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Gained 3 cups in 5 months, I'll start to document my progress here!


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Hi Nwyori,

1. What brand maca are you using?

2. How much quantity do you take in a day?

3. When/How do you take it? 

4. Have you seen any growth from maca? 

5. How long have you been taking maca?

6. Will you give maca a break and start again? 

Thank you Smile


(18-07-2020, 10:34)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  I’m curious, when you used PM and PC every day did you cycle them, or did you use both every day?  Did it adversely affect your period?

Dear Surferjoe,

you have listed the following as part of the nutrition program:

<meta charset="utf-8"><meta charset="utf-8">1/4 cup pumpkin seeds 
1/4 cup sunflower seeds 
1/4 cup almonds 
6,000 mg fish oil, or 2lbs. salmon per week, or more of other seafood 
3,000 mg lecithin, or a half dozen whole eggs (including yolk) per week 
2,000 iu vitamin D, or a slight sun tan 
4 tsp rice bran 
1/2 an orange, or more of other fresh raw produce 
A pinch or so of kelp each week on food (get a shaker for a 6-24 month supply) 

I just had a few questions:

1. What purpose does fish oil serve? 

2. If I follow this nutrition program, do I expect to see increase in cup sizes or is this only for nutrition? (I am a full A cup) 

3. What purpose do the pumpkin, sunflower and almonds serve? estrogen?

4. Is the vitamin D to be taken every day for (let's say 6 months)? If I live in a hot country is it necessary?

5. The seeds should be ground (at home) or just soaked overnight and eaten straight away?

Thank you Smile


(01-08-2020, 05:36)GrowGirl Wrote:  

(18-07-2020, 10:34)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  I’m curious, when you used PM and PC every day did you cycle them, or did you use both every day?  Did it adversely affect your period?

Dear Surferjoe,

you have listed the following as part of the nutrition program:

<meta charset="utf-8"><meta charset="utf-8">1/4 cup pumpkin seeds 
1/4 cup sunflower seeds 
1/4 cup almonds 
6,000 mg fish oil, or 2lbs. salmon per week, or more of other seafood 
3,000 mg lecithin, or a half dozen whole eggs (including yolk) per week 
2,000 iu vitamin D, or a slight sun tan 
4 tsp rice bran 
1/2 an orange, or more of other fresh raw produce 
A pinch or so of kelp each week on food (get a shaker for a 6-24 month supply) 

I just had a few questions:

1. What purpose does fish oil serve? 

2. If I follow this nutrition program, do I expect to see increase in cup sizes or is this only for nutrition? (I am a full A cup) 

3. What purpose do the pumpkin, sunflower and almonds serve? estrogen?

4. Is the vitamin D to be taken every day for (let's say 6 months)? If I live in a hot country is it necessary?

5. The seeds should be ground (at home) or just soaked overnight and eaten straight away?

Thank you Smile

It is for both general nutrition and nbe nutrition.  Fish oil provides essential fatty acids which may help with developing fatty breast tissue, besides benefits to the whole body.  The seeds likewise provide nutrients that are key for hormones and development in general, including breast development.  Yes just soak and rinse them whole to aid digestion.  In small amounts at a time you can eat without soaking too.  Nutrients are especially helpful for those starting from smaller breast sizes because they are usually the bottleneck rather than hormones (or it may be both).  They likewise combine very well with herbs to increase the benefits, again especially for those starting from smaller sizes.  I think it is likely to make a far greater difference than herbs alone.  Usually those starting small struggle to get to B or C if they make any progress at all.  But when they add nutritious foods for several months to a couple years often they can get to DD or even F or G.  My list is just a prepackaged example that includes nearly all nutrients.  That way there’s no guesswork needed on getting a complete diet.  I’ve read of others doing lots of parsley juice, HCLF vegan (whole food high carb low fat), flax seeds and whole grains with other misc foods, etc.  You don’t need vitamin D if you maintain at least a light tan.  I say it this way because those who take longer to tan need more sun.

Dear Surferjoe,

Thank you very much for your reply.

I just had a few more questions:

1. Should I include Shatavari /fenugreek powder alongside this nutrition program? (If yes, how much and how should I take it?)

2. If I follow this nutrition program for 6 months (with/without Shatavari), I am an A cup, what size might I be (hypothetically) after 6 months?

3. How much seeds should I start off with and then when should I progress to 1/4 cup seeds?

4. Can I also add flax seeds?

5. I read that fish oil reduces appetite, so should I still take it or should I get fat from other sources such as cow milk and yogurt?

6. Should I eat the seeds during period as well?

Thank you very much Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">


(01-08-2020, 17:12)GrowGirl Wrote:  

Dear Surferjoe,

Thank you very much for your reply.

I just had a few more questions:

1. Should I include Shatavari /fenugreek powder alongside this nutrition program? (If yes, how much and how should I take it?)

2. If I follow this nutrition program for 6 months (with/without Shatavari), I am an A cup, what size might I be (hypothetically) after 6 months?

3. How much seeds should I start off with and then when should I progress to 1/4 cup seeds?

4. Can I also add flax seeds?

5. I read that fish oil reduces appetite, so should I still take it or should I get fat from other sources such as cow milk and yogurt?

6. Should I eat the seeds during period as well?

Thank you very much Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">

1.  Maybe.  Herbs may or may not help before the nutrition kicks in after a few months (see #2).  If using PM you may want to limit the amount at first and use more only if it seems to be helping.
2.  Foods 1 size on their own, if any.  Their biggest benefit will be in making the herbs much more effective after a few months.  Then often around month 3 to 6 with both food and herbs growth may start to be more rapid, sometimes as much as a size a month until you get close to your limit with this method.
3. As much as you can comfortably digest.  Perhaps 1/8 as much at first then increase every few days if everything seems good.  Or wait or temporarily stop/reduce if you have stomach issues.
4.  Sure, it doesn’t hurt and has minor additional benefits in spite of some overlap with other items. 
5. Yes, everyone should have fish oil or seafood because you can’t really get a good amount of the right fatty acids from anything else.  The essential nutrients will only be a positive to development like everything else, and I think any appetite reduction is limited.
6. Yes all month.  Foods are like other foods, except more nutritious.  All the time for every age and gender (but they help with boob growth too just like they help every body process).

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Dear Surferjoe,

I just have a few more questions:

1. Just to confirm I am supposed to take the three seeds- sunflower, pumpkin and almonds every day?

2. Is it supposed to be rice bran powder or oil? It is to be taken every day? How is it to be taken?

3. 1/2 orange is necessary every day for a purpose? I eat a lot of different fruits every day- apple or mango, or watermelon or papaya or often, all of these together in a mixed fruit bowl. Should I add orange to this or is this enough?

4. For Kelp- I can sprinkle kelp on anything? Hot or cold food such as lentil? Or is it to be taken in water/shake?

5. Is the vitamin D to be taken every day or every week?

6. My concern is that if take sunflower and pumpkin seeds and they are high in estrogen- will it adversely start affecting my hormones and endocrine system?

Also, I wanted to share a link of Quora, where there are two posts about breast enlargement:

If you open the above link and control F "sunflower", you'll come across two posts (the third post is redundant); the first post is by
Anonymous and the second post is by Christine Gomez. Could you please share you thoughts about these two posts? 

Thank you  very much Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile" style="max-width: 100%;">


(02-08-2020, 08:56)GrowGirl Wrote:  

<meta charset="utf-8">

Dear Surferjoe,

I just have a few more questions:

1. Just to confirm I am supposed to take the three seeds- sunflower, pumpkin and almonds every day?

2. Is it supposed to be rice bran powder or oil? It is to be taken every day? How is it to be taken?

3. 1/2 orange is necessary every day for a purpose? I eat a lot of different fruits every day- apple or mango, or watermelon or papaya or often, all of these together in a mixed fruit bowl. Should I add orange to this or is this enough?

4. For Kelp- I can sprinkle kelp on anything? Hot or cold food such as lentil? Or is it to be taken in water/shake?

5. Is the vitamin D to be taken every day or every week?

6. My concern is that if take sunflower and pumpkin seeds and they are high in estrogen- will it adversely start affecting my hormones and endocrine system?

Also, I wanted to share a link of Quora, where there are two posts about breast enlargement:

If you open the above link and control F "sunflower", you'll come across two posts (the third post is redundant); the first post is by
Anonymous and the second post is by Christine Gomez. Could you please share you thoughts about these two posts? 

Thank you  very much Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile" style="max-width: 100%;">

1.  Yes.
2.  Powder.  Oil is much less complete since water soluble nutrients are critical too.
3.  No the orange is not necessary on top of all that and it sounds like too much fruit as it may make it more difficult to eat enough of other more nutritious foods.  Switching to berries such as raspberries is much more nutritious if you love fruit (and this would also replace the orange too).  Otherwise generally whole grains / seeds > veggies > seafood > eggs > fruit > dairy.  Minimize or omit farmed land meat and refined foods.  Or the foods I mentioned are enough nutrients by themselves, but this can help until you get up to the max amount.
4.  Yeah on anything is fine.  I think it tastes best in soup including lentils but the tiny amount doesn’t have much flavor so it doesn’t matter much.
5.  2,000 iu a day or 14,000 iu a week.
6.  They have little or no direct effect on estrogen.  They have nutrients that let the body make hormones and decide what to do with them to make you more hormonally balanced.

Quora 1: I bet 2358 made a big difference.  2 most of all by far IMO since she started small, but it also needed the other three to work best.  4 is similar to 3.  1 and 6 made a big difference however aren’t safe due to cancer causing xenoestrogenic pesticides; PM and PC are just as good and safer.  7 helps with perkiness, as does using a bra as little as possible except a very supporting sports bra during exercise.
Quora 2: 1: Irritants cause only temporary swelling.  Any oil is great for massage.  The added blood flow from the irritant may have helped a little I suppose.  2: Methi is fenugreek and sauf is fennel.  Likewise the other seeds made a big difference for her.  Nutritionally sunflower and pumpkin did the most, but the other 3 are still nutritious and have herbal effects too.  A powder is fine but soaking them would be easier to digest.  Especially fenugreek becomes way easier to digest this way.  Especially larger amounts of any seed.  I wouldn’t soak flax seeds though as they turn slimy and are difficult to chew 1 by 1.  Just grind flax.  Fenugreek is similar to shatavari and fennel is probably redundant with other herbs I suggest, but they don’t hurt.

Starting at B instead of A helped a lot also.  When starting from A don’t always expect results in a month.  Maybe it will happen in 1 month or maybe it will take 6 months of good nutrition first before the first cup gain (or any number of months in between).  After that it can be faster.

You are a walking encyclopedia, Joe! Thanks a whole lot from me, as well.

I'll be back as I am sure she will have a few more questions :-) 

Thank you!!


Dear Surferjoe,

I have placed the order for some items, just need to clarify a few things:

1. What is the purpose of rice bran? Since I am already taking seeds, will it not be a lot of fibre to digest? I eat wheat flour roti and rice every day.

2. What purpose does kelp serve? If it is iodine, then I put quite a bit of salt in my food daily so do I need to still take it?

3. Do the seeds need to be organic or does conventional have the same nutritional value?

4. Someone who is an A cup, when do they start taking the herbs (in light of the nutrition program),..... Will I start taking the herbs after 2 months or 6 months or in between the nutrition program

5. Is there a journey that is recorded on this forum by someone who was a small cup, followed the nutrition program, and then the herbs so I can see what their timeline was and know what to expect? 

Thankyou Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">


Hey, Newyori

Thank you for your reply!! Thank you!

And thank you for your reading my thread. I appreciate it!

But I have some questions about your answer.

1.What exactly does mitosis mean?

And is mitosis temporary effect after menstruation starting?

I know she recommanded like that before.

But I have PCOS(I'm tired of talking about this) and it is the disease that it can causes disorder of ovulation.
But when I started taking BO from day1, I saw the spotting, mid-term, on day12th. (Actually, It isn't sure that spotting means ovulation bleeding. I can't distinguish ovulation bleeding and spotting, mid-term)
So I can even know "OH, I ovulated!" instantly.
When my PCOS have been severe before, my cycle was 17day,-20day.
And then I never knew "when am I ovulating?", "Did I ovulate?"

Please let me know if this method is acceptable in the case of women like me, PCOS.


If it doesn't matter if I do, I'll take BO even in my follicular phase.

I read the certain article

It was said that E causes mammary expanding( Sorry, I don't know the word).

And P causes moisture storing on the breasts.

So many women in pregnancy experienced breasts swelling because of P, but their swelling have gone after having baby.

What do you think?

2. Is mitosis temporary effect?

I could see the results in my luteal phase.

But they used to gone after my menstruation started.

Especially BO, is it progesterone effect? It can cause effects in the luteal phase, right?

I think the key to NBE is not a P, but a E.(P affects very temporary for me, I think)

What do you think about it?

Do many women experience same results like me?

3. Is IGF-1 important?

I read PCOS girls tend to have higher IGF-1. And they have acnes because of IGF-1. IGF-1 can causes acne, too. But their breasts are tending to small.( not big, or usuall) I don't understand.

Please answer my questions. Thank you!


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