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Been Around The Block!... Now Trying Out MissMadScientist’s Flaxseed & Soy method!


I am over 50 but actually started my journey in my early 20s (yes, back in the 80's!). I have always had a small frame that gains weight easily, unfortunately it is around my hips and abdomen, and when I lose it comes off the boobs first, I have a REALLY hard time losing weight (and now just as hard maintaining a comfortable 135lb).

The women on my mother’s side of the family are all big busted (but they are also shorter and wider), my father’s side was all men but mostly taller and leaner. Both sides have thyroid issues and I as well take Armor for a low thyroid.

I believe my growth was stunted bc I became pregnant at 16 and my normal growth hormones were stopped when the pregnancy took over.

When I first looked into this Natural Breast Enhancement thing back in the 80's the only options were surgery or hypnosis, I opted for self-hypnosis and although I was not consistent, I did go from a small A to a small B cup. At that time I was 5'7" 125lb.

Skip forward (quite) a few years after 2 children, a divorce (sex addict & other issues!), a new guy (who also turned out to be a porn addict), and once again feeling very inadequate & simply "not enough" I really needed to feel good about myself again and found myself back into research on how to grow my bust, or at this point I would've just felt better if they were "fuller".

At age 46 I felt I had little hope but this time I found PM, I took (working up to) 2000mg p/day for about 2 years and had really good results! I went from a small B to a full (firm!) C cup! I felt really good where I was at and discontinued the PM in January of 2014. At this time I went into menopause and stopped having my cycle for 11 months, during this time my breasts deflated yet again and I was now a "Saggy C" and with skin thinning, I now felt very disheartened.

I started my cycle again in November 2014 (with the heavy physical activity associated with setting up a deer stand), and because my cycle was regular & I was sexually active again I went back on BC (NuvaRing; contains both estrogen and progestin and is inserted into the vagina) in January 2015 I was also diagnosed with a low thyroid and started taking 60mg Armor at that time, and started taking the PM again in February 2015.

This time no results, same brand, same dose, same schedule, nothing, not even a tingle, but I continued as I had had results with this in the past. In May 2015 my flow lasted for about 6 weeks and I decided I needed to let my body get back into its natural balance so I discontinued the PM as well as the NuvaRing. I had continued "spotting" through December 2015, with one true cycle that lasted about 10 days in November (again the stress of hauling hunting equipment and my stand in and out of woods brought it on both times) but still some spotting before and after.

Not to mention there was yet another "D-Day" with my partner in October of 2015. This brought on a form PTSD, they call it "Relational Trauma", and this has been very hard to deal with especially when my partner has no emotional or communication skills to help me when I have a trigger, no reassurance, no remorse is shown, just frustration and irritation (but that's another topic for another website!).

In January 2016 I started using an off brand vacuum system and quickly realized I had purchased the cups too small, I then purchased a set of Large Kangzhu cups and was pumping to the tips of these within 4 weeks, I finally decided that I seem to be getting really good results and figured to bite the bullet and do it right! I received my XL NB system February 2016 and LOVED IT!

My Pumping Routine;
Massage with cream containing Volufiline am/pm & pre/post pump
Pump 1-2 hr 4-5x p/wk (Snoogle for an hour early am, and again during lunch)
Was having issues getting good suction (XL cups a bit big on the chest, but when I did get them in a good position then I had a problem with my airlocks leaking)

I have somewhat tubular (& very dense,... Doctors words!) glandular breast (when my weight is down they look like flat, soft, sad puppies, ...except when I was pregnant/breast feeding!).

Suction seems like the best system I have used so far, I was getting pretty good swelling, between 1-1.5", and it lasted for several hours! Although the tape measure showed no increase after swelling goes down, they felt fuller, rounder, and heavier.

Unfortunately this system had it’s own flaws/defects that consumed too much time and left me frustrated (suction and airlock leaking) and I could not keep up with it. I did not do it long enough to achieve permanent results. I used it for a few months at the beginning of 2016, a few weeks on and off during that year and received a new one back in October of 2016, but still could not find a timeframe to use that my schedule would allow consistency. I still use it but usually only for a “quick boost” for a special occasion. I found that it seems to stretch out my skin so much that I feel my skin is too thin after the swelling goes back down and I (IMO), my stretchmarks are exuberated, and I just look “older”, no matter how much lube & moisturizer I use.

Fast forward again another year to December 2016, this time I decided to go all in and try another direction...
I did a detox and started BO the 2nd week of December with 500 mg of BO (250am/250pm) and worked up to splitting 2000 ttl 1 week at a time.

I also started taking a quite few other sups that had been recommended by others that have had success with the BO. Unfortunately I believe my issues with poor circulation, low body temp, and low thyroid kept me from achieving any results at all with this method and I discontinued after 6 months and no growth.

I gave PM another shot at the end of 2017, again nothing in terms of boob enhancement. However I did notice it stopped me from having night sweats, hot flashes and kept me from getting the monthly acne. So I continued to take it at 1500 mg per day for the boost in hormones I felt I needed as I am still having my periods and they are regular (I also still use the NuvaRing which I think helps keep me regular now that I’m older).

Skip forward TO THE PRESENT!
I continued to take the PM until November 1st 2019. At this time I stopped taking the PM and started MissMadScientist’s Flaxseed & Soy method. And I also started circular massage with FSO 2x per day, however I decided to massage in the opposite direction as I had in the past as I never had results with massage so I figured what do I have to lose?! (This time I would go up the middle and down the outside)

I started having mild headaches in the 1st few days but I was about to start my cycle on November 4th and it is common for me to get headaches with my cycle. The headaches continued until my cycle was over on the 8th then they were gone. On November 3rd I started feeling something “weird” going on in my right (bigger) breast, like a had a sore nipple and I thought maybe it was a reaction to the FSO, but continued to massage anyway. In the next few days I also started to feel something different in the rest of my right breast as well as my smaller left. It was a strange feeling (like others have said), but the best I can describe it is like when your milk starts coming in when pregnant, or when you start leaking/become engorged but not as strong. I also found what I thought was a sore nipple turned out to be a small tender spot behind the nipple (like the bud when your in puberty!). These feelings come and go and I don’t have them every day.

I’m not sure if it is the Flax, the milk & soy, or the massage but it really feels hopeful to actually feel something for a change!!!

I do have some digestion issues from either the Milk or the Soy but I am going to give this a full 30 day trial, if I continue to have issues and have found this is working for me I may try switching to Almond Milk to see if it helps. Also, I was using the Bobs Red Mill Soy because that was the only thing local grocers carry but I have some of the Kinako ordered from Amazon and it should arrive today.

I apologize upfront because I am not real good about follow up but I will try to keep this updated this time around!

1st Pic is Present 2019-10-15, 2nd pic is before starting hypnosis back in 1993

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Hi Stormy.
Thanks for the wonderful story, and your attention to detail is terrific.
I do hope you continue to post your progress. Did you ever go back to the hypnosis?
Miss Mad Scientist program has had a lot of success and I hope it works for you too.
Keep up the massage!

(14-11-2019, 18:38)Happyme Wrote:  Hi Stormy.
Thanks for the wonderful story, and your attention to detail is terrific.
I do hope you continue to post your progress. Did you ever go back to the hypnosis?
Miss Mad Scientist program has had a lot of success and I hope it works for you too.
Keep up the massage!

Thanks!! I do have a tendancy to ramble on!!!
I tried the hypnosis a few times again but never with any consistency. 

Hoping for the best with this program, I am giving it a full 30 day trial taking 30ml of the flax with about 1/4 cup water and 30ml of the soy flour with about 7oz of organic whole milk (I dont do well with milk products tho).
Will deffinately be keeping up with the massage!
Thanks for the encouragement Bobby!!!

Been lurking this site for a long time, had my profile wiped clean and past post dissapear at some point, (not sure why.) So the detail is to try to get it all back into a organized timeline.

I know you've been here a while, so I have a forum question,... how can I 'edit' my previous post (like the one above I want to add some info I forgot?)

I think you look pretty, both in the past and current! Sorry to hear about your struggles in love-life, but my guess is that it had nothing to do with how you looked. 
Funny how you mention shorter and wider. I noticed lately that long tall women mostly have smaller thinner face-form and are less curvy and wider set women seem to have bigger nose,rounder face, more prominent chin and big breasts...but maybe thats not for all bigger breasted women.. there also was this member Tibetan she said some small chested girl are flatter because they are wired more tightly, there seem to be a truth in this right!
Anyhow goodluck! You already have a good base.

Yeh I think your breasts are lovely. 
I didn’t read it all sorry ? 
I’d look at collagen building support and pectorals to get those beauties a bit more pert should that be a goal. They are lovely though regardless.

(16-11-2019, 05:10)EllaC Wrote:  Yeh I think your breasts are lovely. 
I didn’t read it all sorry ? 
I’d look at collagen building support and pectorals to get those beauties a bit more pert should that be a goal. They are lovely though regardless.

Thanks Ella!

Yes, 'pert' is my main goal at this point (growth would just be an added bonus! lol!!)

I've tried so many collagen supplements in the past, everything from the powder to the pills to simple nutrition like bone broth! For some reason it seems I don't really benefit much if any from the supplements I have taken orally making me wonder more and more about my gut health. So with that said I have been trying for years to improve my digestive health (I do have IBS so I know things are not as efficient as they should be!) I take probiotics, eat some fermented products (sauerkraut, Kimchi, etc), eat alot of bananas and other fruit, rice and other whole grain but I am as gluten free as possible (I have all the markers for celiac but 1 - I was tested due to digestive problems but found when I went off gluten my migraines nearly vanished, except during my cycle!), some seafood and very little red meat - when I do I try to eat only organic grass fed... but still have alot of digestive issues like weekend/vacation constipation (basically anytime I'm not at work,... weird I know! but I think it's because I never let myself slow down and relax but at work I'm in a flow and seem to stay on schedule and I'm able to eliminate regularly, sometimes several times a day TMI?-SORRY!). Also, and I don't know what the connection is, but twice I've tried different collagen 'supplements' and ended up with a yeast infection! again, TMI-SORRY!!!

The ones I've tried (that I can remember) are;
Great Lakes Collagen
Vital Proteins
Dr Axe
BioSil (liquid)
The Vitamin Shoppe
Natures Bounty
Natures Truth
My Kind
Bone Broth (Homemade)
Applied Nutrition (Liquid) (this one gave me an infection!)
Swiss (Liquid) (this one also gave me an infection)

Do you have a suggestion on a good collagen supplement? 
I am also an avid gym rat, I lift weights 3x per week and run the other 2 days. On the weekends I am usually pretty active with hunting, fishing, camping, or one project or another.

Unfortunately, my skin is one of my biggest enemies, I have tried many things (nutrition, supplements, creams, wraps, etc) to improve without success. I have even tried more drastic options like Derma pen treatment, Endermologie (roller/suction for circulation & cellulite), Forma (a laser and heat treatment to rejuvenate cells), and M'liss niacin wraps (for circulation), all of my skin is lumpy, saggy & LOOSE  Angry .

Even in my 20's I had a belly pooch, saddlebags, and droopy boobs.

The picture below was taken a few years back when I was doing a competition, but for the most part it is still the way I look. (Keep in mind this is with a full spray tan, lots of oil, poses that pull the skin tight, really good lighting and a great photographer that knows what shes doing to make ppl look their best!) However, THE MUSCLES ARE REAL! 

Nice tight skin and firm boobies is my ultimate goal!!!

I've been doing what I can with what I have...

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(15-11-2019, 23:13)hannah Wrote:  I think you look pretty, both in the past and current! Sorry to hear about your struggles in love-life, but my guess is that it had nothing to do with how you looked. 
Funny how you mention shorter and wider. I noticed lately that long tall women mostly have smaller thinner face-form and are less curvy and wider set women seem to have bigger nose,rounder face, more prominent chin and big breasts...but maybe thats not for all bigger breasted women.. there also was this member Tibetan she said some small chested girl are flatter because they are wired more tightly, there seem to be a truth in this right!
Anyhow goodluck! You already have a good base.


Thank you so much for your kind words!
(wish I was wired "more tightly" I'm just loose all over  Sad )

Ibs is a curse well and truely.
I suspect we absorb little nutrients hence why they don’t work.
I think I have leaky gut due to too many antibiotics and western diet 

Why don’t you try MSM and vit C see how that works .

I might start up colostrum again for leaky gut. 

Do you do pectorals ? Looks like you do your a knockout beauty. 

I’m struggling with peri at the moment too. By 50 the women on Mums side finish their periods completely. I’m going through those awful years of messed up cycles. I’m a week early this time, only had a ten day break it’s horrid. 

Can’t see any link to infections and collagen that bewilders me. Unless they  feed yeast and there is a systemic overgrowth? Spitballing here Smile

(20-11-2019, 04:51)EllaC Wrote:  Ibs is a curse well and truely.
I suspect we absorb little nutrients hence why they don’t work.
I think I have leaky gut due to too many antibiotics and western diet 

Why don’t you try MSM and vit C see how that works .

I might start up colostrum again for leaky gut. 

Do you do pectorals ? Looks like you do your a knockout beauty. 

I’m struggling with peri at the moment too. By 50 the women on Mums side finish their periods completely. I’m going through those awful years of messed up cycles. I’m a week early this time, only had a ten day break it’s horrid. 

Can’t see any link to infections and collagen that bewilders me. Unless they  feed yeast and there is a systemic overgrowth? Spitballing here Smile

Omg reading this might mean I am perimenopausal too Sad i get my period sometimes twice a month, but serious I am not even 30 I cant be perimenopausal so soon right? 

Stormyangel, beautiful pictures, love the tan too. Looks like you are very fit for your age Smile

(21-11-2019, 08:48)hannah Wrote:  
(20-11-2019, 04:51)EllaC Wrote:  Ibs is a curse well and truely.
I suspect we absorb little nutrients hence why they don’t work.
I think I have leaky gut due to too many antibiotics and western diet 

Why don’t you try MSM and vit C see how that works .

I might start up colostrum again for leaky gut. 

Do you do pectorals ? Looks like you do your a knockout beauty. 

I’m struggling with peri at the moment too. By 50 the women on Mums side finish their periods completely. I’m going through those awful years of messed up cycles. I’m a week early this time, only had a ten day break it’s horrid. 

Can’t see any link to infections and collagen that bewilders me. Unless they  feed yeast and there is a systemic overgrowth? Spitballing here Smile

Omg reading this might mean I am perimenopausal too Sad i get my period sometimes twice a month, but serious I am not even 30 I cant be perimenopausal so soon right? 

Stormyangel, beautiful pictures, love the tan too. Looks like you are very fit for your age Smile

I’ll pm you Hannah. But yes people in their 30’s can get peri. So much endocrine disrupters involved input every day life now sadly

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