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My Growth Journal


[Decided to post my program here to the new site for easier access.]

Special thanks to Katie who was the main 1 who inspired me to do this!

Age: over 21 XD
Height: 5'9"
BMI: 20
Cup Size: AA
Goal: full C*
Children: None!

*Yes, I know that's 3 cup sizes but I plan on stickin' this out for a very long time and will not stop till I accomplish it! Methinks determination and persistence can make a difference. Besides, everyone in my family (esp mom's side) is AT LEAST a B!

Current Routine
~FG & SP (1700 mgs)
~Goat's Rue (2400 mgs)
~Flaxseed Oil (3000 mgs)
~EPO (1000 mgs)
~MSM Lotion
~Massaging with EPO, Fennel Extract & EVOO, followed by heat (15-20 min)
~Ensure Plus Drink
~Exercise 2-3 days per week

Making a note that I'll be going on a cycle break from any NBE herbs. Only herb I'll be taking is milk thistle for 1st week of cycle, then PC during luteal. Hard to believe it's gonna be a whole year since I started, towards the end of the month! Would've figured I'd be fitting an 'A' cup by now lol.

Once my break is over, plan to restart my 1st routine since that gave me nearly all my growth. IF that doesn't work--which I would be shocked--I'll go for BO as my last resort.

All righty. AF is in the house, so my PM program starts again today. Only thing that is absent is my GR. *Sigh* I ordered it Weds before Thanksgiving, and I suppose the Viable Herbal Solutions employees took off Thurs AND Fri. So guess I'll have to wait till Tues or Weds to get 'em. Anyhow, here's the program details...

~PM 200 mgs; days 1-15
~GR 2400 mgs; days 1-15
~Ro-Bust Cream followed by heat (15-30 min)
~PC during luteal phase
~Ensure Plus Drink
~Exercising 2-3 days/week

*May increase PM to 300 mgs if no changes after a given month. I had grown each month last time when I kept GR, till a month after stopping it so I might not need to change the PM dose anyways. Also will prolly keep up a monthly liver cleanse at the end of each cycle. I had been doing this too for the 1st few months on this routine last time. This time, I'll be obtaining that C bra! Lol

It's been over a month, so just thought I drop by my page to leave a few notes.

I've been feeling stronger sensations since being [back] on this routine. PM is def not like those other herbs I took. And my cycle is longer, which is good but I hate not knowing when it'll come exactly. :-/ Plus my bitties are noticeably fuller now, with a lil more to grab. However I don't think I'm responding as fast as I was the 1st time I was on the PM/GR routine. Huh, to ramp or not to ramp to 300 mgs? It's still 1st half of cycle, which is when I don't grow much. I'm more of a luteal grower so we'll see what happens last week of cycle and go from there.

On the other hand...I've made a decision to purchase the NOOGLEBERRY! Ain't think I would wanna do it, but I was swayed by learning that it wasn't some loud vacuum machine ya plug in, reading/seeing cheryl and Arwen's (from NB forum) quick results among others, and the wedding deadline in late May (no, not mine! I'm a bride's maid). Doubt my boobs would get as big that fast only using herbs, so NB should do the trick. I'm sure of it. I'll be buying it the last week of the month so I'll have it early Feb.

Mmkay, will update a month after using the NB with progress! ^_^ Already gettin' excited...

Hi hun, I don't know much about PM never tried it except for creams, but as far as I've read, people that seen results from it like cup sizes results like you want, took 2 to 3 caps a day of 300mg caps of PM, so they took 600mg to 900mg per day, are you sure you are taking enough? Again I may be wrong.

As far as NB, I'm glad you are going with it! But I don't want you to go with it and then get discouraged if you don't get the results right away. Also I believe you are in the states right? Shipping from the UK to the states can take 2 to 6 weeks, I've gotten my order from them within 8 weeks each time though and I'm in GTMO.

And February till May is only 3 months of pumping. It's good to be optimistic but I don't want you being upset with yourself if you don't get results by then. I went from a 32B to a 32C with NB but I've been pumping over 6 months. Now, there was a lady on the NB forum named Mariah who went from a AA to a C within a couple of months, so it is possible! But it just doesn't work that fast for everyone. Also I didn't see any swelling after pumping until after a month and a half of pumping and it went down fast. Now it lasts a few hours. So NB does work, just takes patience, persistence and time. Trust me, there will be times you want to throw it at the wall, but if you keep with it everyday it will work.

When you order NB make sure you get a double system with an airlock, it will come in handy!

And I'd love to be a 20 BMI! Wow, you're lucky! Right now mine is 23.6, I'm going to try to lose 20 pounds or so then I should be a 20.

Oh and it's okay to dream big, I wanted a C, now that I got that it's not what I thought it would be, so now I want D, and probably by then I'll want DD lol. We all get booby greed.


Yeah I was taking 200 last time I was on this routine and it was working fine. But perhaps it is time to ramp up, altho I am seeing a difference with PM.

I know NOT to expect a full C by late May. But all I need is a B cup by then, I'll be good. I'm sure if i follow Arwen's method I'll get that B at least. She grew 2 cup sizes in 2 months and wasn't even taking anything! I'm a home body during the weekdays, besides work so I'll have time to pump daily, not to mention PM would provide extra help. And if I got my PM from Thailand in about 2 weeks, it shouldn't be much longer from UK right. I live on the East Coast. But jic that's why I decided to order later this month instead of Feb. Tongue

EDIT: Wow, OK. I had questioned Lucy about shipping to USA (I even asked again to confirm she knew I meant US) and she said 10 business days, which is great! Phew, so that takes care of waiting a month to get it lol.
Thumbs Up 

OK, it's been 4 weeks so gotta check in...

I noticed I filled the small domes--well, mostly my smaller/normal boob does--since Sunday. I was excited lol! Maybe there really was something to taking those Ensures after pumping @ bedtime. I tried the med domes on after pumping with smalls last night...and lo and behold they stuck to my chest (after a couple tries)! I couldn't believe it. And it's only been 4 weeks of noogling. I'm not as fast a responder as some but I definitely have the steady progress thing goin'. The meds seem pretty spacious compared to smalls, feels like it might take 2 months to fill 'em out lol. Least I accomplished my short-term goal of graduating to meds by the time I had to update again.

Now as for the breasts themselves, they are def rounder, firmer and fuller. Prolly the best they've looked in a long time too! Last time they looked this good was--ironically--March 08 lol. I was on PM for the 1st time as my progress was at its peak then, before it began to slow to a halt and declined a bit. However this time, I got no doubts this is just the beginning of something great. Despite the somewhat larger appearance, I didn't grow as much as I figured but it was still pretty good. I measured before pumping this morning and here is my new measurement... 32.25" Not bad, huh beings that I started from 31.5"? Oh yeah, I should mention I had measured swelling back in Dec so that 32.25" wasn't permanent growth. Ah well...

BTW no more herbs now, I'm through! There's no need for them anyhow. I only wish that I could go back in time to when I 1st started my NBE journey and buy the NB instead of PM! I know I would be busting out of my C bras by now and my hair would be a lil thicker than it is lol. D@mn herbs made me shed! Anyways, my new short-term goal is to at least be filling 3/4 of the meds next update. Fingers crossed!

(09-03-2010, 19:36)ShyBoobs Wrote:  ...Anyways, my new short-term goal is to at least be filling 3/4 of the meds next update. Fingers crossed!

2nd update since NB on this site (I'm also over on the NB forum). Well, not jumping up and down over growth this time around.Rolleyes But they are looking rounder and have more volume to them then they used to this time around last month. Also, I did surpass my S-T goal of filling 3/4 of the meds. My nip is now touching the top of the dome! W00t! ^.^ Not worried too much over my tuberous-shaped breast touching the top of the dome since it's still kinda bigger than my normal one. At least it's slowly filling out. New S-T goal is to be graduated to the L's next update. (I find that setting lil, easy goals keep me motivated--esp when I meet 'em)

BTW, the date was incorrect from last update about using PM. That was March 09. But it sure felt like it was in 08, wow!Big Grin

I know I been MIA with my routine. But I'll make sure to stop by here more often now.

Well, things will be changing (again). I've had some awesome swelling with my current routine, but nothing permanent.Rolleyes Sooo, I think I need the real deal to get some serious growth coming or else I'll be stuck in the itty bitty AA cup another year or even longer! At least I'm not still using small cups for Noogleberry now.

New Routine
~NB (twice daily)
~BO (starting @ 1500 mg, ramp up if needed)
~Spirulina caps (4-6g)
~Dr. Spencer's Breast Cream (twice daily)
~Pituitary (80 mg)
~Nutritional Drink
[~Light Exercise]

I always was a lil nervous about using BO since it's...ovaries, however I'm at the end of my rope and I need to kickstart some growth ASAP. It appears that everybody that uses BO w/NB does well. The pituitary is to get it close to BB's formula, as well as extra insurance cause it's what's responsible for puberty hormones. Spirulina for its protein/cell growth support, along with detox effects. The breast cream had awesome reviews and many women reported increased fullness and/or growth. I'm praying this is the routine that I needed for major cup size increase. Otherwise, doubt I'll continue this journey after March next year...

(16-09-2010, 07:35)ShyBoobs Wrote:  New Routine
~NB (twice daily)
~BO (starting @ 1500 mg, ramp up if needed)
~Spirulina caps (4-6g)
~Dr. Spencer's Breast Cream (twice daily)
~Pituitary (80 mg)
~Nutritional Drink
[~Light Exercise]

Alrighty, thought I should make a correction to the amount of spirulina caps and pituitary: I take 6 caps (or 3g) of spirulina per day, and 160 mg of pituitary.

Also, just making a note to everyone following my routine that I've officially started the night of the 24th on this program. Hope I will see a difference within the next 2 months!

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