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Flat girl hints


Disclaimer - This thread is info for flat girls, if your A or B cup 'your not flat' your small so read on but know your not who this is aimed at. 

- this was a message to another member which i felt mite be worth sharing  

Ive had some success with nbe but its taken a looonnng time but i think thats because i was following others who had breast to begin with (solid A or B, they find it pretty easy to increase). So ill share some tips with you as another small/flat girl.
I personally would stay away from PM and BO its too strong, you see we dont have as many e receptors in our breast as other women and if you throw too much E at it they (receptors) will do opposite to desired and just shut down youll end up with excess E floating around trying to find a home generally finds it in your hips and bum so you end up still boobless but now packing on weight. If you do use them or herbs keep your doses low, herbs arent as strong so i would stick with them but still low until you see growth.  
Take breaks wether its one a month, or over weekend or once every 3 months. And use things to detox excess hormones out.
Consider PC cream; its said to help grow the mammary glands. I used it and found it really help build a base for potential growth. Once again different ways to use eg. Everyday, in luteal or once every few days or once every 3 months for a month. 
Consider an anti-androgen (reishi or sp), you need T to make E however dht can really screw your nbe up, and if i had to guess id say you are probably quite muscular and have dark or more than 'normal women' body hair, i make this observation from super skinny and flat chest (T doing its thing same as me). 
Put weight on - for me nothing happen until i put some healthy weight on. Nut fats, plant oils, not so healthy but worked for me whole egg mayo, just eat more larger meals, more snacks, that extra mouthful even when full. 
Consider  increasing prolactin (not too much though eg massage, fennel, goat rue 'strong'. This encourages fat to be stored in breast instead of everywhere else. Especially as you increase fat intake.
Be patient, as a 'proper' flat girl (theres alot of boob-dismorphier around here) it takes lots of time, your talking about building your nutrition up and growing boobs thats a big and long job. 
Forget tape measure, its absolutely useless and counterproductive. Take your start measure and then lose tape measure. I go by feel, when i started id massage and that made me feel horrible because i couldn't do the descriptions i didnt have a breast to rotate or rub but i stuck at it and i do now albeit still little other would probably think no different but i can feel a huge difference. 
Try to not wear bras as often as you can, i used to wear them to hide the fact i had nothing but they restrict your circulation and lymphatic drainage (near breast) so i wear alot of padded/built in bra singlets now they are less restrictive and still hide the fact your working on your boobs. 
Massage, can be very awkward with little to no tissue but really does help. I really think less is more a few or several short 1-5mins throughout day even over top of clothes (include oil ones too), helps increase prolactin, circulation through breast, bloodflow to breast and potentially encouring circulating fat to breast, and help shift any stagnant undesirable stuff to drain from breast towards lympathic system.
I also encourage a quick lympathic drainage massage to rid excess hormones or others out.
Id personally stay away from noogleberry until your a nice full A or B, just from what ive read they dont work on flat girls, my guess would be its because its tissue expansion and well we dont have tissue to expand just yet. But that one is more food for thought and am always open to changing my mind.

Now please dont get me wrong am not saying i have any magic answers and alot of what i said can be found around here this is just my personal experience as a 'minus A cup' girl lol. 

Please dont ask me about herbs, supps or doses i dont feel comfortable recommending such things. Ive just given you what ive learnt so far thats worked or not worked for me and hope it helps.

Good info  Smile

Ditto what Ella said.

Thanks Ella and Bobbi. 

Hopefully others will avoid some of things i did eg. Taking large doses or consider some stuff i discovered as possible causes to stalls. Am always apprehensive about sharing because i dont like things to be taken as the 'rule' or 'gospel', am just sharing my experience on my journey thus far, other experiences will differ.

Well done Bonny! 
I d write your same info! 

I suggest anti-androgen, weight gain(if very skinny) BUT ALSO BOVINE OVARY, the reason is: it’s not like to put estrogens in your body, BO will reset your body, if a man takes BO gian penis shrink, his hair fade away, his fat distribution become feminine... And a man cant go back from this. It’s anti androgen BUT also an hormonal change. 

I learn just a thing from this NBE forum and my information about liposuction (years before, because I hate implants and very heavy boobs, but also pear shaped body, I studied about liposuction, this was to balance my body, that is my REAL aim) HORMONAL PROFILE IS WHAT LEADS YOU TO GAIN FAT IN SOME AREAS. 
So, if u are a pear shaped body, is useless to gain weight, you ll end with a big lower body but without boobs. 
If u are pear shaped, and you go to liposuction, when you gain weight you just re-gain your thights (BECAUSE OF HORMONES) 

Boobs are all about fat, not fat in general but fat in your chest. If u have the right “hormonal imbalance” all the fat you gain will go to your boobs. 
I lost 20 pounds, and before of it, I was an AA. So, it’s useless to me gain 20 pounds. 

It’s all to find this hormonal panel. 

PROLACTIN is good for NBE, but don’t forget that it inhibits your progesterone. 
Anyway, men on antipsychotic drugs (which increase prolactin) see an increase in boobs, permanent increase in boobs (well, for them it is an unwanted effect) I don’t know if this happens to girls. 
I read a lot of good things about goats rue, but i’m Not sure if it s permanet (a lot of info I have are about wemen with breast hypoplasia which can t brestfeed)

(16-10-2018, 22:37)Cely Wrote:  Well done Bonny! 
I d write your same info! 

I suggest anti-androgen, weight gain(if very skinny) BUT ALSO BOVINE OVARY, the reason is: it’s not like to put estrogens in your body, BO will reset your body, if a man takes BO gian penis shrink, his hair fade away, his fat distribution become feminine... And a man cant go back from this. It’s anti androgen BUT also an hormonal change. 

I learn just a thing from this NBE forum and my information about liposuction (years before, because I hate implants and very heavy boobs, but also pear shaped body, I studied about liposuction, this was to balance my body, that is my REAL aim) HORMONAL PROFILE IS WHAT LEADS YOU TO GAIN FAT IN SOME AREAS. 
So, if u are a pear shaped body, is useless to gain weight, you ll end with a big lower body but without boobs. 
If u are pear shaped, and you go to liposuction, when you gain weight you just re-gain your thights (BECAUSE OF HORMONES) 

Boobs are all about fat, not fat in general but fat in your chest. If u have the right “hormonal imbalance” all the fat you gain will go to your boobs. 
I lost 20 pounds, and before of it, I was an AA. So, it’s useless to me gain 20 pounds. 

It’s all to find this hormonal panel. 

PROLACTIN is good for NBE, but don’t forget that it inhibits your progesterone. 
Anyway, men on antipsychotic drugs (which increase prolactin) see an increase in boobs, permanent increase in boobs (well, for them it is an unwanted effect) I don’t know if this happens to girls. 
I read a lot of good things about goats rue, but i’m Not sure if it s permanet (a lot of info I have are about wemen with breast hypoplasia which can t brestfeed)

Thanks Cely.
Like i mentioned at start this is my experience so far and not 'the rules or science of NBE'. Plus we must remember that more often then not scientific findings dont aways correlate into the real world.

I am skinny and flat so weight gain has been extremely important for my nbe the other thing you touched is important too, its not so much the hormones that determine where fat will disperse but receptors hence why flat girls (who have less E receptors) will find extra fat will store in thighs, bum, hips where there are more e receptors. And no gaining weight if your a pear is totally wrong direction however perhaps increasing prolactin would be as the fat storage will be encouraged into breast. 

Alot of stuff is not permanent in nbe but overtime the swelling can be replaced by actual growth, look at noogleberry, same principle. 

I have read how magical BO is ment to be and went out and brought it but i disagree that its any good for flat girls, once again receptors, E receptors in breast can only take so much the rest is sent south. And i also read that BO is hard to know what hormones you are actually getting because it really depends when cow is slaughter eg. What part of cycle they were in, were they young or old, stressed, healthy or unhealthy you could be getting alot of progesterone if a bunch of old cows or whatever hormone been excreted at their death. I tried it high doses, low doses, cycling it (not recommended just own trial), all it did was dump weight all over my hips, bum and thighs and reallllly heavy periods in a short space of time, no good for me 'personally'. And am yet to find another girl in archives that was flat and had any growth from BO. Yes there are those have grown but they had breast tissue to begin makes huge difference, it seems fat is attracted to fat so i theorize thats why reasonable sized people can grow effortless. 

Just remember as the old saying goes 'there are many ways to skin a cat', nbe is far more complex then the science that is often brought up, our bodies are clearly smarter then we are and far more complex in its nature. And this forum is one of many regarding breast growth, the others have been deserted however they take a very different approach to nbe then this forum and would think some things we do as backwards thinking. Thats why we should be careful to express ourselves in a way that doesnt influences others right to be creative and try things that are not traditional on this site because on other old sites they are not that way out from their thinking. Eg. Unless something you said actually works and results in growth then its just an opinion doesn't matter where you read it. 

Just as all of above is my opinion.

Hi Bonny, my idea is not all about receptors, i read a lot of “male threads” who grow: we can’t have less E receptors than males, but they grow, so, why can’t  we grow? 
Males gain cellulite and seddlebags with hormonal changes, so, hormones plays the most part of work.
If small breast are caused by “few estrogen receptors” no one should grow. 
For example: BonitaDDs, she was not skinny with an A/B cup, for her body a right small cup should be a C/D cup, she took PM and she grew. I don’t think she had low estrogens but a lot of receptors in her breast before her NBE. 
An other example: my aunt was quite pear shaped with an AA cup (or less) when she was young, when she reached menopause she become apple and her boobs are now a C cup(maybe D, I don’t know for sure) this is because her hormones changed, not because her receptors changed. 
I think we should know what causes fat gain to the breast, FAT GAIN, not glandular grow (if your boobs are all glandular tissue,everyone should have not more than a B cup) 

There are a lot of informations about type of fat and hormonal imbalance, for example, fat girls with fat all over the body are lack of tyroid hormones, people with Cushing disease gain weight in their upper section and face. So, what kind of hormonal imbalance causes big breast? Well, I read that big breast are caused by Hight response of the gland to normal hormones level, but the main factor is fat. 
People with Cushing disease haven’t more cortisol receptors in their upper body and face, people with Cushing disease are normal people who undergo to an excess of cortisol which leads to this type of weight gain. 

And then, I read your posts, you say you re flat but your boobs become a D cup when you brestfeed, so, your glandular tissue has a good response, BUT you haven’t right hormones. 

About gaining weight, if you’re underweight but you haven’t the right hormones, you can’t grow breast. This is true also if u loose weight, I loose a lot of weight, but my seddlebags and heavy thights are there, so, I just loose tummy and butt. Hormones are the key. 

Noogleberry, well, this is a wonderful help, but as you said, if u haven’t any tissue, what should it stretch? A B cup can reach a C cup with NB quite easily, the more tissue you have, the more you swell. 

BO: I read all threads about AA cups, the only thing that worked for those girls was Bo and NB, read itsjustforfun91, Anastasia threads, but hey, also a lot of other girls with AA cups claimed this. 
On the other side, no girls with AA cups grew with herbs or noogling alone. 

We should ask hormonal test to girls with large boobs on a normal weighted body to see what causes this type of weight gain.

Edited original post.

Not interested in debating.

Do not support Cely ideas, for simple fact most not relevant to this thread.


This is a great thread! As a fellow AA cup member, I would like to share too (even though I haven’t really grow yet). Agreed with the low dose part. Also, patient! It take longer for our body to response. You can learn from my mistake. I was too inpatient with my original program and changed it the third month, right when I was experience growth. That stopped my growth and I can’t  reproduce then growth now. So please be patient and don’t sabotage yourself! 

Also, protein shake helps. If you don’t have enough neutrition or can’t eat a lot, protein shake is a really convenient addition. Drinking is so much easier then eating. Your boobs need some fuel to grow and herb alone might not be enough. 

Can’t think of anything else now. Still exploring what is right for my body. I do have to say though, a lot of people’s starting photo is my goal  Wink

(26-10-2018, 04:03)FlatMeow Wrote:  This is a great thread! As a fellow AA cup member, I would like to share too (even though I haven’t really grow yet). Agreed with the low dose part. Also, patient! It take longer for our body to response. You can learn from my mistake. I was too inpatient with my original program and changed it the third month, right when I was experience growth. That stopped my growth and I can’t  reproduce then growth now. So please be patient and don’t sabotage yourself! 

Also, protein shake helps. If you don’t have enough neutrition or can’t eat a lot, protein shake is a really convenient addition. Drinking is so much easier then eating. Your boobs need some fuel to grow and herb alone might not be enough. 

Can’t think of anything else now. Still exploring what is right for my body. I do have to say though, a lot of people’s starting photo is my goal  Wink

Haha have to agree with you '...a lot of people's starting photo is my goal...' i know its all personal perception but i often think that when i hear 'ive always been flat' and i see a pic and think OMG if you think thats flat what the heck am i lol. But def agree with you its an extra slow process for flat girls and just as you lose hope or start changing stuff (because you think its not working) you realize something was happening or about to happen. 

You definitely need to put the right ingredients in to grow boobies, and alot (generalizing now) flat girls just need more food and natural fats to start the process off. I personally aim for nutrient dense foods. I eat 1/4 - 1/2 cup of nuts a day sounds alot but ive actually found nifty way to incorporate, i buy raw nuts and seeds and blend then up to a sort of chunky powder put them in a container with a moisture absorper (ones you get in other food products ie sushi seaweed packets) and put a few heaped teaspoon it on my cereal every morning. I add coconut oil to my herbal teas during day. Also eat between 1-2 eggs a day, eggs are wonderful superfood especially for a plant based eater (me). Avocado is great as well. I generally stay away from multivitamins and try to take whole herbs rather then extracts (when possible), i figure there is so much synergy with plants, herbs, nuts and seeds that we are unaware of when we isolate one component we mite be removing others which make it effective as well as potentially missing out on other minerals and vitamins.

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