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Newbie with a serious plan.


Hi there girls and guys Big Grin

Words of introduction: 
I am 20 years old genetic female.Last days I have mild hormonal problems (too less of estrogen) and that is my main cause of starting NBE due looking for solve I reach this forum and feel it's really possible looking on all of yours successful stories. So inspiring!

I feel very anxious about my body due most of girls grow much bigger in my region...mine fiance supports me but you know it's hard to win with own anxiety.

I spent a lot of time on reading last days and did build my plan for upcoming month. At 30th I should start my period and that's when Im going to start my journey.

starting measurements 21.01.2017 :
Over bust: 87cm (34.25")
Under bust: 70cm (27.55")
Waist 65cm 
Weight: it was 60 last time I checked but got thin in last days, should be able to check today. Really don't want to lose anymore :/

wearing 75C bra right now but I plan to get lower band size next time I buy.Cup fits but please note it is European sizing they are little.

Plan for upcoming 3 months: 


Morning and evening:
- 1x swanson BO total 500mg (my starting dosage gradually will go higher)
- 2 cups of goat's rue tea (it is too much cheap in Poland <3)
- spearmint peppermint mix tea 2 cups
- flax seed oil 30ml
- coconut oil 30ml

Massage: I have made my own massage oil mix or better to say two mixes. Around 20 min a day, morning and evening

First one for follicular phase:
olive oil based herbal mix consisting of: pueraria mirifica, soy isoflavones pharmaceutical grade extract,fenugreek, aswagandha, wild yam standarized 16% saponin, red clover, dong quai, acai berries, hops, essential oil of fennel, saw palmetto, calamus, goats rue, dandelion

Second simplier one for luteal phase:
Olive oil with herbs: saw palmetto,peppermint, fennel essential oil, wild yam, fenugreek, hops, dandelion, goats rue

Dietetary changes:
Im losing weight too fast last days after changing to clear diet.
- Going to increase intake of oils and bananas.
- due digestive problems eating lots of cultured cabbage and kefir last days to rebuil my microbiological system (feeling so much better by this little change!).
- im true vegetable and fruit hater...for around 17 years of my life ate only potatoes and carrot. Changed it yet. Getting better but too thin.
- whey protein shakes daily.

Mine life was giant stress in last years and i believe it had impact on my development. 

Cross your fingers for my success please Big Grin

Every month I will be giving updates

Welcome to the forum and good luck! Smile

First 3 Days on BO done, massaging with my oil mix from 1.5 week and my breast is dramatically swollen. 

Right now it's 91cm instead 87cm that's too big difference I hope atleast little part of it will stay as permanent growth.

I am too happy with them even if it's just temporary swelling, finally they look full on top not only at down.

After first month growth nothing more came by second. So I am still on 91 cm, atleast nothing disappeard even through hitting the gym hard. Month more and will switch to pueraria + progesterone cream if i don't get any effects. First effects came before starting bovine ovaries, my temperature is too low for them around 35.7-36 instead 37 and nothing manages to get it higher.

Ok I have to update and change my word that they didn't grew last month. 93cm instead 91 yay! Massages definitely work , not only size is bigger but also shape is better. Fiance note up difference so it has to really work Big Grin

95 this month (96 at fullest day) so again 2cm more. Growth is very stable so far , now it is last month on bovine ovary last two boxes left. From next period starting with ainterol pueraria and changing my oil recipe.

Congrats on your growth and success!!

Prepared my new program so sharing it with you all. Thanks to ZaraAri for inspiration in cycling <3

First let's start from my oral intakes, before I move to more interesting part. I have naturally pretty long cycle, around 30-32 days but everything works fine like in Swiss clock.

Day 1-15

- ainterol pueraria mirifica- 500mg x2 a day but for first month will take only once a day.
- flaxseed and olive oil- 2 tablespoon each
- dandelion and hops tea- before sleep 
- spearmint tea 
- ashwagandha with honey 1:3 teaspoon
- lampung black pepper to boost absorption of everything
- goats rue
- progesterone cream

day 15-23

- flaxseed and olive oil- 1 tablespoon each
- dandelion and hops tea
- spearmint tea
- ashwagandha with honey 1:3
- lampung black pepper
- goats rue tea
- progesterone cream

day 23-30 Detox time

- flaxseed and olive oil- 2 tablespoon each
- milk thistle tea 2x a day
- goats rue tea 1x a day
- lampung black pepper
- ashwagandha with honey 1:3
- progesterone cream

Vitamin D3 through all the cycle, protein shakes, nuts, lentil and banana rich diet.

I am pretty low on progesterone that's why I can use PC without break, tested over last 1.5 month and feeling so much better with it. Also with stacking on estrogens it will be less effective than it is now.

Coming to the interesting point now:

massage mix technique.

As Lotus mentioned in different topic, olive oil + something to improve circulation will greatly improve absorption, and olive oil alone is beneficial to increase boobies mass. My addition is, making herbal olive oil infusion + going through the skin barrier with good solvent for maximal absorption.

So the plan is simple and hopefully effective. With herbal infusion alone even through low absorption rate I had great results, time to boost it up.

STEP I- warm it up- welcome Indian red chilli. It has to be strong, some europeans brands don't give any sensation at all. diluted powder in little amount of oil due it's good carrier agent for capsaicin.

STEP IIa- access point- dimethyl sulfoxide 60% mixed with 40% water and herbs. pueraria, goats rue, fenugreek, hops, red clover 8% isoflavone extract, soy isoflavone 99% extract.

IIb aloe gel on top of it. I simply like it for moisturizing and collagen production properties.

STEP III- proper massage- now there is place for my olive oil infused with pueraria, goats rue, fenugreek, hops, red clover 8% isoflavone extract, soy isoflavone 99% extract, saw palmetto, dong quai, fennel, thyme, dandelion, gotu kola , wild yam 16% saponin,acai berries. I don't want to use essential oils this time due DMSO will make everything dramatically strong and I want to have some mercy on my kidneys.

Cautions: DMSO will carry anything directly to your cells and blood stream. It is so strong passer of all barriers and cell membranes it's proven only nails, hair and teeth can stop it. Some minutes after application your breath will smell like garlic, then you can guess how fast things travel through body with it's help. It's important to don't use anything toxic with it (like some essential oils) and wash hands properly before use to don't have any other chemicals or dirth on them. Other than that it is safe even for oral usage.

Hey Ashraf! 

Your plan looks great so far!  Big Grin

If I could suggest anything, I would definitely say only take 1 500mg PM for the first month, and if you're getting good results with just one pill, I would be hesitant to increase it to 2. You don't want to overload on that if your body doesn't need it. So stick to 1 pill as long as you can, and only if you need to increase to 2. I also have heard that many people break up the pill and take it at different times of the day (because it is such a high dosage, you might want to space it out), so you could try that as well! 

I would also suggest, even though you're low on P, I think you should still think about cycling it and limiting it during your luteal phase. The reason for this is that you don't want P to dominate during your follicular phase, but you do want it to surge during Luteal. This will help your body to remain some sort of regularity and balance. And it will also help your body to ovulate on time and also come on your period on time.

Another suggestion would be during your detox time, to not use ashwaghanda. During that last leg of luteal (the detox period) all hormones are steadily decreasing and you want them to lower so that during your next cycle you can "restart" the process. Ashwagandha is great but the thing about it is that it tends to raise T levels, so you don't want to take it during that time where you want all hormones to be low. 

One last thing... do you have an idea of when you ovulate? Because you might want to incorporate that in your plan. Because PM is notorious for throwing off ovulation and delaying your period, you may want to stop taking PM 1 to 2 days before you ovulate, and maybe just don't take anything on that ovulation day, and then start back up right after ovulation with your luteal phase. 

What I would suggest (and I suggest this so much on so many threads, I probably sound like a broken record by now, lol) is that after one full cycle of follicular (including menstruation) and also luteal (so after 30-32 days in your case) you should reflect on your program and see if it's given you any results and if your breasts has responded in any way (even if the response has only been small). Use this as a guide to help you make the necessary adjustments for the next month (you may need to make certain tweaks and changes as you go, but that's normal). If your breasts are responding very good and quickly, don't change too much about your program because it's obviously working. 

I'm not sure if you've already taken before measurements and pictures, but definitely do so if you haven't. Sometimes changes aren't always reflected in the tape measure, so it's great to take front view and side view pics of your breasts (you obviously don't have to share them on the forum if you don't want to!!). But do this, and after your full cycle is done, take pictures again and compare. This will really help you in your NBE journey to know what is working and what isn't! 

Hope this is helpful to you! Wishing you tons of success and luck!! 

<3 Xoxo

Oh, and that herbal infusion massage oil sounds very interesting! I'm really looking forward to your results with that too. Do keep us updated on how that effects your breasts!

(21-01-2017, 04:12)Ashraf Wrote:  Hi there girls and guys Big Grin

Words of introduction: 
I am 20 years old genetic female.Last days I have mild hormonal problems (too less of estrogen) and that is my main cause of starting NBE due looking for solve I reach this forum and feel it's really possible looking on all of yours successful stories. So inspiring!

I feel very anxious about my body due most of girls grow much bigger in my region...mine fiance supports me but you know it's hard to win with own anxiety.

I spent a lot of time on reading last days and did build my plan for upcoming month. At 30th I should start my period and that's when Im going to start my journey.

starting measurements 21.01.2017 :
Over bust: 87cm (34.25")
Under bust: 70cm (27.55")
Waist 65cm 
Weight: it was 60 last time I checked but got thin in last days, should be able to check today. Really don't want to lose anymore :/

wearing 75C bra right now but I plan to get lower band size next time I buy.Cup fits but please note it is European sizing they are little.

Plan for upcoming 3 months: 


Morning and evening:
- 1x swanson BO total 500mg (my starting dosage gradually will go higher)
- 2 cups of goat's rue tea (it is too much cheap in Poland <3)
- spearmint peppermint mix tea 2 cups
- flax seed oil 30ml
- coconut oil 30ml

Massage: I have made my own massage oil mix or better to say two mixes. Around 20 min a day, morning and evening

First one for follicular phase:
olive oil based herbal mix consisting of: pueraria mirifica, soy isoflavones pharmaceutical grade extract,fenugreek, aswagandha, wild yam standarized 16% saponin, red clover, dong quai, acai berries, hops, essential oil of fennel, saw palmetto, calamus, goats rue, dandelion

Second simplier one for luteal phase:
Olive oil with herbs: saw palmetto,peppermint, fennel essential oil, wild yam, fenugreek, hops, dandelion, goats rue

Dietetary changes:
Im losing weight too fast last days after changing to clear diet.
- Going to increase intake of oils and bananas.
- due digestive problems eating lots of cultured cabbage and kefir last days to rebuil my microbiological system (feeling so much better by this little change!).
- im true vegetable and fruit hater...for around 17 years of my life ate only potatoes and carrot. Changed it yet. Getting better but too thin.
- whey protein shakes daily.

Mine life was giant stress in last years and i believe it had impact on my development. 

Cross your fingers for my success please Big Grin

Every month I will be giving updates

Welcome hun!!

Interesting plan indeed! But I must give you this advice : if you suffer from digestive problems don't drink whey protein shakes for a while, you need to EAT the proteins through FOOD. Protein shakes are processed food so your poor gut will have to work to absorb it . When your digestive problems are gone it will be healthy to take protein shakes . Kefir is a good idea but also keep an eye, too much kefir can mess up your body too.

You better tell us about your progress monthly , I think you are going to be the #2 user on the forum who is going to use essential oils and herbs mixed for breast enlargement. It its a very interesting thing, in fact Zara and I have been debating about it and thinking in give a try Smile

Enjoy your journey! xx

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