the tape would go around your back and meet at the other end again. Just measure where your bra would sit?

I found a video online where the guy claims that there are exercises to improve scoliosis. I'm sure you have looked into all the options yourself, but I thought I'd share.


(03-08-2020, 11:25)koyasha Wrote:  

Today I had something more motivating in my inbox, I posted a picture of my breasts on realself a while ago to find out if my breasts were TB type 1, 2 or 3. A plastic surgeon replied with this today: 

Yes, the photos show a tubular deformity, left breast slightly more than the right, but both are not so dramatic and seem relatively easy to repair.

Now I don't want them repaired by a plastic surgeon, but that sounds good! If they are not so dramatic, then maybe all this pumping will be worth it in the end!

Congrats on getting back on track on a Sunday!! :-)

I really hope the aquarium valve is going to do its job and you can get rid of that elephant trunk (the pump haha).

I also have no idea how to measure my bra size. Measuring both breasts, I am an A cup, so I think I might also be an AA and a B cup, but I might as well be an A and a C or an AA and a C? My bigger breast looks bigger than a B cup because it is top heavy and has no underboob. And my small breast always looked lost in A cup bras. I once had an A cup bra and it almost looked like it had been made for tubular breasts, it fit, but my big breast looked like it was trying to escape from every side possible lol.

I have no idea how long swelling actually lasts. It has been different for me. I remember seeing some swelling for a couple of days in a row (pumping twice on most days) and then I pumped right before going to bed one night and woke up completely deflated the next morning.

What are you doing while pumping? Assuming you can't move for 7 hours, do you watch tv?

I once read that you need to pump for at least 45 mins in one sitting, otherwise it's useless. Then I read that you need to pump for at least 2-3 hours a day. I have no idea which is true, but I go by the 45-min-rule. I try to pump for as long as possible, but I need to pump for at least 45 minutes. I have a roommate, he is my ex (we've been separated for 4 3/4 years, but it's easier financially with him around as I took a loan 6 years ago to buy the apartment we are living in). He lives in the living room and I live in the bedroom and he knows that I pump, I've known him for 15 years. But still, I don't want him to see me like that so I try to pump my way around his schedule. Both rooms have access to the balcony and I feel so exposed sitting here with the dome on when he is out on the balcony smoking lol. Not that he'd care what I am doing.

Is it obvious that one of your shoulders is higher than the other? Maybe one of your breasts sitting lower than the other doesn't look weird at all if that's the case. Maybe you can measure below both of your breasts, so the tape would go around your back and meet at the other end again. Just measure where your bra would sit?

I found a video online where the guy claims that there are exercises to improve scoliosis. I'm sure you have looked into all the options yourself, but I thought I'd share.

Oo that sounds promising!! It's funny because I use to think my breast was slightly tubular even though it's not just because we get bombarded with the idea of round and symmetrical breasts being the attractive norm that  when our breasts don't look like that we feel like there's something wrong with us or something. It's not tubular btw. Although my small one is def underdeveloped. There's so many different shapes that are possible though. I actually decided to look it up the other day. I think mine are sideset (+ obviously asymmetrical) although maybe if I'm lucky if I get them bigger and symmetrical they might become the archetype. They are pretty spaced apart but considering one of them is an AA I'm pretty sure they are too small to be anything but spaced apart lol. It's pretty hard to figure out when one is underdeveloped and an AA though, so maybe I can cause it to develop and become symmetrical B's and then I'll have a better idea. That's so awesome though that they said it doesn't look that bad and it would be easy to repair. 

I'm pretty much on my computer all the time lately so I'm usually laying down with my computer on my lap w/ the pump on. There's quite a bit you can do on your computer and still feel productive lol. I only get up to use the bathroom or get a drink of water or something and sometimes it will lose all the suction when I do, but there's not really anything I can do about that atm which is why I'm hoping the valve does the trick. I'm not really going to change how I act that much w/ it with the exception that maybe I'll go for a longer duration , but it would be nice to not have to worry about it falling off or dragging the pump around. I'm a side sleeper so I wouldn't ever snoogle.

Today I woke up and tried to get measurements and weigh in. I gained weight. Now I have to lose 17 pounds instead of 15 ugh. My measurements weren't great either for waist and hips. I woke up pretty deflated today too. Both breasts felt deflated though, so maybe it's hormonal shifts or something. My bust measurement is 35 when it use to be 34, but I use to be 32 under bust and I keep getting 33 so maybe I'm just getting fat, so I'm not really paying much attention to the breast measurements considering I'm really struggling to get a consistent underbust measurement lately. I'd be in my glory if I was still consistently the same 32 underbust but it's not right now. Perhaps I should wait until I'm closer to the weight I normally am (which is 9 pounds less than I am now) to pay too much attention to that considering I know I'm a 32 underbust and a 34 overbust at that weight, so it will be more interesting to see what the tape measure gives me then. So a two inch difference is pretty much the norm for me and I care more about the difference than the actual bust measurement at the moment. That whole thing where a 1 inch difference is an A, 2 inches B, 3 inches C doesn't really apply to me at all and never has lol. I wonder if it's because mine are wider or something or because I have a wider upper back? What I really need to do though is take pictures which I say on here everyday but haven't done. I have a feeling I'll get the most accurate idea if I do that. Esp since I'm constantly staring at my breast for minimal improvement and trying to imagine what it looked like before exactly. A lot of people said that they didn't see the changes looking at them, but they noticed it in pictures, so I feel like that is what I need to do. I do feel like there might be something permanent there because my areola hasn't gone down at all in a few days and I would like to imagine that if that got a little bigger than that means I got a little bit of real growth as well. I don't see why my areola would feel the need to grow a little if my breast isn't growing. I have an appointment on Friday though that will be from early morning into the afternoon so I will not be able to do my morning session so that will probably be a good day to take photos. On Friday that means it will be about 24 hours since the last time I pumped vs the normal 12, so I'll probably get the most accurate picture then. I feel like I'm constantly reading conflicting things on it too. At this point I just feel like everyone is different and it's all trial and error. I actually stopped massaging and a lot of people act like it's something you have to do but I don't get anything out of it and never have so why waste my time when I'm already spending so much time pumping? Heat and pump/release is my warmup. I also can't get to the gauge people talk about, but I stopped paying attention to it because I am getting swelling and maybe it's more individual if my breast loses circulation/turns purple well before I get to those gauge numbers. At the end of the day I feel like it's all trial and error for each person. 

You're right about the shoulder thing. I think it's only because it's my body that I notice it, but that doesn't mean that other people will notice it. Thanks for the link! I have always wanted to fix it but it hasn't happened. I went to a chiropractor for a time but that didn't work. I thought about a corset that is made for scoliosis but it looks like that is only to help with pain and not to correct it. Apparently even braces are only so it doesn't get worse during puberty and not to correct it. Although it would be nice to get a smaller waist at the same time. My scoliosis def isn't dramatic. It's the exact same as when I was a kid and never got worse or caused me pain. It just causes one side of my body to be a bit larger and higher than the other which I'm sure is something that only I notice unless I'd point it out to someone. The shoulder is honestly the most dramatic part. So it's entirely cosmetic.  It def must have played a part in my asymmetrical breasts though considering that the small breast is on the smaller & lower side.

I wrote about my experience w/ the aquariam valve in the other thread, but I just wanted to add that my areola is def getting bigger lol. Getting lots of new stretchmarks too. I might pick up bio oil but the rest of me is covered in very old stretchmarks that at this point so I'm not even sure if it matters. I just really hope my areola is growing proportionally to the breast as it's hard to tell because of swelling. I like that it's getting bigger anyways though because it def played a role in my breast looking so underdeveloped. It was almost just a nipple before with just a very small amount of areola and the areola is a lot bigger. I like it though because I realize it makes my breast look a little better on its own. I am a little concerned that it might be growing faster than the actual boob, but I honestly won't know until they get closer to a similar size. Like it's still a small breast, but it makes it look more like a small breast and not like the breast of someone who is just starting puberty and is barely developed. Part of me insecurity that comes from them is not just that they are obviously different sizes but you can tell that the small breast is underdeveloped. 

I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing though because my breast is responding really well to it. Hopefully it's real growth and continues but I'm 3.5 weeks in and I've never seen my breast look this different so I really feel hopeful that this is the method that is going to "awaken it" lol. It obviously can't all be real growth but this is a good sign that I'll get there in time and that I just need to be patient and keep putting in those 7 hours every day. Friday will be the real test though (when I have an appt) to see what my breast looks like after 24 hours of not pumping and missing my morning session.

I really hope mine are as 'easy' to repair with NBE as they were with surgery. Well not as easy of course, but at least almost as 'easy' as it is for someone with normal breasts. 

My breasts are asymmetrical and side-set, too, but they are also conical, the small one at least. But I can create cleavage by pushing mine together.

I don't know if you have taken a lot at the normal breasts gallery? It made me feel better about myself: normal breasts

I wish I could feel productive when using my laptop, I always feel so lazy sitting here, like I'm not doing anything.

Even with an airlock I still don't feel like moving around when I am pumping.

I will definitely check out your other thread to find out more about your experience with the aquarium valve!

Sorry to hear you gained 2 pounds. I've lost 3 without trying, but I don't trust this just yet. Sometimes you retain water and other times you are dehydrated.

I took measurements not too long ago, but I don't think there is a point in doing so for me as I plan on losing weight (which makes my big breast smaller) and want my small breast to grow. And I'll lose weight faster than I can get my small breast to grow, so if anything, the number is going to decrease. I haven't taken pictures in a while because I always feel it's just another confirmation for how deformed I look (and if I don't take them, it's not so 'real' maybe? Stupid I know). I will definitely take pics before I start going to the gym again (still haven't gone).

Have you thought about a professional taking your measurements? If you explain your problem to them, they might be able to help you out.

I haven't seen your pictures, but I think most people really don't notice unless you tell them. It's not like you stand straight in front of people in a bikini in which case they might be able to tell, but other than that, it's in our heads that the first thing people notice about us are the things we don't want them to notice. 
My left eye is much worse than my right eye, I always think that this is related to my left breast being much smaller than my right one, too. My left side must be pretty weak, very bad vision and it can't even grow a boob lol.

It's ok if you don't massage if you don't feel like it's doing anything for you. I use massages mainly to prepare my breast for the pumping and to firm the skin on the other one a bit.

Congrats on your areola growth! I'm glad that it makes you feel so much better about yourself already!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for 24 hours straight this upcoming Friday 


(05-08-2020, 15:14)koyasha Wrote:  

I really hope mine are as 'easy' to repair with NBE as they were with surgery. Well not as easy of course, but at least almost as 'easy' as it is for someone with normal breasts. 

My breasts are asymmetrical and side-set, too, but they are also conical, the small one at least. But I can create cleavage by pushing mine together.

I don't know if you have taken a lot at the normal breasts gallery? It made me feel better about myself: normal breasts

I wish I could feel productive when using my laptop, I always feel so lazy sitting here, like I'm not doing anything.

Even with an airlock I still don't feel like moving around when I am pumping.

I will definitely check out your other thread to find out more about your experience with the aquarium valve!

Sorry to hear you gained 2 pounds. I've lost 3 without trying, but I don't trust this just yet. Sometimes you retain water and other times you are dehydrated.

I took measurements not too long ago, but I don't think there is a point in doing so for me as I plan on losing weight (which makes my big breast smaller) and want my small breast to grow. And I'll lose weight faster than I can get my small breast to grow, so if anything, the number is going to decrease. I haven't taken pictures in a while because I always feel it's just another confirmation for how deformed I look (and if I don't take them, it's not so 'real' maybe? Stupid I know). I will definitely take pics before I start going to the gym again (still haven't gone).

Have you thought about a professional taking your measurements? If you explain your problem to them, they might be able to help you out.

I haven't seen your pictures, but I think most people really don't notice unless you tell them. It's not like you stand straight in front of people in a bikini in which case they might be able to tell, but other than that, it's in our heads that the first thing people notice about us are the things we don't want them to notice. 
My left eye is much worse than my right eye, I always think that this is related to my left breast being much smaller than my right one, too. My left side must be pretty weak, very bad vision and it can't even grow a boob lol.

It's ok if you don't massage if you don't feel like it's doing anything for you. I use massages mainly to prepare my breast for the pumping and to firm the skin on the other one a bit.

Congrats on your areola growth! I'm glad that it makes you feel so much better about yourself already!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for 24 hours straight this upcoming Friday 

Thanks for the gallery link. It made me feel a bit better about myself as well.

For the most part I feel like I can be pretty productive while on a computer, but the super long morning sessions do feel like they are making me feel less productive because while most of the stuff I need to do is on the computer I feel chained to laying down. I have yet to fit in a single workout since I transitioned to doing 7 hours a day. I'll have to rearrange my schedule and be super on top of not getting distracted early in the day to try to fix this. The night sessions aren't really a problem because it's not like I'm necessarily being that productive late at night anyways. The main things that are annoying me is that I have struggled to fit in a workout and I haven't really cleaned. Everything else the productivity is about the same. There are some things that I'll fit in the gaps between the morning and night session too, but I've noticed I don't really like to do physical activity in the afternoon (like cleaning or working out) which is where the gap between my morning and nighttime session is. Which means if I want to workout or clean I'd have to do it before my morning session which would mean getting up earlier, and so yeah it just hasn't really happened. When I'd normally workout or clean is during the hours I do my morning session is and my motivation or energy to do those things tends to drop off in the afternoon.

I'm happy for you that you lose 3lbs. I'm the same way when it comes to weight and not wanting to call it early. I'm doing the same thing with my growth where I'm not really calling any of it permanent. It's such a big let down when you think you really lost weight or got growth only for it to change later, so I always prefer to wait to call it real too. I'm the same with the measurements. While I'm not expecting it to change much, it would still be a let down to see the number on the tape measure go down. I'll probably get a professional bra fitting when I'm my goal size. I'm super paranoid about photos. I think that's why I haven't taken them. It's not like I'm famous or anything where someone will want to hack me but I always think about all of those famous people who had their phone or computer hacked and it freaks me out even though I'm a nobody and there's no reason someone would want to do that lol. I put a photo on here once when I first started but later on down the line I wanted to take the photo down and it wouldn't let me take the photo out when I edited it. I do notice that after a certain amount of time a lot of the old photos on threads here have disappeared including mine which made me happy. I've gotten a lot more paranoid since that time though haha. 

I think I've actually figured out how to tell the permanence with the areola thing. At first I didn't get how it could get swelling because it didn't make sense to me. I finally figured out what I was noticing when it would grow and then shrink some w/pumping. You know how areolas are generally pretty wrinkly? Well after pumping they stretch out so they look bigger because the wrinkles flatten out  completely almost like if you were to iron something. After not pumping for several hours they get wrinkly again and therefore retract. So when I wake up in the morning and they are wrinkly again I feel like that is a pretty good indicator that that is the size they really are. When I wake up and they are wrinkly they are still a bit bigger than my starting size, so I'm fairly certain that they have grown a little bit permanently. Even though the actual new size in the morning doesn't really make me feel much better they do seem to really be growing and I didn't realize how much the areolas getting bigger improved the appearance of it. Hopefully what I wake up with most days as far as my breasts go is permanent as well, but I'm not very confident in that like I am with the areola thing. I guess I'll find out on Friday though if they continue to shrink during the day after missing my morning session.

Glad to hear seeing all kind of different breasts made you feel a bit better about yourself, too. I always assume that everyone's breasts look perfect.

I agree with you on the night sessions not being a problem. I'd be in bed watching my shows anyway, so noogling while watching them doesn't feel like it's keeping me from doing anything. It's mostly when I am lying down to pump and then watch a show (early in the day) instead of lying down to watch a show (anyway) and pump.

Do you plan on working out at home? I have never managed to do that (other than a 15-minute session), I need to get out of the house to workout, but I don't have a lot of space.

Have you thought about cleaning or working out in the morning and then pump around noon and then again at night? Or do you always pump at the exact same time in the morning and in the evening?

Thank you, I was 129.4 lbs this morning, this is the first time this year that I am under 130lbs (as far as I remember). I think the last time I weighed less than 130 was last Fall or even last Summer. I lost around 12 pounds last year in June/July and got down to 112 lbs or so and then I gained like 30 lbs :-(  Whenever I try to lose weight, it either doesn't work or I gain it right back after losing it (plus some if I'm especially unlucky).

True, the higher I fly the harder I fall, so I try not to get too excited. I was at my friend's house yday and we went for a walk and since I am a vegetarian and don't eat blue cheese (too moldy for my likes yuck), there wasn't all that much I could eat, so I ended up eating some bread with a tomato, leafy greens and a small piece of feta cheese with some sauce, and a cold Milky way bar. I also tried some of the fruits in his garden and that was it. So the double-digit-rollover (from the 130's into the 120's) probably wasn't real.

Do you plan on getting a bra fitting when you are at your goal size weight-wise or when your small breast has grown a cup size?

Who knows, maybe you are some famous person and you're just not telling us 

It sucks that you couldn't delete your photo when you wanted to, I understand that this made you even less inclined to posting another picture anytime soon :-) You could still upload your pics to a website and then delete them from there again, but the point of having a before photo is to keep it until you have an after, which might take some time if you are into NBE lol.

That makes sense! It's harder to tell with your whole breast, it might look a bit swollen and you can see the stretch marks, but it's hard to tell whether it's actual growth or just swelling. But if your areola becomes wrinkly again and stays that size after not having pumped all day, it might actually be an indicator that your breast is finally responding to something. Your areola stay that size if there wasn't at least a little bit of growth.

It's Friday, I'm looking forward to hearing about your day!


(07-08-2020, 13:06)koyasha Wrote:  

Glad to hear seeing all kind of different breasts made you feel a bit better about yourself, too. I always assume that everyone's breasts look perfect.

I agree with you on the night sessions not being a problem. I'd be in bed watching my shows anyway, so noogling while watching them doesn't feel like it's keeping me from doing anything. It's mostly when I am lying down to pump and then watch a show (early in the day) instead of lying down to watch a show (anyway) and pump.

Do you plan on working out at home? I have never managed to do that (other than a 15-minute session), I need to get out of the house to workout, but I don't have a lot of space.

Have you thought about cleaning or working out in the morning and then pump around noon and then again at night? Or do you always pump at the exact same time in the morning and in the evening?

Thank you, I was 129.4 lbs this morning, this is the first time this year that I am under 130lbs (as far as I remember). I think the last time I weighed less than 130 was last Fall or even last Summer. I lost around 12 pounds last year in June/July and got down to 112 lbs or so and then I gained like 30 lbs :-(  Whenever I try to lose weight, it either doesn't work or I gain it right back after losing it (plus some if I'm especially unlucky).

True, the higher I fly the harder I fall, so I try not to get too excited. I was at my friend's house yday and we went for a walk and since I am a vegetarian and don't eat blue cheese (too moldy for my likes yuck), there wasn't all that much I could eat, so I ended up eating some bread with a tomato, leafy greens and a small piece of feta cheese with some sauce, and a cold Milky way bar. I also tried some of the fruits in his garden and that was it. So the double-digit-rollover (from the 130's into the 120's) probably wasn't real.

Do you plan on getting a bra fitting when you are at your goal size weight-wise or when your small breast has grown a cup size?

Who knows, maybe you are some famous person and you're just not telling us 

It sucks that you couldn't delete your photo when you wanted to, I understand that this made you even less inclined to posting another picture anytime soon :-) You could still upload your pics to a website and then delete them from there again, but the point of having a before photo is to keep it until you have an after, which might take some time if you are into NBE lol.

That makes sense! It's harder to tell with your whole breast, it might look a bit swollen and you can see the stretch marks, but it's hard to tell whether it's actual growth or just swelling. But if your areola becomes wrinkly again and stays that size after not having pumped all day, it might actually be an indicator that your breast is finally responding to something. Your areola stay that size if there wasn't at least a little bit of growth.

It's Friday, I'm looking forward to hearing about your day!

That's awesome that it's going well for you!!! I'm happy for you. Girl, tell me your secrets to staying on track dietwise cause I'm a mess lol. I'm American and America is such a mess that between American politics and the pandemic I can't stop stress eating cause my country is a hot mess. I've just been in a constant state of panic for months and so I keep stress eating.  I started stress eating again today. I'm not even sure how to get it together completely, but I keep gaining weight rapidly and I need to. Girl same on the weightloss thing. I'm always gaining and losing the same weight over and over again and can't seem to keep it off for good. I think we're roughly the same weight. I was 129 the day I told you that I gained 2 lbs but I've screwed up twice since so don't know what I am now. I will not be going anywhere near a measuring tape or scale though until I get my act together for at least two weeks. I use to maintain 115-120 for a few years at one point and it was a nice range for me. I liked how I was at 115 for the most part except that I wished my stomach was a bit flatter. My goal is 112. I haven't gone below 121 in the last two years though because I keep gaining/losing between 121-131.

Yes, I plan on working out at home. I'm honestly thinking about pushing my morning pumping session back so I can start working out again even if it cuts into the total amount of hours I can noogle daily I have to start working out again. Even if it means only 2 hours in the morning or something I'd rather that than to not working out. At minimum working out would offset my stress eating, and at best it will help me to not stress eat because it will have made the workout a waste, so I do feel like I need to start prioritizing getting my act together w/ diet and exercise. 

It's been 20 hours since I finished my last pumping session. I def think the areola is permanently bigger because it has not shrunk back to it's previous size. It looks like my breast is slightly fuller. It wouldn't be noticeable if I weren't looking for it, although too bad I didn't take a picture at the beginning so I wasn't constantly second guessing myself. It looks a bit fuller underneath and the outer breast area. The areola thing I don't second guess, but I feel like I constantly second guess the actual breast because it's pretty subtle. I'm still not 100% sure that it's even real growth and not the last bit of swelling that will take longer to go down, but I really want to believe that if the areola is bigger that it is a tiny bit of growth. If my weight wasn't all over the place during this the tape measure could have been useful. It says 33 inch underbust and 35.5 inch overbust so it's possible that I gained .5 an inch or still have .5 an inch of swelling? Don't want to get myself excited though because it's only been 20 hours and like I said my weight is all over the place. Maybe that's just back fat or something idk. I do know that I normally have a 2 inch difference though. I wish I kept better records in the past but I'm pretty sure even at different weights it was a 2 inch difference between over and underbust, so I want to believe that the 2.5 inch difference means something and isn't back fat or something or swelling. If I gained .5 an inch of actual growth in 4 weeks I would be happy but it's so hard to know after only 20 hours if there is still swelling or if it is related to my weight gain. It might be easier to tell when my underbust is 32 again, but I'm pretty sure I normally maintain that two inch difference regardless, but then still what if it's still swelling?
I guess the moral of this tale is that I don't know how to celebrate because I'm constantly scared it's going to be taken from me and that I got excited over something that wasn't real and then I'll be deflated if that happens. So I'm holding off on calling it.
Looking at it again I'm being over the top over the backfat stuff. Probably because I feel a bit insecure right now over the weight stuff. While I didn't keep records before i've always remembered it as a two inch difference and it's currently 2.5 inches and it does look fuller. So the real question is if the .5 an inch is swelling still 20 hours later or if I've acquired some real growth after apparently pumping 49 hours a week (yikes lol). My nipple is so engorged lately maybe that's the .5 an inch lol (that's a joke). I don't think areola size would actually make a difference though considering it's basically skin?

EDIT TO ADD: Well it's pretty late here and I had errands and then had to make a late dinner, and I'm exhausted so pumping isn't happening tonight. I could do it for an hour at most, but I would rather not do it at all and get a better idea in the morning (roughly the 36 hour mark) at how much breast I have. I like doing it every day so I don't like to plan days off and just let them happen naturally when the real world demands it but every once in a while a day like this happens. 2 days off in 4 weeks isn't bad though, esp when I'm pulling 7 hour days. The other one was a forced one when my breast was overpumped and I had to try to de-hicky it lol. So crossing my fingers I still have that little bit in the morning and all of the swelling is already gone because that would be fantastic. I would feel good if I knew the long days were paying off and I was actually finally getting growth even if it will take a long time for my goal. I just want so badly for it to be growth and not swelling. Now if only I could be as on top of my diet and exercise as I am at my pumping schedule.

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