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Anyone experience delayed periods using herbs? I wanna stop freaking out..


Hello All! So I recently started my herbal NBE journey. I wasn't really cycling anything. I was eating fenugreek seeds and taking saw palmetto and a powder mixture of rice bran, vitex, and kelp by mouth for around 2 weeks. I started this mostly because I wanted to even out my cycle. I just got off the combo Pill after being on it for 5 years and had the copper IUD placed in December 2016. I was experiencing really heavy flow almost every 2 weeks for three cycles. I had my last period end on March 8th and started the herbs march 10th. (I legit bled from Jan 2-12, Jan 31-Feb 8, Feb 28 -March 8). So it's officially been four weeks since I bled last.

"WHAT COULD BE THE CAUSE ?" I wondered...
I unfortunately got boobie greed the second I saw growth and threw that balance cause out the window. I ordered greenbrush herbs because I had heard wonderful things about them and even though I'd done a bunch of research on cycling herbs to be more healthy, I read on their website that you should just be consistent for great results and I loved how I didn't have to take a million of different things. So of course I started taking the GB capsules and extract (includes saw palmetto, fenugreek, and wild yam) everyday 3 times a day (and even upped the dosage after a week because I couldn't believe the growth.) I also drank their bustea every other day. So way more herb than those first two weeks. 

I HAVE almost increased a full cup size from taking it for almost 2 weeks BUT now I'm almost a full month out from having a period, and I'm worried that introducing all these herbs and not being consistent with anything for more than a week screwed up my pretty consistent cycle I had going. I stopped the all herbs because I realized my mistake, and will start cycling the herbs to match my body's natural rhythm once I (hopefully) start my period. I just want things to start moving, if you know what I mean!

I feel wonderful from the greenbrush, besides the anxiety that comes with not getting your period as a young woman who is NOT ready for a child... My friends tell me I'm being insane since the copper IUD has a .1% failure rate, and I know its in the right place, AND I also use condoms (with the exception of one time, which is 100% of the reason I'm freaking). I'm also worried in my mind because I am considering the possibility that if I AM pregnant, then that is the actual cause of my breast growth (but I feel like it would be insane to experience a full cup size growth in under two weeks from that?) IM CLUELESS HERE! 

This is partial venting and partial hoping you all can share how herbs have changed or delayed your menstrual cycles? Any and all experience would be so appreciated. I saw one thread of a girl on here who started taking greenbrush and her period was delayed THREE WEEKS. So insane! 

Sorry for the long post!

Herbs are notorious for causing extended delays in periods, so that definitely could and most likely be the cause. But I wouldn't stress yourself out unnecessarily, because that could further delay your period, as well. To put your mind at ease, buy a cheap pregnancy test, and that way you can know with more certainty and hopefully get some peace on the issue. 

I've personally experienced delays with my periods using MSM, and I saw that you were once taking that, but really it could be any number of things that you are doing/taking that could have had a hand in delaying your cycle.

Some natural ways to induce your period: Have sex (or masturbate), do cardio exercises, drink ginger tea, parsley tea or cinnamon tea. Some foods that also help to bring on your menstrual cycle are: celery, cumin, papaya, almonds, grapes, aloe vera, sesame seeds, yogurt, soy milk, tofu. You can look up a number of emmenagogues which are foods that help induce period. 

Hope this helps, and puts your mind at ease. 


Oh and congratulations on growing a cup size!

I'm really interested to hear more about your progress with Greenbrush. Is that the only thing you're taking currently that made you grow?

Oops i just replied via your other thread and saw this!
Yes yes and yes herbs can mess up your cycle! Longer/shorter/heavier/lighter... Its the nature of the beast of herbs plus we are all here for a reason, mostly some hormonal influence that has us with small or smaller boobies. 
What these inbalances are is the big question with no easy answer...

Also fwiw it can take many months to regulate your cycle after coming off birth control esp for the period of years you were on it then you jumped right into another herbal manipulating route. Personally Id stop for a while, get some normality back into your cycle. If you google around there are many sites which give you guidelines to comming off contraception (transition period). I cant see why you cant try manual methods in the meantime until your period comes back to normal?

(05-04-2017, 17:53)ZaraAri Wrote:  Oh and congratulations on growing a cup size!

I'm really interested to hear more about your progress with Greenbrush. Is that the only thing you're taking currently that made you grow?

Thank you so much for your post! It helped so much. I got a test and thankfully I'm in the clear there  Rolleyes 

I think that I just threw my body for a loop and knocked everything out of balance. Not that I think it was balanced before.... Since I got the IUD 3 months ago I've basically had two periods a month so maybe my body is finally just re calibrating? 

Thank you for the congrats! It's been so amazing to just have a little something to grab. I'm still small but seeing an actual BREAST from the side is a huge step for me. Never seen that on my body. I think I am going to continue with the greenbrush kit i got til I run out. It may not be the best thing since I'm still only spotting making this cycle now 35 days since my last new moon. BUT I think it would be worse for my breast progress which is my biggest goal and my emotional and physical health feels 100% so I'm not worried. As far as my program... 

For the first 13 days I was eating a nut/seed mixture of almonds, sunflower, pumpkin and fenugreek. Then taking Saw palmetto caps and massaging my breast with flaxseed oil. Once I got the greenbrush on day 13 I have been taking 2-3 caps 3x daily and 1-2 doses of extract 1-2x daily and some days I'd have a bustea! so not super consistent with amounts. I also added a bit of lavender, tea tree, and greenbrush extracts to my flaxseed during my 300 chi circles daily. I'm now on day 27 of my herb journey. My noogles turned out to kind of be a bad fit for my chest. I tried the contour too and nothing fit the way my chest is. I'm considering Bosom Beauty though. So I'm not sure if the herbs or massage is doing this magic but I'm going to continue! Once I run out of the greenbrush im starting a cycling program I wrote using Lady-D's botanicalbe pdf. Hopefully that will help regulate lady things and give my breast another boost after I finish this round of herbs.

(05-04-2017, 20:45)EllaC Wrote:  Oops i just replied via your other thread and saw this!
Yes yes and yes herbs can mess up your cycle! Longer/shorter/heavier/lighter... Its the nature of the beast of herbs plus we are all here for a reason, mostly some hormonal influence that has us with small or smaller boobies. 
What these inbalances are is the big question with no easy answer...

Also fwiw it can take many months to regulate your cycle after coming off birth control esp for the period of years you were on it then you jumped right into another herbal manipulating route. Personally Id stop for a while, get some normality back into your cycle. If you google around there are many sites which give you guidelines to comming off contraception (transition period). I cant see why you cant try manual methods in the meantime until your period comes back to normal?

Yes thank you so much for responding! I know I should just stop and cycle things but as long as I'm not experiencing any mental or physical health problems I'm probably going to finish the greenbrush herbs (I KNOW IM BAD.) and from there then cycle. I'm more inclined to believe my body is just sorting itself out since I generally feel great. I'll just buy the herbs from greenbrush individually because they really are potent stuff!

(07-04-2017, 03:58)arwenofgondor Wrote:  
(05-04-2017, 20:45)EllaC Wrote:  Oops i just replied via your other thread and saw this!
Yes yes and yes herbs can mess up your cycle! Longer/shorter/heavier/lighter... Its the nature of the beast of herbs plus we are all here for a reason, mostly some hormonal influence that has us with small or smaller boobies. 
What these inbalances are is the big question with no easy answer...

Also fwiw it can take many months to regulate your cycle after coming off birth control esp for the period of years you were on it then you jumped right into another herbal manipulating route. Personally Id stop for a while, get some normality back into your cycle. If you google around there are many sites which give you guidelines to comming off contraception (transition period). I cant see why you cant try manual methods in the meantime until your period comes back to normal?

Yes thank you so much for responding! I know I should just stop and cycle things but as long as I'm not experiencing any mental or physical health problems I'm probably going to finish the greenbrush herbs (I KNOW IM BAD.) and from there then cycle. I'm more inclined to believe my body is just sorting itself out since I generally feel great. I'll just buy the herbs from greenbrush individually because they really are potent stuff!
To be fair they claim their enhancment blend balances hormones so if they were correct that would be great. HOpe you get good results :Smile 
I always liked how honest their testimonials were. Not great and not bad either so you know they are real !

I recently researched some more emmenagogues out of curiosity, and I found two websites that do a great job of listing different herbs and oils for helping to start menses. I also read that fennel oil is a particularly good one.

"Women who have problems with irregular, obstructed or painful menstruation can benefit from the emmenagogue property of fennel oil. Not only does it help to clear obstructed menses and make them regular, it also gives relief from the other symptoms associated with periods such as headaches, pain in the abdominal area, dizziness, and mood swings. It also helps to prevent untimely or premature menopause."

Here are the other websites I found:

This list might be good to have for future delays, and I know I personally deal with painful menstruation, so I might just purchase some Fennel oil just to have it on hand. 


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