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Fatty suggestions please for a plant/egg eater


(28-06-2017, 05:08)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  Oh you only eat plants and eggs?  Ok.

Chia seeds: ALAs
Flax seeds/oil: ALAs
Walnut/walnut oil, in limited amounts: ALAs+omega 6s
Coconut/coconut oil: No omega 6s, unlike most other nuts.  So it's a nice and neutral.  If you need a source of calories it's great for frying, baking and so on.
Omega 3 eggs: Has EPA, DHA and ALA.
Only a handful of almonds and/or sunflower seeds, for the natural vitamin E.

Other nuts have omega 6s which you could easily overload on.  So do walnuts, almonds and sunflower seeds.  But you want a little almonds and/or sunfllower seeds for the natural vitamin E.  I think you were going to try the nut mix in my sig.  Unless you can get some kind of omega 3 supplement or seafood that may be too much omega 6.  Instead you may want to try to the bran/yeast/spirulina mix.  Or better yet try juicing parsley, cilantro, spinach, endive and/or watercress.  A pint a day.  Plus 2 tbsp rice bran, chia seeds and omega 3 eggs.  Add about 100 mg calcium per pound of parsley or cilantro or 200 mg calcium per pound of spinach to neutralize the oxalic acid.  Not sure if the other 2 have oxalic acid, but a tiny bit of calcium wouldn't hurt.  Add something sweet such as apples to flavor.  Get a masticating juicer because a centrifugal juicer will struggle with leafy items.

The fat thing is all long term so I wouldn't worry too much about whatever nuts you have left.  You can counterbalance it later with enough EPA, DHA and ALA.

Ok so this is what i have & been doing for nutrition
- Nut mix (your ratios - but small batch) almonds, sunflower, pumpkin n fenugreek 1/3c daily (then soaked o/n)
- flaxseed meal about 15grams with water
- Nutritional mix spirulina, b.yeast & rice bran (equal quanties) 1/4c 2x daily
- smoothie (4-5 wkly) hempseed protein tbspn, coconut oil heaped teaspoon, LArginine heaped teaspoon, piece fruit norm banana, topped with coconut milk cup n water cup
- smint tea 2x daily am/pm
- i average eggs 10-12 weekly
- epo 1x 500mg
- SP 1x 160mg
- shatavari 5x 250mg (40%saponins)
- PM 100mg daily
- algae omega 'nordic naturals' 2x daily (195mg epa, 390mg dha & 130 other Om3)
- progestrongen 1/8 teasp daily 

Omegas are something i havent really looked into so I'll admit i have no idea what am doing!

Nutritionally that looks pretty nice.  Looks like plenty of ALAs.  More EPA & DHAs would be nice.

You want at least 1,500 mg omega 3s (EPA+DHA+DPA+ALA).  You also want an omega 3:omega 6 ratio of at least 1:4.  So when eating nuts you want more like 3,000 mg omega 3s.  Since you limited the nuts a bit, 2,000-2,500 mg omega 3s might be ok.  You want a mix of all 3-4 (EPA+DHA+ALA and maybe DPA).  Your body can convert one into another but it can only convert so much.  You can't pile on a bunch of just one of the 4.  

I think about 1 tbsp. of chia seeds or 2 tbsp. flax seeds is good for ALA, but I'm not sure.  You could Google their ALA contents.  I'm not sure what portion of the 1,500-3,000 mg should be for EPA/DHA/ALA, but try to get at least some of each.  Maybe at least 400 mg of each as a guess, and around 2,000-2,500 mg total.  If you change your eggs to omega 3 eggs that could add 150 mg of DHA a day (plus a lot of ALAs, but you probably get a ton of those already).  Hmm, I guess that's not a lot of DHA.  Up to you.

"Omegas" / essential fatty acids are fats that your body cannot produce.  They are important for fatty tissue including brain, skin coating and many others.  These tissues are made of EFAs, plus other fats that your body can make by itself.  EFAs are also important to heart health.  Many women have massaged a good source of EFAs such as flax or fish oil into the breasts and grown from them.  So a good EFA balance may be helpful for NBE too.

Haven't read the entire thread but I'm just butting in here to mention an amazing supplement/plant: SEA BUCKTHORN.

It contains omega 3, 6, 7 and 9!!! I believe it's the only thing that contains all of the omegas.... it's so good for the hair, skin, eyes, mucous membranes, digestive tract etc. and Ella brought my attention to it (Thank You!!) because there was a member on here whose breasts grew from taking sea buckthorn oil capsules. So if you're looking for something with good fats, maybe you should look into this (underrated) fruit. It  might lower blood pressure though so make sure you do research before deciding.

P.S. On Dr. Mercola's website, it states that Sea Buckthorn contains over 190 nutrients and micronutrients, vitamin A, E, C, plant sterols (beta sitosterol) and much more. It's a superfood really.

Thanks Joe, ill tweek a few things as suggested x

Bettie - ive heard it mention a few times; I'll def have a look into it especially the cost,  the algae  (omega) cost $32.00 for month supply so rather expensive when you put it with 'everything else' am using. But i do have low blood pressure in general not sure why because am a active person and drink over 1.5 sometimes 2lts of water - my mum also has low blood pressure as a norm?  So research may be required first. Thanks for tip x

(28-06-2017, 18:23)bettie32 Wrote:  Haven't read the entire thread but I'm just butting in here to mention an amazing supplement/plant: SEA BUCKTHORN.

It contains omega 3, 6, 7 and 9!!! I believe it's the only thing that contains all of the omegas.... it's so good for the hair, skin, eyes, mucous membranes, digestive tract etc. and Ella brought my attention to it (Thank You!!) because there was a member on here whose breasts grew from taking sea buckthorn oil capsules. So if you're looking for something with good fats, maybe you should look into this (underrated) fruit. It  might lower blood pressure though so make sure you do research before deciding.

P.S. On Dr. Mercola's website, it states that Sea Buckthorn contains over 190 nutrients and micronutrients, vitamin A, E, C, plant sterols (beta sitosterol) and much more. It's a superfood really.
Its omega 3s are only ALAs though, it's missing EPA and DHA.  When such and such has 190 nutrients it has 0.5% the RDA unless you're eating several pounds of it, and it's in the fresh plant not the oil.  It's actually only high in a few nutrients per .  Nearly every living thing has 190+ nutrients because we need them all.  The growth probably came mostly from the high ALA content (similar to flax oil), though the other omegas and antioxidants may have helped a little too.

Omega 7 and 9 are non-essential fatty acids; your body can make them.  It sometimes has trouble making them, especially in the elderly.  So they're worth considering but mostly as an after-thought.  Plus you can get them from common foods.  Olive oil has omega 9.  Omega 7 is harder to get outside of sea buckthorn and macadamia nut oil, but again your body can make its own.  Macademia nut oil also has omega 9.

A cheaper and more nutritious alternative to sea buckthorn would be flax oil/seeds, macadamia nuts/oil, a handful of almonds and a couple tbsp. rice bran.  Or Chrissygwy would only need to add macademia nuts or their oil to what she has already, and again macademia nuts/oil might not be necessary at all.

(29-06-2017, 02:40)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  Its omega 3s are only ALAs though, it's missing EPA and DHA.  When such and such has 190 nutrients it has 0.5% the RDA unless you're eating several pounds of it, and it's in the fresh plant not the oil.  It's actually only high in a few nutrients per .  Nearly every living thing has 190+ nutrients because we need them all.  The growth probably came mostly from the high ALA content (similar to flax oil), though the other omegas and antioxidants may have helped a little too.

Omega 7 and 9 are non-essential fatty acids; your body can make them.  It sometimes has trouble making them, especially in the elderly.  So they're worth considering but mostly as an after-thought.  Plus you can get them from common foods.  Olive oil has omega 9.  Omega 7 is harder to get outside of sea buckthorn and macadamia nut oil, but again your body can make its own.  Macademia nut oil also has omega 9.

A cheaper and more nutritious alternative to sea buckthorn would be flax oil/seeds, macadamia nuts/oil, a handful of almonds and a couple tbsp. rice bran.  Or Chrissygwy would only need to add macademia nuts or their oil to what she has already, and again macademia nuts/oil might not be necessary at all.

Interesting....thank u for the feedback. I don't eat a very balanced diet and I'm lazy haha so I like how Sea Buckthorn contains all the omegas and tocopherols/tocotrienols etc. 4 SB oil pills (made from the fruit and seed) that I'm taking contain 2,000 mg of sea buckthorn, 960 mg monosaturated fatty acids (480 mg omega 7, 360 mg omega 9, 340 mg omega 6, 260 mg of omega 3, 8 mg Vitamin E.....). Not sure if these are good/enough for NBE but I'm very impressed how my GERD/reflux has greatly improved since taking these pills (and believe me, I've tried sooo many other remedies/supplements). I think my skin looks better too so hopefully the boob department will improve too with SBO  Smile

Wish I could take flax oil/seeds but they give me acne! I think several others complain about this too. I'm also confused about flaxseeds because I've read that they're an aromatase inhibitor (maybe that's why they make some people break out?). I also read though that it depends on the amount consumed. A high dose of flaxseeds increases SHBG and binds free testosterone apparently.

Reading your posts Surferjoe, remind me that I should eat more nuts. I only like peanuts, pistachios and cashews though and eat them sporadically. Will look into rice bran. What about a spoonful of coconut oil a day? That might be good for NBE/gaining weight.

(28-06-2017, 21:56)Chrissygwy Wrote:  Thanks Joe, ill tweek a few things as suggested x

Bettie - ive heard it mention a few times; I'll def have a look into it especially the cost,  the algae  (omega) cost $32.00 for month supply so rather expensive when you put it with 'everything else' am using. But i do have low blood pressure in general not sure why because am a active person and drink over 1.5 sometimes 2lts of water - my mum also has low blood pressure as a norm?  So research may be required first. Thanks for tip x

You're welcome Chrissygwy!
Ah, I also have low blood pressure (runs in the family). I drink loads of water too and try to eat more salty food. That's why I started off taking only 1 SBO pill and then 2, just in far I'm not noticing any dizzy spells and my blood pressure hasn't gone down luckily (I have the little wrist thingy that measures your blood pressure. You should get one to monitor your pressure). xx


I just read that "Unfortunately, the body is not very good at turning Omega 3 into EPA or DHA" and "Some evidence shows that too much Omega 6 blocks Omega 3 conversion into EPA and DHA." on this site

This is worrying as I also take EPO which is full of omega 6. Also, if the above is true, then why do they say that the dietary ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3 should be 4:1??

And this site claims that  "Flax seeds, flax oil, chia seeds, hemp seeds, hemp oil, avocado, walnuts, and walnut oil are other popular food sources of ALA but are virtually devoid of EPA and DHA". 

We should always take things we read online with a grain of salt but it does seem like there are very few DHA and EPA food sources (apart from fish and algae). Any thoughts?

Another good source of ALAs besides flax seeds is chia seeds.  It's even better actually.

Nut fats aren't actually that good for you, though many nuts are good for you since they're so high in other nutrients.  Pumpkin seeds, sesame/tahini paste/hummus, almonds and sunflower seeds off the top of my head.  You can google the usda nutrient database and try to find more.  But they're also high in omega 6.  Coconut oil is a good source of empty calories for weight gain and it contains no omega 6.  A teaspoon only has 45 calories though.  Maybe just cook with it to avoid omega 6s.  For NBE weight gain in general helps, but it would probably help more for NBE if you massaged with it.  I'd mostly load up on whole grains in case you can't put on weight due to a metabolic issue.  It's also good for the overweight for the same reason, and for energy... basically it gives your body the tools it needs to burn energy, store it, do whatever with it.

The ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 should be *at most* 4:1.  Between 1:1 and 4:1 actually.  So you need some omega 6 but it's common to get too much.  Actually up to 4:1 is ideal, not the upper limit.  Up to 10:1 isn't too bad even though it isn't ideal.  More than that could be trouble.

Yes you pretty much need to get EPA & DHA from fish or algae.  Your body can convert a small amount of ALA into EPA so you won't die without fish/algae, but this isn't enough EPA/DHA to be ideal.

Thank you, Surferjoe. Will look into chia seeds (not sure why that website claims that they're practically devoid of EPA and DHA though). I can't do most of the nuts you mentioned unfortunately. Dodgy

Yeah, I think coconut oil would work best as a massage oil. Plus, I'm not underweight. If I gain weight, it only goes to my stomach and arms (not an ideal figure lol). I envy women who gain weight in their breast area and hips/butt!! Even if they get fatter stomach's, at least their breasts and butt grow proportionately! I guess it depends on your body type/genetics.

Pear shaped women tend to gain weight in the hip/bottom area, hourglass women tend to gain weight all over, apple shaped women gain weight primarily in the stomach. What is your body type Chrissygwy?

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