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White peony consumers - share your experiences here!


(30-07-2017, 21:27)KrysLoves Wrote:  I didn't know WP helps with autoimmune diseases!I have a few autoimmune skin diseases(Eczema and HS).I hope it helps clear it up or reduce flare ups.

Lmk if it helps with your skin, I have eczema as well

(29-07-2017, 18:35)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(29-07-2017, 14:54)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(29-07-2017, 13:57)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(28-07-2017, 19:56)bettie32 Wrote:  
(28-07-2017, 15:32)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  Hope ya'll don't mind me breaking in here.. I'm not a "white peony people" lol, but I like what Bettie32 mentioned earlier..  I wonder how it would be if we took white peony during our follicular phase only? That would mean two weeks on and two weeks off essentially.. I don't know if that would be effective or not though..  I have recently read about many people who have been using WP to tone down autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis for quite some time and they are not taking breaks from it.. It seems like if it were truly dangerous, some of them  would be mentioning  negative effects already. Huh  

I also like the look of the Hawaii Pharm WP. Like Ashley said, liquid is usually best absorbed especially if you take it sublingually.

Haha NaturalLady, you're interested in white peony so you can break into this thread as often as you like :-) And you pointed out something interesting. I didn't know many people have been taking it continuously for arthritis etc.

I actually think WP would be effective if taken only for about two weeks (follicular phase) and it would also make us feel better about the whole "this herb must not be taken for more than 4 weeks at a time" statement.......we'd probably need to make sure we're taking something else during luteal too of course. 

I wonder why more women on here haven't taken WP. Could be that it's just underrated. Not many people know about and take sea buckthorn for example but a member on here said she grew (two cups if I remember correctly) while taking it. I've seen a couple of threads about WP but the members never reported back....

Thanks Bettie! Smile Yes, most of what I've read has been regarding white peony's effectiveness for autoimmune and other chronic diseases.. meaning people are taking it consistently. This article also shared some other positive benefits: with no mention of it being problematic during long term usage. Obviously we all have to monitor our bodies when taking something new and if any weird symptoms or reactions crop up, it's worth backing off of the supplement to see what's up. But that said, Chinese practitioners have been using WP for hundreds of years, referring to it as a "gentle tonic". Apparently it also has blood-strengthening properties which is good for anemia too I'm sure.

I do still really like the idea of taking it during follicular as a first approach though so yes, keep us updated, KrysLove!!

I have fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, and very poor adrenal immune system is crap bcuz of these things. My body doesn't absorb nutrients well and it holds onto toxins. Im also anemic...It's been awhile since I had it checked but last I knew a few years ago it was pretty bad! I have a doctor appointment coming up with a new doctor and I'm going to be getting a lot of things checked. But anyways, the things you mentioned make me even more interested in trying WP.....I'm considering buying a small bottle from Hawaii Pharm and just take a very low dose for a couple weeks and see if I notice a difference (good or bad) while taking it, or after stopping it. But I'm hesitant to interupt my current program. Ugh, I'm terrible at making decisions -  as Bettie knows lol- I've been back n forth on WP for weeks now lol...well actually months. But her and I have been discussing it at length, for some time, and we both just can't decide what to do. I guess I could wait to hear back from our "guinea pig" lol. 
*Thanks again Krys! I know at least Bettie and I are anxiously and optimistically awaiting ur results.*
Sounds like you are too NaturalLady. 

BTW, I like your username. It's similar to my old email. I like to use nature for as much as possible instead of man-made anything. Obviously, technology/mad-made is needed sometimes, but whenever possible, I much prefer to go organic, holistic, naturopathic, Etc. Etc.

Hi Ashley8!  I currently am working on correcting some long-standing issues (digestive & autoimmune) and know first-hand how awful it is to be anemic!! I am trying to build my blood up too. That's just more reasons why the WP looks so good to me..   If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing already for the hypothyroid and fibromyalgia? Are you making progress in those areas? I hope so! Smile    Anyway, I'm so sorry you're dealing with these things but maybe the white peony will be of help to us in some way. I know what you mean about making decisions.. I'm the worst about sitting on the fence forEVER, lol. But it does pay to be cautious when trying new things too.

I'm also with you on the nature path, hence the name NaturalLady. Smile  I've never done well with pharmaceuticals (I don't even try them anymore) and always go with natural, organic, and holistic. 
I have definitely made progress...I still suffer from it daily, but I can now function somewhat normally where I couldn't do anything before. I stayed in bed most the time. I was not only extremely exhausted no matter what, but I couldn't keep any food down and was in so much pain it was unbearable (Amonsgt having many other debilitating symptoms). I have a high pain tolerance, but it was so intense, it was all I could focus on. often times I was in tears it was so bad. But I've learned what foods to avoid, and what foods help. I have a morning smoothie with a very nutritious meal powder that has alot of the things I need not only for good health in general, but things specifically for my issues. Leaky gut, unhealthy thyroid and adrenal, and fibromyalgia are all connected. I have to tackle it from all sides. Things like specific diet changes, activities to avoid and ones to do, having good sleep habits, taking certain supplements.... there is so many things involved. And it's very hard to do them cuz once you get as bad as I was (I went undiagnosed/untreated for many years) it's a snow ball effect that is very hard to get out of. Once you feel too ill to do/eat certain things, you get more sick. And u want to eat and do even less good things. And the cycle just continues to get worse. U sleep worse, which makes everything worse. The worse you feel, the less you take care of yourself, and the worse your symptoms get and so on and so on. But like I said, I didn't know what was wrong with me at first. Now that I do, its a very hard, uphill battle to getting better. But it's slowly happening. I'm actually going to be making a thread soon with articles and info about these (and other) health issues and things to do for them. bcuz many of us on here seem to suffer from these and other illnesses. Which makes sense really, we r all here for bigger boobs, and boobs don't develope properly when things like thyroid, adrenal, Etc. Etc. arent balanced. All these things effect hormones and prevent the body from doing its job correctly, when they aren't functioning properly. So it's no wonder many of the woman on here suffer from similar health issues. But anyways, I do alot of different things, trying to get my body to homeostasis, but I'm a long ways away. But someday, I think I will get there. It's just a matter of pushing forward even when I really want to give up. When I make the thread, I'm hoping others will share their knowledge and experience as well. Everyone can benefit from better health in some way, and if it helps us get bigger boobs along the way, then what a dream come true- feeling good and looking good! How awesome.

I see white peony tea a lot. Does anybody know if white peony tea increases estrogen?

(31-07-2017, 15:33)nanakante Wrote:  I see white peony tea a lot. Does anybody know if white peony tea increases estrogen?

White peony root tea should do all the same things as powder or extract form. The problem is finding the actual real form because many times it's just regular white tea. You need it to say, paeonia lactiflora. That is real white peony root. And finding it is very hard, especially organic, and especially tea form. You can find it in powder or root form easier, and then make your own tea. Whatever you find, if it doesn't say paeonia lactiflora, either contact the company to be sure, or just don't buy it. White tea has very different properties than actual white peony root. They don't do the same thing. So just be careful. That's why I chose to get the extract from Hawaii pharm (if/when I buy it) bcuz after tons of searching, its one of the very few options for true white peony and is a great product. I bought my other extracts from there as well. Also, it comes in alcohol based or alcohol free version as well. If you choose to buy an extract for any herb, do your research on alcohol, glycerine, and water base extracts so you can make an informed choice of the best option for urself. I chose the alcohol version bcuz it's actually a very tiny amount of alcohol that is in extracts, and the alcohol extracts more of the constituents/properties that give you the benefits of the herb. It also preserves it longer and kills bacteria. But the glycerine and water offer some benefits as well, and Hawaii Pharm's alcohol based extracts, actually have all three extraction forms in it. So u get the benefits of all of three. Anyways, just look up the pros and cons of each thing b4 you buy extracts. (If you didn't already know all of this lol) 

*That brand is the only true paeonia lactiflora that is organic, that I could find. (That wasn't in root form. And trust me, Bettie and I have looked alottttt! If anyone else finds a true form (especially organic) we'd love to know!

(31-07-2017, 15:25)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(29-07-2017, 18:35)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(29-07-2017, 14:54)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(29-07-2017, 13:57)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(28-07-2017, 19:56)bettie32 Wrote:  Haha NaturalLady, you're interested in white peony so you can break into this thread as often as you like :-) And you pointed out something interesting. I didn't know many people have been taking it continuously for arthritis etc.

I actually think WP would be effective if taken only for about two weeks (follicular phase) and it would also make us feel better about the whole "this herb must not be taken for more than 4 weeks at a time" statement.......we'd probably need to make sure we're taking something else during luteal too of course. 

I wonder why more women on here haven't taken WP. Could be that it's just underrated. Not many people know about and take sea buckthorn for example but a member on here said she grew (two cups if I remember correctly) while taking it. I've seen a couple of threads about WP but the members never reported back....

Thanks Bettie! Smile Yes, most of what I've read has been regarding white peony's effectiveness for autoimmune and other chronic diseases.. meaning people are taking it consistently. This article also shared some other positive benefits: with no mention of it being problematic during long term usage. Obviously we all have to monitor our bodies when taking something new and if any weird symptoms or reactions crop up, it's worth backing off of the supplement to see what's up. But that said, Chinese practitioners have been using WP for hundreds of years, referring to it as a "gentle tonic". Apparently it also has blood-strengthening properties which is good for anemia too I'm sure.

I do still really like the idea of taking it during follicular as a first approach though so yes, keep us updated, KrysLove!!

I have fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, and very poor adrenal immune system is crap bcuz of these things. My body doesn't absorb nutrients well and it holds onto toxins. Im also anemic...It's been awhile since I had it checked but last I knew a few years ago it was pretty bad! I have a doctor appointment coming up with a new doctor and I'm going to be getting a lot of things checked. But anyways, the things you mentioned make me even more interested in trying WP.....I'm considering buying a small bottle from Hawaii Pharm and just take a very low dose for a couple weeks and see if I notice a difference (good or bad) while taking it, or after stopping it. But I'm hesitant to interupt my current program. Ugh, I'm terrible at making decisions -  as Bettie knows lol- I've been back n forth on WP for weeks now lol...well actually months. But her and I have been discussing it at length, for some time, and we both just can't decide what to do. I guess I could wait to hear back from our "guinea pig" lol. 
*Thanks again Krys! I know at least Bettie and I are anxiously and optimistically awaiting ur results.*
Sounds like you are too NaturalLady. 

BTW, I like your username. It's similar to my old email. I like to use nature for as much as possible instead of man-made anything. Obviously, technology/mad-made is needed sometimes, but whenever possible, I much prefer to go organic, holistic, naturopathic, Etc. Etc.

Hi Ashley8!  I currently am working on correcting some long-standing issues (digestive & autoimmune) and know first-hand how awful it is to be anemic!! I am trying to build my blood up too. That's just more reasons why the WP looks so good to me..   If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing already for the hypothyroid and fibromyalgia? Are you making progress in those areas? I hope so! Smile    Anyway, I'm so sorry you're dealing with these things but maybe the white peony will be of help to us in some way. I know what you mean about making decisions.. I'm the worst about sitting on the fence forEVER, lol. But it does pay to be cautious when trying new things too.

I'm also with you on the nature path, hence the name NaturalLady. Smile  I've never done well with pharmaceuticals (I don't even try them anymore) and always go with natural, organic, and holistic. 
I have definitely made progress...I still suffer from it daily, but I can now function somewhat normally where I couldn't do anything before. I stayed in bed most the time. I was not only extremely exhausted no matter what, but I couldn't keep any food down and was in so much pain it was unbearable (Amonsgt having many other debilitating symptoms). I have a high pain tolerance, but it was so intense, it was all I could focus on. often times I was in tears it was so bad. But I've learned what foods to avoid, and what foods help. I have a morning smoothie with a very nutritious meal powder that has alot of the things I need not only for good health in general, but things specifically for my issues. Leaky gut, unhealthy thyroid and adrenal, and fibromyalgia are all connected. I have to tackle it from all sides. Things like specific diet changes, activities to avoid and ones to do, having good sleep habits, taking certain supplements.... there is so many things involved. And it's very hard to do them cuz once you get as bad as I was (I went undiagnosed/untreated for many years) it's a snow ball effect that is very hard to get out of. Once you feel too ill to do/eat certain things, you get more sick. And u want to eat and do even less good things. And the cycle just continues to get worse. U sleep worse, which makes everything worse. The worse you feel, the less you take care of yourself, and the worse your symptoms get and so on and so on. But like I said, I didn't know what was wrong with me at first. Now that I do, its a very hard, uphill battle to getting better. But it's slowly happening. I'm actually going to be making a thread soon with articles and info about these (and other) health issues and things to do for them. bcuz many of us on here seem to suffer from these and other illnesses. Which makes sense really, we r all here for bigger boobs, and boobs don't develope properly when things like thyroid, adrenal, Etc. Etc. arent balanced. All these things effect hormones and prevent the body from doing its job correctly, when they aren't functioning properly. So it's no wonder many of the woman on here suffer from similar health issues. But anyways, I do alot of different things, trying to get my body to homeostasis, but I'm a long ways away. But someday, I think I will get there. It's just a matter of pushing forward even when I really want to give up. When I make the thread, I'm hoping others will share their knowledge and experience as well. Everyone can benefit from better health in some way, and if it helps us get bigger boobs along the way, then what a dream come true- feeling good and looking good! How awesome.

Hi again, Ashley!
I'm SO glad you're on the road to your best health! I completely know how hard it is to be going along for years not really knowing what's wrong but feeling awful! I'm also glad you're aware of how connected all those things are (thyroid, gut, muscles, etc).. Many are so focused on the individual symptoms rather than looking at the body as an orchestra.. if one instrument isn't playing at it's best, the whole concert is affected!  PLEASE keep up the hope. I know you will be improving every day because you really sound determined to get back to health.. and reaching your nbe goals in the end will just be icing on the cake. Smile You're right.. it will be a dream come true for you!! Please message me when you start your thread regarding these things so I can read it. Smile

I also am working on healing my gut and a few other issues (that stem from the gut problem), and I'm doing pretty much the same things you're doing to correct them.  As cliche as it sounds, Hippocrates totally hit the nail on the head when he said, "All disease begins in the gut."

But again, keep charging ahead. You'll get there!

Peace + Blessings,
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(31-07-2017, 21:12)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(31-07-2017, 15:33)nanakante Wrote:  I see white peony tea a lot. Does anybody know if white peony tea increases estrogen?

White peony root tea should do all the same things as powder or extract form. The problem is finding the actual real form because many times it's just regular white tea. You need it to say, paeonia lactiflora. That is real white peony root. And finding it is very hard, especially organic, and especially tea form. You can find it in powder or root form easier, and then make your own tea. Whatever you find, if it doesn't say paeonia lactiflora, either contact the company to be sure, or just don't buy it. White tea has very different properties than actual white peony root. They don't do the same thing. So just be careful. That's why I chose to get the extract from Hawaii pharm (if/when I buy it) bcuz after tons of searching, its one of the very few options for true white peony and is a great product. I bought my other extracts from there as well. Also, it comes in alcohol based or alcohol free version as well. If you choose to buy an extract for any herb, do your research on alcohol, glycerine, and water base extracts so you can make an informed choice of the best option for urself. I chose the alcohol version bcuz it's actually a very tiny amount of alcohol that is in extracts, and the alcohol extracts more of the constituents/properties that give you the benefits of the herb. It also preserves it longer and kills bacteria. But the glycerine and water offer some benefits as well, and Hawaii Pharm's alcohol based extracts, actually have all three extraction forms in it. So u get the benefits of all of three. Anyways, just look up the pros and cons of each thing b4 you buy extracts. (If you didn't already know all of this lol) 

*That brand is the only true paeonia lactiflora that is organic, that I could find. (That wasn't in root form. And trust me, Bettie and I have looked alottttt! If anyone else finds a true form (especially organic) we'd love to know!
 Ashley, thanks too for the clarification about the differences between alcohol, glycerine, and water based extracts. I sometimes don't seem to do well with alcohol based ones and different brands seem to contain a stronger alcohol than other.. or maybe that's just all in my head.. or mouth, rather.  Lol. I guess if the alcohol based ones are more effective, maybe I should consider using them more often. Anyway, I love the fact that Hawaii Pharm offers both. So many companies don't do that. Nature's Answer does offer many glycerine based ones, but not for everything.

(31-07-2017, 22:26)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(31-07-2017, 21:12)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(31-07-2017, 15:33)nanakante Wrote:  I see white peony tea a lot. Does anybody know if white peony tea increases estrogen?

White peony root tea should do all the same things as powder or extract form. The problem is finding the actual real form because many times it's just regular white tea. You need it to say, paeonia lactiflora. That is real white peony root. And finding it is very hard, especially organic, and especially tea form. You can find it in powder or root form easier, and then make your own tea. Whatever you find, if it doesn't say paeonia lactiflora, either contact the company to be sure, or just don't buy it. White tea has very different properties than actual white peony root. They don't do the same thing. So just be careful. That's why I chose to get the extract from Hawaii pharm (if/when I buy it) bcuz after tons of searching, its one of the very few options for true white peony and is a great product. I bought my other extracts from there as well. Also, it comes in alcohol based or alcohol free version as well. If you choose to buy an extract for any herb, do your research on alcohol, glycerine, and water base extracts so you can make an informed choice of the best option for urself. I chose the alcohol version bcuz it's actually a very tiny amount of alcohol that is in extracts, and the alcohol extracts more of the constituents/properties that give you the benefits of the herb. It also preserves it longer and kills bacteria. But the glycerine and water offer some benefits as well, and Hawaii Pharm's alcohol based extracts, actually have all three extraction forms in it. So u get the benefits of all of three. Anyways, just look up the pros and cons of each thing b4 you buy extracts. (If you didn't already know all of this lol) 

*That brand is the only true paeonia lactiflora that is organic, that I could find. (That wasn't in root form. And trust me, Bettie and I have looked alottttt! If anyone else finds a true form (especially organic) we'd love to know!
 Ashley, thanks too for the clarification about the differences between alcohol, glycerine, and water based extracts. I sometimes don't seem to do well with alcohol based ones and different brands seem to contain a stronger alcohol than other.. or maybe that's just all in my head.. or mouth, rather.  Lol. I guess if the alcohol based ones are more effective, maybe I should consider using them more often. Anyway, I love the fact that Hawaii Pharm offers both. So many companies don't do that. Nature's Answer does offer many glycerine based ones, but not for everything.
Glad to help. If u want more info just google it, or if u cant find what you're looking for, just lmk and ill dig thru my saved info and find what i have about it. And yes, some brands have more alcohol. Also, some herbs need more alcohol to fully extract all the beneficial properties. Herb Pharm (not Hawaii pharm) offers LOW alcohol options and is also organic. So u can get better benefits than just a glycerin or water based extract, but not as much effects of the alcohol. It wont be as beneficial as the full strength (especially depending which herb it is) but it'll b better than no alcohol and im sure the difference isn't too great as far as benefits. You might want to try reasearching how much alcohol, which herbs need. And go from there. Maybe you could get glycerin based ones for herbs that do well without alcohol, or at least low alcohol. And then regular alcohol content for the herbs that really need it to extract the needed constituents/properties. I was afraid that if I got an herb that really needed alcohol (like oats) but I got a glycerin based extract, I might be taking it for nothing, u know? I'm sure there are still reasons to take those kind of herbs, but what if certain NBE properties don't get extracted with the glycerine based ones, and then it effects my NBE routine. You know what I mean? I figured it was easier to just go with the ones from Hawaii pharm that contain all three extraction forms, and make sure I'm getting everything possible from the herb. Otherwise, you'd have to extensively research each herb to see if you can get all the benefits with just glycerin (or just alcohol for that matter) that both have benefits for extraction. So for me, I just preferred to get all three in one lol. It was just simpler. And I have a very compromised immune system, everything bothers me! Including actually drinking alcoholic drinks. But the amount in herbal extracts is so tiny, I decided to try it, and so far, everything is great. No negative things that I notice, and I've had a bit of growth in about 6 weeks time and I'm having more and more growing pains as time goes on. They actual got more intense when I added the alcohol extracts. The first 4 weeks I was only taking capsules and alcohol free extracts. I did add a couple herbs that I wasn't taking at all before, so that could be it. But obviously they are working very well in the alcohol and haven't negatively affected anything yet. And im taking like 5 extracts, sometimes 6 (not all for NBE, some just for my health issues). But just do your research. If you really are worried about alcohol content, I think you should look into herb pharm for low alcohol options. The ones I saw were like 12-20% which is much lower than average. Some herbs/brands are as high as 90%! Anyways, lmk if u need help with anything, good luck hun.

(31-07-2017, 23:00)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(31-07-2017, 22:26)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(31-07-2017, 21:12)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(31-07-2017, 15:33)nanakante Wrote:  I see white peony tea a lot. Does anybody know if white peony tea increases estrogen?

White peony root tea should do all the same things as powder or extract form. The problem is finding the actual real form because many times it's just regular white tea. You need it to say, paeonia lactiflora. That is real white peony root. And finding it is very hard, especially organic, and especially tea form. You can find it in powder or root form easier, and then make your own tea. Whatever you find, if it doesn't say paeonia lactiflora, either contact the company to be sure, or just don't buy it. White tea has very different properties than actual white peony root. They don't do the same thing. So just be careful. That's why I chose to get the extract from Hawaii pharm (if/when I buy it) bcuz after tons of searching, its one of the very few options for true white peony and is a great product. I bought my other extracts from there as well. Also, it comes in alcohol based or alcohol free version as well. If you choose to buy an extract for any herb, do your research on alcohol, glycerine, and water base extracts so you can make an informed choice of the best option for urself. I chose the alcohol version bcuz it's actually a very tiny amount of alcohol that is in extracts, and the alcohol extracts more of the constituents/properties that give you the benefits of the herb. It also preserves it longer and kills bacteria. But the glycerine and water offer some benefits as well, and Hawaii Pharm's alcohol based extracts, actually have all three extraction forms in it. So u get the benefits of all of three. Anyways, just look up the pros and cons of each thing b4 you buy extracts. (If you didn't already know all of this lol) 

*That brand is the only true paeonia lactiflora that is organic, that I could find. (That wasn't in root form. And trust me, Bettie and I have looked alottttt! If anyone else finds a true form (especially organic) we'd love to know!
 Ashley, thanks too for the clarification about the differences between alcohol, glycerine, and water based extracts. I sometimes don't seem to do well with alcohol based ones and different brands seem to contain a stronger alcohol than other.. or maybe that's just all in my head.. or mouth, rather.  Lol. I guess if the alcohol based ones are more effective, maybe I should consider using them more often. Anyway, I love the fact that Hawaii Pharm offers both. So many companies don't do that. Nature's Answer does offer many glycerine based ones, but not for everything.
Glad to help. If u want more info just google it, or if u cant find what you're looking for, just lmk and ill dig thru my saved info and find what i have about it. And yes, some brands have more alcohol. Also, some herbs need more alcohol to fully extract all the beneficial properties. Herb Pharm (not Hawaii pharm) offers LOW alcohol options and is also organic. So u can get better benefits than just a glycerin or water based extract, but not as much effects of the alcohol. It wont be as beneficial as the full strength (especially depending which herb it is) but it'll b better than no alcohol and im sure the difference isn't too great as far as benefits. You might want to try reasearching how much alcohol, which herbs need. And go from there. Maybe you could get glycerin based ones for herbs that do well without alcohol, or at least low alcohol. And then regular alcohol content for the herbs that really need it to extract the needed constituents/properties. I was afraid that if I got an herb that really needed alcohol (like oats) but I got a glycerin based extract, I might be taking it for nothing, u know? I'm sure there are still reasons to take those kind of herbs, but what if certain NBE properties don't get extracted with the glycerine based ones, and then it effects my NBE routine. You know what I mean? I figured it was easier to just go with the ones from Hawaii pharm that contain all three extraction forms, and make sure I'm getting everything possible from the herb. Otherwise, you'd have to extensively research each herb to see if you can get all the benefits with just glycerin (or just alcohol for that matter) that both have benefits for extraction. So for me, I just preferred to get all three in one lol. It was just simpler. And I have a very compromised immune system, everything bothers me! Including actually drinking alcoholic drinks. But the amount in herbal extracts is so tiny, I decided to try it, and so far, everything is great. No negative things that I notice, and I've had a bit of growth in about 6 weeks time and I'm having more and more growing pains as time goes on. They actual got more intense when I added the alcohol extracts. The first 4 weeks I was only taking capsules and alcohol free extracts. I did add a couple herbs that I wasn't taking at all before, so that could be it. But obviously they are working very well in the alcohol and haven't negatively affected anything yet. And im taking like 5 extracts, sometimes 6 (not all for NBE, some just for my health issues). But just do your research. If you really are worried about alcohol content, I think you should look into herb pharm for low alcohol options. The ones I saw were like 12-20% which is much lower than average. Some herbs/brands are as high as 90%! Anyways, lmk if u need help with anything, good luck hun.

Sorry it took me a while to respond, Ashley!  But thank you so much for all the info about extraction!  I guess I should consider switching to the low alcohol ones when I can! I'll check out Herb Pharm.

 Also I meant to ask you the other day what you're doing to heal your gut?  I'm taking several things for healing my gut also and was curious about your regimen and how your diet is for that..maybe we're doing similar things. (Although I know this isn't a gut health thread, lol, so maybe this isn't the place for discussing it.) Smile

Hi loves!

Yeah you lower testosterone with White Peony Root. 
Low testosterone means low IGF-1 levels.
IGF-1 is pretty essential for breast development, you have a lot of IGF-1 when you are young, and declines with age every year around your 20's.

So that is why I have not used WPR in my regimen.
I am first exploring other options that seem potentially better to me. But overal it is a pretty decent herb to add in your regimen if you are young.

Xxx ellen

(09-08-2017, 15:39)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(31-07-2017, 23:00)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(31-07-2017, 22:26)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(31-07-2017, 21:12)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(31-07-2017, 15:33)nanakante Wrote:  I see white peony tea a lot. Does anybody know if white peony tea increases estrogen?

White peony root tea should do all the same things as powder or extract form. The problem is finding the actual real form because many times it's just regular white tea. You need it to say, paeonia lactiflora. That is real white peony root. And finding it is very hard, especially organic, and especially tea form. You can find it in powder or root form easier, and then make your own tea. Whatever you find, if it doesn't say paeonia lactiflora, either contact the company to be sure, or just don't buy it. White tea has very different properties than actual white peony root. They don't do the same thing. So just be careful. That's why I chose to get the extract from Hawaii pharm (if/when I buy it) bcuz after tons of searching, its one of the very few options for true white peony and is a great product. I bought my other extracts from there as well. Also, it comes in alcohol based or alcohol free version as well. If you choose to buy an extract for any herb, do your research on alcohol, glycerine, and water base extracts so you can make an informed choice of the best option for urself. I chose the alcohol version bcuz it's actually a very tiny amount of alcohol that is in extracts, and the alcohol extracts more of the constituents/properties that give you the benefits of the herb. It also preserves it longer and kills bacteria. But the glycerine and water offer some benefits as well, and Hawaii Pharm's alcohol based extracts, actually have all three extraction forms in it. So u get the benefits of all of three. Anyways, just look up the pros and cons of each thing b4 you buy extracts. (If you didn't already know all of this lol) 

*That brand is the only true paeonia lactiflora that is organic, that I could find. (That wasn't in root form. And trust me, Bettie and I have looked alottttt! If anyone else finds a true form (especially organic) we'd love to know!
 Ashley, thanks too for the clarification about the differences between alcohol, glycerine, and water based extracts. I sometimes don't seem to do well with alcohol based ones and different brands seem to contain a stronger alcohol than other.. or maybe that's just all in my head.. or mouth, rather.  Lol. I guess if the alcohol based ones are more effective, maybe I should consider using them more often. Anyway, I love the fact that Hawaii Pharm offers both. So many companies don't do that. Nature's Answer does offer many glycerine based ones, but not for everything.
Glad to help. If u want more info just google it, or if u cant find what you're looking for, just lmk and ill dig thru my saved info and find what i have about it. And yes, some brands have more alcohol. Also, some herbs need more alcohol to fully extract all the beneficial properties. Herb Pharm (not Hawaii pharm) offers LOW alcohol options and is also organic. So u can get better benefits than just a glycerin or water based extract, but not as much effects of the alcohol. It wont be as beneficial as the full strength (especially depending which herb it is) but it'll b better than no alcohol and im sure the difference isn't too great as far as benefits. You might want to try reasearching how much alcohol, which herbs need. And go from there. Maybe you could get glycerin based ones for herbs that do well without alcohol, or at least low alcohol. And then regular alcohol content for the herbs that really need it to extract the needed constituents/properties. I was afraid that if I got an herb that really needed alcohol (like oats) but I got a glycerin based extract, I might be taking it for nothing, u know? I'm sure there are still reasons to take those kind of herbs, but what if certain NBE properties don't get extracted with the glycerine based ones, and then it effects my NBE routine. You know what I mean? I figured it was easier to just go with the ones from Hawaii pharm that contain all three extraction forms, and make sure I'm getting everything possible from the herb. Otherwise, you'd have to extensively research each herb to see if you can get all the benefits with just glycerin (or just alcohol for that matter) that both have benefits for extraction. So for me, I just preferred to get all three in one lol. It was just simpler. And I have a very compromised immune system, everything bothers me! Including actually drinking alcoholic drinks. But the amount in herbal extracts is so tiny, I decided to try it, and so far, everything is great. No negative things that I notice, and I've had a bit of growth in about 6 weeks time and I'm having more and more growing pains as time goes on. They actual got more intense when I added the alcohol extracts. The first 4 weeks I was only taking capsules and alcohol free extracts. I did add a couple herbs that I wasn't taking at all before, so that could be it. But obviously they are working very well in the alcohol and haven't negatively affected anything yet. And im taking like 5 extracts, sometimes 6 (not all for NBE, some just for my health issues). But just do your research. If you really are worried about alcohol content, I think you should look into herb pharm for low alcohol options. The ones I saw were like 12-20% which is much lower than average. Some herbs/brands are as high as 90%! Anyways, lmk if u need help with anything, good luck hun.

Sorry it took me a while to respond, Ashley!  But thank you so much for all the info about extraction!  I guess I should consider switching to the low alcohol ones when I can! I'll check out Herb Pharm.

 Also I meant to ask you the other day what you're doing to heal your gut?  I'm taking several things for healing my gut also and was curious about your regimen and how your diet is for that..maybe we're doing similar things. (Although I know this isn't a gut health thread, lol, so maybe this isn't the place for discussing it.) Smile
So sorry, just saw this! U can PM if you still wanna talk about it!

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