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Feeling Discouraged


Hi everyone Smile

It's been awhile since I've posted but I wanted to give my BB pills a chance to work before I started a program page. Unfortunately I am not having any drastic results. I have been on the BB pills for 5 1/2 weeks now and I was on the pills for 1 whole cycle. I had pains and twinges and itchiness the week before my period but no measurable growth. Sad The only difference I can tell is that I fill out my bra better. I think that my breasts have more mass to them especially at the top but it is hard to know if I am just seeing something that isn't really there. I had originally thought I grew an inch as my measurement around the fullest part of bust is now 32" instead of 31" but since my breasts don't look any bigger I'm worried that maybe I measured wrong to start out with. Like maybe I have always measured 32", not 31". It is so frustrating! I'm freaking out because I am thinking that maybe BB isn't going to work for me.

I'm sorry to be such a downer, but I have no where else to vent my frustrations.


Dont be discouraged! 5 1/2 weeks is not enough time to draw conclusions!!! And besides you say you fill your bra better, thats really good for just a little over a month. Continue what you've started, give it 3 months at least. Maybe add a message technique, mine is posted on my plan in the personal plan page and if you've got questions about it ask! But with growing boobage, it takes time, have patience and a little faith. Read everyone else's plans as well.

Hey Marie,

It seems to me you are actually panicking over things that is working for you. Calm down already. If it is not working you wont feel anything at all. Believe what you initially measure and stop doubting it. You are going to drive yourself crazy by doubting. If you really can't make up your mind, try this take a picture. Then compare. I am still searching for mine initial picture btw. LOL!


Thanks for the replies.

I know that I panic and worry but it very hard to stay positive all the time. Especially because I want this to work so badly.


it sounds like you are making progress which is pretty good for 5 weeks. Remember we're basically trying to recreate puberty which did actually take some time.

the best way to judge is to take a pict, maybe in a sheer bra that you don't quite fill out yet, so you can more accurately judge in future.

I did this, but I named the photo something cryptic and now I can't find it Blush

I intend to take a photo in a sheer bra I'm hoping to fill, so I can see when I get there.

fingers crossed!

If you look back on most everyones program pages that used you will see that the first cycle was usually filling out and then the second cycle was when measurable growth began to happen. I didn't have my first change in size until about 6 weeks in when I hit my second cycle. I think everything you described sounds right on track and you should be really excited. It sounds like it's working right on scedule for you.
Congrats, Mel

I never took BB I took UB but I have a quite a few years of NBE experience under my belt. And I can tell you right now PATIENCE is DEFINITELY key. Patience and consistency are the main two factors for success. You are very lucky that you found this forum and something that will actually work for your first experience! The first like year to 2 years I was trying different methods of NBE I had crap. I followed them to the T and grew NOTHING because they were crap commercial herbal products. I got discouraged for a while but I was determined to grow the boobs I wanted without surgery!

Even when I found things that worked, they took MONTHS to show measurable growth. The best piece of advice I can give you, PUT THE MEASURING TAPE AWAY!! Lock it up if you have to lol. You measuring constantly will drive you bonkers. Measure once a month at most. The best way to tell if you are growing is by how your bras feel, and how they feel in your hands. And from what you are saying you are doing VERY well in a short period of time! Yes 5 weeks is a short period of time to see results, trust me. As others said, NBE is recreating puberty. Puberty takes YEARS, you can't expect something that naturally takes years to happen overnight! I say stop stressing. Take the pills like you should, your protein, keep an eye on your temp and just make it habit. After a while time will start passing faster and before you know it you need new bras lol. But as others said also, the first signs are more firmness, filling them in, etc. I had a kid and breastfed so for me those were definitely the first signs as I was a bit saggy had emptiness. I mean think about it, if you blow up a balloon really big, then let all the air out, it will take more air for it to fill in and look firm and round then it previously did. The same concept for breasts dear. They have to fill in first before they can get bigger! So just relax stay positive and continue your program. And personally 3 months isn't long enough to judge either, you should give it at a bare MINIMUM 6 months. For BO I'd say a year before giving up. But that's my opinion. Good luck!

I am really new to trying NBE but have been interested for years, I am the oldest of 3 sisters and its sucks being a size AA-A when both of them are years younger and have size C and D chests. I am really interested in trying Bountiful Breast, bc of the replies you have gotten and it sounds like its working, Im also interest in Ultra Breast and zoft gum bc of anastasia, i was wondering is it bad to do two at once such as zoft gum and BB?

ShayTasha, it's not a good idea to mix both Zoft and a BO supplement like BB because Zoft is an herbal product, and really you need to choose one or the other. Also you want to do ONE product at a time to see if it's working or not. And really mixing two products is not a good idea as they will counteract with each other. It will be them overloading your hormones and competing with one another. So yea, I'd go with one or the other.

Thanks everyone for all your replies. I have decided to stop measuring myself. You are right Anastasia, it drives me crazy so I will take your advice.Smile You guys make me feel better that I will have success. Smile I totally get what you mean on having to fill out first before you see the growth outward. I was just really discouraged at the beginning because when I went to the doctor, she told me I was underdeveloped. That freaked me out more than anything because let's be honest, it isn't exactly normal for a woman to not develop breasts during puberty.

Thanks again and good luck to everyone trying to grow!

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