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Hypothyroidism and underdeveloped breasts


Hello to all! 

So I finally decided to open my topic. I am not completely new, I was carefully reading as many posts and information as I could. But since english is not my mother tongue, I am pretty stucked in many medical definitions. 
When I was around 13, they found me a hypothyroidism and since that I take euthyrox (I supplement). My pubic hair has grown but my breasts stucked in something I recognised just few months ago as tubular breasts (AA size). 
Until than I was only small, ashamed and bullied creature but when I found the real nature of tuberous breasts and their condition I couldn't rid of the hope that I could somehow cure myself in natural way. That is how I found this absolutely awesome forum and my journey to adulthood began :Smile
I am now 25 years old, I live in the middle Europe and as far as I know, I am maybe the first one to try this in my country. I found absolutely nothing in my language and when I brought this topis into the biggest group of alternative healing, they were all like 'wtf?'. 
My breast are symmetrical, now that's a good start, I take Euthyrox 88 every morning (I once tried to drop off but with a very bad resulting). In my free time I study from medical university textbooks to understand the endocrinal system and I am very surprised how it is all conected. Everything just makes sence. 
I am vegan, love sport, trying to be optimistic but I still fight with depressions, fatigue, anxiety, excess weight (a bit), I sleep bad, I have swing mood, strong PMS and terrible cramps when on my period, troubles with my flow, painfull breasts etc etc.... I also was infected by HPV by mi fu** cheating ex and I almost defeated that at the very last time (a miracle - according to my doctor, well, nature, lady, nature), but I couldn't get rid of the virus and I got it again Sad I have some bad changes on my cervix and I fight again. 
I was trying to persuade my doctors to get a hormonal test but I wasn't succesful, we are soo lost in this country.. But still I am pretty sure that I have too much of estrogen and have progesterone deficiency. From what I found in the textbooks, maybe my adrenal gland steals from progesterone to make cortisol to fight the stress I'm in and so I need to change this. I don't know how to turn my body into different way, I am trying not to stress too much but as a student, it is almost impossible. My endocrine system is broken, it is all connected and I don't know how to fix it. I also found that uterine cancer can happen only when there is excess of estrogen, that progesterone blocks the bad cells and heals. 

I decided I could try to help my body by using a progesterone cream on my breasts, drink Gaba tea, eat Wild yam pills, maybe a Pueraria mirifica cream and maybe, when I save some money, I can buy a Noogleberry (maybe you would know where to get a used one?). 

Would you approve such a treatment? I read all the threads for begginers and the threads of others with similar problems but still I have some language barriers. Do I have to like stick to a strict plan or is focusing on my diet (vegan with a lot of raw foods), supplements and maybe massaging good enough? My goal is not to make a huge breasts, I just want to develop properly so that I can breastfeed one day, that's all. I need to grow my mammary gland. And it would be great to find a final solution for my hypothyroidism. 
Any advice  would be very appreciated, I really want to end my condition. 

Thanks and sorry for the long post and my english....

The doctors should help you with hypothyroidism, and with a nutritional plan. They won't help you with NBE, however. You'll have to continue learning about improving your nutritional intake. It seems like your body loses nutrients during menses, that are not being compensated for. Nutrition and seeing your doctors about hypothyroidism should be your first priority.

(05-02-2017, 18:31)Lovely_Dynseli Wrote:  The doctors should help you with hypothyroidism, and with a nutritional plan. They won't help you with NBE, however. You'll have to continue learning about improving your nutritional intake. It seems like your body loses nutrients during menses, that are not being compensated for. Nutrition and seeing your doctors about hypothyroidism should be your first priority.

Hello and thank you for your reply, I appreciate it! As I wrote, I have my endocrinology doctor although he won't help me. I don't want to take the pills for my whole life and then loose my thyroid, I thought maybe there are some girls who cured themselves not only on the breasts but also witn the thyroid. But I'll continue on finding my alternative way... 

I eat healthy for about 5 years so that's not the case, I think that my body would already answer. But it seems to be stucked in the wrong condition, not wanting to produce me my hormones. I'll try the stuff I wrote and I'll see if at least I'll be able to breast feed one day. 
I was also thinking about homeopathy so... I'll see

(05-02-2017, 20:28)Zvon Wrote:  
(05-02-2017, 18:31)Lovely_Dynseli Wrote:  The doctors should help you with hypothyroidism, and with a nutritional plan. They won't help you with NBE, however. You'll have to continue learning about improving your nutritional intake. It seems like your body loses nutrients during menses, that are not being compensated for. Nutrition and seeing your doctors about hypothyroidism should be your first priority.

Hello and thank you for your reply, I appreciate it! As I wrote, I have my endocrinology doctor although he won't help me. I don't want to take the pills for my whole life and then loose my thyroid, I thought maybe there are some girls who cured themselves not only on the breasts but also witn the thyroid. But I'll continue on finding my alternative way... 

I eat healthy for about 5 years so that's not the case, I think that my body would already answer. But it seems to be stucked in the wrong condition, not wanting to produce me my hormones. I'll try the stuff I wrote and I'll see if at least I'll be able to breast feed one day. 
I was also thinking about homeopathy so... I'll see

Have you thought about seeing a Naturopath or Functional Medicine Dr i think in the states or other countries? Its likely not just your thyroid either, all the other things arround it, adrenals etc etc but you already know that. One thing Im finding it finding a practioner that looks at the whole picture and how they call connect. ITs alot easier in certain countries than others thats for sure.  I dont think there is an easy answer and you sure as hell dont want to self prescribe. Please be very careul and not consider PM, for alot of reasons. Sadly if your body isnt in balance progesterone cream can affect you negatively too. I also have gut/thyroid/ hormone issues so speaking from personal experience here and sadly most of it all started when i started popping misc herbs for NBE.

Until you find the right practioner though why dont you check out the massage threads?? Maybe incorporate some lactation type massages like "marmet" - google it and see if you can prompt some prolactin type response and stimulate growth that way? Eat a diet that promotes breast enlargement and milk which is a good healthy diet anyway. Make sure you are cutting out artifical sugar if you are consuming alot of that. Apply some gentle heat before you try the massages too like a warm flannel on your boobs or a hot water bottle.

Hey sorry to hear you got hypothyroidism and also that you got HPV from your cheating exbf.  Sad
I've had hyperthyroidism so overactive thyroid and it got cured with medication a few years ago. 
But I can't help you with the hypothyroidism, I've heard maca helps stimulate the thyroid that's the reason why I don't take maca.
And it also balances your hormones, but I would still be careful! I agree with EllaC and Lovely_Dynseli. It's better not to mess with herbs better cure hypothyroidism first before starting an NBE plan.  And what EllaC says try out massage, you can grow from massage only. It also makes the breasts rounder. Mine were conical and now they are so much rounder and fuller already.

Hello girls!  Shy

EllaC: I don't have any Naturopath in my neighbourhood but I could try a Traditional chinese medicine, that focuses on the whole body  Dodgy But you are definitely right that it's not a good idea to mess with the herbs when I don't know my hormone's results, I am so angry that I cannot have them. It would be much easier. I read about the massages so I definitely want to try at least that, I was only worried that it would only awake the fat and not the mammary gland which is my goal - I am OK with my small breasts, they are good for sports, but I really want to breast feed one day and this day is slowly approaching... I also read that progesterone could stop the cancer, that is why I suddenly exploded with action. 

Octaviaaah: The problem is that I CANNOT cure the thyroid, as the western medicine says, I will be ill for the rest of my life, which is unacceptable for me  Sad I have to take the pills every morning on empty stomach and cannot eat for 30 minutes. The amount of the pill will get bigger and bigger as the time goes and my thyroid will stop working in the end completely, they will cut it out and I'll have hell serious troubles. This is common, once you get chronical illness on your thyroid, they supplement you and the thyroid gives up. The eastern medicine says that it is bad to support the thyroid on not working (if you understand me) but you also have to find the way how to restart it in which I'm failing. I have to try some healer or something. I just thought that at least I can start with the breasts. Because it is seriously possible that I will never cure the thyroide but at least I want the mammary gland to be finished. I will PM you, those massages that you did sound good Smile

A lot of it could be from lack of iodine. Your diet is vegan, and iodine comes from sea products. 2 vegan compatible sources of iodine are seaweed and iodized salt. There might be another source of iodine, that isn't from the sea (I don't remember if it was pistachios, kale or cashews). However, you shouldn't overdo iodine, because the symptoms and other problems from too much are similar to too little iodine on the thyroid. Those who live far from the sea also typically have low amounts of iodine. It used to be common for those with large thyroids to typically live farther from the sea (because their thyroid expands to try to get all the iodine available, when there is little).

Also, it is important to get good amounts of lettered vitamins. They help prolong body tissue and health. For Vitamins A through K, 100% of the daily value, on average, is the minimum amount needed for optimal health.

For Minerals, those are easy to imbalance, so you must get those mostly from food, except for B12. You can take a multivitamin. If you want, you can take  a combination of lettered vitamins, and a calcium/magnesium/Vitamin D supplement to help,. But try to avoid individual mineral supplements (except B12), because those are hard to balance, when they must be balanced in proportion to other minerals. If you're worried about supplementing with minerals, ask your doctor. Vitamins (A - K) don't imbalance so easily, because with them, the only way to imbalance is either having too little or too much, except for synthetic vitamin A, which typically isn't good. Pro or pre-vitamin A in high amounts is perfectly good.

A vitamin you may be lacking is B12, because there are no significant vegan sources for it, except supplements. Bacteria produces vitamin B12. Cheese and Eggs are a vegetarian source for B12.

Zvon here is the link for how to do the massages. And it does not increase the fat, it is impossible to make extra fat out of nothing, to get more fat you need to eat more than you need.

And I'm sad to hear it's uncurable. I think I understand it a bit that you have to take medication the rest of your life with hypothyroidism . The doc wanted me to take radioactive iodine, cause I didn't have much results with my anti-thyroid medicine. But the anti-thyroid medicine had only been taken temporary to cure the disease. The radioactive iodine shrinks the thyroid gland so much that you get hypothyroidism because of it and then I would have had to take meds the rest of my life. 

On a side note: my dad was against it and asked the doctors to keep trying with the medicine. My dad was right, cause I got cured eventually. I have the feeling doctors "give up" too quickly if the results aren't immediate and resort to more drastic solutions. I had other similar experiences where they wanted a more drastic solution while it was unecessary.

(06-02-2017, 19:12)Octaviaaah Wrote:  Zvon here is the link for how to do the massages. And it does not increase the fat, it is impossible to make extra fat out of nothing, to get more fat you need to eat more than you need.

And I'm sad to hear it's uncurable. I think I understand it a bit that you have to take medication the rest of your life with hypothyroidism . The doc wanted me to take radioactive iodine, cause I didn't have much results with my anti-thyroid medicine. But the anti-thyroid medicine had only been taken temporary to cure the disease. The radioactive iodine shrinks the thyroid gland so much that you get hypothyroidism because of it and then I would have had to take meds the rest of my life. 

On a side note: my dad was against it and asked the doctors to keep trying with the medicine. My dad was right, cause I got cured eventually. I have the feeling doctors "give up" too quickly if the results aren't immediate and resort to more drastic solutions. I had other similar experiences where they wanted a more drastic solution while it was unecessary.

Hi. How did you cure your hypothyroidism?

Hi zvon, so i dont know a thing about hypothyoiidism. But a quick google research on how to cure hypo. naturally says its possible and says its not something permanent..idk if thats true but i wouldnt just go by what your doctors tell. Anyhow lower your stress will be extremely important and if your really under big stress find a good magnesium supplement bc stress uses up your magnesium stores making it hard for your body to.produce to right hormones,which is not good for you! Further i advise you to research and find a good holistic practioner or become you own "google" doctor and buy tests on the internet, plenty of ways to test yourself besides have urine tests saliva tests. You also say you eat healthy but you might not include or exclude the exact right foods foe your problem..details really make the difference ao dont give up hope yet on that part..(for example i read include healthy fats and decrease intake carbs) I also icluded a short leap ofinformation in this link which hopefully gives you a start in the right direction. Goodluck!!

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