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Loverandfighter's BO/NB program: A Lover Fighting for the Bigger Jiggles!


This is it!

I started today! I had my first BO with Kelp and Spearmint (I call them the Swanson Trio). I already had spearmint a few days before I started and had two: One in the morning and one at night. As for today the same, but I broke the kelp pill in half and had one BO pill which is 250 mg. I'm going to start with one pill for a week, and then two pills next week (If anyone detests, please tell me and why! Thanks!). I'm not taking the pituitary since I'm too young. I'm still noogling and I'll be working out and drinking protein (shakes/powder). 

Day 1: Period finished! Took 1 BO, 1/2 Kelp (due to dosage...I don't want to overload), and two Spearmint pills
Through the day, some sensations would occur in my nipple area and underbust...Doesn't hurt, but I'm hoping that means something~!
I felt energized for some reason too, but I got tired and need an hour of sleep due to last night. I didn't get enough sleep and I woke up early. 
Also...I smell sweet...weird. maybe it's just my lotion lol but I'll keep a nose on that. 

But anyways, I'm a 34B now (I honestly look like a small C in the front, but in the side view, I look like an A cup...But I've done my measurements and I'm surely a 34B), but I hope that in 1 month, I'll have noticeable growth, and in 3 months, I'll be pretty excited to detox for a month, then return to the quest for more growth! I got the jiggles, but not big enough! Even just a half inch would be wonderful to see in a short amount of time! I eat healthy and what not and I'm a healthy young woman so, I think this may be a good program!

(P.S. I will not post here everyday, but I may log just to mention anything happening or how my body feels about BO)

Anywho, I bide you adieu!


Quick note:

I think I'll start off with two BO...One in the morning and one at night. I see that people start off at this dosage anyways and I'll see what happens tonight. I will take an aspirin since I didn't get enough sleep (headache based from lack of it)

1 BO: 250 mg, so I'll be starting my first day with 500mg
Anyone object? I weigh 150 pounds (5"7) and no signs of hormonal imbalance. Either way, I'll report anything.


I've never since such swelling! I'm not sure if this has to do with the Swanson Trio, but my swelling literally boosted me a cup size!! Meaning I'm a full C cup, and I tested it when I put on my 34C bra! Woooooo I look good~! I almost forget the greatness of Noogling <3 Also, today, there are no noticable side effects after taking two pills of BO. I'm excited to see what the future brings me. Maybe 2017 will be SWELL.


Hey it seems you have a promising start already!  Big Grin Yes maybe 2017 will be SWELL for you.  Wink

Awesome! Another BO/NB'er. I'm so happy for you. Please keep us updated. I'm on 1250 mg BO since September and got NB in mid December. I have had slow growth

Yay, great to see you have started your new program. I'm a BO  user too so I'm excited to follow your progress and see what happens. Good luck on your journey!

Will be watching on your progress I have just started BO too Smile

Week 1

Heyo! I have been consistent with my Swanson Trio, but due to my bf coming over I didn't get the chance to noogle Friday or Saturday. I did Yesterday for 30 mins (7:2 method). Because I'm on my fertile Window (nearly done now), my breast lost fullness but not size. I caught a cold over the weekend as well. My hips seem a little more noticeable--wider even. This may be because of the Swanson Trio  Tongue Also, as for my breast, since now they are regaining some fullness, they feel squishy and nicer! Not much of a size difference from before, but I'm not expecting any changes in the first week. I also feel energized and a bit motivated...Pretty sure it's just me being happy, but who knows?

Anywho, I'll update this again tonight, and most likely after that you'll see Week 2 update next Monday.

Also, I wanted to mention that I am biologically a female. I just want a cup size or two. Hopefully they'll come in a few months~!

Week 2: (Day 20 in cycle)

I'm still taking 2 BO, 2 Spearmint, and a single kelp pill each day. Still noogling for an hour or so.

Bust: 36 inches/ 91 cm
Waist: 28-29 inches
Butt/hips: 40-41 inches (still a bit rectangular shaped though...Seems like that will change though  Rolleyes )

I've noticed my breast seem a bit, just a tiny bit bigger than before were the inner part of my breast show a little definition which is awesome <3 I'm not in my swelling phase, so that's great  Big Grin They do seem a bit heavier when I jump, but not overwhelmingly. I can't wait to get some heaviness  Tongue My hips are looking a bit rounder and a bit wider. Not sure when I'm supposed to see results on hips, but I'm not complaining!

 My skin is super soft and my skin seems to be clearing up scars. No acne either. I had acne really bad when I was 10 and so on, but now I have a really clear face. Face seems brighter too.  I think the spearmint is really helping out with body hair. Some aren't coming back at all and if they are, not as fast. 

I'm a little more self aware and focused. I can be a bit more emotional than usual, but I do take note of it. I always try to keep a level head. I'm usually very tolerant and peaceful. I do notice that I do have more energy than before--motivated too. Sometimes goofy.

My period is coming up probably in the next week, but I wonder if I should take my BO during it? 
I can't wait to see how much I get in a month and the coming weeks! I know 2 weeks isn't enough but yay! BO hasn't let me down~!

Also, I wanted to thank everyone for their best wishes to me!

Sounds good! So what have attributed tot your clear skin? Is it the BO? Cause the thought of starting puberty again scares me and I had so much acne. I still have adult acne.

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