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Dome Sizes


Dome Sizes
January 23 2009 at 7:00 PM Cat (no login)


Hi, could you please help me

What is the largest brava dome size available and where will i find out what size I already have?

Only I think I'm growing out of mine.

Author Reply
(no login) Any Ideas? January 23 2009, 7:06 PM

Also, can anyone give me any tips on how to protect my nipples?

This is my second time round with Brava, the first time I got results but it kinda stretched out and ruined my nipples.

This time I've tried puting loads of tape over them but it gets pulled off with the suction.

Any Ideas?

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Cousin Rose
(Login CousinRose) Re: Dome Sizes January 24 2009, 2:18 PM

Hi Cat

You can see the size of your domes on the domes themselves. I think it is close to the base but since I am wearing mine I can't see Wink. The letters will be NL for narrow large, WM for wide medium and so on.

The biggest ones are xl wide and narrow. So if you have large now you can order extra large next.

I remember a lot of girls posting about methods for protecting the nipples but I am not using any methods for doing so. Just put in the search category or look at older posts and you will find it.

Did your nipples get larger or out of shape? And how much gain did you get during your first cycle and how long did you go for? I love success stories Wink


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(no login) Re: Dome Sizes January 26 2009, 6:22 PM

Thank you Rose

I could not find the size anywhere on the domes themselves but found WL on the bottom of the box they came in. This means i have to go up to XLW next?

I think I did about 17 weeks with brava and went from a cup size A to a small C.

I do not like the affect this has had on my nipples tho; very enlarged, a bit misshapen and lumpy as if air is trapped beneath them. They were perfect before, ah well you cant have everything!

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(no login) Re: Dome Sizes January 26 2009, 6:34 PM

I've been messing around with the "Brava Dome Size Estimator" on this site

Was wondering why I can't get it to say under Suggested dome sixe: "Wide-Extra large"
After "Wide-Large" it just goes to "Not a candidate"

Question about domes!
October 12 2007 at 11:49 PM
Alcest (Login Alcest)


I just realized this may be very important while reading through the BRAVA instruction manual.

It says at the end of each 10+ hour session, there should only be 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches between my breasts and the tip of the domes.

I bought my domes used off eBay. There were supposed to be one set of wide-mediums, and one set of wide-larges. Well they both look like wide-larges to me. They both seem exactly the same and I don't know how to tell them apart. Are the mediums and larges easy to tell apart with the naked eye?

Because I am starting off with the larges, I need to know if this is a serious issue or if it's okay. Will the suction still work properly? I noticed slight swelling this morning when I took them off... but nothing major and they certainly weren't anywhere near to the tip of the domes. I'm a 34A by the way.. so yes the larges are ENORMOUS on me!

I will be so frustrated if I have to go buy smaller domes somewhere. But if it's necessary I guess I have to. Please someone let me know so I can stop/start worrying. =/


Author Reply
(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER domes October 13 2007, 2:05 AM

look at the base of the domes near the silicone. there are letters there if you see some that say lwl or the like that is large wide left if the letters are the same on both sets then you have the same domes and yes the medium domes to the large is a fair difference in size. the inside diameter is the same but the depth is different.

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(no login) Re: Question about domes! October 13 2007, 5:45 AM

I was small 32B or 34A, 27 underbust, 31.5 over and they advised me to get narrow large - the first time I used them my boobs filled about 20% of the dome but after 6 weeks was totally full and had to go up a size. I don't think it matters if they're big you're still exerting a force. The only benefit of having a smaller set is that you may be able to hide them outdoors.

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(Login Alcest) Re: Question about domes! October 13 2007, 12:36 PM

Hhaha yes honestly, this is what I do when I go outside------ I strap on a big bowl to my belly, put on a maternity dress, and so I just look very, very pregnant! =P It's still hilarious because I'm small boned and 5'11" with huge knockers and belly, but it's a little more believable....

Though I hope my neighbors don't ever really notice and run up to me and ask me when I'm due.
Wink Ciao

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(no login) Re: Question about domes! October 13 2007, 8:57 PM

I think to someone who didn't know you they would assume you were pregnant or just fat, the first thought in their head wouldn't be "Ah! there goes someone trying to grow boobs by wearing a plastic bowl over her tits", the only thing is if you meet someone you know - I've done it once and she kept staring!!! Made me aware of how obvious it must be when I do the same to everyone else! I find a loose dress, big cardigan and shawl to be the most effective disguise.

p.s. how come everyone else is so tall!! I'm 5'1 and most of you are 5'8+

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(Login Alcest) Re: Question about domes! October 14 2007, 1:08 PM

Oops! Hahahah I meant I'm 5'1". Hahahah Not 5'11". LOL.

Actually I'm 5'1" AND A HALF. If I feel like being technical. But that's when you know you're short...when you add halves. =P

We're the same height. So yeah, the domes are crazy huge on me.

strange question
October 2 2006 at 1:16 AM mememe (no login)


I have been using a second hand system off ebay for some weeks now and need to find out what size it is I'm actually wearing as i nedd larger. The woman i bought it from says its a wide/large but theres nothing on the domes to tell me this for sure. I'm sure its wide width but not sure if the size is medium or large, how can i measure this?

Author Reply

(Login tms81) Re: strange question October 2 2006, 2:57 PM

You can see what size the domes are by looking at the side of the domes. On one it says DWLL and the other one DWLR it stands for "domes wide large left" and right for the other dome. If you got the wrong size it stands DWMLL

to be sure what size you are try this link:

Dome sizes...
January 21 2007 at 9:52 PM ScottishGal20 (Login ScottishGal20)



I have the wide large domes at the moment. I started out as a 34B so I decided to go for the bigger size (in hope of getting bigger results!). My swelling in the morning only goes up to a full B or maybe a C cup. However, I have heard that other people (who have started out a smaller size than me, A, AA etc) have swelling up to the size of D cup! I am a little jealous lol but was wondering why this is? I honestly dont think that my boobs would fit into the domes if they went to a D cup. Is there a bigger size of domes than the wide/large ones?


Author Reply
(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER yes January 21 2007, 10:18 PM

The biggest size they have are wide extra large. i was like a 34 a before starting the system. now i wear a really roomy 34b. i should get a c cup. and if wanted to according to what size i should be wearing it would be a 32d. i got about that big during breast feeding my babies. if not a little bigger. my breast was pretty hollow and deflated. i posted Pics of my progress so far. of course i took those after my swelling went down. right before i put the brava back on. keep it going!

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Mindy Lou
(Login MindyLou) Congratulations Diana - your pics look great! January 22 2007, 1:01 AM

Diana -- your pics definitely show great progress. Way to go! Keep up the hard work and dedication! Seeing your pictures was a real morale booster for me. Thanks for posting and helping encourage the rest of us.

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Mindy Lou
(Login MindyLou) Congratulations Diana - your pics look great! January 22 2007, 1:34 AM

Diana -- your pics definitely show great progress. Way to go! Keep up the hard work and dedication! Seeing your pictures was a real morale booster for me. Thanks for posting and helping encourage the rest of us.

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(Login ScottishGal20) Re: Dome sizes... January 22 2007, 1:58 AM

Thanks for the reply Diana and congratulations on your progress so far! Keep up the good work! I am a little worried as in all of the photographs I have seen of people using Brava - all the women seem to have large nipples. I was just wondering if these women are like this naturally or was this a result of using brava. Im just curious because obviously I want my boobs to grow but i am perfectly happy with my nipples the way they are!

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(no login) Re: Dome sizes... January 23 2007, 2:09 AM

On me I think breast feeding my 3 children had more of an effect on my nipple size than Brava has. Breast feeding definately made them larger but Brava hasn't. I think Brava has made my areola larger, but I also noticed that happens to a lot of women that have breast implants when the skin stretches.

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(no login) Re: Dome sizes... January 23 2007, 10:47 PM

Hey girls,

I wrote in awhile ago because I had planned on starting Brava at the beginning of Jan. but I have had a set back and will have to wait until (hopefully) Feb. 1st. I am a little worried about the size of the domes they sent me. I am currently a 34 B although my right breast is significantly smaller than my left. Truly I am probably a full B on the left and a full A on the right. Well they sent me the medium wide domes. Now I tried to call and talk to them about exchanging them but they told me that I needed to talk to the Brava coaches and unfortunately I was never able to speak with them. I gave up on trying to exchange the domes before the two week period was up (which is today) I've read that most of you have been using the Lare Wide domes and are around the same size as I am 34A/B. Do you think that this will be a big problem for me? I dont want to outgrow the domes in a matter of weeks! I think it is a scam that they send you the smaller domes so you have to upgrade to the larger ones!
My plan is to wear the system on the right breast for 10 weeks and then on both for another six weeks. I am not too pressed on getting a lot of growth out of my left breast but more to make them both even. I have been very self concious about it for some time and any growth to make them closer to the same size would be a big improvement.
Anyone have advice about dome size or experience trying to even out the size of their breasts?

Hope everyone is doing well!


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(no login) Re: Dome sizes... January 23 2007, 11:31 PM

Lisa, My we sound like mirror images. I am about a 34B in my right breast and a large 34a in my left. When I ordered from brava they told me that I needed the wide med size but when it arrived I had the wide large. I am glad since I would have filled the wide med. up too soon. Sometimes now I need to go to the wide ex. large. That just depends on if I get extra wear time in for several days in a row. Most of the time the wide large are OK, I swell to a large D in them.

As for trying to even out the breasts my plan is to wear it on my left breast for an hour more each day to try to even them out because I would like to see growth in both of my breasts as well as symetry between them. Plus I think if I just wore it on one breast the swelling would be too noticable.

Well good luck too you! Keep us informed of your progress, I sure want to know since we sound so similar in size.

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(no login) dont worry January 25 2007, 5:44 PM

i have the same problem! i started out as a 36 B. my swelling has never been all that much - although they do look great in the morning. however, i can tell you that at the beginning of week 10 i am a C cup all day. i plan on going for another 10 - 15 weeks!

besides - its real growth you want instead of swelling!
good luck

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(no login) My plan too January 25 2007, 11:03 PM

I am at the end of my 10th week and I plan on wearing the brava for 10-15 weeks more too. I want real growth and not just swelling. I feel like I am half way there now since I like the size I am when i put the domes back on in the evening now.

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER to the 10 wkers January 25 2007, 11:14 PM

how long do you go without your domes on an average day? when they say the size you are before you put the domes on again, how long is the non-dome wear? does this make sense? thanks.

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(no login) Re: Dome sizes... January 26 2007, 1:13 AM

i wear brava about 12 hours a day.. sometimes less.. i have not really seen significant growth until the last 3 weeks.. just goes to show that you need to wear Brava WAY more than 10 weeks and probably more than 10 hours a day.
good luck!

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER hi January 26 2007, 1:24 AM

Thanks for responding so quickly! tomorrow night makes five weeks. i wear it on average 15-16 hours a night. i am a stay at home mom so its easy for me to just leave it on longer. I am at a full b small c by the time i put the domes on again. but them again i only leave them off for about six hours. so no telling what is really going on. i definately plan on wearing it 11 more wks or until i completely outgrow the domes. which might be sooner than i would like. thanks.

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(no login) Wear time January 26 2007, 6:26 AM

Hi Diana and Nikky! My average wear time is about 12.75 hours a day, but I average 9.5 -11 hours a day through the week and a lot more on weekends. After next week I hope I can up the time I wear it during the week because I can really see a difference on days I wear it longer. And Brava said that the biggest growth was seen by the wearers that wore it for extended periods. I don't want all of this to be for nothing and I don't want it to go on forever either, so I hope I can up my hours. I feel like this is all I do now.

So when I wear the domes through the week they they are off for 13 or 14 hours before I put them back on and I am a avg C then. On weekends when I put them back on I am a large C or small D, but I usually don't have then off more than 6 or 7 hours. I feel like the sz during the week is more accurate since they do shrink that small. Small?????ha ha! I would love to be a C!

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER Smile January 26 2007, 1:06 PM

I know what you mean. how easy is it to forget how small and deflated i was. i just really dont want to in back to that. thanks.

Dome size question
August 3 2009 at 5:26 PM roakie (Login roakie)
I am on my 40th week of Brava. Unbelievable. I am still nowhere approaching a full A but I am going to keep going. I have been using the wide/medium domes this whole time. I don't fill up the dome by any means, but my left nipple always goes sideways and has touched the inside of the dome near the end of the 12 hours. Even more of a problem is that at the end of a swelling cycle, the outline of the hard rim presses into my breasts and leaves a visible mark. Since the wide/large domes are no "wider" but simple "deeper", is there any advantage to me moving up a size? I can't see how the large domes would promote more swelling width-wise since they are no wider.

What do you gals think? My swelling seems to stay consistent every morning, getting no bigger for the past 20 weeks! I just swell to about 34 inches (at the most, 34 1/2). Would the large domes promote more swelling and help me advance?

(no login)
re your question August 3 2009, 5:38 PM

NO, domes will not help you. I distrust Brava after using and getting only my nipples enlarged and my areolar region enlarged without breast growth, but to help you out about the domes, the answer is no.
Domes are just for the size of the nipple, try changing the the way you place it. Whether you place medium or large or xl, the pressure created inside by the smartbox will be the same regardless, because smartbox is programmed so that you will only get the consistent pressure, says the Brava. I had the same question when I was using Brava, and I was answered this by the "coach".
well, let me know if you got any growth, I am so depressed that I am not thrilled to talk about Brava since I got nothing but uglier boobies. I am even ashamed of taking a shower now.

(no login)
Re: Dome size question August 3 2009, 6:18 PM

I had the same problem when I started Brava; I called them they told me to try different positions. I wear them like an upside-down V. If you still have the CD, they show you how to do it. Make sure you put the skin wipes the same position as the domes, or else it wont stick. I hope this helps.

(Login roakie)
Re: Dome size question August 4 2009, 4:59 AM

Hmmm. I will try the inverted V position. I can't understand how someone with even bigger breasts and a wider ribcage can fit into Brava domes if this is as wide as they make them. While I don't reach the ends, I have areas on my breast that continually get irritated because they seem too narrow. The silicone rim seems to pull at the breast tissue. Also, the breast swell wide, but not "out."

Crazy. I guess I just have to stay at this size, then.

(no login)
Re: Dome size question August 4 2009, 11:38 AM


I always had this problem...plenty of room at the end of domes, but needed more width because my nipple almost touched the inside of the dome by morning. But I am still going to use larges if I do brava again. I was told the width would not be any better even if I got the extra larges.

Wow-40 weeks is really an accomplishment!

Dome Sizing - Narrow vs. Large
December 27 2008 at 6:27 PM Bravagirl (Login MNGopher1)
I'm currently using the Brava wide-medium domes, and need to get new domes soon. I'm 29" around right under my breasts, and am 32" at the largest point around my breasts. According to Brava's sizing indicator, I'm supposed to get wide. I'm wondering if I should get narrow instead; the wide ones always seem like I'm really having to squish them together in the middle where they meet. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.

Author Reply
(Login Louise1982)
Re: Dome Sizing - Narrow vs. Large December 27 2008, 10:41 PM

I think it's quite variable from person to person. Do you touch the end if you suck hard or wear for a long session? I'd say probably wide large, or narrow XL if you have trouble getting a seal. I'm only 26 under (was even less a while ago) but I'm 33-33.5 over so having a bit more breast tissue gets deeper into the domes and helps them stay on. I've been told I'm too small under to use Brava at all but I can wear the wide XL which are the largest size (although the narrow XL are easier to do housework in) so the Brava people don't know everything.

(Login MNGopher1)
Dome Sizing - Narrow vs. WIDE December 28 2008, 5:15 AM

After I've been wearing the domes for 10-11 hrs., "the girls" get pretty swollen, probably to a C cup, and are very close to touching the inside of the domes. Maybe I'll get the large wides instead, as I understand that there's only about 5" between the width of the inside of the rims. I wouldn't want the domes to be TOO narrow, so I may just go with the wides after all. Thanks much for your feedback.

(Login Ann5)
Re: Dome Sizing - Narrow vs. Large December 28 2008, 7:47 PM

Could someone please tell me what's the difference between narrow and wide brava domes? Is it narrow/wide from the base or the top?

(Login Dory505)
Re: Dome Sizing - Narrow vs. Large January 28 2009, 10:13 AM

can someone answer this

(Login Boo_Boo_Bear)
Re: Dome Sizing - Narrow vs. Large January 28 2009, 7:53 PM

While it specifically deals with the XLs, it shows where they vary the dimensions for Narrow vs Wide

Narrow Extra-large domesAugust 10 2006 at 6:49 PM Kat (Login kiti1876)
I just bought a brava on ebay with wide extra large domes, but when it arrived, I found that the domes are too wide for my ribcage. Does anyone know if brava makes the extra large domes in the narrow width? Right now I am just hoping to find the large-narrow domes although I will probably outgrow them quickly. If anyone here has become discouraged with brava and would like to sell their large-narrow domes, I would love to purchase them.

Author Reply

(Login tms81)
Re: Narrow Extra-large domes August 10 2006, 9:17 PM

i have a large set of domes, i dont know if they are narrow,how can i see that? but i am tiny, my measurement under my cheast is 28inch and i was a 31 1/2 inch when i began and am now 33inch and they still fit.
You can email me at

(Login tms81)
Re: Narrow Extra-large domes August 10 2006, 9:20 PM

the 31 1/2 inch was the measurement over my nippels (now 33)

(no login)
Re: Narrow Extra-large domes August 10 2006, 10:10 PM

I have large narrow domes, which I'm planning to sell on ebay. I bought them brand new, but only wore them for a week as they were the wrong size for me. I ended up buying extra large narrow ones, which i'm using now.

(Login kiti1876)
Re: Narrow Extra-large domes August 11 2006, 1:32 AM

Where did you purchase the extra-large narrow domes? I do not want to purchase from brava because ebay is so much cheaper,but I haven't seen anyone selling narrow extra-large domes on ebay. Do you think I would be too big for the large size since I am a small 32c now? Also, when are you planning on auctioning your domes on ebay?

(no login)
Re: Narrow Extra-large domes August 11 2006, 6:16 AM

I bought mine new on ebay too. I am/was a big 32b or small 32c and they weren't suitable for me longer than a week. I think you're better off getting the extra-large to start with, I wish i had, would've saved so much money. You could try emailing some of the ebay sellers who sell new Brava kits, as they have varying sizes even though they may not have the size you want listed.

new dome size. IS IT WORTH IT???
June 8 2007 at 3:05 PM minhina (Login minhina)


Hi ya

I have a question
It has been a while since my breasts, after some hours, touch the end of the domes. I still get an amazing swelling (funnily enough, the swelling is quite consistently big and it take almost the whole day to go...and even then i think they are bigger than when i started...)..
anyway they say you should buy new domes, but it is a lot of money and I am hesitant...question: is it worth it? will i get more growth? shall i just carry on?

Author Reply
(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER new domes June 8 2007, 6:54 PM

Well if you can't touch consistantly the insides of the domes i am not talking about completely filling them. Then answer is no not yet.

I was able once to touch the insides of my current size. but that was just before i shipped em back to brava because they got defective prior to trying that stunt. Had to use alot of extra suction to do it. was not good on my chest...had some bad marks for a few hours after that try.

To much suction will damage your domes. Not to mention your skin.

If your nipples are almost touching then brava recommends getting next size larger and hopefully you will actually get more out of it.

However...imho only the medium domes can easily be worn under clothing the large and xlarge domes are HUGE...and depending on your frame you will look a bit odd to say the least. kinda like missiles on your chest.

Lost Sheep
(Login misskatherine) Re: new dome size. IS IT WORTH IT??? June 8 2007, 9:15 PM

i started off with the wide large and after 3 weeks they were less than an inch from touching the domes so i contacted the brava coach and got the wide extra large for half off. semi is correct, those things are absolutely HUGE. i started wearing the extra large ones and noticed that i didn't get as much swelling in them as i did with the wide large ones so i go back and forth between the two. for me it seems like the extra large domes lose suction more often and the smartbox goes off at least once an hour. now i can consistently touch the inside of the domes with the wide large but i still wear them at least 3 times a week because i feel like i get more swelling in them! on the weekends when i know i'll be wearing brava for more hours, i will wear the extra large ones but they are harder to put on, way more difficult to sleep in and i keep bumping into things with it!

i'm currently on my 7th week and i feel like my breasts are at a standstill.... they get the same amount of swelling everyday and i feel like at night before i put brava on again, they're the same size as the night before. i started off as a small 34b and now before i put the system on i'm a full 34b. but i wonder if its just swelling?? its just discouraging because my breasts are a full c cup in the morning and back down to a 34b at night and i was hoping for more dramatic results especially in my 7th week.

i would recommend buying the extra large domes only if you plan on wearing it for a lot longer but for me i still fit my large domes and prefer wearing them more often. good luck with your decision!

(no login) i was thinking of getting bigger ones too... June 8 2007, 11:58 PM

.... although i'm only at my 3rd week. last week after 14 hours my left breast which is bigger touched a few times.
but then i started taping my nipples (although they came back to normal size when i didn't, they looked a lil diferent after brava... and with taping they look normal all the time and get less oversensitive) and now the closest i got to the inside of the domes was about 2cm.
the nipples swell a lot and they take up much space in the domes and you don't want them to grow anyway. so i sugest this. it should easely buy you 7 more weeks.

(Login minhina) Re: new dome size. IS IT WORTH IT??? June 9 2007, 10:04 PM

to Lost sheep
I so can relate to what you are describing!!!!
Exactly same here
34C in the morning
full 34B in the evening
started with 34B (kind of standard...)
i can touch the end of the domes every day, after hours of wear...if i wear it a lot, my breasts touch almost all the dome (this is when breasts get really big)...they are medium large size, i think...but i can now easily move around with them and sleep on them..

Lexy and rest, thanks for your responses

Dome size help - who's got wide XL?
January 11 2008 at 6:04 AM Louise (Login Louise1982)


Can anyone who's got the wide XL please measure the dimensions horizontal, vertical and circumference of the opening and also the depth +/- thickness of the silicone cushion.

I'm touching the narrow XL but not sure I could get the wide on.

Author Reply
(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER domes January 11 2008, 9:33 PM

width side to side 6 top to bottom 8 3/4 inside to silicone 6 3/4 you can fit a xl/narrow inside them they are much bigger. I have both but prefer the xl/narrow if i have to go somewhere. with a big jacket on i can wear them and not look to outlandish. cant do it with the wide domes. brava needs to get a xxl/narrow set out. Tongue I fill the narrow/xl pretty easy however. but about 1" from the wide if i do heavy suction.

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(no login) Re: Dome size help - who's got wide XL? January 11 2008, 9:50 PM

Thanks, do the wide take up a lot more room across your chest? If you suck hard do they bend inwards a bit?

I'm close (within half inch) of touching the end of narrow XL after a normal session but touching or yesterday squashed tight after a long session so wondering if I can get the wide or if they'll be too big (technically my underbust is too small for the narrow but I've had no probs getting a seal - I have lost 1-1.5 inches underbust since too).

Don't suppose you have a really manky set of wide XL going cheap that I could just try on then throw out?

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(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER domes January 11 2008, 10:53 PM

i have a set that are ripped i could send you to try. but shipping isn't cheap.

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(no login) Re: Dome size help - who's got wide XL? January 11 2008, 11:07 PM

That would be great! How could I find out how much it would cost for 'surface mail'? I know it'd be a bulky package but they're not really heavy.

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(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER zip January 11 2008, 11:22 PM

my zip is 92802 if you have the box and rack they came in that is what i will ship them in. so check fed ex or ups. also you are across the pond so not sure if there is a customs issue. add a couple pounds to what the xl/narrow weight is.

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(no login) Re: Dome size help - who's got wide XL? January 11 2008, 11:23 PM

I've had a cheaper idea! If you can give me these exact measurements I can cut templates out of card to be the same size as the silicone bits where they would rest on the skin just to check I can get two on my chest.

I wasn't quite sure about your measurements above but didn't want to be rude!

Please measure the smallest measurement inside the silicone and the largest outside the silicone and also the width of the silicone:

For the narrow XL I get:

Inside cushion:

Base width: 4 inches
Base length: 5.5
Cicumference: 14

Outside cushion:

Base width: 6.5
Base length: 8.5
Cicumference: 23.5

Width of cushion: 1.5

I really appreciate this, sorry to be a pain.

p.s. if you are still interested in trimming your lower body without affecting your boobs have a look at "Callanetics". I particularly recommend the Callanetics Countdown book and Beginning Callanetics video.

(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER xl narrow vs xl wide January 12 2008, 1:12 AM

Inside cushion:
narrow xl/ wide xl
Base width: 4 inches/5 inches
Base length: 5.5/6
Cicumference: 14/18

Outside cushion:

Base width: 6.5/7
Base length: 8.5/8.5
Cicumference: 23.5/24

Width of cushion: 1.5/1.5

so looks like you could get them on. not that much diff in the dome surround 1" wider but you might be able to place them tight in the middle.

of course i am measuring very worn domes. so new may be a bit wider/longer on the base.

(no login) Re: Dome size help - who's got wide XL? January 12 2008, 6:32 PM

Thanks a lot for doing that, really appreciate it. I think if I suck hard enough they should bend inwards enough to get a seal, or I might do a few hours with the narrow to get some decent swelling (they're pretty huge in 1-2 hours now!) then I'll have more to put in the wides - thanks again.

About a BRAVA set for sale on Ebay I need advice bad----
September 28 2007 at 12:41 AM
Alcest (Login Alcest)


Hi guys there's a BRAVA for sale on ebay and I'm thinking of getting it but I don't know for sure if the dome size is right for me!! I am 34A approximately and I thought that meant I needed like a wide/medium to wide/large dome size?

I emailed the woman and she said that 34A would be fine for the medium/narrow that she is selling.

Basically what I'm asking is for someone to look at it and tell me if it seems legit or not? Should I go with these size domes or am I going to bust out of them in a few weeks?

Th ebay listing:

Thank you so so much and hopefully I'll be here with you guys soon doing the BRAVA thing and seeing how it goes...


Author Reply
(no login) Re: About a BRAVA set for sale on Ebay I need advice bad---- September 28 2007, 12:41 PM

Vist this site:

Follow the instructions. You will need your under bust measurement and over nipple measurement. If you've lost weight or had children/breastfed also take a measurement when leaning forward with your breasts hanging down and check that measurement against the over the nipple measurement. If the hanging down is larger than the over nipple, use that one.

Also, one advantage to buying the sport system direct from Brava is the warranty and support.

Domes are huge!! I would not suggest wearing outside your home as the domes are very large even under a baggy shirt. Also, wearing this may be cumbersome for women with infants and toddlers as it would be difficult to carry a child with domes on. You will also need to sleep on your back while wearing.

Good luck.

(no login) Re: About a BRAVA set for sale on Ebay I need advice bad---- October 1 2007, 3:48 PM

I was loose 32B / 34A, measured 27 underbust and 31.5 overbust when breathing out as far as possible - they gave me narrow/large and said narrow/medium is only for like 32AA. I got the narrowXL after 6 weeks. The narrow/large are usually ok but totally full and nipples touching after long session.
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