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Hi, new here :) Looking for answer to hormonal imbalance


Hi, new here J
I’ve been reading the messages on this board for a couple of weeks and it’s comforting to know we’re all together in this frustration and determination!  I’ve always been small-breasted but for the past few years have been convinced that I’m underdeveloped due to a hormonal imbalance – I also have acne that started when I was 11/12 and still persists now at 27.  I am so fed up of both having a face full of acne and the chest of a teenager – I feel like I’m stuck in puberty and it really affects my confidence and self-esteem, as I’m sure lots on here can relate to.  It affects my relationships and it’s just frustrating more than anything because I know if I can just find the answer to this imbalance I could have a clear skin and a normal-sized chest.  The most frustrating thing is that a couple of years ago when I was off the pill my breasts actually grew to a C cup for 6 months and then deflated again! L  My skin was also clear during this time!  I’ve since tried coming off the pill again but nothing happened and my acne became too bad so I had to go back on.  I’m now off again and it’s really getting me down trying to find a solution and not being able to.  I’ve been reading so much about it and nothing seems to make sense.  If anyone can shed light on any aspect I’d be so grateful!

Age: 27
Puberty: 9(!) this is when I developed breasts and pubic hair.. you can imagine my shock!
Period started: 11
Acne: Started at 11/12, I have oily skin in the morning and whiteheads which often turn into red bumps under the skin.  I have rosacea so my nose and cheeks are always red.  I have cystic acne on my chin (lumps under chin and scars) but I’ve also had it on my cheeks and nose. 
Body shape: I’m petite and slim but not underweight.  I have wide hips but a small frame around chest/ribcage/skinny arms etc.  I don’t feel my hips/bum are in proportion with my upper half, though it’s not really noticeable as I’m slim.  If it makes any difference I’m 5 ft 5 ½ and about 8 stone (fluctuates from 8 stone 2 to 8 stone 6).  Breasts are in Tanner Stage 4 with no separate mound under the nipple and large, puffy pink nipples.  I feel they have a good frame but just aren’t filled out/no fat, especially on top.  They are slightly triangular but not tuberous.  Bit of a ski slope at the top of the breast.   
Cycle: When not on the pill, my acne clears during my period and flares up around ovulation.  Once I’ve ovulated it calms down.  It gets bad the few days leading up to my period and then clears and is the best all month during my period.  When my breasts grew the other year, I had terrible period pain/cramps that I’d never had before.  This lasted a few months while my breasts were bigger and then went away when they shrunk or when I went back on the pill.  This makes me suspect ED?
Other hormonal factors:  I don’t have hirsutism but I do get dark hairs around my nipples.  I have acne and oily skin/whiteheads.  I don’t carry any fat around my stomach or abdomen. Starting puberty so early (developing early then stopping). Currently I have high cortisol as well as high prolactin.  My testosterone reading off the pill was 1 (I assume normal?).  I have been tested for PCOS and been told I don’t have it.  Can high prolactin and high cortisol stunt growth or shrink breasts to this extent?
Hormonal testing/info: I paid for some private blood tests for estrogen and progesterone which have been normal, though they were tested on the same day and I was told that it didn’t matter where in my cycle I was...  So they may not be right.  My last progesterone test was low but I was having a withdrawal bleed at the time so I can’t say as to its accuracy (though I had acne and deflated breasts at the time so thought it may still highlight something).  When on Vitex I had clearer skin but no growth.  I also got headaches around ovulation which is a sign of ED, but it makes no sense if Vitex boosts progesterone?  
Current Programme: (tell me if this is overloading my body with too much! I may not take them all every day)
PM – 500mg x1 (not sure about this due to ED symptoms but tests have been normal, though possibly not accurate.  However, combined BCPs have helped slightly with skin and growth in the past but only slightly or short term)
MSM capsules – 750mg x2 with orange juice (been taking for nearly two weeks but no change so far)
Maca root capsules 2500mg (I bought the powder but the taste made me retch!) – for hormonal balance, slightly worried about getting a huge bum! I will probably just start off with just one a day as 2500mg seems a lot!  But I don’t know, any advice?
Ashwaghanda – mainly for depression/anxiety and lowering stress/cortisol levels in case it helps
Massage: with Nip/Bust Fix cream.  I just do circular motions mainly and pinching etc before bed but I’m going to look into proper methods. 
On odd days I add in: (for my skin mainly)
Multivitamin tablet
Zinc tablet
I’ve thought about taking Agnus Castus (Vitex) again even though it did nothing for my boobs because my face is in such a state L Is it too much to add this in as well?  I’ve ordered a natural progesterone cream online too but it still hasn’t arrived from the US.  Should I add a protein shake?
I’m really sorry this is so long and or not laid out well, but I’m so upset about this and just reaching out to fellow sufferers in case anyone can spot any signs of what imbalance I may have or anything that may help me or changes to my programme – thanks so much J I’m glad to be finally posting here and joining in!
Beth x

Also using flaxseed on my cereal every morning! 

Sorry for the long post, even if no replies happy to be on here!

(17-04-2018, 14:08)Beth-x Wrote:  Hi, new here J
I’ve been reading the messages on this board for a couple of weeks and it’s comforting to know we’re all together in this frustration and determination!  I’ve always been small-breasted but for the past few years have been convinced that I’m underdeveloped due to a hormonal imbalance – I also have acne that started when I was 11/12 and still persists now at 27.  I am so fed up of both having a face full of acne and the chest of a teenager – I feel like I’m stuck in puberty and it really affects my confidence and self-esteem, as I’m sure lots on here can relate to.  It affects my relationships and it’s just frustrating more than anything because I know if I can just find the answer to this imbalance I could have a clear skin and a normal-sized chest.  The most frustrating thing is that a couple of years ago when I was off the pill my breasts actually grew to a C cup for 6 months and then deflated again! L  My skin was also clear during this time!  I’ve since tried coming off the pill again but nothing happened and my acne became too bad so I had to go back on.  I’m now off again and it’s really getting me down trying to find a solution and not being able to.  I’ve been reading so much about it and nothing seems to make sense.  If anyone can shed light on any aspect I’d be so grateful!

Age: 27
Puberty: 9(!) this is when I developed breasts and pubic hair.. you can imagine my shock!
Period started: 11
Acne: Started at 11/12, I have oily skin in the morning and whiteheads which often turn into red bumps under the skin.  I have rosacea so my nose and cheeks are always red.  I have cystic acne on my chin (lumps under chin and scars) but I’ve also had it on my cheeks and nose. 
Body shape: I’m petite and slim but not underweight.  I have wide hips but a small frame around chest/ribcage/skinny arms etc.  I don’t feel my hips/bum are in proportion with my upper half, though it’s not really noticeable as I’m slim.  If it makes any difference I’m 5 ft 5 ½ and about 8 stone (fluctuates from 8 stone 2 to 8 stone 6).  Breasts are in Tanner Stage 4 with no separate mound under the nipple and large, puffy pink nipples.  I feel they have a good frame but just aren’t filled out/no fat, especially on top.  They are slightly triangular but not tuberous.  Bit of a ski slope at the top of the breast.   
Cycle: When not on the pill, my acne clears during my period and flares up around ovulation.  Once I’ve ovulated it calms down.  It gets bad the few days leading up to my period and then clears and is the best all month during my period.  When my breasts grew the other year, I had terrible period pain/cramps that I’d never had before.  This lasted a few months while my breasts were bigger and then went away when they shrunk or when I went back on the pill.  This makes me suspect ED?
Other hormonal factors:  I don’t have hirsutism but I do get dark hairs around my nipples.  I have acne and oily skin/whiteheads.  I don’t carry any fat around my stomach or abdomen. Starting puberty so early (developing early then stopping). Currently I have high cortisol as well as high prolactin.  My testosterone reading off the pill was 1 (I assume normal?).  I have been tested for PCOS and been told I don’t have it.  Can high prolactin and high cortisol stunt growth or shrink breasts to this extent?
Hormonal testing/info: I paid for some private blood tests for estrogen and progesterone which have been normal, though they were tested on the same day and I was told that it didn’t matter where in my cycle I was...  So they may not be right.  My last progesterone test was low but I was having a withdrawal bleed at the time so I can’t say as to its accuracy (though I had acne and deflated breasts at the time so thought it may still highlight something).  When on Vitex I had clearer skin but no growth.  I also got headaches around ovulation which is a sign of ED, but it makes no sense if Vitex boosts progesterone?  
Current Programme: (tell me if this is overloading my body with too much! I may not take them all every day)
PM – 500mg x1 (not sure about this due to ED symptoms but tests have been normal, though possibly not accurate.  However, combined BCPs have helped slightly with skin and growth in the past but only slightly or short term)
MSM capsules – 750mg x2 with orange juice (been taking for nearly two weeks but no change so far)
Maca root capsules 2500mg (I bought the powder but the taste made me retch!) – for hormonal balance, slightly worried about getting a huge bum! I will probably just start off with just one a day as 2500mg seems a lot!  But I don’t know, any advice?
Ashwaghanda – mainly for depression/anxiety and lowering stress/cortisol levels in case it helps
Massage: with Nip/Bust Fix cream.  I just do circular motions mainly and pinching etc before bed but I’m going to look into proper methods. 
On odd days I add in: (for my skin mainly)
Multivitamin tablet
Zinc tablet
I’ve thought about taking Agnus Castus (Vitex) again even though it did nothing for my boobs because my face is in such a state L Is it too much to add this in as well?  I’ve ordered a natural progesterone cream online too but it still hasn’t arrived from the US.  Should I add a protein shake?
I’m really sorry this is so long and or not laid out well, but I’m so upset about this and just reaching out to fellow sufferers in case anyone can spot any signs of what imbalance I may have or anything that may help me or changes to my programme – thanks so much J I’m glad to be finally posting here and joining in!
Beth x

Hi Beth, 
I think firstly more research is required, i tend not to give advice because its hard to interpret whats happening in others bodies. But your right, from what ive read on here, hormone test can be unreliable at times. Maybe back track your research and look at testosterone, prolactin, e and proges, theres also others eg cortisol and adrenal fatigue, see the dance they do for example high one can block another. And please remember its not always about introducing E sometimes it can be lowering or increasing others. But please use your time on here to research, and take your time to figure it out. Look out for post by Lotus they are generally based on research,  not just what someones tried and worked for them.
I can feel your frustration in your words, but i can promise you if you research, take time to let things work and remain focus you can change things. Change is  slow but worth it. Put your frustration to good use.

Agree with Chrissy. We all are different with different inbalances so no one size fits all and research research research.

Off topic but not i'm going to try "seed cycling"
Maybe it'l raise the hormones that need to be raised. Old fenugreek doesn't agree with me and meant to do the same thing. The seeds will be hard to digest so will work around that.
I've always said/wondered if there's an "adaptogen" out there that will balance all the sex hormones in one hit!?
If what you have that's causing your issues is auto immune in nature might want to put off the ashwaghanda, might stimulate things in the wrong direction, same reason i have it but haven't TRIED it Smile
You can always "self refer" hormone tests but again research to get the right one and do it at the right time. I think its instrumental. Maybe not completely reliable but if there was something truely screamingly awry a decent test would red flag it and that's what you want initially.
The hairs around nipples isnt that tied up with PCOS?
Also just my opinion, way too much maca! Start a bit lower and and if were you i'd do one thing, not confuse and overload the body cause I've been there done that and ended up worse. I had much more success with maca in balancing me out by taking just that on its own. Whole world botanicals worked brilliantly but they use Carrageenan in their pills which isn't ideal so i stopped using it.

(18-04-2018, 04:32)Chrissygwy Wrote:  
(17-04-2018, 14:08)Beth-x Wrote:  Hi, new here J
I’ve been reading the messages on this board for a couple of weeks and it’s comforting to know we’re all together in this frustration and determination!  I’ve always been small-breasted but for the past few years have been convinced that I’m underdeveloped due to a hormonal imbalance – I also have acne that started when I was 11/12 and still persists now at 27.  I am so fed up of both having a face full of acne and the chest of a teenager – I feel like I’m stuck in puberty and it really affects my confidence and self-esteem, as I’m sure lots on here can relate to.  It affects my relationships and it’s just frustrating more than anything because I know if I can just find the answer to this imbalance I could have a clear skin and a normal-sized chest.  The most frustrating thing is that a couple of years ago when I was off the pill my breasts actually grew to a C cup for 6 months and then deflated again! L  My skin was also clear during this time!  I’ve since tried coming off the pill again but nothing happened and my acne became too bad so I had to go back on.  I’m now off again and it’s really getting me down trying to find a solution and not being able to.  I’ve been reading so much about it and nothing seems to make sense.  If anyone can shed light on any aspect I’d be so grateful!

Age: 27
Puberty: 9(!) this is when I developed breasts and pubic hair.. you can imagine my shock!
Period started: 11
Acne: Started at 11/12, I have oily skin in the morning and whiteheads which often turn into red bumps under the skin.  I have rosacea so my nose and cheeks are always red.  I have cystic acne on my chin (lumps under chin and scars) but I’ve also had it on my cheeks and nose. 
Body shape: I’m petite and slim but not underweight.  I have wide hips but a small frame around chest/ribcage/skinny arms etc.  I don’t feel my hips/bum are in proportion with my upper half, though it’s not really noticeable as I’m slim.  If it makes any difference I’m 5 ft 5 ½ and about 8 stone (fluctuates from 8 stone 2 to 8 stone 6).  Breasts are in Tanner Stage 4 with no separate mound under the nipple and large, puffy pink nipples.  I feel they have a good frame but just aren’t filled out/no fat, especially on top.  They are slightly triangular but not tuberous.  Bit of a ski slope at the top of the breast.   
Cycle: When not on the pill, my acne clears during my period and flares up around ovulation.  Once I’ve ovulated it calms down.  It gets bad the few days leading up to my period and then clears and is the best all month during my period.  When my breasts grew the other year, I had terrible period pain/cramps that I’d never had before.  This lasted a few months while my breasts were bigger and then went away when they shrunk or when I went back on the pill.  This makes me suspect ED?
Other hormonal factors:  I don’t have hirsutism but I do get dark hairs around my nipples.  I have acne and oily skin/whiteheads.  I don’t carry any fat around my stomach or abdomen. Starting puberty so early (developing early then stopping). Currently I have high cortisol as well as high prolactin.  My testosterone reading off the pill was 1 (I assume normal?).  I have been tested for PCOS and been told I don’t have it.  Can high prolactin and high cortisol stunt growth or shrink breasts to this extent?
Hormonal testing/info: I paid for some private blood tests for estrogen and progesterone which have been normal, though they were tested on the same day and I was told that it didn’t matter where in my cycle I was...  So they may not be right.  My last progesterone test was low but I was having a withdrawal bleed at the time so I can’t say as to its accuracy (though I had acne and deflated breasts at the time so thought it may still highlight something).  When on Vitex I had clearer skin but no growth.  I also got headaches around ovulation which is a sign of ED, but it makes no sense if Vitex boosts progesterone?  
Current Programme: (tell me if this is overloading my body with too much! I may not take them all every day)
PM – 500mg x1 (not sure about this due to ED symptoms but tests have been normal, though possibly not accurate.  However, combined BCPs have helped slightly with skin and growth in the past but only slightly or short term)
MSM capsules – 750mg x2 with orange juice (been taking for nearly two weeks but no change so far)
Maca root capsules 2500mg (I bought the powder but the taste made me retch!) – for hormonal balance, slightly worried about getting a huge bum! I will probably just start off with just one a day as 2500mg seems a lot!  But I don’t know, any advice?
Ashwaghanda – mainly for depression/anxiety and lowering stress/cortisol levels in case it helps
Massage: with Nip/Bust Fix cream.  I just do circular motions mainly and pinching etc before bed but I’m going to look into proper methods. 
On odd days I add in: (for my skin mainly)
Multivitamin tablet
Zinc tablet
I’ve thought about taking Agnus Castus (Vitex) again even though it did nothing for my boobs because my face is in such a state L Is it too much to add this in as well?  I’ve ordered a natural progesterone cream online too but it still hasn’t arrived from the US.  Should I add a protein shake?
I’m really sorry this is so long and or not laid out well, but I’m so upset about this and just reaching out to fellow sufferers in case anyone can spot any signs of what imbalance I may have or anything that may help me or changes to my programme – thanks so much J I’m glad to be finally posting here and joining in!
Beth x

Hi Beth, 
I think firstly more research is required, i tend not to give advice because its hard to interpret whats happening in others bodies. But your right, from what ive read on here, hormone test can be unreliable at times. Maybe back track your research and look at testosterone, prolactin, e and proges, theres also others eg cortisol and adrenal fatigue, see the dance they do for example high one can block another. And please remember its not always about introducing E sometimes it can be lowering or increasing others. But please use your time on here to research, and take your time to figure it out. Look out for post by Lotus they are generally based on research,  not just what someones tried and worked for them.
I can feel your frustration in your words, but i can promise you if you research, take time to let things work and remain focus you can change things. Change is  slow but worth it. Put your frustration to good use.

Thank you Chrissy. That makes sense and I'm doing so much research that I'm giving myself a headache! I'm getting confused because I have some symptoms of ED and high androgens but the herbs that are meant to help those don't give me any growth at all. I thought it might be low progesterone so tried Vitex. My skin improved on this but it gave me headaches leading up to ovulation (when estrogen is meant to be high) - I don't know why it would do this if the progesterone should balance out estrogen. Saw Palmetto made my skin even more oily and shrunk my breasts and made me feel a bit foggy-brained. DIM hasn't had much effect either. 
I have high cortisol and high prolactin at the moment (high prolactin and shrinking breasts!) Results below! Going to get Testosterone checked even though my last reading off the pill a couple of years ago was normal (despite me having oily acne and nipple hair). Sometimes I feel like I'll never find the answer! Thanks for your advice, it makes sense - I just wish I was more patient  Rolleyes

Recent tests (April 2018) 
Cortisol: High at 972.  Normal range 133 – 537.
Prolactin: High at 571.  Normal range 102 – 496
Estrogen: Normal. Meant to be tested on day 3, but no idea due to having recently come off the pill. 
Progesterone: Low, but I was bleeding at the time after coming off the progesterone only pill. 
FSH: High. But I was having a withdrawal bleed at the time so not sure how accurate this is.
LH: Normal. But just come off pill so who knows. 

(18-04-2018, 06:15)EllaC Wrote:  Agree with Chrissy. We all are different with different inbalances so no one size fits all and research research research.

Off topic but not i'm going to try "seed cycling"
Maybe it'l raise the hormones that need to be raised. Old fenugreek doesn't agree with me and meant to do the same thing. The seeds will be hard to digest so will work around that.
I've always said/wondered if there's an "adaptogen" out there that will balance all the sex hormones in one hit!?
If what you have that's causing your issues is auto immune in nature might want to put off the ashwaghanda, might stimulate things in the wrong direction, same reason i have it but haven't TRIED it Smile
You can always "self refer" hormone tests but again research to get the right one and do it at the right time. I think its instrumental. Maybe not completely reliable but if there was something truely screamingly awry a decent test would red flag it and that's what you want initially.
The hairs around nipples isnt that tied up with PCOS?
Also just my opinion, way too much maca! Start a bit lower and and if were you i'd do one thing, not confuse and overload the body cause I've been there done that and ended up worse. I had much more success with maca in balancing me out by taking just that on its own. Whole world botanicals worked brilliantly but they use Carrageenan in their pills which isn't ideal so i stopped using it.

Yes me too, searching for that balancer! I thought Vitex was a balancing herb but I got no growth from it. I'm now trying Maca, an apparent adaptogen. Trying not to be too hopeful that I'll find that magic pill that sorts everything out for me! But it does happen for some people, they find the supplement that fixes everything. The Maca I've got is 2500mg a capsule - I did think it sounded a lot! Maybe I've chosen a band brand Sad 
Yeah I'll wait til I've been off the pill a bit longer and then do more tests.  And ignore them if they tell me it doesn't matter which day of my cycle they're taken on! There's £200 I'll never see again...
I feel I have some symptoms of PCOS but I've had a pelvic scan that was normal so I doubt the NHS will scan me again. I'll try to test my testosterone again. If it's normal I really don't know what to think! I want to see a private hormone specialist but whenever I've enquired they seem very dismissive unless you're not having infertility problems. Starting to despair!

Hi Beth,
I think I can relate to some of your problems. Most of them are past for me so my tips are:
Take for stress magnesium. It plays a big role in our body, also good for excreting estrogen to get rid of ED. But has many health and hormone benefits. For acne I think you should look at your diet and it is partly hormonal as well I think. If so astaxanthin should help, it lowers free testosterone. Bad things in your diet can be white bread, diary, high fat diary products, chocolate, pork meat, sugar, maybe google has more? It took me a year to fully get in tune with my diet. Since i stopped eating creamy desserts and  chocolate and more fresh whole foods instead I have zero zits. Having enough vitamin c in your diet is another important one. Hope this helps a little.

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