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Bee venom to treat internal scar tissue in tubular breasts


Hey, I am not sure if anyone has heard of apitherapy, treatment with bee venom. It is supposed to help soften and dissolve scar tissue. 
I have tubular breasts and have started to give myself bee venom injections, hoping that it will soften and break down the scar tissue that constricts my breasts. 
I was wondering what other people's take on this is, has anyone tried this or heard of anyone doing this? 

hey ..i don't know much about bee venom but thought i'd chime about this idea of internal scar tissue  ...didn't know if you'd heard of proteolytic enzyme therapy ..lots of companies make their own complex like wobenzym and michaels recovery zymes more complicated because the body's complicated but basically when you take digestive enzymes with food they assist your food digestion but  ...when you take them on an empty stomach they're absorbed into the bloodstream and digest non-living protein throughout the body  ...or, in another word, scar tissue. 

some people do proteolytic enzyme therapy for joint pain because certain proteins get caught up in joints and not cleared out   ....or, people will take them for scar tissue from surgery    ....or, people will take them for getting rid of amyloid plaques in the brain which are associated with alzheimers  ..but, generally they're good for cleaning the body of debris  ...debris is a word i use when i start running out of specific intelligent information. 

also, a few years ago, a friend of mine who is a naturopath ..the one who introduced this to me, also, told me about serrapeptase ..another enzyme for doing the same sort of thing ..serrapeptase was originally found as the enzyme that silkworms use to digest the cocoon so the silk moth can break free and fly away. many healthy people do proteolytic enzyme therapy just to maintain a healthy internal environment.

if you google 'proteolytic enzyme therapy' you'll see a lot is written about it ...and, you can buy all those items on amazon. i hope this works out for you. boobs are important and who knows ..this may help the tubular breast issue you are trying to address. good luck.

Thanks you guys
I love learning about all this off the mainstream stuff that works wonders for so many things
I discovered DMSO and MSM though this web site and they have helped my immensely with NBE and in just life in general.
Thanks again

solome, thank you very much!! From what I understand, if I took Serrapeptase pills on an empty stomach, it might help to dissolve the scar tissue? Of course we don't know if this will work or not, but is Serrapeptase the most important thing in your opinion, or should I order something else instead? Thanks!

Bobbi, how has MSM helped you? I have no idea about a lot of those things, but I am using MSM eye drops as I am changing my eye color from brown to blue, so that is how I came across this one Smile


hi koyasha's a good introductory article you might like

Proteolytic enzymes have incredible anti-inflammatory properties.

“proteases,” are enzymes that break down proteins into smaller parts, eventually breaking them down into amino acids.

Systemic enzymes, on the other hand, are designed to survive your stomach acid, allowing them to enter your small intestine and be absorbed into your bloodstream — and that’s where the real “magic” happens.

The most important thing that systemic proteolytic enzymes do is break down excess fibrin in your circulatory system and in other connective tissue, such as your muscles.

Fibrin mesh is the base material for clots, scabs, scars, and eventual healthy skin

When we hurt, we take pills, and pain pills cancel the body’s signal for enzymatic clean-up crews. Fibrin keeps rushing to the scene.
Over time, the fibrin molecules thicken and stiffen, forming scar tissue masses that can block blood vessels, interfere with muscle function, and lead to chronic inflammation and pain.

This fibrin malfunction is no laughing matter. Excess scar tissue restricts blood flow and oxygen throughout your body, slowing down your healing process and keeping you in pain longer.
As the scar tissue thickens, it reduces your range of motion and contributes to chronic pain.
These enzymes work by bringing nutrients and oxygen-rich blood that remove the metabolic waste produced by inflammation.

this article is a bit more comprehensive but really good

anyway, koyasha, these commercial complexes have a coating so they make it past the stomach acids and into the intestines where they are absorbed into the bloodstream ..some people wail about the coating not being so good but in the long run i say just deal with it till a better coating comes along. btw, some of these complexes already contain serrapeptase. unfortunately, they can be a bit pricey. you can read about serrepeptase here

hey, wanted to mention to you that several years ago i saw an interview where a guy was taking live bees, placing them, one-by-one, on his thigh to sting him ..i forgot what malady he was treating but he said it worked for him. i've read where you can use proteolytic enzyme therapy in conjunction with you medical routine's kind of interesting, not really related but i remember reading about tests where medical researchers found cancer medical treatment more effective when used with melatonin. so, a lot of things work in synergy. anyway, check out those articles ..they're interesting for anyone interested in prophylactic health or treating inflammation or fibrosis or other health problems.

bobbi are you using dmso, i've never used it, but have dmso curiousity

(13-05-2019, 15:54)koyasha Wrote:  solome, thank you very much!! From what I understand, if I took Serrapeptase pills on an empty stomach, it might help to dissolve the scar tissue? Of course we don't know if this will work or not, but is Serrapeptase the most important thing in your opinion, or should I order something else instead? Thanks!

Bobbi, how has MSM helped you? I have no idea about a lot of those things, but I am using MSM eye drops as I am changing my eye color from brown to blue, so that is how I came across this one Smile


I had a lot of joint stiffness and pains, mostly when I got up in the morning.
I started with 1000mg of MSM, and worked up to 4000mg (split between morning and evening).
The results have been nothing short of amazing.
I am down to 2000mg in the am, and life is very good.

Now you have me intrigued.. whats the routine for changing your eye color with MSM?
I have some MSM eye drops but havent tried them yet. mostly from fear of the unknown...putting strange stuff in your eyes.

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