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why I have nipple pain? cause taking fenugreeks?


I suffered PCOS and I take several pills to low it
licorice root, vitamin-d3, omega3, probiotics etc........
spearmint tea is always taken 1~2 cups everyday
but I have acne and long leg's hair :
thesedays, I added fenugreeks to higher sensitivity hormonal receipter
but after that, I have nipples' pain, and they are always swellen
why? what should I do?
and when I searched "fenugreek" on website, "it stimulate testosterone level".
isn't okay to take fenugreek to grow breasts? I don't understand

Hi Biggi
I found a list on the Nexum website posted by Lotus:

Herbs/plant based and grains used for breast enlargement
  • Alfalfa-Natural phytoestrogens, helps with menopausal symptoms, inhibits bone loss caused by estrogen deficiency

  • Anise-Stimulates breast growth by increasing E, (1980 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology)

  • Ashwagandha-Adaptogen, restores a sense of well-being, similar to Panax ginseng

  • Black cohosh-Appears to bind to estrogen receptors, mimics hormonal effects of estrogen, estriol

  • Blessed thistle-Increases the flow of milk, (causes irritation of GI tract)

  • Chaste tree-Corrects hormone imbalances, increases LH in favor of Estrogen, binds to ER-a (estrogen receptor alpha) progesterone receptor

  • Chinese Skullcap-Inhibits 5-alpha-reductase enzyme

  • Coconut Oil-Makes connective tissues stronger, superb antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals and slowing down aging, aids in breast feeding, nature's richest source of MCFAs. 5 ar inhibitor, aromatase

  • Dandelion root-Upregulates estrogen receptors, useful for detox

  • Damiana-For hormone imbalance, improve poor mammary gland development

  • Dong Quai-Balance hormones, assists breast enlargement, improves gland function activities

  • Fennel-Promotes milk production, nutrient rich for NBE growth, stimulates the growth of breast tissue

  • Fenugreek-Prolactin source, phytoestrogen, adaptogen, lowers blood sugars (caution)

  • Flax-Phytoestrogen, increases SHBG, source of omega-3 fatty acids, anti-estrogenic activity/aromatase

  • Goats rue-Builds breast tissue and increases milk supply

  • Hops-estrogen receptors alpha ER-a (which stimulates breast growth), increases SHBG which binds free testosterone

  • Ladies Mantle--The Tannis (6-8%) in LM causes contractions, protects conjunctive and elastic tissues, contains salicylic acid (a mild painkilling action) for painful menstrual periods, It's astringent increases blood flow for circulation and helps with saggy breasts.

  • Nettle root-Binds to SHBG, increases estrogen and testosterone

  • Oats-Phytoestrogen, decreases SHBG, source of zinc, iron, vitamins B6, vitamin E and amino acids

  • Licorice Root-Anti-androgenic, activates alpha and beta estrogen receptors and blocks 5-ar, DGL is thought to have fewer side effects

  • Maca root-Abundant in amino acids, phytonutrients, healthy fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, increase in energy and libido, adaptogen

  • Marshmallow Root-Inhibits Hyaluronidase, increases tissue permeability

  • Milk Thistle-Cleanses the liver of excess hormones

  • PABA- Decreases breakdown of estrogen in your body so you have more free estrogen. (That's not a good thing necessarily, you want to speed up estrogen metabolism).

  • Passion Flower-Calming agent that adds to total well being

  • Pueraria Mirifica-Phytoestrogen, minor anti-androgen (daidzien), anti-estrogenic (ER-beta), miroestrol/dexymiroestrol bind to estrogen receptors (ER-a)

  • Pygeum-Reduces the level of DHT, reduces prolacting levels, Inhibits 5-alpha reductase

  • Red clover-Minor aromatase inhibitor, highly estrogenic, Binds to alpha estrogen receptor alpha (ER-a)

  • Red raspberry--Balance hormones, promotes breast health

  • Red Reishi-Significantly reduces levels of 5-alpha reductase (DHT)

  • Saw palmetto-DHT inhibiting effect, acts on progesterone receptors (causing a reduction in estrogen levels)

  • Shatavari-Phytoestrogen, normalizes estrogen levels, prolactin source, adaptogen

  • Senna-To increase absorption and effectiveness of herbs, eliminates toxins

  • Spearmint-Anti-androgenic properties, reduces the level of free testosterone in the blood, while leaving total testosterone and DHEAS unaffected

  • Watercress-Increases energy, high in iron and vitamin E

  • White peony root-Estrogenic, blocks 5-ar and pro-aromatase

  • Wild yam-Stimulates hormone production, increases progesterone,  prolactin, anti-androgen, and slows the metabolism of estrone, one of the body's own estrogens.

Yogurt-Rich in vitamins, calcium and minerals, growth factors stimulate fibroblast proliferation, collagen, probiotic , and has lactic acid component

As you can see Fenugreek doesn't increase Testosterone.
The list of herbs may help you sort through the long list of what each one does.

(03-07-2018, 16:29)Happyme Wrote:  Hi Biggi
I found a list on the Nexum website posted by Lotus:

Herbs/plant based and grains used for breast enlargement
  • Alfalfa-Natural phytoestrogens, helps with menopausal symptoms, inhibits bone loss caused by estrogen deficiency

  • Anise-Stimulates breast growth by increasing E, (1980 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology)

  • Ashwagandha-Adaptogen, restores a sense of well-being, similar to Panax ginseng

  • Black cohosh-Appears to bind to estrogen receptors, mimics hormonal effects of estrogen, estriol

  • Blessed thistle-Increases the flow of milk, (causes irritation of GI tract)

  • Chaste tree-Corrects hormone imbalances, increases LH in favor of Estrogen, binds to ER-a (estrogen receptor alpha) progesterone receptor

  • Chinese Skullcap-Inhibits 5-alpha-reductase enzyme

  • Coconut Oil-Makes connective tissues stronger, superb antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals and slowing down aging, aids in breast feeding, nature's richest source of MCFAs. 5 ar inhibitor, aromatase

  • Dandelion root-Upregulates estrogen receptors, useful for detox

  • Damiana-For hormone imbalance, improve poor mammary gland development

  • Dong Quai-Balance hormones, assists breast enlargement, improves gland function activities

  • Fennel-Promotes milk production, nutrient rich for NBE growth, stimulates the growth of breast tissue

  • Fenugreek-Prolactin source, phytoestrogen, adaptogen, lowers blood sugars (caution)

  • Flax-Phytoestrogen, increases SHBG, source of omega-3 fatty acids, anti-estrogenic activity/aromatase

  • Goats rue-Builds breast tissue and increases milk supply

  • Hops-estrogen receptors alpha ER-a (which stimulates breast growth), increases SHBG which binds free testosterone

  • Ladies Mantle--The Tannis (6-8%) in LM causes contractions, protects conjunctive and elastic tissues, contains salicylic acid (a mild painkilling action) for painful menstrual periods, It's astringent increases blood flow for circulation and helps with saggy breasts.

  • Nettle root-Binds to SHBG, increases estrogen and testosterone

  • Oats-Phytoestrogen, decreases SHBG, source of zinc, iron, vitamins B6, vitamin E and amino acids

  • Licorice Root-Anti-androgenic, activates alpha and beta estrogen receptors and blocks 5-ar, DGL is thought to have fewer side effects

  • Maca root-Abundant in amino acids, phytonutrients, healthy fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, increase in energy and libido, adaptogen

  • Marshmallow Root-Inhibits Hyaluronidase, increases tissue permeability

  • Milk Thistle-Cleanses the liver of excess hormones

  • PABA- Decreases breakdown of estrogen in your body so you have more free estrogen. (That's not a good thing necessarily, you want to speed up estrogen metabolism).

  • Passion Flower-Calming agent that adds to total well being

  • Pueraria Mirifica-Phytoestrogen, minor anti-androgen (daidzien), anti-estrogenic (ER-beta), miroestrol/dexymiroestrol bind to estrogen receptors (ER-a)

  • Pygeum-Reduces the level of DHT, reduces prolacting levels, Inhibits 5-alpha reductase

  • Red clover-Minor aromatase inhibitor, highly estrogenic, Binds to alpha estrogen receptor alpha (ER-a)

  • Red raspberry--Balance hormones, promotes breast health

  • Red Reishi-Significantly reduces levels of 5-alpha reductase (DHT)

  • Saw palmetto-DHT inhibiting effect, acts on progesterone receptors (causing a reduction in estrogen levels)

  • Shatavari-Phytoestrogen, normalizes estrogen levels, prolactin source, adaptogen

  • Senna-To increase absorption and effectiveness of herbs, eliminates toxins

  • Spearmint-Anti-androgenic properties, reduces the level of free testosterone in the blood, while leaving total testosterone and DHEAS unaffected

  • Watercress-Increases energy, high in iron and vitamin E

  • White peony root-Estrogenic, blocks 5-ar and pro-aromatase

  • Wild yam-Stimulates hormone production, increases progesterone,  prolactin, anti-androgen, and slows the metabolism of estrone, one of the body's own estrogens.

Yogurt-Rich in vitamins, calcium and minerals, growth factors stimulate fibroblast proliferation, collagen, probiotic , and has lactic acid component

As you can see Fenugreek doesn't increase Testosterone.
The list of herbs may help you sort through the long list of what each one does.

and, why I have nipples' pain?
my nipples always very sensitive and swellen.
when I touch my nipple, it takes sore pain

and, this is the website that "fenugreeks stimulate testosterone"


I'm very confused......
please explain this thank you ! Smile

HI Biggi,
Your making me work for this one, but its something I need to do for my own sanity anyway.

So Look at this site: Testosterone in women.

The link you referenced was aimed at fenugreek for men.

Men have this nasty habit of converting T to DHT.
DHT causes lots of problem in men, where as being able to keep T levels up helps with strength, biomass, etc.
The one conclusion says it all

"Conclusion : Fenugreek extract improves the testosterone levels by partially blocking the enzymes responsible for breakdown of testosterone."
SO the T levels are up because they are not converted to DHT.

In your case, From the first site I referenced

"testosterone is indeed present in women, produced primarily in their ovaries and adrenal glands. Although testosterone can be converted to estradiol, the reverse does not happen. Testosterone, however, is not the main androgen (hormones that promote male characteristics) in women. Instead, dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate(DHEA-S), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and androstenedione are the more common androgens in women. These three compounds may then be converted to testosterone to produce masculinizing effects."

Hope that helps or gives you some new direction to look in.
Why your nipples hurt, I have no clue, but maybe slow down the noogle for a bit

Fenugreek also unregulates (removes limitations on) the production of testosterone in testicles based on another study, personal experience and some bodybuilders' experiences.  Since you don't have testicles you'll be fine.

The nipple pain may be from increased prolactin or possibly estrogen or other hormones, or from general breast growth.  You can reduce the fenugreek temporarily if it is uncomfortable, or ignore it if it's not too bad.

Since you have PCOS I would proceed with caution on any herb that doesn't improve your PCOS.  A quick Google suggested that fenugreek can help fight PCOS so it will probably be good to continue.

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