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MissMadScientist’s Flaxseed & Soy method: How I went from 32B to 32F in 3 months

(21-02-2017, 07:39)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  
(14-02-2017, 20:06)christri Wrote:  Hi MissEllen! 

So I just wanted to update you and everyone on your thread about my results from doing your method for 3 weeks (on the 16th it would have been 3 weeks and I just stopped today).

Ultimately, and unfortunately, this did not work out for me at all. I didn't experience any breast tenderness or feelings of growth while doing it, and I did not miss one day. In fact, I actually experienced a loss of bust size for a couple of days, (but I think that was to do more with how I was noogling, but now that I've been noogling properly I've gained it back). But that goes to show that this did not have a good overall effect, and in no way did it increase my breast size. Actually, I experience a few adverse effects, and after doing some research of my own i decided that it will probably be best if I continue to do what I was doing prior to achieve my breast growth while also using my noogleberry.

I have my suspicisions of why this might not have worked out for me, and I talk about this more on my thread, but I just wanted to give an overall summary for anyone who is curious. I really was optimistic throughout this, and I was hoping to see great results, and even though I didn't I don't want to discourage anyone who is trying this out now or who is wanting to do it in the future, because it very well may give you the amazing results that MissEllen has achieved! Wink

<3 ChrisTri

It's also important to note that Ellen started out on Mirena, a progestin.  There are several stories about rapid growth from a progestin/progesterone followed by a phytoestrogen.  Not only do the two complement each other well, progestin alone could have made her shrink making the rebound from shrinkage + additional growth that much more dramatic.

Second IIRC Ellen is on a mostly vegan diet with lots of whole grains, except for fish now and then.  There are likewise several stories of women who grew a lot from a HCLF (high carb low fat) vegan diet.  You don't want to get too much vegetable fat but the ALAs in flax and the EPA/DHA/DPA in fish provide the important essential fatty acids and counterbalance other vegetable fat.

So it's not just the phytoestrogens, but also diet and progestin/progesterone.  IMO try a HCLF vegan diet including whole grains, or better yet HCLF vegan except with a small amount of seafood (and ALA fats including flax are good acceptable fats too).  Then find something for progesterone.  THEN add the flax and so on.

Hi Joe!

Yeah I was on Mirena, but you do have to realise that Mirena spiral works locally bascially, because it is placed in the uterus, it releases the levonorgestrel (progestin) locally, so very little amount gets in the blood system as to the uterus.
Besides that, my BCP Microgynon-30 does also has the same type of progestin levonorgestrel, and that does is taken orally, and thus uptake is systemically.
I don't know about the precise amounts in the blood systems of both, but dosage alone does not really compare good by the different delivery methods.

I agree with you on your second point, I have also read a lot of people who are leaning towards veganism, have experienced growth. Very interesting I find this.

xxx ellen

(16-03-2017, 23:01)Coleworld Wrote:  Any updates?

I decided to take a break from the entire program and I started all over again last Saturday. I'm only doing the flaxseeds right now. I take a total dosage of 45grams of flaxseeds a day. I started off by taking 20 grams in the morning and 25 at night, but I forgot to take it in the morning twice, so I took the entire dosage at night for those two days and let me tell you, whenever I take the full dose at once I feel it immediately. I've been on birth control for a little over a week now, so my body is still adjusting. I actually got the same exact birth control as Ellen. My sister was surprised that the doctor prescribed me for such a birth control as a starter, because she says it's quite heavy. I have a little cold going on right now and I haven't gained any growth, but I wanted to update you guys, because as of today I've been feeling a lot of discomfort in my breasts. Usually, I'll feel some discomfort, but it will quickly disappear as the day progresses, but today the discomfort has been very consistent. It feels as if someone is putting a lot of pressure on my breasts. I also have a little discomfort in my upper back. No idea what is going on, but I sure hope that all this discomfort translates into growth.

Side note: Ever since I removed the soy out of my diet, it has been A LOT easier to lose weight. I may revisit it again, but let's see how the flaxseeds workout for me

Hi Coleworld!!

So excited for you! I hope the pains turn out to be breast growth! Sorry for your weight gain, I forgot to really highlight that in my initial post. I just added the nutrients and figured people would calculate, but you wouldn't expect to have such high density in calories right?!
How nice that you are on the same birth control :) It is actually a pretty safe one, since it has been one of the longest around and has had intensive studies on health risks. So should be fine.
I take it continiously, so I have no stop week. This way the cells really can continue to grow. But do discuss with your doctor before doing anything.
Eventually you can always ask for the microgynon-50 if you have noticed growth while on BCP and no negative side effects otherwise. Just say you have bleedings in between, and your GP will give you a higher dose of BCP.

Good that you try to lose a little weight. The less belly fat you have, the more growth hormone you can get. And growth hormone is really needed for breast growth! Have a look here for more tips:

I am so curious! Let me know how it goes!
xxx ellen

(26-02-2017, 13:23)Grow36 Wrote:  Hiya, I am new here. I wanted to ask if the soy flour could be added in smoothie? Like soy, milk, banana, avocado, honey etc.

Sure! Why not! Makes it more yummy. I don't have a blender, if I would have one I would probably make something better then just adding chocolate milk powder like I do now.

(27-02-2017, 00:36)Andino33 Wrote:  Hi everyone! Just as @coleworld described, I am having the same issue :/ discomfort, feels sorta like growth pains but not exactly. I feel it especially in my right breast, my smaller one. I'm also about to hit my three week mark and have experienced no growth unfortunately :Sad still haven't given up and will continue with this method. My boobs seem much smaller and that is a reason for my concern, but I don't want to stop too soon, hopefully the results kick in later on. I'm wondering if my breasts are getting smaller due to too much estrogen/ not enough progesterone? I have a progesterone cream so if anyone has any recommendations, please pleaseee let me know. Thanks! 

P.S. does anyone have any issues with swallowing this stuff? In general I have no gag reflex whatsoever but the soy flour makes me wanna hurl :/ yuck! I choke up every time I drink it. I wonder if it's because it's not toasted? Anyone else have an issue with the taste? That hasnt stopped me from drinking it tho! Determination is real!  Big Grin

Haha yeah I vomit first time I took in the toasted full fat soy flour haha! I actually tried to take it in other ways, like in pancakes or bread. But it all was more awfull than just adding milk, stirr really good and add some chocolate milk powder to it, and drink it with a straw.
Since I drink it with a straw, I hardly taste it, I swallow it asap this way. And little I taste, takes like chocolate, so yeah, that is how I managed to deal with it. But do be creative and find out other ways how it can help for you, experiment a little. Would love for one day that someone posts a perfect recipe to make this stuff more durable.

The flaxseed I am pretty alright with, not so hard I find anymore.
Also for you, try and see if you can increase your growth hormone naturally, maybe your estrogen recepters are all full now, but you need more growth hormone. I have a link in the post above this one that has some tips for you.

xxx ellen

(05-03-2017, 17:44)afnan Wrote:  
(10-02-2017, 18:42)afnan Wrote:  okay i will follow your steps and i will eat two yogurt a day ( i will add to the yogurt either strawberry,sunflowers seed or almonds ) i like an extra taste and i will update every 2 week Rolleyes

guys im almost 85 and i notice a fullness on my breast !
though i didnt feel any discomfort or pain at all i hope its a good thing..
any way Ellen you are amazing thank you for sharing your method i hope i will reach my goal (90) soo more five to go Tongue
and id like to advice everyone to active their good bacteria i think eating a yogurt with almonds a day has helped me. i said i will eat two but i only eat one
best of luck to all of you

Afnan!! Yesss Smile

I was wondering how you where doing, so great to hear! five more to go! Keep it up hehe!
Agree on the bacteria, good tip

love, ellen

(09-03-2017, 11:25)Laura1988 Wrote:  Miss ellen Do you think that flaxseed oil would work aswel?

No, it doesn't have as much as grounded flaxseed has sorry.

Sooo here is my OWN update haha Smile

I have completely stopped my program for a good reason. I wanted to see what happened if I stopped for you guys, I am sure some of you must be curious. 
Because this method is fun, but not intended to take for the rest of your life, I strongly believe it is not healthy, at least the toasted full fat soy then. 
I wanted to use this whole method to kind of kick-start my NBE, and go on other methods from that.

My growth had stalled at 32F on this method for a few months, and for the last 1.5 months I have not taken any flaxseed or soy.
My breasts have shrunken one cup size within two weeks after I stopped. So I am an 32E now, and has been stable for the last month, I have not felt anything, and no difference whatsoever after those two weeks.

So basically I have permanently grown my breasts 3 cupsizes with this method (from 32 B to 32E).

Which is awesome!

So since this week I am doing Noogleberry 4 hours a day.
Also I am trying to see maybe if I can get Spironolactone (testosterone blocker), since I have big muscles, Hirsutism (unwanted hairs), and also acne. Maybe I have PCOS, but we will see about that.
I also do deer massage 10 min a day
and I continue to try and increase my growth hormone, by sleeping earlier and reducing my belly fat.

Much love to you all! Ellen

(25-03-2017, 23:18)MissEllen Wrote:  Sooo here is my OWN update haha Smile

I have completely stopped my program for a good reason. I wanted to see what happened if I stopped for you guys, I am sure some of you must be curious. 
Because this method is fun, but not intended to take for the rest of your life, I strongly believe it is not healthy, at least the toasted full fat soy then. 
I wanted to use this whole method to kind of kick-start my NBE, and go on other methods from that.

My growth had stalled at 32F on this method for a few months, and for the last 1.5 months I have not taken any flaxseed or soy.
My breasts have shrunken one cup size within two weeks after I stopped. So I am an 32E now, and has been stable for the last month, I have not felt anything, and no difference whatsoever after those two weeks.

So basically I have permanently grown my breasts 3 cupsizes with this method (from 32 B to 32E).

Which is awesome!

So since this week I am doing Noogleberry 4 hours a day.
Also I am trying to see maybe if I can get Spironolactone (testosterone blocker), since I have big muscles, Hirsutism (unwanted hairs), and also acne. Maybe I have PCOS, but we will see about that.
I also do deer massage 10 min a day
and I continue to try and increase my growth hormone, by sleeping earlier and reducing my belly fat.

Much love to you all! Ellen

Hi, Ellen!

I just wanted to say thank you for posting your program and all the details of it as well as your update. I started NBE about 6 months ago, but found I needed to give it a bit more of a kick to get it started. I've been taking BO and sheep placenta for a few weeks now in addition to bioidentical hormone therapy (which actually isn't directly connected to my decision to do NBE but is certainly an important part of it).

So I have been doing massages, taking these supplements, and I just got the Bosom Beauty and started using it over the weekend, and I realized I need to add something to my diet so my body has something to work with while I'm taking all these supplements and doing the breast pumping. This is where your post came in. I feel like the soy flour and whole milk has everything the body needs to build breast tissue. I am on a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet, which I think helps, but at the same time I feel like I need to supplement nutrionally as well. So your soy flour+whole milk (I use non-homogenized milk) is a great addition to what I am currently doing! I can't wait to see how it works in the next couple weeks as your growth was pretty fast.

Thanks again for sharing! Smile

PS I also have PCOS and had problems with hair growth and acne. That is why I started bioidentical hormone therapy. I found since taking BO my PCOS seems to have gone away, but I have only been through one cycle since starting the BO. I usually get flare ups around my period, so we will see then if the PCOS is really gone!

Ellen, since you seem to be knowledgeable about herbs, do you know any natural butt enhancements?

Hi, Ellen. I have a question. 

I would like to try your method but just with the soy flour at first. I already drink one glass of soy milk a day. Not for breast growth, but for extra protein since I am a vegan. I make a green smoothie every morning with spinach leaves, some fruit, multivitamin powder, and one cup of soy milk.

I would like to replace the soy milk of my green smoothie with soy flour instead. Would taking the soy flour in this way make it less effective? Would it work better if I would take it just with water instead of added to my green smoothie, or does it not really matter?

Thank you.

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