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How should I start?


Oh wow those threads are a goldmine! It seems that the noogleberry vacuum works a lot stronger than the one I have now, so medium could be right! I'll search around some more on this forum about the noogleberry system and cups. Thank you!

Haha yes, I already read in some posts on here that you have to be a little inventive to make things work sometimes. My cheap pump still works crappy though, losing the vacuum when shifting even slightly and the thing broke when i put it in my drawer a bit too hastily so now it's even harder to keep a vacuum. Uuugh...
So that's why I want the Noogleberry to fit well.

I will probably order the medium countoured ones with the foam rings and maybe an airlock, as soon as I get the money together. They seem to work like magic according to everyone her :Big Grin It makes me so excited, I hope it will for me too aaah!

(31-03-2018, 11:21 PM)hannah Wrote:  Hi Hazy,
I read you had nosebleedings from taking herbs. That must have been a dissapointment! I hope the Noogleberry does do its job for you...if they dont fit your frame just use one dome at a time. Maybe JenniferLoves thread is helpful for you as well it should be in the program pages somewhere. Also antoher idea for you could be to avoid the internal problems you had with herbs, is to use them topically. You could make or buy your own pm cream. Or fenugreek oil perhaps tinctures. Or you can buy breast enhancing creams like volufiline or zhi mu extract or whatever is out there. Essential oils like fennel lavender,geranium, cinnamon. I even read promising comments from someone here who made her own nutmeg oil, dont surpass 10 grams btw and always research everything because thats how you stay motivated doing routines. You can tell yourself why certain things you do are good for you.  I also think pumping alone isnt enough. Hope youll find your  ways in nbe, there is a lot to try... Wink

Hi just thought id add to convo mainly regarding my experience. I was super skinny when i started nbe and tried for a year with no real succes, ive put on some healthy weight (6kg) and am sitting at a nice healthy 55kg. Its only now am starting to get anywhere with nbe mind you still slowly but it all counts. So it maybe worth considering this in your nbe journey. Look at healthy fats, plus side it makes you feel a little more sexy with a bit more meat on the bones. Well does me. 

@Hannah, I didn't know you could use herbs topically as well! That could be a solution. I want to combine pumping with massaging and oils/creams. I'm already doing some massages, but not the ones in JenifferLove's thread. (The woman in the video seems so hostile :O I will be way more tender with myself.) I could combine a herb oil with these massaging techniques. For now I'm using what I have, but PM cream, volufiline or herb extract could be my next step.
There IS such a lot to try! And at the same time it's important to keep it simple. Do people usually need a lot of time to figure out what works and what doesn't?

@Chrissygwy, I know what you mean, I really should gain some weight. I'd like to gain at least 3 kg, but it is so difficult. I'm on and off diets cause I can't keep them up. Once I gained 3 kilos and it made me look so much.. rosier or something. But when I stopped stuffing myself the way I had been doing for three months, it all disappeared terribly quickly :'(
In theory I know how it works: eat the right things, eat them more often and probably increase my intake in tiny babysteps... but I find it difficult. Do you have some magic tricks, maybe? :p And congratulations on your progress!!

Thank you all for being so helpful!

(02-04-2018, 12:48 PM)HazyMissDaisy Wrote:  @Hannah, I didn't know you could use herbs topically as well! That could be a solution. I want to combine pumping with massaging and oils/creams. I'm already doing some massages, but not the ones in JenifferLove's thread. (The woman in the video seems so hostile :O I will be way more tender with myself.) I could combine a herb oil with these massaging techniques. For now I'm using what I have, but PM cream, volufiline or herb extract could be my next step.
There IS such a lot to try! And at the same time it's important to keep it simple. Do people usually need a lot of time to figure out what works and what doesn't?

@Chrissygwy, I know what you mean, I really should gain some weight. I'd like to gain at least 3 kg, but it is so difficult. I'm on and off diets cause I can't keep them up. Once I gained 3 kilos and it made me look so much.. rosier or something. But when I stopped stuffing myself the way I had been doing for three months, it all disappeared terribly quickly :'(
In theory I know how it works: eat the right things, eat them more often and probably increase my intake in tiny babysteps... but I find it difficult. Do you have some magic tricks, maybe? :p And congratulations on your progress!!

Thank you all for being so helpful!

Yes yes yes! See your skin as all little mouthies that can eat. Weird but absorption rate can be higher then taking internal supplements bc you bypass the liver andit cant be broken down as easily and quickly like when itgoes trough your digestive system.
Nbe is a big travel,its like becoming a bodybuilder with a takes time and trial and error. Most girls find their route about 6 months...but its on ongoing journey. A bodybuilder cant justgo snack and drink alcohol for days and days right? He will lose his shape..not i mediately ofcourse but yeh nbe is a lifestyle...
Heads up, you get a new hobby, and you are going to get some new friends....foodies, oils, and when it doesnt work instantly you at leasg did somehealthy things for your body..

(02-04-2018, 12:48 PM)HazyMissDaisy Wrote:  @Hannah, I didn't know you could use herbs topically as well! That could be a solution. I want to combine pumping with massaging and oils/creams. I'm already doing some massages, but not the ones in JenifferLove's thread. (The woman in the video seems so hostile :O I will be way more tender with myself.) I could combine a herb oil with these massaging techniques. For now I'm using what I have, but PM cream, volufiline or herb extract could be my next step.
There IS such a lot to try! And at the same time it's important to keep it simple. Do people usually need a lot of time to figure out what works and what doesn't?

@Chrissygwy, I know what you mean, I really should gain some weight. I'd like to gain at least 3 kg, but it is so difficult. I'm on and off diets cause I can't keep them up. Once I gained 3 kilos and it made me look so much.. rosier or something. But when I stopped stuffing myself the way I had been doing for three months, it all disappeared terribly quickly :'(
In theory I know how it works: eat the right things, eat them more often and probably increase my intake in tiny babysteps... but I find it difficult. Do you have some magic tricks, maybe? :p And congratulations on your progress!!

Thank you all for being so helpful!

Yes yes yes! See your skin as all little mouthies that can eat. Weird but absorption rate can be higher then taking internal supplements bc you bypass the liver andit cant be broken down as easily and quickly like when itgoes trough your digestive system.
Nbe is a big travel,its like becoming a bodybuilder with a takes time and trial and error. Most girls find their route about 6 months...but its on ongoing journey. A bodybuilder cant justgo snack and drink alcohol for days and days right? He will lose his shape..not i mediately ofcourse but yeh nbe is a lifestyle...
Heads up, you get a new hobby, and you are going to get some new friends....foodies, oils, and when it doesnt work instantly you at leasg did somehealthy things for your body..

One tip that worked well for me is actually eating haha. I used to skip brekky, have light lunch and huge dinner.  Now i eat brekky, gf muesli and fruit n seed mix with coconut milk and honey its tasty, has high protein (via seeds n nuts) add some chia seeds, i think this has really helped. I used alot of mayo (not so healthy) free range whole egg variety, coconut oil 2tspn in am and pm, nuts & seeds - high density foods. And at 1st i stopped walking (exercising) but i think this puts weight where you dont want it, so i walk 2-3 wkly not flat out just a strolling pace. 

Hannah def right, youll find what works but it does take sometime and trying to not let frustration beat you is the biggest challenge. The amount of times ive said am done, i cant change it, this is last thing am buying. And even now i look in mirror and cant see difference but they feel different so i keep at it. 


Hey everyone,

I bought a real noogleberry Big Grin and it's sooo much better. It feels way stronger and it pumps way better and it holds the vacuum. I do need to sit still when i'm pumping, cause i feel like either my skin will burst (lol) or the cup pops off. Are you all able to walk around and do things while pumping? Also: is one thing better than then the other when it comes to pump and release or holding the vacuum?

Thank you for advising the medum cups! They fit perfectly and are way smaller than they seemed on the picture!

I'm also still massaging (with coconut and flaxseed oil and two weeks a month with progesterone cream) and I'm trying to up my food intake little by little.

I'm not following my regime very rigidly, cause I have my fulltime job and my new house to fix up and my friends to meet, so if I don't have time for it, I'm not losing sleep over it. Is that very bad for progress? I do try to fulfill at least a bit of my plan everyday. Like, I do the rotation massage when I'm at the toilet, I massage when I'm in the shower, I pump for at least ten minutes before bedtime when i can or I eat or drink my proteins everyday. 

After less then a month of pumping and massaging I already seem to have grown. Measuring is difficult, cause I measured three different things when I wanted to write down my starting point. But I feel like I'm already about a centimeter bigger. I see and feel how much fuller they are, so I'm going to continue without getting discouraged by fluctuations on my measuring lint.

I noticed that I get really thirsty while pumping. You all said to drink enough while noogling, so it's like my body knows what I'm doing and what I need for it. Ladies and gentlemen: listen to your body and obey.

I have set my ultimate goal to 88 cm (now I'm 75-77 cm). I can't even imagine ever getting thát far, but steadily growing would be a great goal on itself. I'll see where your help and my body takes me. This journey is a trip.


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