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Are herbs safe to take while on antidepressants?


Is it safe to take herbs while on antidepressants and will they work while on antidepressants? I cannot find much on this subject. My concern is that the herbs could make my antidepressants less effective or that taking antidepressants would make the herbs less effective. 

The big one I can find not to take is St. John's Wart, as it could even be deadly to take it while on antidepressants. I have been looking online for a chart where I can just enter the name of what I take for my depression and the name of each herb at a time to see if there is any interaction, but I cannot find anything like this?

If anyone knows of a chart like this, can you please let me know?


Yes and no.

Some can increase the effectiveness of the antidepressents which may screw with the dose.  Often the saponin ones like fenugreek.

If you have depression issues they also tend to strain the same resources of your body as BE.  So it would be a good idea to not use any NBE herbs at all until the depression is sorted out.  Most won't hurt you greatly, but they could all worsen depression and/or not make you grow due to the depression.  Due to competing resources.  Whole food carbs or the food mix in my first sig link can help tremendously.  I've had depression issues a long time ago and it made a world of difference.

SJW is NOT deadly to take while on antidepressents.  They say that because it is quite effective against depression and there is theoretical risk of overdose.  Mostly you want to watch for overdose if you do use SJW, and ease off the meds.  SJW tends to replace and be better than SSRI antidepressents.

(24-04-2018, 15:24)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  Yes and no.

Some can increase the effectiveness of the antidepressents which may screw with the dose.  Often the saponin ones like fenugreek.

If you have depression issues they also tend to strain the same resources of your body as BE.  So it would be a good idea to not use any NBE herbs at all until the depression is sorted out.  Most won't hurt you greatly, but they could all worsen depression and/or not make you grow due to the depression.  Due to competing resources.  Whole food carbs or the food mix in my first sig link can help tremendously.  I've had depression issues a long time ago and it made a world of difference.

SJW is NOT deadly to take while on antidepressents.  They say that because it is quite effective against depression and there is theoretical risk of overdose.  Mostly you want to watch for overdose if you do use SJW, and ease off the meds.  SJW tends to replace and be better than SSRI antidepressents.
So are you saying it is pointless to try to increase breast size naturally while dealing with depression? if that is the case, maybe that is why I have not seen much progress. No anti-depressants work for me and on top of that, I have very, very high stress levels that never go away because of anxiety and the depression. 

Am I just wasting my time?

(28-04-2018, 07:50)cutiesweets Wrote:  
(24-04-2018, 15:24)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  Yes and no.

Some can increase the effectiveness of the antidepressents which may screw with the dose.  Often the saponin ones like fenugreek.

If you have depression issues they also tend to strain the same resources of your body as BE.  So it would be a good idea to not use any NBE herbs at all until the depression is sorted out.  Most won't hurt you greatly, but they could all worsen depression and/or not make you grow due to the depression.  Due to competing resources.  Whole food carbs or the food mix in my first sig link can help tremendously.  I've had depression issues a long time ago and it made a world of difference.

SJW is NOT deadly to take while on antidepressents.  They say that because it is quite effective against depression and there is theoretical risk of overdose.  Mostly you want to watch for overdose if you do use SJW, and ease off the meds.  SJW tends to replace and be better than SSRI antidepressents.
So are you saying it is pointless to try to increase breast size naturally while dealing with depression? if that is the case, maybe that is why I have not seen much progress. No anti-depressants work for me and on top of that, I have very, very high stress levels that never go away because of anxiety and the depression. 

Am I just wasting my time?
Most likely yes.  I'd focus on the anxiety and depression first and wait on NBE until it at least starts to improve.  Especially NBE herbs.  A couple months to several months perhaps.

Actually what I used a long time ago for depression is very similar to the nuts, bran and etc. in my first sig link.  Worked wonders.  To hurry it along you can also try:

Serotonin: If you are on an SSRI then 5-HTP can also help replenish the resources you need to make serotonin.  Like SJW be wary of overdose if you are taking depression meds at the same time.  Try a low dose, and see if you're allowed to lower your meds at the same time.  That said SSRI meds are pretty mild and it's not likely to cause a huge problem.  Saint John's Wort Extract performs better than SSRI meds in many studies, but likewise be careful of overdose if using both at the same time.  The dose is 300-1800 mg 0.3% hypericin extract.  And we don't have $30 million drug studies done on non-drugs because no one will pay for them.  So switch gradually and with caution.  That said the studies we do have are very promising in terms of better effectiveness and safety.  Like the drug SJWE doesn't actually replenish your serotonin stores so 5-HTP is better.  Start with slowly adding in 5-HTP and maybe or maybe not add in SJWE.

For dopamine, amphetamine or other related antidepressents you use mucuna pruriens to restore your missing dopamine.  The drugs are tweaked narcotics that force you to release dopamine instead and depletes your reserves.  Mucuna pruriens merely supplies dopamine and any excess can be stored away.  So there isn't a risk of addiction or getting high like the drugs.  Dose varies by the strength of mucuna pruriens and the persons needs, if any.  Because extra is stored away overdose is less likely on mucuna pruriens alone, but likewise be careful of overdose if using at the same time as drugs.  In fact it's better to take them at different times of the day on top of limiting amounts.

For anxiety you want GABA.  GABA supplements don't actually enter the brain though and don't do much.  For that you can get Picamilon, GABA bound with niacin.  So supplies GABA in a way that reaches the brain.  Unlike drugs that force the release of GABA and deplete it over time.  It used to be an extremely nice supplement but even though nobody was getting hurt the FDA reclassified it as a drug.  Which you can only get from Russia since it isn't made in the U.S.  It was prescription there but now I believe it's over the counter.  U.S. drugs are still prescription only because they aren't as safe.  There are pain in the butt places where you can order it online, but I think you're supposed to have a prescription to import it.  Not sure.  If so it's catch 22 because it isn't prescribed or available in the U.S.  They often don't check though.  Dose is 50-200 mg, taken in the morning.  Or while it's not that great and much of it won't get used for your anxiety, you can take GABA to at least provide some resources.

Or you can skip all that and just use the nuts, bran and etc. if you're patient.  They provide all the needed resources including much more than the above.  They'll just go everywhere and not directly to the brain.  But I wouldn't use the above without the nuts & bran, since they won't replenish everything you need.

Why you don't grow (and will not) is directly tied to stress (i.e High Cortisol). Separate yourself from the things that add stress in your life.....surround yourself with people who make you things  to reduce stress, take walks, yoga, meditation, etc.

Here's an example of how out of control cortisol can be destructive for hormone function:
Quote: Cortisol blocks the production of estrogen and testosterone production at both the ovarian and testicular levels as well as blocking estrogen or testosterone from binding to the cellular receptors. In other words, stress blocks production of sex hormones and the ability for them to stimulate the cell to make you feel your best.

Next, focus on adrenal ( identify your adrenal body type), get the proper sleep (very important), controlling insulin (especially from sugar spikes) helps to balance hormones..which is optimal for breast health, check gut pH, balance at 7.0 which is neutral...test strips are available online, or see further info here:

4 Steps to Achieve Proper pH Balance

Don't throw in the towel just yet, stay focused and postive.


I actually did give up about 5 days ago. I had a major depressive episode, so couldn't really focus on anything.

After 5 months of pumping and massage, I still did not see much progress though, if any at all. 

Honestly, I don't think I will ever be able to find something that helps with my anxiety and depression. I have been trying different medications since the age of 13. I also tried therapy for a couple years that did not help. 

I tried a keto diet, but stopped that before I knew if it would help. It seemed like it would be kind of counterproductive. My anti-depressants are meant to increase serotonin levels, while low carb diets reduce serotonin levels.

I am honestly thinking about saving up for breast implants again. I had the money saved up for them about a year ago, but I cancelled the surgery at the last minute because I am terrified of anesthesia. I ended up spending that money, so now it will be a couple years before I have the money saved up again.

I am starting to think breast implants are my only option, since my stress, anxiety, and depression levels never go down no matter what I do. I had hope because I was still able to build muscle with high stress levels, but NBE does not seem to work for me. 

Would it be worth trying a herb program such as EveM's in these 2 years I save up for breast implants, or no, since like you two say, high cortisol will not allow me to grow? Is it still worth a shot or would I definitely be wasting my time and money?

(30-04-2018, 23:18)cutiesweets Wrote:  I actually did give up about 5 days ago. I had a major depressive episode, so couldn't really focus on anything.

After 5 months of pumping and massage, I still did not see much progress though, if any at all. 

Honestly, I don't think I will ever be able to find something that helps with my anxiety and depression. I have been trying different medications since the age of 13. I also tried therapy for a couple years that did not help. 

I tried a keto diet, but stopped that before I knew if it would help. It seemed like it would be kind of counterproductive. My anti-depressants are meant to increase serotonin levels, while low carb diets reduce serotonin levels.

I am honestly thinking about saving up for breast implants again. I had the money saved up for them about a year ago, but I cancelled the surgery at the last minute because I am terrified of anesthesia. I ended up spending that money, so now it will be a couple years before I have the money saved up again.

I am starting to think breast implants are my only option, since my stress, anxiety, and depression levels never go down no matter what I do. I had hope because I was still able to build muscle with high stress levels, but NBE does not seem to work for me. 

Would it be worth trying a herb program such as EveM's in these 2 years I save up for breast implants, or no, since like you two say, high cortisol will not allow me to grow? Is it still worth a shot or would I definitely be wasting my time and money?

I really think the nuts and bran would help where drugs wouldn’t.  They restore your brain chemicals whereas the drugs only force you to release what little you have left and deplete the chemicals further.  Serotonin drugs in general have poor effectiveness.  In addition to the nuts amd bran, you can add 5-HTP and pineapple at the same time for a quicker boost.  But again go easy on the 5 HTP.

The nuts and bran will also help with NBE after depression improves too.  And you’ll probably start to feel better within a few months. And then it’s likely you’d be able to start growing too, well before the 2 years is up. IMO try it, and see if you feel better. Then if so try herbs.

From a quick check on WebMD, it doesn’t look like any of the herbal teas you regularly drink interact with antidepressants, but you might want to double check yourself. I always look up new herbs on WebMD before I start using them.

(02-05-2018, 07:02)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  
(30-04-2018, 23:18)cutiesweets Wrote:  I actually did give up about 5 days ago. I had a major depressive episode, so couldn't really focus on anything.

After 5 months of pumping and massage, I still did not see much progress though, if any at all. 

Honestly, I don't think I will ever be able to find something that helps with my anxiety and depression. I have been trying different medications since the age of 13. I also tried therapy for a couple years that did not help. 

I tried a keto diet, but stopped that before I knew if it would help. It seemed like it would be kind of counterproductive. My anti-depressants are meant to increase serotonin levels, while low carb diets reduce serotonin levels.

I am honestly thinking about saving up for breast implants again. I had the money saved up for them about a year ago, but I cancelled the surgery at the last minute because I am terrified of anesthesia. I ended up spending that money, so now it will be a couple years before I have the money saved up again.

I am starting to think breast implants are my only option, since my stress, anxiety, and depression levels never go down no matter what I do. I had hope because I was still able to build muscle with high stress levels, but NBE does not seem to work for me. 

Would it be worth trying a herb program such as EveM's in these 2 years I save up for breast implants, or no, since like you two say, high cortisol will not allow me to grow? Is it still worth a shot or would I definitely be wasting my time and money?

I really think the nuts and bran would help where drugs wouldn’t.  They restore your brain chemicals whereas the drugs only force you to release what little you have left and deplete the chemicals further.  Serotonin drugs in general have poor effectiveness.  In addition to the nuts amd bran, you can add 5-HTP and pineapple at the same time for a quicker boost.  But again go easy on the 5 HTP.

The nuts and bran will also help with NBE after depression improves too.  And you’ll probably start to feel better within a few months. And then it’s likely you’d be able to start growing too, well before the 2 years is up.  IMO try it, and see if you feel better.  Then if so try herbs.

Thank you for your advice. I will try adding your diet suggestions first. Do you know if taking 5-HTP is safe to take while on antidepressants or is it only if I am not on them?

(03-05-2018, 08:26)nanakante Wrote:  From a quick check on WebMD, it doesn’t look like any of the herbal teas you regularly drink interact with antidepressants, but you might want to double check yourself. I always look up new herbs on WebMD before I start using them.

Thank you. I will have a look at the WebMD site.

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