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BO just isn't worth it.


(21-09-2017, 20:34)EllaC Wrote:  What IS the risk Tibetan? The only one I'm aware of is contaminated source ie diseased cattle etc. what else? As you know I have that multi glandular sitting at home

I think the main risk is just overdoing the dose, alleged person on some other site claimed they took too high of a dose and ended up in the ER.  Other than that, I think if you have  breast cancer gene, it may feed off the hormone like substance but then again its rich in iodine so who really knows, haven't heard of a case yet, but only time will tell. Also, as long as you get that lymph moving, pumping/ massaging combo ought to help out with prevention in the breast lymph nodes.

Just my personal experience!

(13-06-2017, 04:36)luvmishelly Wrote:  
(20-04-2017, 22:43)Pink.Chiffon Wrote:  I know this is kind of late in responding but I have also read on Bountiful Breast I think it was to take BO for no longer than a year and a half, though they say 6-12 months is usually sufficient for women to see the results they are going for. My plan was to take BO for only a year.

If you are careful about what BO you buy (where it is sourced), the risk of getting mad cow is virtually zero. New Zealand and Argentine cattle have never had occurance of mad cow, which is why they are the most promoted sources for BO. For example, Swanson sources its BO from Argentine cattle. There are other brands that use New Zealand cattle. As long as your BO is from these two sources, it is pretty safe.

Hi, I just wanna ask, is this really true? Where did you hear that BO shouldn't be taken for more than a year??

A few years ago, I took Ultra Breast BO for about one year and grew a solid cup size from it, permanently. I was thinking of starting up BO again but since UB is apparently out of business, I'm thinking of going for the year-long package of Bountiful Breast.

But I guess I shouldn't take Bountiful Breast since I have taken BO for a year before from another brand? Or do they mean you shouldn't take any BO for like two consecutive years??

Sorry for all the questions ><

BO is ideally taken for 2 years. Many women have taken it over a year, just fine.


I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I do think you have more of a biased perspective on BO, especially since you sell it and it's part of your business. 

Ego? I have none, but wow that was kind of rude and cheeky for you to tell me to "get over my ego" but whatever. It does seem to me like you're taking my initial reply to you the wrong way. If you would like to create a thread focusing on the results of BO or the benefits of it or your success with it, by all means do so. I just asked that you respect that I created this thread as more of a way to focus on the potential risks, with links provided. I'm not going on your threads and insulting you or contradicting your claims on BO or listing all the negative effects of taking it. There are so many different programs and I've chosen the one best for me, as you have for yourself and I can respect that. I just don't understand why you're taking such offense to my BO thread listing the potential risks, which I think it's important for people to be aware of before making that decision to start it. Call it "grave digging" if you wish, but you can't honestly get mad that I'm bringing this up again (or are you?) when it's pretty damn important for people who are considering their long-term health as a top priority. If someone wishes to still take BO after learning the risks, I honestly don't care at all. I'm just glad that they are making an informed decision now and weighing the risks (and this will also encourage them to seek out better quality BO to begin with because they realize that lower quality might come with a higher price in the long run). I did the same thing when it came to my personal NBE program. I educated myself on the possible risks, and it helped me to make a better decision when it comes to buying certain products to help promote wellness and counter/aid in prevention of certain diseases.

I think the fact that I even had to write all that just confirms how much this thread has already started to veer into an ugly direction. So yes, I still would very much like this thread to be closed.

(21-09-2017, 22:42)ZaraAri Wrote:  Tibetan, 

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I do think you have more of a biased perspective on BO, especially since you sell it and it's part of your business. 

Ego? I have none, but wow that was kind of rude and cheeky for you to tell me to "get over my ego" but whatever. It does seem to me like you're taking my initial reply to you the wrong way. If you would like to create a thread focusing on the results of BO or the benefits of it or your success with it, by all means do so. I just asked that you respect that I created this thread as more of a way to focus on the potential risks, with links provided. I'm not going on your threads and insulting you or contradicting your claims on BO or listing all the negative effects of taking it. There are so many different programs and I've chosen the one best for me, as you have for yourself and I can respect that. I just don't understand why you're taking such offense to my BO thread listing the potential risks, which I think it's important for people to be aware of before making that decision to start it. Call it "grave digging" if you wish, but you can't honestly get mad that I'm bringing this up again (or are you?) when it's pretty damn important for people who are considering their long-term health as a top priority.
Bias, sure, its fair for you to think that.
I don't see how I have a biased perspective on it when I am going on my experience and years of research. I have actually yet to hear of a case where a female has contracted Mad Cow from BO.  If you are posting links to articles, be sure the authors themselves have actually tried it, if not, they are the ones with a bias.  Now if you do have a link on a proven case, yes, this is very helpful and something that should most definitely be addressed.
Otherwise, yes its grave digging, if its been addressed with no new information or research, its grave digging. You have to bring some new, real hardcore evidence to the forums. Or else it just clutters the forums.

As for "rude and cheeky"? No.  Its more like straight up, but I think you took it way over to the left. 
Ego, we all have one, or we would not be who we are. If we were all more honest with ourselves, we'd realize how often our egos get in the way.  

I never stated you to "get over your ego," I wrote:
"If you think closing this thread is best, you are defeating your purpose of starting it (helping folks right?), over your ego." Relax... ***In other words, all because of your ego.**
It sounds like you didn't read my text, wags fingers...

Now I can state your ego got a bit butt-hurt and you assumed this thread was going in the wrong direction, so you ordered Lotus to kill it. Sounds like Assumption and Ego to me.

As for BO, Its not really a business for me as much as it is a convenience to all of us (myself and the buyer). I actually encourage you ladies to make your own tincture, and tell you, the recipe is in my thread. I am only offering it to those who don't have time or crafty nature to make it for themselves.

Its like cooking, we can all cook our food, but sometimes, we'd just rather pay someone to do it for us.

Im not mad. I just told you to relax, if this thread was initially to help folks, why feel the need to lock it up? Sounds like ego to me, lets just call it what it is.
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