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Age 33 
1 child. Breastfed for 1 year.
Height 5 feet 7
Weight 157 lbs

It has been 7 days since I started my program. Starting off slow as I have never used any of these herbs before.

Dong Quai
Red Clover
Wild Yam

I do massages inbetween as previous program of just massage did not bring growth.
Been taking Fenugreek 1500mg per day. * Notice that I am very thirsty all the time with a dry mouth and later headache with dizziness* -The first 3 days
Day 4 Started taking 1 Dong quai per day 450mg at night. No side effects noted. I take it together with Fenugreek.

Chi Massage causing sensitivity in my breasts. Never happened before taking the pills. Deer Massage.... not much a difference just sore if I did Chi the day prior.
How much to take and what goes well with what herb? 
Which herbs do not work well together?

For preference I found it best to look up the ingredients of breast enhance pills like "Breast Actives" and "Mega Bust"
Saw that fenugreek was combined with Dong Quai and in another brand with Wild Yam. Never together. How much to take?? To be seen

7 More days to go of Fenugreek and Dong Quai. Would add in Ground Flaxseed Smoothie Daily. I know Soya has an effect on my breast from the past. So I stocked up on some Soya Milk Drinks Blush
Then I would start Red Clover, Wild Yam and Maca.

Current Size: 36B 
Goal: 36D

Fenugreek is my favourite. Before breakfast and before dinner would be the best times to take the fenugreek, so as to spread out the stimulation. It is most efficient when made use of along with various other natural herbs. For breast enhancement, fenugreek is used together with dong quai, dandelion, PM and fennel.

(05-12-2017, 00:03)Afla Kuro Wrote:  Age 33 
1 child. Breastfed for 1 year.
Height 5 feet 7
Weight 157 lbs

It has been 7 days since I started my program. Starting off slow as I have never used any of these herbs before.

Dong Quai
Red Clover
Wild Yam

I do massages inbetween as previous program of just massage did not bring growth.
Been taking Fenugreek 1500mg per day. * Notice that I am very thirsty all the time with a dry mouth and later headache with dizziness* -The first 3 days
Day 4 Started taking 1 Dong quai per day 450mg at night. No side effects noted. I take it together with Fenugreek.

Chi Massage causing sensitivity in my breasts. Never happened before taking the pills. Deer Massage.... not much a difference just sore if I did Chi the day prior.
How much to take and what goes well with what herb? 
Which herbs do not work well together?

For preference I found it best to look up the ingredients of breast enhance pills like "Breast Actives" and "Mega Bust"
Saw that fenugreek was combined with Dong Quai and in another brand with Wild Yam. Never together. How much to take?? To be seen

7 More days to go of Fenugreek and Dong Quai. Would add in Ground Flaxseed Smoothie Daily. I know Soya has an effect on my breast from the past. So I stocked up on some Soya Milk Drinks Blush
Then I would start Red Clover, Wild Yam and Maca.

Current Size: 36B 
Goal: 36D i'll comment only on what i know.

Wild yam generally used in the 2nd half of cycle (eg day 15 (day 1 is period) to start of period), as it is said to boost progestrogen some dispute this other agree as they say wild yam can only be converted into bioavaliable progestrogen in the lab not from the herb/root itself, i personally use it and find it helps, i've recently swapped to a Wild yam cream applied to breast.

Fenugreek is responsible for headaches and dizziness it lowers blood sugar, i've been told that having a hard sweet/candy or soda can help with this.

Maca is generally not great for breast growth but is used widely for butt growth, i've never used it so can't really comment

Ive got no info for you for dong quai or red clover hopefully someone else will help out.

other point is be careful not to overload your body with too much estrogen; breast growth is more about balance then heaps of estrogen yes it's important but are so other hormones eg. progestrogen each person is different and needs different hormones but heaps of estrogen does not mean massive boobies.  Eg. soya milk, flaxseed, fenugreek.  Maybe go through the personal threads and see who has success that is similar starting size and body type and see what they did to get there.

Massage is important; however if your causing pain or soreness your doing it too hard so ease up on the girls a little lol.  I tend to combine the two, i do 100 chi followed by 50 deer and repeat this a few times.  Use a good oil so no friction and when you do deer the breast should not move at all your just tracing around the nipples very softly should or almost give you goosebumps.  Chi is more pressure yes but do it slowly (around 2 seconds to do a rotation) and try to not give your nips too much friction cause that arent fun.  

Other tips i'd suggest are remember heat is your friend; heat pack once a day (not too hot) & hot/cold water in shower on the breast a few times.  Also look at supporting subs eg. msm, gelatin, multivitamin (good one), omegas. The other one i also do daily is a lymphatic drainage they are simple and can be done in shower. 

oh and one last thing - if you seek advice, read it, validate it with research, then try it, give it some time, then decide if it works for YOU or not. You can waste alot of time and money chasing others ideas that just don't work or are untried by the suggested party.  This is a place to share ideas and that's exactly what happens so just research before buying any new supps or products. And remember just because it works for someone else it may not for you, this is a very individual journey! Notice i said journey because people forget it takes time it's no sprint that's for sure! 

Happy boobage!
Chrissy xo

[quote='Chrissygwy' pid='199016' dateline='1512449557'] i'll comment only on what i know.

Hi Chrissygywy.

Thank you for all this great info. I go through a lot of threads daily. There is so MUCH INFO. My period would be here in 7 days thats when I will do the red clover so I will have to wait 20 more days before taking the wild yam then. 

I ate candy, sucked a lolipop when on the fenugreek but it was just half hour relief. Chocolate made it worst. Im afraid to say what helped. It was drinking a bit of red wine that seems to have stopped it. Had some last night too. Drinking a lot of water too and making sure I eat well and on time with fruits in between. The hunger struggle is there.

The MACA I bought it because I have been low on energy and concentration although I have been trying to lift my butt by squatting so I would kill two birds with one stone maybe. 

Flaxseed is something I always have in the house so I thought to incorporate it into my program. In the past when I ate Soya chunks and used soya a lot in my diet it caused my breasts to swell. I would take caution though as now I would be taking the pills as well. I do not wanna go overboard. I have Omega 3 gel pills, Magnesium, zinc and iron. Happy they are already in the cabinet so I can just use them like regular with the herbals. 

I laughed so hard when you said go easy on the girls and here I thought I was being gentle. It tickles! So an try for it not to tickle and put too much pressure in the end. I keep reading threads that swear that massaging helps so I do not wanna push it out the window. Hope with practice I get the perfect technique.

(05-12-2017, 05:11)nanakante Wrote:  Fenugreek is my favourite. Before breakfast and before dinner would be the best times to take the fenugreek, so as to spread out the stimulation. It is most efficient when made use of along with various other natural herbs. For breast enhancement, fenugreek is used together with dong quai, dandelion, PM and fennel.

Hi Nanakante,

Been taking 1 fenugreek in the morning when I wake up and eat 1 hour later.  Does it get you dizzy ? 
I do the same for lunch and dinner or i just pop 2 while preparing dinner. I take the 1 Dong quai before going to sleep. Just need to get my massaging in line.

Today I payed more attention to heat and I massaged very gently. Before massaging I heat hands under almost hot water or infront of the fireplace. My boobs are hot, really hot. I have stopped the heating of the boobs but they are still fever hot. Will see what it gives.
My breasts are so sensitive and sore. Period is soon but its been a looong time they hurt like this right before. 
Not wearing a bra and usually this never bothers me but they feel heavy and ache.
Committing to massaging because during my period it would be a no no. 
No headache today from the Fenugreek. I feel like its since I use the Dong Quai that the headaches are no more. 

Underbust 77cm
Bust 91cm
Current size 36B
Goal 36 D

There are so many threads that its hard to find the most thorough ones. Posting these here for beginners like myself and for me to re-read

The best massage threads

What are we week 3?
Stopped taking Fenugreek the last 3 days and Dong Quai the last 4
Period is due like NOW. Patiently waiting!
My breasts stopped being sore 2 days after stopping Fenugreek and I am eating less ,drinking less so the Fenugreek definitely opens up the appetite.
Yesterday which was day 3 of almost no herbs I took Red Clover 2 like the bottle said. Waiting to see if it really kills my period cramps. So far its the one herb recommended to be taking during menstural. Will keep you posted
Yesterday had 500l of flaxseed smoothie. Grounded them added milk, peanut butter and protein powder Syntha 6. 
Doing Massages. Japanese types, fat brushing and acupressure 5 days a week

(12-12-2017, 11:32)Afla Kuro Wrote:  What are we week 3?
Stopped taking Fenugreek the last 3 days and Dong Quai the last 4
Period is due like NOW. Patiently waiting!
My breasts stopped being sore 2 days after stopping Fenugreek and I am eating less ,drinking less so the Fenugreek definitely opens up the appetite.
Yesterday which was day 3 of almost no herbs I took Red Clover 2 like the bottle said. Waiting to see if it really kills my period cramps. So far its the one herb recommended to be taking during menstural. Will keep you posted
Yesterday had 500l of flaxseed smoothie. Grounded them added milk, peanut butter and protein powder Syntha 6. 
Doing Massages. Japanese types, fat brushing and acupressure 5 days a week

I’ve been getting horrific period cramping , never knew about red clover . Will look into that

(12-12-2017, 18:38)EllaC Wrote:  I’ve been getting horrific period cramping , never knew about red clover . Will look into that

In the comments on amazon women were swearing it stopped cramps and others said it took away hot flashes.
For my cramps I usually drink rasberry leaf tea. I buy it from Yogi Tea. Works well if I start drinking it 2 days before and the day of killer cramps. It eases them a lot. 
There is also Kava Kava that I never tried. Loading up on garlic helps. Gets gasy but the unnecessary bloating goes down on day one for me this way.There is one thing I know for sure works I will need to get the latin name. Usually we ate the seeds of the fruit and made tea from the leaves.
TMI..... spotting and getting slight cramps. Gonna take more red clover after I finish eating my glass of JELLO

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