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Abnormal Boobs - When your Boobs keep on returning back to preNBE no matter what


Dark_Swan - Ohh what show is ittt? Sounds mysterious! Big Grin

Right now, I'm as active as a Panda. No actually a Panda is more active than me. I channelled my inner Panda in the past as well, but I grew. I guess now I can't get away with it anymore. >__> Gone are the days when I used to eat junk on the sofa, watch TV all day but still manage to grow even with a little bit of soy milk. 

Ah...the infamous caffeine. I stopped it long ago, I don't even eat chocolate because of the boobies Tongue (life without chocolate is sad) 

Btw Swan, have you looked into MSM? It helps with fullness. It has a number of health benefits too like it detoxes the liver. I also noticed (in the past) that a prolactin herb (goat's rue, nigella seed, moringa) + while noogling gives better results. Of course if you don't want to touch herbs I would understand, they mess with hormones. MSM is waaay safer.

I appreciate your messages Swan, very very much <3  I think you may be on to something here! I will probably need to get back to increasing HGH and IGF-1 consistently (possibly through Pig Placenta, Colostrum and loads of coconut oil). If I remember well, Belabrasil or GorgeousBlonde had made an interesting post about these saying that HGH/IGF-1 is really the key in permanent boob growth. 

Thank you sweet girls, you have given me renewed hope. May you all have beautiful DDs <3

(09-02-2018, 11:30)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Thanks for your messages Smile

Dark_Swan (beautiful name, btw) - I keep a wellness/nbe journal and document everything. There doesn't seem to be anything different. If anything, I am eating waaaay better than 4 years ago unlike the junk I used to eat. Now that you mention it though, I was a tiiiny bit more active. Could be a possible reason. (I tried different NB techniques, the best one I had found was pump and hold. The others never gave me results unfortunately.)

Ella - Great points. Could be a circulation issue too. It never even occurred to me! Sorry if it's too personal but what did you feel when you had a gastrointestinal infection? Did it last very long? I suffer from IBS/leaky gut, I thought that maybe it is an untreated gastrointestinal infection...dunno.

As for hypnotherapy, I actually went to 2 different Hypnotherapists. It was SOOOOO EXPENSIIVEEEEEEE, and the sad thing is that I gained nothing =/

I guess I'll have to shell out more money for a blood test. *sigh*

Well I had sibo which they reckon IS ibs I’m up to 70% of cases. I blost every day. Developed leaky gut and food allergies . It’s no surprise your not responding if you have leaky gut. Won’t be absorbing nutrients etc I’d try get that healed and you may start responding again Smile

(09-02-2018, 22:01)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Dark_Swan - Ohh what show is ittt? Sounds mysterious! Big Grin

Right now, I'm as active as a Panda. No actually a Panda is more active than me. I channelled my inner Panda in the past as well, but I grew. I guess now I can't get away with it anymore. >__> Gone are the days when I used to eat junk on the sofa, watch TV all day but still manage to grow even with a little bit of soy milk. 

Ah...the infamous caffeine. I stopped it long ago, I don't even eat chocolate because of the boobies Tongue (life without chocolate is sad) 

Btw Swan, have you looked into MSM? It helps with fullness. It has a number of health benefits too like it detoxes the liver. I also noticed (in the past) that a prolactin herb (goat's rue, nigella seed, moringa) + while noogling gives better results. Of course if you don't want to touch herbs I would understand, they mess with hormones. MSM is waaay safer.

I appreciate your messages Swan, very very much <3  I think you may be on to something here! I will probably need to get back to increasing HGH and IGF-1 consistently (possibly through Pig Placenta, Colostrum and loads of coconut oil). If I remember well, Belabrasil or GorgeousBlonde had made an interesting post about these saying that HGH/IGF-1 is really the key in permanent boob growth. 

Thank you sweet girls, you have given me renewed hope. May you all have beautiful DDs <3

The show's name is Once Upon A Time. I really one watch that one show hehe. It's a fantasy show. We see Disney characters and stories in a new and realistic way. 

I don't know much about herbs apart from the fennel, fenugreek and the usual stuff. I will surely look into MSN, sounds like a good idea. 
You know a lot more than me. And you got from an AAA to full C once, you can regain it all again. Don't lose hope.  Big Grin

(10-02-2018, 00:00)EllaC Wrote:  
(09-02-2018, 11:30)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Thanks for your messages Smile

Dark_Swan (beautiful name, btw) - I keep a wellness/nbe journal and document everything. There doesn't seem to be anything different. If anything, I am eating waaaay better than 4 years ago unlike the junk I used to eat. Now that you mention it though, I was a tiiiny bit more active. Could be a possible reason. (I tried different NB techniques, the best one I had found was pump and hold. The others never gave me results unfortunately.)

Ella - Great points. Could be a circulation issue too. It never even occurred to me! Sorry if it's too personal but what did you feel when you had a gastrointestinal infection? Did it last very long? I suffer from IBS/leaky gut, I thought that maybe it is an untreated gastrointestinal infection...dunno.

As for hypnotherapy, I actually went to 2 different Hypnotherapists. It was SOOOOO EXPENSIIVEEEEEEE, and the sad thing is that I gained nothing =/

I guess I'll have to shell out more money for a blood test. *sigh*

Well I had sibo which they reckon IS ibs I’m up to 70% of cases. I blost every day. Developed leaky gut and food allergies . It’s no surprise your not responding if you have leaky gut. Won’t be absorbing nutrients etc I’d try get that healed and you may start responding again Smile

Oh I'm so sorry =( I feel your pain, I really do. How are you doing now? I honestly admire your determination. SIBO is not a piece of cake, yet you managed to overcome it. I'm in awe Smile 

I myself struggled with IBS for most of my late teens and early 20s, and that's when most of my growth happened funnily enough!  I was a faaaarr worse case than I am today too. Dunno, maybe when we are young we can get away with almost anything. I mean, look at this kids today. Growing DDs and Gs when all they eat is junk food and sodas, imagine if they NBEd...would they become Z cups??? =/ 

Swan - Ahhh right Once Upon A Team! Great show, I have to get back to watching it. I see you're a Disney/Fairytales fan too Big Grin I wish you the best of luck with MSM. Thank you for giving me hope <3

(10-02-2018, 11:39)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 00:00)EllaC Wrote:  
(09-02-2018, 11:30)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Thanks for your messages Smile

Dark_Swan (beautiful name, btw) - I keep a wellness/nbe journal and document everything. There doesn't seem to be anything different. If anything, I am eating waaaay better than 4 years ago unlike the junk I used to eat. Now that you mention it though, I was a tiiiny bit more active. Could be a possible reason. (I tried different NB techniques, the best one I had found was pump and hold. The others never gave me results unfortunately.)

Ella - Great points. Could be a circulation issue too. It never even occurred to me! Sorry if it's too personal but what did you feel when you had a gastrointestinal infection? Did it last very long? I suffer from IBS/leaky gut, I thought that maybe it is an untreated gastrointestinal infection...dunno.

As for hypnotherapy, I actually went to 2 different Hypnotherapists. It was SOOOOO EXPENSIIVEEEEEEE, and the sad thing is that I gained nothing =/

I guess I'll have to shell out more money for a blood test. *sigh*

Well I had sibo which they reckon IS ibs I’m up to 70% of cases. I blost every day. Developed leaky gut and food allergies . It’s no surprise your not responding if you have leaky gut. Won’t be absorbing nutrients etc I’d try get that healed and you may start responding again Smile

Oh I'm so sorry =( I feel your pain, I really do. How are you doing now? I honestly admire your determination. SIBO is not a piece of cake, yet you managed to overcome it. I'm in awe Smile 

I myself struggled with IBS for most of my late teens and early 20s, and that's when most of my growth happened funnily enough!  I was a faaaarr worse case than I am today too. Dunno, maybe when we are young we can get away with almost anything. I mean, look at this kids today. Growing DDs and Gs when all they eat is junk food and sodas, imagine if they NBEd...would they become Z cups??? =/ 

Swan - Ahhh right Once Upon A Team! Great show, I have to get back to watching it. I see you're a Disney/Fairytales fan too Big Grin I wish you the best of luck with MSM. Thank you for giving me hope <3

Yeh I always had ibs as a teen and adult to be fair but multiple antibiotics wiped out my beneficial gut flora and some strains never grow back. I’m ok most days but today struggling. Residual food allergies :Sad

I agree I think maybe hormones were high for you back then even with ibs so ma6be that’s the secret? And these young ones today high hormones PLUS artificial hormones and estrogens poisoning the food chain, I’m always shocked at how teens these days seem to have massive boobs!

(10-02-2018, 20:37)EllaC Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 11:39)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 00:00)EllaC Wrote:  
(09-02-2018, 11:30)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Thanks for your messages Smile

Dark_Swan (beautiful name, btw) - I keep a wellness/nbe journal and document everything. There doesn't seem to be anything different. If anything, I am eating waaaay better than 4 years ago unlike the junk I used to eat. Now that you mention it though, I was a tiiiny bit more active. Could be a possible reason. (I tried different NB techniques, the best one I had found was pump and hold. The others never gave me results unfortunately.)

Ella - Great points. Could be a circulation issue too. It never even occurred to me! Sorry if it's too personal but what did you feel when you had a gastrointestinal infection? Did it last very long? I suffer from IBS/leaky gut, I thought that maybe it is an untreated gastrointestinal infection...dunno.

As for hypnotherapy, I actually went to 2 different Hypnotherapists. It was SOOOOO EXPENSIIVEEEEEEE, and the sad thing is that I gained nothing =/

I guess I'll have to shell out more money for a blood test. *sigh*

Well I had sibo which they reckon IS ibs I’m up to 70% of cases. I blost every day. Developed leaky gut and food allergies . It’s no surprise your not responding if you have leaky gut. Won’t be absorbing nutrients etc I’d try get that healed and you may start responding again Smile

Oh I'm so sorry =( I feel your pain, I really do. How are you doing now? I honestly admire your determination. SIBO is not a piece of cake, yet you managed to overcome it. I'm in awe Smile 

I myself struggled with IBS for most of my late teens and early 20s, and that's when most of my growth happened funnily enough!  I was a faaaarr worse case than I am today too. Dunno, maybe when we are young we can get away with almost anything. I mean, look at this kids today. Growing DDs and Gs when all they eat is junk food and sodas, imagine if they NBEd...would they become Z cups??? =/ 

Swan - Ahhh right Once Upon A Team! Great show, I have to get back to watching it. I see you're a Disney/Fairytales fan too Big Grin I wish you the best of luck with MSM. Thank you for giving me hope <3

Yeh I always had ibs as a teen and adult to be fair but multiple antibiotics wiped out my beneficial gut flora and some strains never grow back. I’m ok most days but today struggling. Residual food allergies :Sad

I agree I think maybe hormones were high for you back then even with ibs so ma6be that’s the secret? And these young ones today high hormones PLUS artificial hormones and estrogens poisoning the food chain, I’m always shocked at how teens these days seem to have massive boobs!

Awhhh Sad It happened to me too Ella! Too many antibiotics which made me worse off in the end. But you know what, I'm using this product called Prescript Assist (alternating it with Garden of Life 5 day Max Care) plus some miso (it's supposed to be full of probiotics) in my salads everyday and I can honestly say that it has helped me incredibly. 

I have a lot of food allergies too (eggs, nuts, cow's milk, soy, wheat, rhye..!!!) but when I started taking these probiotics + miso + homemade fermented veggies (when I have the time) I feel a lot better. I still have IBS, unfortunately, but these days it's more under control than it has ever been. Please don't give up. 

Regarding the high hormones...yeah I think you're right. That's why people seem to have the most success when they are still young. 

I hate going out in summer because of all these kids with the massive boobs =/ I used to work in an office last year, and the 2 daughters of my boss used to come and visit. They were 12 and 13 years old. Their boobs were so big I wondered how they even could find bras their size...their frames were soooo tiny! And there I was, typing on my computer, green with envy.

(11-02-2018, 17:38)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 20:37)EllaC Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 11:39)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 00:00)EllaC Wrote:  
(09-02-2018, 11:30)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Thanks for your messages Smile

Dark_Swan (beautiful name, btw) - I keep a wellness/nbe journal and document everything. There doesn't seem to be anything different. If anything, I am eating waaaay better than 4 years ago unlike the junk I used to eat. Now that you mention it though, I was a tiiiny bit more active. Could be a possible reason. (I tried different NB techniques, the best one I had found was pump and hold. The others never gave me results unfortunately.)

Ella - Great points. Could be a circulation issue too. It never even occurred to me! Sorry if it's too personal but what did you feel when you had a gastrointestinal infection? Did it last very long? I suffer from IBS/leaky gut, I thought that maybe it is an untreated gastrointestinal infection...dunno.

As for hypnotherapy, I actually went to 2 different Hypnotherapists. It was SOOOOO EXPENSIIVEEEEEEE, and the sad thing is that I gained nothing =/

I guess I'll have to shell out more money for a blood test. *sigh*

Well I had sibo which they reckon IS ibs I’m up to 70% of cases. I blost every day. Developed leaky gut and food allergies . It’s no surprise your not responding if you have leaky gut. Won’t be absorbing nutrients etc I’d try get that healed and you may start responding again Smile

Oh I'm so sorry =( I feel your pain, I really do. How are you doing now? I honestly admire your determination. SIBO is not a piece of cake, yet you managed to overcome it. I'm in awe Smile 

I myself struggled with IBS for most of my late teens and early 20s, and that's when most of my growth happened funnily enough!  I was a faaaarr worse case than I am today too. Dunno, maybe when we are young we can get away with almost anything. I mean, look at this kids today. Growing DDs and Gs when all they eat is junk food and sodas, imagine if they NBEd...would they become Z cups??? =/ 

Swan - Ahhh right Once Upon A Team! Great show, I have to get back to watching it. I see you're a Disney/Fairytales fan too Big Grin I wish you the best of luck with MSM. Thank you for giving me hope <3

Yeh I always had ibs as a teen and adult to be fair but multiple antibiotics wiped out my beneficial gut flora and some strains never grow back. I’m ok most days but today struggling. Residual food allergies :Sad

I agree I think maybe hormones were high for you back then even with ibs so ma6be that’s the secret? And these young ones today high hormones PLUS artificial hormones and estrogens poisoning the food chain, I’m always shocked at how teens these days seem to have massive boobs!

Awhhh Sad It happened to me too Ella! Too many antibiotics which made me worse off in the end. But you know what, I'm using this product called Prescript Assist (alternating it with Garden of Life 5 day Max Care) plus some miso (it's supposed to be full of probiotics) in my salads everyday and I can honestly say that it has helped me incredibly. 

I have a lot of food allergies too (eggs, nuts, cow's milk, soy, wheat, rhye..!!!) but when I started taking these probiotics + miso + homemade fermented veggies (when I have the time) I feel a lot better. I still have IBS, unfortunately, but these days it's more under control than it has ever been. Please don't give up. 

Regarding the high hormones...yeah I think you're right. That's why people seem to have the most success when they are still young. 

I hate going out in summer because of all these kids with the massive boobs =/ I used to work in an office last year, and the 2 daughters of my boss used to come and visit. They were 12 and 13 years old. Their boobs were so big I wondered how they even could find bras their size...their frames were soooo tiny! And there I was, typing on my computer, green with envy.

Ha ha I think I like you a lot  Smile

It seems we are similar! 

I really appreciate your suggestions! Alternating between soil based and garden of life what a smart thing to do! This is awesome I will look the GOL one up cause I have PA but forget to take! 

And yes miso! Love it! 

I hear you such voluptuous teens here too and I’m seething . Maybe we can help each other. I’m definitely bigger for the most part but lost a lot with sibo and now I’m back up to 61kg none of the extra weight went to boobs but we will get there Smile

(11-02-2018, 23:09)EllaC Wrote:  
(11-02-2018, 17:38)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 20:37)EllaC Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 11:39)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 00:00)EllaC Wrote:  Well I had sibo which they reckon IS ibs I’m up to 70% of cases. I blost every day. Developed leaky gut and food allergies . It’s no surprise your not responding if you have leaky gut. Won’t be absorbing nutrients etc I’d try get that healed and you may start responding again Smile

Oh I'm so sorry =( I feel your pain, I really do. How are you doing now? I honestly admire your determination. SIBO is not a piece of cake, yet you managed to overcome it. I'm in awe Smile 

I myself struggled with IBS for most of my late teens and early 20s, and that's when most of my growth happened funnily enough!  I was a faaaarr worse case than I am today too. Dunno, maybe when we are young we can get away with almost anything. I mean, look at this kids today. Growing DDs and Gs when all they eat is junk food and sodas, imagine if they NBEd...would they become Z cups??? =/ 

Swan - Ahhh right Once Upon A Team! Great show, I have to get back to watching it. I see you're a Disney/Fairytales fan too Big Grin I wish you the best of luck with MSM. Thank you for giving me hope <3

Yeh I always had ibs as a teen and adult to be fair but multiple antibiotics wiped out my beneficial gut flora and some strains never grow back. I’m ok most days but today struggling. Residual food allergies :Sad

I agree I think maybe hormones were high for you back then even with ibs so ma6be that’s the secret? And these young ones today high hormones PLUS artificial hormones and estrogens poisoning the food chain, I’m always shocked at how teens these days seem to have massive boobs!

Awhhh Sad It happened to me too Ella! Too many antibiotics which made me worse off in the end. But you know what, I'm using this product called Prescript Assist (alternating it with Garden of Life 5 day Max Care) plus some miso (it's supposed to be full of probiotics) in my salads everyday and I can honestly say that it has helped me incredibly. 

I have a lot of food allergies too (eggs, nuts, cow's milk, soy, wheat, rhye..!!!) but when I started taking these probiotics + miso + homemade fermented veggies (when I have the time) I feel a lot better. I still have IBS, unfortunately, but these days it's more under control than it has ever been. Please don't give up. 

Regarding the high hormones...yeah I think you're right. That's why people seem to have the most success when they are still young. 

I hate going out in summer because of all these kids with the massive boobs =/ I used to work in an office last year, and the 2 daughters of my boss used to come and visit. They were 12 and 13 years old. Their boobs were so big I wondered how they even could find bras their size...their frames were soooo tiny! And there I was, typing on my computer, green with envy.

Ha ha I think I like you a lot  Smile

It seems we are similar! 

I really appreciate your suggestions! Alternating between soil based and garden of life what a smart thing to do! This is awesome I will look the GOL one up cause I have PA but forget to take! 

And yes miso! Love it! 

I hear you such voluptuous teens here too and I’m seething . Maybe we can help each other. I’m definitely bigger for the most part but lost a lot with sibo and now I’m back up to 61kg none of the extra weight went to boobs but we will get there Smile

haha awwhhh I like you too!! <3 I've been following your progress for years now Big Grin Your results are simply amazing. You're truly one of the NBE Goddesses, right next to Lotus, Tibetian, Rocket, Dynseli, Doll, etc  <3 

The thing with Prescript Assist is that they have now changed their formula, so when I see the old version for sale I buy the sh*t out of it. Of course, I'm poorer now >__>  But yeah, if you manage to find the "29 strains of beneficial microflora" one - BUY IT. ASAP. Those bottles go faster than a pair of designer pants on sale!

Here is a list of stuff that should help probiotic production in the gut (especially probiotics related to Hops and Flax) from my notes:

- soy (ironically) 
- Fats (Omega, 3, 6, 9)
- lots of vegetables and fruit
- miso soup
- probiotic pills
- inulin 
- butyric acid - butter, parmesan cheese, jerusalem artichokes 
- arginine 
- Kefir (milk and the water variety)
- raw milk italian cheese - Toma Piemontese
- sorbitol (may worsen IBS)
- wheatgrass & barley grass 
- spirulina 
- Fructooligosaccharides
- flaxseed ( + fiber)
- regular meat consumption
- Resistant starch (eg. potato starch) 
- Theobromine (this one for Hops mainly) 

With all the stuff I'm taking, my gut should have supernatural powers by now!! 

Eh it sucks so much when we lose what we gain. Sad Yesh let's support each other, we'll get there for sure <3

(12-02-2018, 12:32)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  
(11-02-2018, 23:09)EllaC Wrote:  
(11-02-2018, 17:38)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 20:37)EllaC Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 11:39)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Oh I'm so sorry =( I feel your pain, I really do. How are you doing now? I honestly admire your determination. SIBO is not a piece of cake, yet you managed to overcome it. I'm in awe Smile 

I myself struggled with IBS for most of my late teens and early 20s, and that's when most of my growth happened funnily enough!  I was a faaaarr worse case than I am today too. Dunno, maybe when we are young we can get away with almost anything. I mean, look at this kids today. Growing DDs and Gs when all they eat is junk food and sodas, imagine if they NBEd...would they become Z cups??? =/ 

Swan - Ahhh right Once Upon A Team! Great show, I have to get back to watching it. I see you're a Disney/Fairytales fan too Big Grin I wish you the best of luck with MSM. Thank you for giving me hope <3

Yeh I always had ibs as a teen and adult to be fair but multiple antibiotics wiped out my beneficial gut flora and some strains never grow back. I’m ok most days but today struggling. Residual food allergies :Sad

I agree I think maybe hormones were high for you back then even with ibs so ma6be that’s the secret? And these young ones today high hormones PLUS artificial hormones and estrogens poisoning the food chain, I’m always shocked at how teens these days seem to have massive boobs!

Awhhh Sad It happened to me too Ella! Too many antibiotics which made me worse off in the end. But you know what, I'm using this product called Prescript Assist (alternating it with Garden of Life 5 day Max Care) plus some miso (it's supposed to be full of probiotics) in my salads everyday and I can honestly say that it has helped me incredibly. 

I have a lot of food allergies too (eggs, nuts, cow's milk, soy, wheat, rhye..!!!) but when I started taking these probiotics + miso + homemade fermented veggies (when I have the time) I feel a lot better. I still have IBS, unfortunately, but these days it's more under control than it has ever been. Please don't give up. 

Regarding the high hormones...yeah I think you're right. That's why people seem to have the most success when they are still young. 

I hate going out in summer because of all these kids with the massive boobs =/ I used to work in an office last year, and the 2 daughters of my boss used to come and visit. They were 12 and 13 years old. Their boobs were so big I wondered how they even could find bras their size...their frames were soooo tiny! And there I was, typing on my computer, green with envy.

Ha ha I think I like you a lot  Smile

It seems we are similar! 

I really appreciate your suggestions! Alternating between soil based and garden of life what a smart thing to do! This is awesome I will look the GOL one up cause I have PA but forget to take! 

And yes miso! Love it! 

I hear you such voluptuous teens here too and I’m seething . Maybe we can help each other. I’m definitely bigger for the most part but lost a lot with sibo and now I’m back up to 61kg none of the extra weight went to boobs but we will get there Smile

haha awwhhh I like you too!! <3 I've been following your progress for years now Big Grin Your results are simply amazing. You're truly one of the NBE Goddesses, right next to Lotus, Tibetian, Rocket, Dynseli, Doll, etc  <3 

The thing with Prescript Assist is that they have now changed their formula, so when I see the old version for sale I buy the sh*t out of it. Of course, I'm poorer now >__>  But yeah, if you manage to find the "29 strains of beneficial microflora" one - BUY IT. ASAP. Those bottles go faster than a pair of designer pants on sale!

Here is a list of stuff that should help probiotic production in the gut (especially probiotics related to Hops and Flax) from my notes:

- soy (ironically) 
- Fats (Omega, 3, 6, 9)
- lots of vegetables and fruit
- miso soup
- probiotic pills
- inulin 
- butyric acid - butter, parmesan cheese, jerusalem artichokes 
- arginine 
- Kefir (milk and the water variety)
- raw milk italian cheese - Toma Piemontese
- sorbitol (may worsen IBS)
- wheatgrass & barley grass 
- spirulina 
- Fructooligosaccharides
- flaxseed ( + fiber)
- regular meat consumption
- Resistant starch (eg. potato starch) 
- Theobromine (this one for Hops mainly) 

With all the stuff I'm taking, my gut should have supernatural powers by now!! 

Eh it sucks so much when we lose what we gain. Sad Yesh let's support each other, we'll get there for sure <3
Thank you how sweet xxxx

Ok wow some good suggestions in there! Will make notes. 

And yes omg my last bottle was $85 of prescription assist! Nearly died!

Yes butyrate for bowel inflammation I must must finish my bottle, or maybe go hard on ghee! 
Right take miso in my lunch today too. 

I admire your commitment to getting well, I struggle so badly trying to quit things.. then I think if I don’t stress And get out of my head these things dont affect me as much.

You know I purchased a Microbiome summit I MUST watch it again.

So lovely chatting to you  Smile

(12-02-2018, 19:26)EllaC Wrote:  
(12-02-2018, 12:32)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  
(11-02-2018, 23:09)EllaC Wrote:  
(11-02-2018, 17:38)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  
(10-02-2018, 20:37)EllaC Wrote:  Yeh I always had ibs as a teen and adult to be fair but multiple antibiotics wiped out my beneficial gut flora and some strains never grow back. I’m ok most days but today struggling. Residual food allergies :Sad

I agree I think maybe hormones were high for you back then even with ibs so ma6be that’s the secret? And these young ones today high hormones PLUS artificial hormones and estrogens poisoning the food chain, I’m always shocked at how teens these days seem to have massive boobs!

Awhhh Sad It happened to me too Ella! Too many antibiotics which made me worse off in the end. But you know what, I'm using this product called Prescript Assist (alternating it with Garden of Life 5 day Max Care) plus some miso (it's supposed to be full of probiotics) in my salads everyday and I can honestly say that it has helped me incredibly. 

I have a lot of food allergies too (eggs, nuts, cow's milk, soy, wheat, rhye..!!!) but when I started taking these probiotics + miso + homemade fermented veggies (when I have the time) I feel a lot better. I still have IBS, unfortunately, but these days it's more under control than it has ever been. Please don't give up. 

Regarding the high hormones...yeah I think you're right. That's why people seem to have the most success when they are still young. 

I hate going out in summer because of all these kids with the massive boobs =/ I used to work in an office last year, and the 2 daughters of my boss used to come and visit. They were 12 and 13 years old. Their boobs were so big I wondered how they even could find bras their size...their frames were soooo tiny! And there I was, typing on my computer, green with envy.

Ha ha I think I like you a lot  Smile

It seems we are similar! 

I really appreciate your suggestions! Alternating between soil based and garden of life what a smart thing to do! This is awesome I will look the GOL one up cause I have PA but forget to take! 

And yes miso! Love it! 

I hear you such voluptuous teens here too and I’m seething . Maybe we can help each other. I’m definitely bigger for the most part but lost a lot with sibo and now I’m back up to 61kg none of the extra weight went to boobs but we will get there Smile

haha awwhhh I like you too!! <3 I've been following your progress for years now Big Grin Your results are simply amazing. You're truly one of the NBE Goddesses, right next to Lotus, Tibetian, Rocket, Dynseli, Doll, etc  <3 

The thing with Prescript Assist is that they have now changed their formula, so when I see the old version for sale I buy the sh*t out of it. Of course, I'm poorer now >__>  But yeah, if you manage to find the "29 strains of beneficial microflora" one - BUY IT. ASAP. Those bottles go faster than a pair of designer pants on sale!

Here is a list of stuff that should help probiotic production in the gut (especially probiotics related to Hops and Flax) from my notes:

- soy (ironically) 
- Fats (Omega, 3, 6, 9)
- lots of vegetables and fruit
- miso soup
- probiotic pills
- inulin 
- butyric acid - butter, parmesan cheese, jerusalem artichokes 
- arginine 
- Kefir (milk and the water variety)
- raw milk italian cheese - Toma Piemontese
- sorbitol (may worsen IBS)
- wheatgrass & barley grass 
- spirulina 
- Fructooligosaccharides
- flaxseed ( + fiber)
- regular meat consumption
- Resistant starch (eg. potato starch) 
- Theobromine (this one for Hops mainly) 

With all the stuff I'm taking, my gut should have supernatural powers by now!! 

Eh it sucks so much when we lose what we gain. Sad Yesh let's support each other, we'll get there for sure <3
Thank you how sweet xxxx

Ok wow some good suggestions in there! Will make notes. 

And yes omg my last bottle was $85 of prescription assist! Nearly died!

Yes butyrate for bowel inflammation I must must finish my bottle, or maybe go hard on ghee! 
Right take miso in my lunch today too. 

I admire your commitment to getting well, I struggle so badly trying to quit things.. then I think if I don’t stress And get out of my head these things dont affect me as much.

You know I purchased a Microbiome summit I MUST watch it again.

So lovely chatting to you  Smile

I buy Prescript Assist from here - Do you think it would be more affordable for you? This is the "cheapest" I could find.

Ella don't be hard on yourself. You are beautiful, with great results, incredibly wise and intelligent and you're already doing so much for your health. Everyone struggles; becoming healthy ain't a walk in the park Sad Sometimes I have this strange sensation that the more I read and study, the more health problems emerge. Yeah getting out of our heads would surely help. 

Take a look at this super informative website - Don't be alarmed by the long list. It's incredibly informative. I am trying to investigate a bunch of those. There HAS to be a way out of this. (I am less positive on boob growth atm. *sigh*  )

ps. I was thinking of PMing you directly, but then I realized that it's important for other girls and guys to read about our experiences. Hopefully we could be of help/encouragement.

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