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Minerals and breast qualities (article)


I stumbled upon an article yesterday and wondered what you all thought of it. It does not back up its claims a whole lot, but I think it can be interesting to investigate its assertions.

Women report that their breasts can change their size, shape, firmness, fullness, and even their location depending on one’s diet and body chemistry.  This offers hope for all women to improve their breast health.  Here are some of the major mineral patterns and the associated breast qualities:
1. Yang-induced breasts.  Women whose body is fairly healthy and yang tend to have breasts that are set higher on the chest, firm, rounded, full-feeling and medium-sized.  It is considered an ideal feminine figure.
The word yang in Chinese means compact, warmer, and inward-moving and downward-moving.  This is associated with a faster oxidation rate and a healthier body.  This is uncommon today, but can often be achieved with a complete nutritional balancing program for at least 3 to 5 years.  See below for the effect of a nutritional balancing program on the breasts.
2. Yin-induced breasts.  This is a common type of breast today.  Women whose bodies are yin may develop breasts that are large, expanded-looking or floppy, yet not that attractive because they are saggy and often misshapen.  Some women who begin life yin develop breasts that sit lower on the chest, as this is another quality associated with a yin body.
The word yin in Chinese means expanded, cool, and outward-moving.  Foods that make the body more yin are eating raw food, vegetarian diets, eating fruit and juices, alcohol, food chemicals or additives, or sweets of any kind.
3. Coppery breasts.  There are at least two coppery breast types:
1.  High-copper women tend to be high in estrogen and have large, soft, often pendulous breasts that are often somewhat cancerous.  The skin color is often more reddish and flushed. These women tend to be rather emotional.
2. Women with biounavailable copper or perhaps a lot of amigo copper often have small, soft, often saggy and empty-feeling breasts.  They may or may not have high estrogen, technically, but the breasts are very different, and sometimes very poorly developed. The skin is often a pale color.  This is a breast cancer pattern associated with liver toxicity and difficulty detoxifying estrogens.
Both these copper-related patterns are common in America, in particular, and in the Western world today.
In both cases, the breasts can sag early in life because copper imbalance weakens  connective tissue, often including the ligaments that support the breast tissue. 
Copper is a soft, malleable metal that is commonly out of balance in women.  The twin of copper is zinc, a mineral that is extremely important for, and often out of balance, in men.
4. Fat-induced breasts.  Women who eat a lot of fat in their diet may develop softer, larger breasts.  It is a sexy look.  However, this is another breast cancer pattern.  All fat, especially animal fat, tends to be higher in natural estrogens that can cause the breasts to get larger, but also to become cancerous.  The excessive fat can come from eating a lot of meat, a lot of dairy products, or even a lot of olive oil, avocado, coconut oil or other oils.  Please do not eat a high-fat diet if you want truly healthy breasts.
Although I do not recommend a high-fat diet for most people, fast oxidizers and all babies and young children must have enough fat or oils in their diets for proper growth.  This is very important.  A little fat, up to 10 to 15% of the volume of the diet, is fine and needed, in many cases.

5. Cadmium-induced breasts.  If a woman’s body is high in cadmium, the breasts tend to be hard and small, and may not develop much at all.  Cadmium is always associated with cancers in the body.
Cadmium, a “male mineral”, tends to harden and toughen the tissues of the body.  Cadmium toxicity is common in “tough” women who learn how to exist and survive in the man’s world of business.  Military and police often have more of it, as it helps them risk their lives to do their jobs.
One acquires cadmium from one’s mother in utero, or from smoking cigarettes or marijuana.  Cadmium is also in the air, particularly in cities, because it is used to make brake linings of automobiles.  It is also higher in low quality foods such as refined sugary treats.  City people have more of it. 
You can see that both copper imbalance and cadmium imbalance can cause breast cancers.  Poor circulation due to tight bras worn for too many hours can also problems of this kind.  Another possible cancer factor is fungal infection from all types of breast implants.  These are not a wise idea, and are discussed below.
Quote:Reasons that small breasts may grow on a nutritional balancing program are:
1. A faster oxidation rate.  Fast oxidizers tend to carry more weight higher up on the body.  They develop larger breasts and a smaller waist and smaller hips.
2. Better thyroid activity.  This may help small breasts grow larger.
3. More hormonal activity.  Some women with small breasts have low levels of female hormones.  A nutritional balancing program will help raise these levels.
4. Reduction in excess copper.  Too much copper is associated with soft, saggy breasts.  As this corrects, the breasts firm up.
5. Reduction in cadmium.  This can also help the breasts grow larger if they are small.
6. Much better iodine levels.  This is important for many aspects of breast health.

Shrinking overly-large breasts. This usually occurs during a nutritional balancing programs for several reasons:
1. General weight loss.  Most people lose weight all over the body on the mainly cooked vegetable diet.  Breasts tend to shrink, along with the rest of the body.
2. Reduction in dietary estrogens and enhanced ability to detoxify stored estrogens.  A nutritional balancing program tends to lower estrogen by improving liver activity a lot.  Also, the diet is much lower in estrogens than a diet high in soy or animal and vegetable oils and fats, and chemicals that can mimic estrogens.
3. The body becomes more yang.  This tends to contract and tighten up the entire body, including the breasts.

Biounavailable copper is excess copper present in the body that cannot be utilized very well. "The reason it occurs is that minerals such as copper must be bound and transported within the body. Biounavailability often occurs due to a deficiency of the copper-binding proteins, ceruloplasmin or metallothionein. Without sufficient binding proteins, unbound copper may circulate freely in the body, where it may accumulate primarily in the liver, brain and female organs."
In this situation, an individual may experience both copper insufficiency and toxicity simultaneously, as there are high levels of copper circulating through the body, but the body is not able to utilize it.

Dr Wilson writes this about copper toxicity. It is a lot of new information and hard to follow all the connections, but here are a few guidelines:
- restore adrenal glands
- enhance eliminative organs (liver, skin, colon)
- vitamins B, C and E, sulfur compounds, manganese, selenium, and especially zinc competes with copper for absorption, so consider increasing their intake, but there is a delicate balance so be careful
- stress, fear and their management impacts copper levels
- vegetarian diets can be a cause
- tied to estrogen dominance
- cook vegetables and use 70-80 % in each meal, and some daily animal protein and whole grains rice and corn if tolerated
- no additives, sugar, caffeine, sweets, fruits, wheats and refined flours
- other sources of copper include swimming pools, birth control pills, root canal-filled teeth, some prenatal vitamins, chocolate, copper water pipes, nuts, seeds, grains, avocado
- you can be born with congenital high copper

Quote:Some people with high copper dislike all protein.  They crave high-carbohydrate diets.  Protein feels heavy or causes other symptoms.  Eating protein stimulates glandular activity.  This releases stored copper, which causes the symptoms.  However, these individuals usually need to eat protein, and their symptoms will eventually disappear as their health improves.

The release of copper inhibits the digestion of meat so reintroduce it slowly to alleviate the detox symptoms.

Dr Wilsom postulates copper to increase these tendencies: racing thoughts, fatigue, spaciness, trouble sleeping, lack of apetite or some degree of anorexia, depression, achiness, fatigue, anxiety, and connects it to following traits: warm, caring, sensitive, emotional, childlike, artistic, young-looking, intuitive, naivity, childishness, excessive emotions, sentimentality, fearful, hidden anger and resentments, phobias, psychosis and violence.

Does any of this ring true to you? What do you think about it? Can you relate?

Hi burstingplush,

I don't see attached scientific research (control studies, lab analysis, etc), not discounting the article, it's informative which is nice.....i am curios though, is a product endorsement to follow?.

(24-11-2016, 05:51)Lotus Wrote:  Hi burstingplush,

I don't see attached scientific research (control studies, lab analysis, etc), not discounting the article, it's informative which is nice.....i am curios though, is a product endorsement to follow?.

No exactly, there was no sources of anything :Sad but it fit me so much I thought it was worth to post here. Maybe have an exchange and see if we could find any connections :Smile

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