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Desparate like hell... shrinking boobs :( Need help


Dear All,

Im new here, but I'm reading your topics almost a year.. I'm so desparate. I had pretty big boobs 38 D  until 2 years ago my boobs start to shrink.. There is no reason, no diet no exercise nothing.. I started to take herbs, first I tried pueraria for few weeks but it caused very sore breast and I stopped. I tried lot of herbs but nothing.. And all the creams herbs I tried made my breast more shrink after 1 pill. It is not a joke I tried pills 1-2 days and after I took it my breast shrink suddenly.. I tried maca, fenurgeek, saw palmetto, vitex, evening primrose oil, red clover, flax seed, don quai, soy, raw agauje, pc cream, volufiline, coconut oil, olive oil, macadamia oil. fennel, everything but after first  use my boobs shrinked  every time I tried something.. I spent lot of money in the last 2 years to breast enlargement stuffs.. I went to the doctors they don't know what is going on. I was on mamography twice and 4 time ultrasound breast analyses. They said it is some small cyst but nothing serious. My symptoms are like estrogen dominance, but if I try something to increase progresteron or decrease estrogen my boobs shrink. If I try to increase my estrogen my boobs shrink. I tried msm, collagen, and nothing. My belly and thight fat is more and more and my breast shrink.. NOw looks like a B cup..  I stopped everything..  I tried to massage but I was affraid it will shrink my breast too I stopped... plus I don't know which massage would be good for me. My hormone test were normal range all the time... I tried subliminals but my breast shink after I listening.. I am 43 years old and I am so desparate. 
For few  months the symptoms are worse.. Once I have my period my boobs shrink more. In every menstruation my boobs shrink more and more.. My weddding will be in July.. and I don't know what to do because i have depression...and I dont want to look like this...So I have no clue what is happening to me.. Do you have any idea or tips what can I do?
Many thanks for your help and advice in advance....

(17-04-2019, 17:31)Skiller07 Wrote:  Dear All,

Im new here, but I'm reading your topics almost a year.. I'm so desparate. I had pretty big boobs 38 D  until 2 years ago my boobs start to shrink.. There is no reason, no diet no exercise nothing.. I started to take herbs, first I tried pueraria for few weeks but it caused very sore breast and I stopped. I tried lot of herbs but nothing.. And all the creams herbs I tried made my breast more shrink after 1 pill. It is not a joke I tried pills 1-2 days and after I took it my breast shrink suddenly.. I tried maca, fenurgeek, saw palmetto, vitex, evening primrose oil, red clover, flax seed, don quai, soy, raw agauje, pc cream, volufiline, coconut oil, olive oil, macadamia oil. fennel, everything but after first  use my boobs shrinked  every time I tried something.. I spent lot of money in the last 2 years to breast enlargement stuffs.. I went to the doctors they don't know what is going on. I was on mamography twice and 4 time ultrasound breast analyses. They said it is some small cyst but nothing serious. My symptoms are like estrogen dominance, but if I try something to increase progresteron or decrease estrogen my boobs shrink. If I try to increase my estrogen my boobs shrink. I tried msm, collagen, and nothing. My belly and thight fat is more and more and my breast shrink.. NOw looks like a B cup..  I stopped everything..  I tried to massage but I was affraid it will shrink my breast too I stopped... plus I don't know which massage would be good for me. My hormone test were normal range all the time... I tried subliminals but my breast shink after I listening.. I am 43 years old and I am so desparate. 
For few  months the symptoms are worse.. Once I have my period my boobs shrink more. In every menstruation my boobs shrink more and more.. My weddding will be in July.. and I don't know what to do because i have depression...and I dont want to look like this...So I have no clue what is happening to me.. Do you have any idea or tips what can I do?
Many thanks for your help and advice in advance....

No idea what's going on but the list of foods in my first sig link provide proper nutrition to help deal with a variety of possible causes.  Until you figure out what's wrong try not to use anything too strong: PM, PC, BO, hops.  Unless it's a very small amount.  Almost everything else is fine; even a lot probably won't be too strong.  With PM, PC, BO or hops you might throw off your hormone balance and worsen the issue before you find out what's really wrong.

Don't let it bother you too much.  It's been 2 years and obviously your husband still loves you.  He'd be really terrible if that was all he cared about.  I'm sure you want to look good for the wedding too but likewise there are many many more important things.

I'd do it more to make sure your health is ok, but doing that can also help NBE.

hi was it a comprehensive hormone test like a dutch test or just blood?

fwiw i had bloods for africa which said “ everythings normal” which it wasnt. im in peri menopause. my periods boobs etc fluctuate up and down. why dont you join a perimenopause group cause theres so many in the same boat. breasts bigger breasts shrinking weight up and down, in conclusive tests etc.. 

but yeh id follow surfers food suggestions, foods do heal.

Sounds like you have a metabolism issue(s) going on, meaning too much glucose is being stored in other parts of your body (hips, thighs, butt, etc). In the meantime it (improper metabolism) has slowly depleted your breast volume. What to do?....well this is what i what do:

1) deplete glycogen stores (reduce stored fat)
2) reduce sugar as much as possible
3) get moving
4) de-stress
5) eat leafy greens, broccoli, cucumbers, beans
6) don't eat processed foods
7) drink filtered water 4-6 cups per day
8) detox your body...(all of the above will help do that).
9) stay focused... don't get distracted from your goal
10) get tested for a thyroid disorder, possible perimenopause too.

 ....and don't take any nbe herbs during this time, you need to clear out your estrogen receptors, clearly they're not in tune.

(18-04-2019, 03:29)Lotus Wrote:  Sounds like you have a metabolism issue(s) going on, meaning too much glucose is being stored in other parts of your body (hips, thighs, butt, etc). In the meantime it (improper metabolism) has slowly depleted your breast volume. What to do?....well this is what i what do:

1) deplete glycogen stores (reduce stored fat)
2) reduce sugar as much as possible
3) get moving
4) de-stress
5) eat leafy greens, broccoli, cucumbers, beans
6) don't eat processed foods
7) drink filtered water 4-6 cups per day
8) detox your body...(all of the above will help do that).
9) stay focused... don't get distracted from your goal
10) get tested for a thyroid disorder, possible perimenopause too.

 ....and don't take any nbe herbs during this time, you need to clear out your estrogen receptors, clearly they're not in tune.

Dear Lotus,

Thank you so  much for your reply and advices.. !!!  I think you are right I must try to live healthier and detox my body... Just so hard to stay focused in these times.... 

I've got my new hormonal test results.. again in the normal range..

TSH  1,45  range 0,550-4,78
FT4 15,39 range 11,51 - 22,70
FSh 8,5 range 2,5-10.2
LH  4,8 range 1,9-12,5
Prolaktin 164 range 59-619
Estrogen 127,9 range 71,6-529,2
Progresteron 1,45 range 0-4,45
Testosteron 0,640 range 0-1,699
DHEA 0.640 range a,70-12,49
Cortisol 383 range 118,6-618,

so it seems to be  normal... 
This test was done yesterday...

I don't understand what is wrong with me.. 
But maybe you are right it should be metabolism issue.. 
But can metabolism issue cause boob shrinking?

(18-04-2019, 01:53)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  Don't let it bother you too much.  It's been 2 years and obviously your husband still loves you.  He'd be really terrible if that was all he cared about.  I'm sure you want to look good for the wedding too but likewise there are many many more important things.

I'd do it more to make sure your health is ok, but doing that can also help NBE.

Dear surferjoe2007.

Many thanks for your reply.. I try to off herbs, etc and clean my body.. but it worse day to day... I know I have to work hard on my mood and my attitude.. and yes, my boy is still love me.. the only one is me who don't like me.. it is a very sad feeling I always struggle to look into a mirror..or wearing any clothes... they doesn't look the same... But yes, as you said there should be more important things.. I have to calm down my mind.. which is very difficult in these times...
Thank you very much for the food suggestions.. I will check your link...

(18-04-2019, 03:15)EllaC Wrote:  hi was it a comprehensive hormone test like a dutch test or just blood?

fwiw i had bloods for africa which said “ everythings normal” which it wasnt. im in peri menopause. my periods boobs etc fluctuate up and down. why dont you join a perimenopause group cause theres so many in the same boat. breasts bigger breasts shrinking weight up and down, in conclusive tests etc.. 

but yeh id follow surfers food suggestions, foods do heal.

Hi EllaC,
My hormone test were only from blood

good idea to join this perimenopause group .. Thanks

(18-04-2019, 19:03)Skiller07 Wrote:  
(18-04-2019, 03:29)Lotus Wrote:  Sounds like you have a metabolism issue(s) going on, meaning too much glucose is being stored in other parts of your body (hips, thighs, butt, etc). In the meantime it (improper metabolism) has slowly depleted your breast volume. What to do?....well this is what i what do:

1) deplete glycogen stores (reduce stored fat)
2) reduce sugar as much as possible
3) get moving
4) de-stress
5) eat leafy greens, broccoli, cucumbers, beans
6) don't eat processed foods
7) drink filtered water 4-6 cups per day
8) detox your body...(all of the above will help do that).
9) stay focused... don't get distracted from your goal
10) get tested for a thyroid disorder, possible perimenopause too.

 ....and don't take any nbe herbs during this time, you need to clear out your estrogen receptors, clearly they're not in tune.

Dear Lotus,

Thank you so  much for your reply and advices.. !!!  I think you are right I must try to live healthier and detox my body... Just so hard to stay focused in these times.... 

I've got my new hormonal test results.. again in the normal range..

TSH  1,45  range 0,550-4,78
FT4 15,39 range 11,51 - 22,70
FSh 8,5 range 2,5-10.2
LH  4,8 range 1,9-12,5
Prolaktin 164 range 59-619
Estrogen 127,9 range 71,6-529,2
Progresteron 1,45 range 0-4,45
Testosteron 0,640 range 0-1,699
DHEA 0.640 range a,70-12,49
Cortisol 383 range 118,6-618,

so it seems to be  normal... 
This test was done yesterday...

I don't understand what is wrong with me.. 
But maybe you are right it should be metabolism issue.. 
But can metabolism issue cause boob shrinking?

According with your progesterone/estrogen ratio you look with a clear estrogen dominance, you should show the doctor the results, cause could be other factors like age, day in your period you took the test, and so on, that could change the interpretation.

If there's a place of estrogen dominance, the best way to fight it is avoiding the xenoestrogens, that are in not healthy food (fast food, sugar, pesticides, meat, chicken or milk with hormones and antibiotics...), cleaning products (Clorox...), personal care products (parabens and a lot of other trash), you can find more information on the Internet. Stop phytoestrogens as well, cause all this foreign estrogens are blocking your natural ones. Drink during at least one month at mornings, warm filter water with lemon juice, no sugar no sweeteners.

Eat good fats (organic eggs, avocado, omega 3) you need them to produce your own estrogens, low the ingestion of carbs (sugars, bread...) and increase the protein ingestion.

* sorry, my English is not my native language

Your lab tests do not indicate estrogen dominance,  I'd keep an eye on cortisol which is related to higher stress levels.

Estradiol (E2): 19 - 160 pg/mL or 70 - 600 pmol/L In healthy women, progesterone/estradiol ratio should be between 100 and 500. If it's higher than that, it may indicate progesterone domination, and if it's lower, then estrogen domination is more likely.

What we eat & drink directly has an impact on breast shape and volume. I'm a 40 H/HH, recently my E2 (estradiol) was 170.2 pg/mL, and that's almost 5 months without E2 HRT meds. I know too much sugar directly impacts my breasts, and not in a good way lol. You see there's certain metabolic pathways to stimulate breast growth, here's example:

Ginseng is specific agonist for a nongenomic pathway of sex steroid receptors that stimulates breast growth.

* Ginsenosides are a class of steroid glycosides, and triterpene saponins. Brilliant huh?...and btw, Saponins displace T (testosterone) bound to Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (aka-SHBG), as a result this process raises estradiol because estradiol has a lower binding affinity for SHBG.

Suppressing PDEs (phosphodiesterase inhibitor is a drug that blocks one or more of the five subtypes of the enzyme phosphodiesterase) can increase levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)...ginseng acts in the same way as PDE inhibitors. cAMP is by far one of the strongest aromatase agoinsts (promoter) out there, which means it enhances the conversion of testosterone to estradiol.

ginsenoside (in ginseng) acts as a specific agonist for the nongenomic pathway of sex steroid receptors, and NO released from activated eNOS underlies cardiac K(+) channel activation and protection against ischemia-reperfusion injury.

So when I take ginseng it stimulates the specific pathway I'm targeting.  In  ovaries testosterone is converted to estrogen, this holds true in breast tissue too, so....stimulating pathways by way metabolism contributes to breast shape, volume and growth.

(19-04-2019, 03:38)Dboobies Wrote:  According with your progesterone/estrogen ratio you look with a clear estrogen dominance, you should show the doctor the results, cause could be other factors like age, day in your period you took the test, and so on, that could change the interpretation.

If there's a place of estrogen dominance, the best way to fight it is avoiding the xenoestrogens, that are in not healthy food (fast food, sugar, pesticides, meat, chicken or milk with hormones and antibiotics...), cleaning products (Clorox...), personal care products (parabens and a lot of other trash), you can find more information on the Internet. Stop phytoestrogens as well, cause all this foreign estrogens are blocking your natural ones. Drink during at least one month at mornings, warm filter water with lemon juice, no sugar no sweeteners.

Eat good fats (organic eggs, avocado, omega 3) you need them to produce your own estrogens, low the ingestion of carbs (sugars, bread...) and increase the protein ingestion.

* sorry, my English is not my native language

Hi Doobies,

Your english is perfectSmile My enlglish is much worse.. but I hope it is enough to understand it.. Smile  Yes, that is what I thought maybe the progesteron-estrogen ratio not so good in my test..But I have to ask the doctor for sure.. This test was made the 3. day of my cycle I have to make a test on day 21. too.. and then I have to go back to the doctor.. I stopped visiting gynecologists because they couldn't help me.. they always told me  that nothing wrong with my hormonal test.. but in my previous tests  was almost the same like this with a  big difference between my progresterone and my estrogen level. Now I went to an endocrinologist. I hope she will be better. In my country, health care system is catastrophic. There aren't good doctors and they don't care about the patient. You have to go to private doctors for a lot of money..but hard to find a good doctor.. I didn't find it yet Sad 

Sometimes I eat avocado , pomegranate, mango because I like it very much.. I tried OMEGA 3 for few days, but I was affraid that my breast will shrink and I stopped using it. But I am thinking to start OMEGA 3 and maybe evenning primrose oil too.. Just I'm affraid of everything to cause my breast shrink. I love nuts and flax seed etc.. but I couldnt eat because of it.. And that is why I thought maybe omega 3 is not so good for me. I think I will stop collagen powder too..because it doesn't seems to help me anymore.  In first time it seemed to help some, but I have been taking it for more than a month now and I don't feel like it would help anymore.. more like worsen the situation... 

To avoid xenoestrogen is almost impossible everything you eat, you use contain xenoestrogens.. It would be quite difficult to leave them completely.. Of course I have to try to avoid .. or use less.... I don't eat too much sugar.. but sometimes I eat chocolate or ice cream.. not every day of course.. and I drink 1 cup of coffee per day without sugar with milk only.. and unfortunately I smoke 3-5 cigarettes per day minimum. ..I tried to stop smoking without any success... Sad  With breads..the situation is worse.. I love bread.. of course I don't eat white bread anymore only whole grain... I mostly eat fried or roast chicken with rice for lunch .. I eat lot of vegtables for breakfest  with whole grain bread with ham and cheese and some oat biscuit for snack and dinner and fruits mainly strawberries, blueberries, raspberry and orange or banana.. I eat fruits and dairy procucts every day. I don' t take plus protein.. 

I stopped all the vitamin and mineral for now..
I don't know what to take.. 
In the past I took: selenium, zinc, A-C-E vitamin, D vitamin, sometimes magnesium and calcium,
Now I only take C vitamin with my collagen powder..

Do you think I should take these vitamins again?

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