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Flat girl hints


(26-10-2018, 09:21 PM)Bonny Wrote:  
(26-10-2018, 04:03 AM)FlatMeow Wrote:  This is a great thread! As a fellow AA cup member, I would like to share too (even though I haven’t really grow yet). Agreed with the low dose part. Also, patient! It take longer for our body to response. You can learn from my mistake. I was too inpatient with my original program and changed it the third month, right when I was experience growth. That stopped my growth and I can’t  reproduce then growth now. So please be patient and don’t sabotage yourself! 

Also, protein shake helps. If you don’t have enough neutrition or can’t eat a lot, protein shake is a really convenient addition. Drinking is so much easier then eating. Your boobs need some fuel to grow and herb alone might not be enough. 

Can’t think of anything else now. Still exploring what is right for my body. I do have to say though, a lot of people’s starting photo is my goal  Wink

Haha have to agree with you '...a lot of people's starting photo is my goal...' i know its all personal perception but i often think that when i hear 'ive always been flat' and i see a pic and think OMG if you think thats flat what the heck am i lol. But def agree with you its an extra slow process for flat girls and just as you lose hope or start changing stuff (because you think its not working) you realize something was happening or about to happen. 

You definitely need to put the right ingredients in to grow boobies, and alot (generalizing now) flat girls just need more food and natural fats to start the process off. I personally aim for nutrient dense foods. I eat 1/4 - 1/2 cup of nuts a day sounds alot but ive actually found nifty way to incorporate, i buy raw nuts and seeds and blend then up to a sort of chunky powder put them in a container with a moisture absorper (ones you get in other food products ie sushi seaweed packets) and put a few heaped teaspoon it on my cereal every morning. I add coconut oil to my herbal teas during day. Also eat between 1-2 eggs a day, eggs are wonderful superfood especially for a plant based eater (me). Avocado is great as well. I generally stay away from multivitamins and try to take whole herbs rather then extracts (when possible), i figure there is so much synergy with plants, herbs, nuts and seeds that we are unaware of when we isolate one component we mite be removing others which make it effective as well as potentially missing out on other minerals and vitamins.

I like your synergy method with fresh food. I have been trying to do that but not very successfully since I don’t cook myself. Also, when you eat the grinder nuts, do you find yourself full? When I eat nuts I tend to eat less during my regular meal because I am full already. That’s why I switched to drinking my nutritions with powder and vitamins. Not ideal I know but I actually lost weight when I’m eating nuts because my total intake is lower!!! Dodgy I don’t want to swallow whole grape to expand my stomach to eat more! Lol

(28-10-2018, 07:01 PM)FlatMeow Wrote:  
(26-10-2018, 09:21 PM)Bonny Wrote:  
(26-10-2018, 04:03 AM)FlatMeow Wrote:  This is a great thread! As a fellow AA cup member, I would like to share too (even though I haven’t really grow yet). Agreed with the low dose part. Also, patient! It take longer for our body to response. You can learn from my mistake. I was too inpatient with my original program and changed it the third month, right when I was experience growth. That stopped my growth and I can’t  reproduce then growth now. So please be patient and don’t sabotage yourself! 

Also, protein shake helps. If you don’t have enough neutrition or can’t eat a lot, protein shake is a really convenient addition. Drinking is so much easier then eating. Your boobs need some fuel to grow and herb alone might not be enough. 

Can’t think of anything else now. Still exploring what is right for my body. I do have to say though, a lot of people’s starting photo is my goal  Wink

Haha have to agree with you '...a lot of people's starting photo is my goal...' i know its all personal perception but i often think that when i hear 'ive always been flat' and i see a pic and think OMG if you think thats flat what the heck am i lol. But def agree with you its an extra slow process for flat girls and just as you lose hope or start changing stuff (because you think its not working) you realize something was happening or about to happen. 

You definitely need to put the right ingredients in to grow boobies, and alot (generalizing now) flat girls just need more food and natural fats to start the process off. I personally aim for nutrient dense foods. I eat 1/4 - 1/2 cup of nuts a day sounds alot but ive actually found nifty way to incorporate, i buy raw nuts and seeds and blend then up to a sort of chunky powder put them in a container with a moisture absorper (ones you get in other food products ie sushi seaweed packets) and put a few heaped teaspoon it on my cereal every morning. I add coconut oil to my herbal teas during day. Also eat between 1-2 eggs a day, eggs are wonderful superfood especially for a plant based eater (me). Avocado is great as well. I generally stay away from multivitamins and try to take whole herbs rather then extracts (when possible), i figure there is so much synergy with plants, herbs, nuts and seeds that we are unaware of when we isolate one component we mite be removing others which make it effective as well as potentially missing out on other minerals and vitamins.

I like your synergy method with fresh food. I have been trying to do that but not very successfully since I don’t cook myself. Also, when you eat the grinder nuts, do you find yourself full? When I eat nuts I tend to eat less during my regular meal because I am full already. That’s why I switched to drinking my nutritions with powder and vitamins. Not ideal I know but I actually lost weight when I’m eating nuts because my total intake is lower!!! Dodgy I don’t want to swallow whole grape to expand my stomach to eat more! Lol

I guess i dont really notice it (fullness) too much probably tricking my brain in a sense because they are ground up and sprinkled on top so i dont have to chew them up so much as the whole nut/seed which requires alot more effort and doing this way i guess you miss all those biological processes you'd get eating them whole. 

I am fuller for longer but they are very nutrient dense so i figure its better then using other sources of food.  My weight seems to have stabilised since doing this as well, i was dropping and gaining constantly only few kgs either way but it was so erractic in a week or two itd go up then plummet again now it seems ive hit my ideal weight for my body type, i dont look sickly skinny any more and the other way i dont have extra which is generally noticeable on my frame 'love handles'. 

Alot of nutrient dense foods dont require cooking persae, Avocado can just be added to things or spread on stuff, boil eggs can just be eaten whole, nuts sprinkled, coconut oil add to teas, dried fruit eaten as is, can of chickpeas or similar added to salad. Ive just started a method i picked up from the book 'how not to die' and just think how can i improve the nutrition of this meal? Can i add nuts, seeds or beans (legumes)? Can i eat fruit or vege instead of something else? Can i add fruit or vege to meal or in my case more fruit or vege (plant eater)? Is there a healthy alternative to something i already eat and like? 

I tried the drinks but required to much energy & fuss making one plus my stomach doesnt like dairy and veg ones are expensive, so i just do 'what can i add method'. 

Hope i gave you some food for thought haha

Found this thread talks about similar ideas/theories.

Heres another thread, its older but interesting.  'Wahaika' was/is considered very knowledgeable regarding NBE particularly herbs and general nbe functioning.

I just wanted to include this thread because its my favorite, i return to it every few months and as my nbe knowledge grows i understand abit more of what Lotus is trying to convey.

 Just reminds me there is a basic set of requirements for nbe and follow these 'basics' and you should see success. 

Remember nbe isn't all about Estrogen as most of us focus on when we start. Think about nbe as more like making a cake you need all ingredients to have your cake rise, taste good and look good. You also need all the ingredients to have nbe work. 

It has info on hormones, supps, lots of nbe stuff.

(04-11-2018, 04:18 AM)Bonny Wrote:  I just wanted to include this thread because its my favorite, i return to it every few months and as my nbe knowledge grows i understand abit more of what Lotus is trying to convey.

 Just reminds me there is a basic set of requirements for nbe and follow these 'basics' and you should see success. 

Remember nbe isn't all about Estrogen as most of us focus on when we start. Think about nbe as more like making a cake you need all ingredients to have your cake rise, taste good and look good. You also need all the ingredients to have nbe work. 

It has info on hormones, supps, lots of nbe stuff.

Hi Bonny, 

I was wondering if eating cow’s or goat’s breast meat benifits to nbe? I remeber I had it before years ago. Do you think  if I could eat it consistently will it make any difference? because my hometown has lots of slaughters, sometime they slaught female goat and cows. Of course they will be old enough no to produce more kids.

I totally agree. Especially when you said we don't have many receptors. when I first took BC for six months, my things and tummy really gain a lot of weight ,and nothing in my boobs. This year I started BC again and I did it with massage and five meals a day, that's when I really experienced boob grow. My friend she has a nice 34C, and she did a fat suction surgery on her waist and thigh. It's a quiet safe surgery and you can recover well. That's like my last plan when I lose hope, I will just gain weight everywhere and do a surgery lol. 
 And I'm a petite girl 5.2'' 98pounds so I should take herbs at a very low dose. And I destroyed my stomach when I force myself to eat, then take probiotics. 

Looking at what you suggested, I will start using reishi ( I found a three mushroom supplement for good energy on Amazon, which includes lion's mane for stomach health).  Eating nuts for healthy fat. And PC cream is something I never tried.

(05-11-2018, 05:33 PM)bosekk Wrote:  I totally agree. Especially when you said we don't have many receptors. when I first took BC for six months, my things and tummy really gain a lot of weight ,and nothing in my boobs. This year I started BC again and I did it with massage and five meals a day, that's when I really experienced boob grow. My friend she has a nice 34C, and she did a fat suction surgery on her waist and thigh. It's a quiet safe surgery and you can recover well. That's like my last plan when I lose hope, I will just gain weight everywhere and do a surgery lol. 
 And I'm a petite girl 5.2'' 98pounds so I should take herbs at a very low dose. And I destroyed my stomach when I force myself to eat, then take probiotics. 

Looking at what you suggested, I will start using reishi ( I found a three mushroom supplement for good energy on Amazon, which includes lion's mane for stomach health).  Eating nuts for healthy fat. And PC cream is something I never tried.

I definitely found getting my T/dht under control helps, Reishi is my go to with this but i also use multiple others things that are 5ar blockers (t blockers), picked this up from Lotus who mentions to block t/dht in multiple ways because it has multiple pathways, makes sense. I mention this because most flat skinny girls seem to have traits of high t, am generalizing here but most will mention some t traits. Then you need to do something with all the t you denied so thats where armotase comes in, there is multiple ways do this too. 

Yes i think nuts are great, and i picked there importance up from surfer joe and a great book 'how not to die', Ella mentioned this book and then someone else i bumped into so i took it for universal sign i was ment to read it. Mentions that most people are deficient in nuts and seeds therefore missing alot of vitamin, minerals etc.

PC (usp) can help clear E receptors, it is armotase and also help develop glandular tissue, our bodies produce progesterone (armotase) however if low can be counterproductive for nbe. 2 trains of thought using PC, use throughout cycle start with a low amount increasing throughout cycle or use in 2nd half (luteal), application also varies some do directly to breast others on thin skin areas. Those that apply to thin skin areas do so as not to let progesterone build up in breast tissue as belief to be counterproductive to nbe, within thin skin application there is also a group that only apply below belly button. Application to breast is 'ive read' (thread below) to be the most direct path as thats where progesterone receptors are found, lotus recommended applying to labia of vagina. 

Pc is also good to consider if you are E dominate to help balance you out, especially if your progesterone is low. Remember E dominance can be low p and normal E or high E normal P or high E and low P (not always about having high E it can be more directly related to your P levels). 

Keep reading, check out threads above. Id love to give you supplements advice but until i actually have some real tangible growth that others can see (i can feel and see the difference myself and my husband can), then i can just parrot what ive picked up along the way and hope it helps. 

Just remember it takes time to build up your nutrient levels if low, and correct your hormones if out of wack, and find the right combination. Then time to grow breast, so just be patient with yourself and treat yourself kindly. You have to believe you can grow, believe its just a deficiency or hormone imbalance and you can overcome it.


(17-10-2018, 05:14 AM)Bonny Wrote:  
(16-10-2018, 10:37 PM)Cely Wrote:  Well done Bonny! 
I d write your same info! 

I suggest anti-androgen, weight gain(if very skinny) BUT ALSO BOVINE OVARY, the reason is: it’s not like to put estrogens in your body, BO will reset your body, if a man takes BO gian penis shrink, his hair fade away, his fat distribution become feminine... And a man cant go back from this. It’s anti androgen BUT also an hormonal change. 

I learn just a thing from this NBE forum and my information about liposuction (years before, because I hate implants and very heavy boobs, but also pear shaped body, I studied about liposuction, this was to balance my body, that is my REAL aim) HORMONAL PROFILE IS WHAT LEADS YOU TO GAIN FAT IN SOME AREAS. 
So, if u are a pear shaped body, is useless to gain weight, you ll end with a big lower body but without boobs. 
If u are pear shaped, and you go to liposuction, when you gain weight you just re-gain your thights (BECAUSE OF HORMONES) 

Boobs are all about fat, not fat in general but fat in your chest. If u have the right “hormonal imbalance” all the fat you gain will go to your boobs. 
I lost 20 pounds, and before of it, I was an AA. So, it’s useless to me gain 20 pounds. 

It’s all to find this hormonal panel. 

PROLACTIN is good for NBE, but don’t forget that it inhibits your progesterone. 
Anyway, men on antipsychotic drugs (which increase prolactin) see an increase in boobs, permanent increase in boobs (well, for them it is an unwanted effect) I don’t know if this happens to girls. 
I read a lot of good things about goats rue, but i’m Not sure if it s permanet (a lot of info I have are about wemen with breast hypoplasia which can t brestfeed)

Thanks Cely.
Like i mentioned at start this is my experience so far and not 'the rules or science of NBE'. Plus we must remember that more often then not scientific findings dont aways correlate into the real world.

I am skinny and flat so weight gain has been extremely important for my nbe the other thing you touched is important too, its not so much the hormones that determine where fat will disperse but receptors hence why flat girls (who have less E receptors) will find extra fat will store in thighs, bum, hips where there are more e receptors. And no gaining weight if your a pear is totally wrong direction however perhaps increasing prolactin would be as the fat storage will be encouraged into breast. 

Alot of stuff is not permanent in nbe but overtime the swelling can be replaced by actual growth, look at noogleberry, same principle. 

I have read how magical BO is ment to be and went out and brought it but i disagree that its any good for flat girls, once again receptors, E receptors in breast can only take so much the rest is sent south. And i also read that BO is hard to know what hormones you are actually getting because it really depends when cow is slaughter eg. What part of cycle they were in, were they young or old, stressed, healthy or unhealthy you could be getting alot of progesterone if a bunch of old cows or whatever hormone been excreted at their death. I tried it high doses, low doses, cycling it (not recommended just own trial), all it did was dump weight all over my hips, bum and thighs and reallllly heavy periods in a short space of time, no good for me 'personally'. And am yet to find another girl in archives that was flat and had any growth from BO. Yes there are those have grown but they had breast tissue to begin makes huge difference, it seems fat is attracted to fat so i theorize thats why reasonable sized people can grow effortless. 

Just remember as the old saying goes 'there are many ways to skin a cat', nbe is far more complex then the science that is often brought up, our bodies are clearly smarter then we are and far more complex in its nature. And this forum is one of many regarding breast growth, the others have been deserted however they take a very different approach to nbe then this forum and would think some things we do as backwards thinking. Thats why we should be careful to express ourselves in a way that doesnt influences others right to be creative and try things that are not traditional on this site because on other old sites they are not that way out from their thinking. Eg. Unless something you said actually works and results in growth then its just an opinion doesn't matter where you read it. 

Just as all of above is my opinion.

Thank for your advice to me. I just noticed you felt fat is attracted to fat. The number of fat should not change after we grow up, and when we get fat, we actually just have bigger fat cells. That explains why B cup girls easily gain boobs, cos all the cell expansions add up to be a lot. But for us, since we are not increasing fat cells just expanding the volume, the effect is really limited. However I feel when treated with hormones, the number of fat or the distribution of fat can be changed as if we were teenagers. And researchers try to use fat cell division methods to increase the number of fat cells, as some non-hormone breast cream advertised. That method honestly sound more cancer-related to me than hormone, cos it encourages cell divisions. 

I wonder if breast pumps can actually increase number of fat cells, or just expand the size. If it's the latter, then of course they won't work well on us flat girls. I will use T decreasing products, cos it sounds to me the safest way. So many people block their DHT for hair growth don't have major health issue. And I recently do agree that smaller boobs have more clothes options. Big boobs look great in V neck and very tight clothes, but we can work with more styles. just add some necklaces for V neck.  At the end of the day, my bf stays, even tho he can date big boobs easily. Those help me not get depressed about boobs.

(07-11-2018, 12:21 AM)bosekk Wrote:  
(17-10-2018, 05:14 AM)Bonny Wrote:  
(16-10-2018, 10:37 PM)Cely Wrote:  Well done Bonny! 
I d write your same info! 

I suggest anti-androgen, weight gain(if very skinny) BUT ALSO BOVINE OVARY, the reason is: it’s not like to put estrogens in your body, BO will reset your body, if a man takes BO gian penis shrink, his hair fade away, his fat distribution become feminine... And a man cant go back from this. It’s anti androgen BUT also an hormonal change. 

I learn just a thing from this NBE forum and my information about liposuction (years before, because I hate implants and very heavy boobs, but also pear shaped body, I studied about liposuction, this was to balance my body, that is my REAL aim) HORMONAL PROFILE IS WHAT LEADS YOU TO GAIN FAT IN SOME AREAS. 
So, if u are a pear shaped body, is useless to gain weight, you ll end with a big lower body but without boobs. 
If u are pear shaped, and you go to liposuction, when you gain weight you just re-gain your thights (BECAUSE OF HORMONES) 

Boobs are all about fat, not fat in general but fat in your chest. If u have the right “hormonal imbalance” all the fat you gain will go to your boobs. 
I lost 20 pounds, and before of it, I was an AA. So, it’s useless to me gain 20 pounds. 

It’s all to find this hormonal panel. 

PROLACTIN is good for NBE, but don’t forget that it inhibits your progesterone. 
Anyway, men on antipsychotic drugs (which increase prolactin) see an increase in boobs, permanent increase in boobs (well, for them it is an unwanted effect) I don’t know if this happens to girls. 
I read a lot of good things about goats rue, but i’m Not sure if it s permanet (a lot of info I have are about wemen with breast hypoplasia which can t brestfeed)

Thanks Cely.
Like i mentioned at start this is my experience so far and not 'the rules or science of NBE'. Plus we must remember that more often then not scientific findings dont aways correlate into the real world.

I am skinny and flat so weight gain has been extremely important for my nbe the other thing you touched is important too, its not so much the hormones that determine where fat will disperse but receptors hence why flat girls (who have less E receptors) will find extra fat will store in thighs, bum, hips where there are more e receptors. And no gaining weight if your a pear is totally wrong direction however perhaps increasing prolactin would be as the fat storage will be encouraged into breast. 

Alot of stuff is not permanent in nbe but overtime the swelling can be replaced by actual growth, look at noogleberry, same principle. 

I have read how magical BO is ment to be and went out and brought it but i disagree that its any good for flat girls, once again receptors, E receptors in breast can only take so much the rest is sent south. And i also read that BO is hard to know what hormones you are actually getting because it really depends when cow is slaughter eg. What part of cycle they were in, were they young or old, stressed, healthy or unhealthy you could be getting alot of progesterone if a bunch of old cows or whatever hormone been excreted at their death. I tried it high doses, low doses, cycling it (not recommended just own trial), all it did was dump weight all over my hips, bum and thighs and reallllly heavy periods in a short space of time, no good for me 'personally'. And am yet to find another girl in archives that was flat and had any growth from BO. Yes there are those have grown but they had breast tissue to begin makes huge difference, it seems fat is attracted to fat so i theorize thats why reasonable sized people can grow effortless. 

Just remember as the old saying goes 'there are many ways to skin a cat', nbe is far more complex then the science that is often brought up, our bodies are clearly smarter then we are and far more complex in its nature. And this forum is one of many regarding breast growth, the others have been deserted however they take a very different approach to nbe then this forum and would think some things we do as backwards thinking. Thats why we should be careful to express ourselves in a way that doesnt influences others right to be creative and try things that are not traditional on this site because on other old sites they are not that way out from their thinking. Eg. Unless something you said actually works and results in growth then its just an opinion doesn't matter where you read it. 

Just as all of above is my opinion.

Thank for your advice to me. I just noticed you felt fat is attracted to fat. The number of fat should not change after we grow up, and when we get fat, we actually just have bigger fat cells. That explains why B cup girls easily gain boobs, cos all the cell expansions add up to be a lot. But for us, since we are not increasing fat cells just expanding the volume, the effect is really limited. However I feel when treated with hormones, the number of fat or the distribution of fat can be changed as if we were teenagers. And researchers try to use fat cell division methods to increase the number of fat cells, as some non-hormone breast cream advertised. That method honestly sound more cancer-related to me than hormone, cos it encourages cell divisions. 

I wonder if breast pumps can actually increase number of fat cells, or just expand the size. If it's the latter, then of course they won't work well on us flat girls. I will use T decreasing products, cos it sounds to me the safest way. So many people block their DHT for hair growth don't have major health issue. And I recently do agree that smaller boobs have more clothes options. Big boobs look great in V neck and very tight clothes, but we can work with more styles. just add some necklaces for V neck.  At the end of the day, my bf stays, even tho he can date big boobs easily. Those help me not get depressed about boobs.

Thanks Bosekk
I get what your saying and i see science supports it (thread below), however my question is how the body chooses to store it? Why some have large breast while others stomachs, or others naturally athletic bodies. Again hormones and receptor locations must have a hand in it. The excess of hormones seems to dictate the direction fat will go (eg. Tummy  thighs, back) and storage depends on location of those hormone receptors. Geez i don't know lol over my head. 

Maybe those of us that were very slim in childhood are just destined to have small breast, because if fat cells are no longer able to be grown and only expand by volume then i can only expand on what i have. But there maybe hope because i was a chubby bubby hehe. 

I honestly can say while i respect science, and use it myself, its not the holy grail for me i believe that we can manifest changes whether that be our life circumstance or body, we have to ability to go outside the box if we believe we can. And often scientific findings can be limiting to my beliefs regarding change.  

Plus science changes there positions quite often on different things, proven findings now often change with future research. So i guess we have to remember this too, that findings might be 'mostly right', or 'right now' with what we currently know. 

One of my best tips is believe its truly is possible and think fondly of yourself, your body and breast. Negativity will only lead to unsuccessful outcomes.

Hormones responsible for storage in different area of body (interesting), if correct could help id high hormones.

Il won’t put a pic in here but il post it in my thread.
And sorry Bonny I was an A cup starting out so not completely flat but I sure looked it and now I’m 32D for the most part albeit C too. 
Just don’t want you girls thinking you cant change genetic predisposition etc cause epigenetics has proved you can change your destiny.
Just a bit of my history - FLAT as and skinny as right up till my late 30’s even after having a child, I was worse then in fact post childbirth sickly infact. 
I think with diet and mindset you can adopt a figure you want (to a degree). Whatever or wherever my hormone receptors were storing the fat/hormones the most it’s only since I focused solely on my breasts I got “some” results which I’m happy with IN MY LATE 30’s no less so don’t think age plays into it. 
 While I still feel like a small chested skinny broad I’m also quite happy with how it turned out cause I was teased ruthlessly of how “skinny” I was right up Untill recently where I thought to myself “ bugger the lot of you I’m going to be sexy” . Now I get compliments for the first time and going from skinny and flat my gains are enough for me. 

Also my nbe idol was late 30’s with shitty lifestyle habits and she gained beautiful big breasts through non hormonal efforts. Food/massage and mostly non hormonal supplements . She was small to begin with too. A cup at the least .

You can do it!

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