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Help! Hormonal disorder (Probably PCOS) and would like to grow huge boobs!!!!!


Hello fellow girls!

I signed in in 2014 because I was interested in NBE but only made poor attempts at it since I was a university student and had severe depression (still not totally cured but I feel better), so I quickly abandonned.

I'm now back in 2017 and after contempling breast implants and not liking the option, I'm back on this forum.
I want to fix my hormonal imbalance that I've had since I started menstruating and get my boobs the biggest size they can naturally reach.

A few informations about me before starting:
  • Age: 22
  • Height: 170 cm or 5'7
  • Weight: 46 kg or 101 lbs (so very low BMI, but it is natural)
  • Breast cup: A or small B cup (hard to tell since I have a thoracic deformity)
Hormonal imbalance History:
  • First period: 13 years old
  • Period was always really illegular since then and stayed that way
  • Used to have my period a few times in a YEAR at best and bleed for weeks (I would lose a LOT of blood), sometimes only one time
  • I started taking birth control at 18 or 19 to stabilize periods and to protect myself from getting pregnant
  • Birth Control: Louise mithra (2mg of Dienogest / 0,03mg of Ethinylestradiol)
  • Stopped birth control a few months ago (January) because I want to fix the problem and not mask it.
Note: Dienogest = synthetic progesterone / Ethinylestradiol = synthetic estrogen

Symptoms I've always had (that only faded while taking birth control):
  • REALLY thin and sparse: the texture is almost the same as babies' and kids'
  • massive hairloss
  • Facial hair (mustache)
  • Lots of body hair (on nipples, tummy, fingers, very thick ones on my legs)
  • (only sometimes - can happen anytime) sore boobs and nipples
  • (only happened after stopped birth control): little pimples on my back
  • tummy and vaginal pain on rare but long and heavy periods
  • moodiness, foggy thinking, feeling really really tired all the time
First time I took birth control, my boobs became really huge (I think they were a D on my tiny body), and suuuuper sore (they never hurt that much before), my hair became super thick and shiny and my body hair became a lot thinner and some disappreared.
Sadly, after one month, they became smaller (but not as small as originally). 

I went to a gynecologist a few days ago explaining my symptoms, and she said I have PCOS symptoms (Polycystic ovary symdrome), and that I probably had Micro-Polycystic ovary symdrome since my examination came out normal.
PCOS is basically when the ovaries don't produce the right amount of hormones at the right time and were you have too much androgens and too little estrogen, which explains male characteristics (body hair and androgenic hairloss) + missed periods.

I'm going to have a blood test done tomorrow to verify it and see what my hormones levels are. I'm excited for this!!! Sadly, I couldn't get a saliva test which are known to be a lot more reliable and precise.
I told her that I didn't want to get back on birth control... Let's see what comes after! I hope I can get natural hormonal therapy to correct the problem... If it's synthetic again I think I'll refuse.
I asked her about progesterone levels but she said that had nothing do to with it but I'm kind of skeptic???

Note: I'd like to say that ALL women in my family have huge boobs EXCEPT for me (reason of my insecurity), who funnily happen to have a hormonal imbalance... Does that mean that it is in my genes to have big boobs but my that my imbalance is preventing me from it?

I'll post my blood test results and try to get help from experimented members there.
  • Do some of you girls have PCOS?
  • How do you naturally treat it and grow boobs at the same time?
Thank you to those who will read and help me!

I'm going to add that I have tested Pueraria Mirifica out of curiosity and yes, my breasts swelled a lot.
Sadly it was only while taking it and they returned to their original size as soon as I stopped.
I've also bought natural progesterone cream from Swanson but haven't tested it yet.

I'm waiting for my results before attempting anything else again.

A hormone test is good to take. That is a complicated one, and I don't know what it is.

A lack of menstruation would normally be too low levels of LH or FSH. But then again you say you have heavy menstruation a few times a year, and PCOS, which both mean high LH or FSH.

I'm not sure about this, but perhaps it's as you said, low estrogen and high androgens. Maybe this accounts for your menstruation pattern and severity. I think it also may have to do with desensitization of responses. Maybe there is high LH/FSH that reduced sensitivity, so it takes a lot of LH/FSH to cause menstruation, but once that occurs, maybe it gets other hormones involved (which are normally low), then it happens heavily. And there could be a lack of androgen to estrogen conversion.

First get the test, if it's low estrogens and high androgens, perhaps it's lavender or peony, with countering amounts of prolactin/progestogenic herbs that may help you. Of course, since this is a steep problem, to go slow and use very low amounts of herbs. Stay off of mint and rosemary for now. As for Pueraria, it acts as progesterone or prolactin, and it may raise androgens without directly raising estrogen. My guess is that your test will say low prolactin too. Outside of the Luteal phase, progesterone levels are generally low, so it is pointless testing for it from which is normally menstruation until ovulation.

What's your diet like? Are you avoiding fruits, vegetables, grains? Do you normally have a lot of Rosemary spice in your food?

I also have PCOS and we share similar symptoms. From what you wrote, it sounds like you have high testosterone but like Lovely-Dynseli said it's best to get your hormones checked, to be sure so let us know what your results say. Some PCOS sufferers are estrogen dominant, others have high progesterone and high estrogen too.

You can find tips in this thread by Neverloosehope: where she mentions natural ways to treat PCOS (magnesium, vitamin D3, low carb diet...). 

I'm taking a supplement called d-chiro-inositol which many PCOS sufferers take. It can be taken alone or together with regular inositol (many say they work even better together!). Inositol is basically vitamin B8 and it regulates sugar levels, lowers cholesterol, restores ovulation, decreases testosterone (great for hirsutism!), increases Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, improves waist to hip ratio, among many other things. 

Let us know about your test results and you can then come up with a NBE plan, accordingly!

I had PCOS too! I started bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in September 2016. They actually did urine tests to check for sex hormones, which is the most accurate way. You can actually order your own kit online and send it off to a facility for analysis. Then they will send you the results. It can be a little expensive (I think I paid about $400 for my test kit because insurance doesn't cover my hormone therapy).

I don't know where you live but bioidentical hormone therapy doctors are becoming a lot more common in the US lately. I was surprised when I searched for one several months ago after having first searched 7 years ago or so, at which time they were very rare.

Like you I had a lot of the same PCOS symptoms. When I was a teenager I was high in testosterone so I was put on birth control. Then when I went to do hormone therapy and I got my hormone results back, they told me I was estrogen dominant and progesterone low. I was surprised that high testosterone wasn't a problem anymore!

Anyway, after several months of hormone therapy and adding a estrogen detox support supplement as per the doctor's orders, I started taking bovine ovary and the PCOS pains and other symptoms I used to get (constipation, localized pain, back pain, and constantly having to pee whenever I had active cysts) all went away. I actually haven't had any of those symptoms since I started BO over a month ago. I think the combination of the BO and the hormone therapy may have actually gotten rid of it. But we will see once I come off the BO.

PCOS and mild depression aren't good when going for G cups.  I think you'll be pretty frustrated if you're not careful.  On the plus side you likely have high testosterone and low estrogen which is easier to deal with than other problems.  And you know you've already responded well to phyto-estrogens (and birth control estrogen too).  I think if you continue for long enough the swelling will be permanent rather than temporary.  And anti-androgens will help even more.  I think with both you will get to D again very easily.  But then you may run into mood and hormonal problems part way to your goal.

A hormonal test is very good to confirm the above before you do anything.  Assuming low estrogen and high testosterone you could try:
320 mg saw palmetto extract, or reishi (not sure how much reishi)
Spearmint tea made from 5g dry spearmint twice a day
Pueraria mirifica.  100 mg a day, or cycle 250-500 mg.  Only increase after you've tried less.  And if more isn't as good, go back down.
Progesterone cream may be a bad idea if your estrogen is low, especially since you responded well to estrogen alone in the past.  You may want to wait a long time before adding it, possible after a 2nd test several months from now.

But wait for your tests first.

I think you should look at the nutritional options in my sig thread.  There is a nut mix for example in the middle, and a list of healthy foods in the end.  If you go with the nut mix you should also balance out the nut fats with plenty of fish oil.  And flax oil or chia seeds.  Something for steroidal saponins such as fenugreek or shatavari would be nice too for NBE.  But they might raise testosterone too, so you should get anti-androgens first.  The nut mix includes fenugreek.  Nutrition is good for your mood and hormonal issues too, including depression and PCOS.  Saponins are often good for mood too.

I think since you've responded well to estrogen in the past and since you are testing your hormones to see exactly what you need you should easily be able to reach your goal.  Maybe even without good nutrition.  But the nutrition will both help you get there and maintain it with reduced problems rather than increased problems.

I have to disagree on Saw Palmetto and Spearmint while having PCOS. I'm not too sure about Pueraria.

All of these three herbs (Saw Palmetto, Spearmint, Pueraria) raise LH, which is correlated with PCOS to start with. Pueraria balances out it's LH effects, with countering hormone effects. Either way, Pueraria is not the ideal herb to take when there is PCOS, especially in a severe case.

(01-05-2017, 21:50)Lovely-Dynseli Wrote:  I have to disagree on Saw Palmetto and Spearmint while having PCOS. I'm not too sure about Pueraria.

All of these three herbs (Saw Palmetto, Spearmint, Pueraria) raise LH, which is correlated with PCOS to start with. Pueraria balances out it's LH effects, with countering hormone effects. Either way, Pueraria is not the ideal herb to take when there is PCOS, especially in a severe case.

Lovely-Dynseli, I have PCOS (high T which I'm treating now) and was considering trying out a breast cream/serum with PM (maybe 15% or 20%). Is this a bad idea?

(02-05-2017, 14:08)bettie32 Wrote:  
(01-05-2017, 21:50)Lovely-Dynseli Wrote:  I have to disagree on Saw Palmetto and Spearmint while having PCOS. I'm not too sure about Pueraria.

All of these three herbs (Saw Palmetto, Spearmint, Pueraria) raise LH, which is correlated with PCOS to start with. Pueraria balances out it's LH effects, with countering hormone effects. Either way, Pueraria is not the ideal herb to take when there is PCOS, especially in a severe case.

Lovely-Dynseli, I have PCOS (high T which I'm treating now) and was considering trying out a breast cream/serum with PM (maybe 15% or 20%). Is this a bad idea?

If you mean PM as Pueraria mirifica then that is 50/50. It raises androgens, while at the same time countering them; I don't know how much it does of each. Using Pueraria during PCOS is a risk. For severe cases of PCOS, avoid Pueraria. Use a galactogogue instead.

(02-05-2017, 20:47)Lovely-Dynseli Wrote:  If you mean PM as Pueraria mirifica then that is 50/50. It raises androgens, while at the same time countering them; I don't know how much it does of each. Using Pueraria during PCOS is a risk. For severe cases of PCOS, avoid Pueraria. Use a galactogogue instead.

Yes, I meant pueraria mirifica! Thank you for your reply. I had no idea about that, especially since so many women grow with PM. Maybe it's because they don't have PCOS or excessive androgens.  I'm applying fennel essential oil on my breasts for now and I hope it's safe!

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