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[archive] Cellulite


June 16 2007 at 9:49 AM Black Sheep  (Login Kath1985)

Hi, I've heard girls have obtained cellulite - I think it's happened to me, I'm taking Perfect Curves Pills, and since starting it's become GROSS- I never had much and now it's from my bum to lower part of my thighs- and I'm fit, not fat! (I know it hasn't got much to do with that) To you who had this, did it go away when you switched/ stopped herbal pill? Is it because it lumps up the fat cells, or what??
Sniff. A dear price for bigger boobs!


(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Cellulite
June 16 2007, 1:16 PM

You should try walking, and lower leg excercises to help combat the cellulite. You won't have to do a huge amount of either, so don't panic. Here is an excerpt from Shape magazine that explains what cellulite is, but I am not sure the relation to herbs. I too am fit, but found that I needed to target that area alot more then I usually do.

"Cellulite is excess fat pushing agianst the connective tissue beneath your skin (imagine a pillow pushed against a chain-link fence). Fat is only half the story, the other half is too little muscle: Researchers have found that the most effective strategy for wiping out cellulite is not just reducing fat, but firming the underlying muscles."

It goes on to give a recommended 3 part routine: excerice, diet and then marketed formulas. As everyone here knows, I have been looking for something that will help diminish the appearance of cellulite, and I think I have found it: I excercise alot now, especially walking about 1 mile daily, then do lower leg excercises, which aren't really strenuous at all, I never watch what I eat, but now I make sure its a little healthier, and try to get reduced fat items, and then as I posted recently, I am using a cellulite cream. I think the combination is making a difference, but realty is, its going to take a while for it all to start working, they say about 4weeks combining everything.

I say all that to say, I don't think if you stopped the pills, that your problem will go away, but I do think you can combat it, and then when you stop, you are further along then you would be. But if anything, I would seriously consider walking alot more - or picking up some leg excercises. should have their excercises posted for the cellulite program.

(Login Kath1985)
Re: Cellulite
June 16 2007, 1:25 PM

Thank you so much Henri! Actually, when I think about it, I used to jog and walk a lot more, now I usually just cycle and lots of other things. I'm getting myself a cream today, would you reccomend any? I've felt the Loreal one to help before...

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Cellulite
June 16 2007, 2:57 PM

I am using a cream by Arbonne, which is private sales only, but its also expsensive, and after a few weeks use, I think that a cheaper version would work the same. The only difference I have noticed with the Arbonne product, is they give you a scrub to put on dry before you shower, and then you apply the cream afterward, so maybe try a body scrub before the shower, and then apply your cream/lotion afterwards. I can't really say at this point that I recommend the Arbonne product. I got great results the first week, I mean it cut my spots in half, but since then I really think the diminishing is from the increased excercises/walking and an increase in water intake. So go for the cream you think is best, because when i finish mine, I will be searching for a new/cheaper product. I can't find my magazine right now, but I seem to recall Loreal being one of the ones they recommended, one by neutrogena, another "drugstore find", and the others you would need to order online. So give it a try and see how it goes. But remember you need to keep consistent with it, even after you get the results you want, otherwise they will come back.

(Login lissamae)
Re: Cellulite and Saw Palmetto
June 16 2007, 4:09 PM

I'm taking the same pills and I haven't noticed any cellulite (at least not any more than I already had before I started haha).

(Login chelle_choi)
June 16 2007, 6:06 PM

One thing that is helping my cellulite is Nivea's new Goodbye-Cellulite. You use the patches and gel to get best results. But, I've only been using the gel since the patches can get expensive. I can tell a big difference in only 3wks of using skin is firmer and the cellulite is not as noticeable. It says to give 8wks for the full benefits though. I learned about it from the tyra banks show, here's a link so you can see the results ladies had on there in only 4wks:

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Cellulite
June 17 2007, 12:34 PM

Thanks Michelle, that was the other product they recommneded. I remember it from the label. I checked out the link you gave, and what results they have!!! Mine resembles the first lady who called hers the "monster". When my stuff now runs out I think I'll be giving that a try and hopefully my areas will clear up for good. This isn't to say that mine isn't working, because I think it would if I used it a little more regularly, I just can't see spending the money every few weeks.

Black Sheep
(Login Kath1985)
Re: Cellulite
June 17 2007, 4:31 PM

oh shoot, I saw that one today and didn't buy it...i'll do it for sure tomrorrow! Nivea is usually crap tho! They use a lot of paraffin oils and such. But if it's recommended I'll give it a shot. thanks! Henri, do you follow the anti cellulite program from shape, the gym one or the home one?

(Login sandy111)
Re: Cellulite
June 17 2007, 8:47 PM

Just a question.does this help reduce regular love handles?Is cellulite extra fat or is it the orange peel look? I use Nivea and i actually love it,especially the self tanning productsSmileany suggestions on how to reduce love handlesSad

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Cellulite and Saw Palmetto
June 17 2007, 10:34 PM

I use the the Shape excercise program for at home, its more convenient for me. And alot of them don't require alot of weights for the beginning stages - and I have my pilates bands and ball, and some small free weights from before. Plus the really cool part, I can do everything in my pjs, no going through more clothes that I only have to wash!

(Login PinkNika)
re: cellulite
June 18 2007, 1:28 AM

I haven't noticed a difference in appearence in my cellulite since I started the herbs but I am sure that is a huge concern because cellulite to me, is the worst thing in the world Sad but michelle, that nivea stuff looks really cool, I just hope it works. I have cellulite myself and I really want to get rid of it. I have been using weleda's cellulite oil off and on, the stuff is okay but I haven't been really commited to putting it on everyday so I haven't noticed much of a change, but I will definatley try nivea out!

(Login lindyrose)
Re: Cellulite and Saw Palmetto
June 18 2007, 8:23 PM

Hey Michelle I used that Nivea Goodbye Cellulite too and it made my skin soooooo soft. I ran out and stopped using it but I'm gonna buy more... haven't tried the patches yet. I also read somewhere to massage your coffee grounds after you brew it into your problem areas. I only tried that once... too messy and it made me too jittery.

(Login chelle_choi)
June 18 2007, 11:17 PM

yes Lindyrose you aren't kidding about the nivea cream making your skin soft! I forgot to mention that part. It makes my skin super soft, so much that my husband can't stop feeling up my legs cause he says they're so soft, shoot I can't even help but touch my own legs cause they're so soft! Smile I use it all over my body (except the boobs of course Smile. My mom and I both started using it at the same time and the funny thing is that after about a week of using it, we both were talkign about how we thought we had lost weight cause we looked my legs and stomach..even my arms were looking smaller and we both even weighed ourselves and we hadn't lost weight at the time, so we came to the conclusion that it must be the cream firming everything up. I try to use it at least twice a day, especially days I exercise, I will use it in the mornings, then I will put it on again about 15min before I exercise...I even go to the extreme of wrapping my stomach and legs up in saran wrap a couple of layers to build the heat and sweat which seems to be helping also cause the saran helps me sweat profusely in those areas and I don't even do an extreme workout, just toning exercises for about 20-30min, no cardio.

I would really like to try the patches along with the creme, but the patches only comes 6 to a box and you use it 2-3x a week, that's like a box a week or 10-13 dollars a week for just that alone. The cheapest place I have found both the patches and cream is Walmart, it's always $10 compared to CVS, Walgreens and even my local grocery store that has it for $13.

Good luck if any of you try it out and hope it works for you!! Smile

(Login sadkow)
Cellulite gel
June 19 2007, 7:24 AM

Thought I would see what everyone is raving about with Nivea Goodbye Cellulite so bought some today and WOW !!!! even after one application my skin feels so much softer, even if it doesn't fix the cellulite, I would keep using it just because of how nice it makes my skin feel. I had picked it up a couple of times when doing my grocery shopping but put it back on the shelf again, thought it sounded too good to be true. Thanks to the ladies who mentioned using it, I'm much more confident about trying things when REAL people recommend them!!!

(no login)
Re: Cellulite
June 19 2007, 11:09 AM

You guys are killing me here!!! I was so determined to not buy anything new until I use up all the other stuff I have bought ~ and now my determinations is wavering. I can't decide if I should just go buy the cream or finish up this stuff, which will be oh, maybe a few more weeks, unless I lather it on a little bit more - maybe that is my problem to begin with............
hmmmmmm - will def. try the cream out though and hopefully soon!!! Might do what Michelle did and have my mom try it with me, would love to have my thighs tone a little bit more.

(Login sandy111)
Re: Cellulite
June 19 2007, 1:19 PM

Sad would any one answer me plz..Does the nivea cream help with love handles or just reduce cellulite??I would really like my love handles to look smaller.

(Login chelle_choi)
June 19 2007, 2:23 PM

sorry reduces cellulite, but also firms everything up like I said. My waist/love handles area looks smaller now because it's firmer. So you could use it on love handles and see if that helps. Everywhere that I use it has firmed up, so it can't hurt to use it even on areas that have no cellulite. Good luck to you ladies!!

(Login lindyrose)
Re: Cellulite
June 19 2007, 2:45 PM

I forgot to mention that my husband made a comment when I was using the cream (which he had no idea I was using) he said "you got nice legs" he has NEVER said this to me before! I was wondering... since it contains l-carnitine would we see better results if we supplemented with it??? just curious???

Michelle... whenever I buy more of that cream I'm gonna try the saran wrap thing!

(Login sandy111)
Re: Cellulite
June 19 2007, 4:07 PM

Hmmm...This is so interersting..I'm gonna give it a trySmileThanks for the Info Michelle...Good luck growing boobs and reducing cellulite ladiesSmile This forum does it all.

Black Sheep
(Login diannemc)
Re: Cellulite
June 19 2007, 7:44 PM

I had the same problem I had lost weight and was looking good...I run 4 to 5 miles a day..Lost in my booobs first thing of course so started taking herbs and using mirifem cream..was going along find then gained 12 lbs and celulite bad...did not have it before...and can't get it off! And for the record still no boobs..It was not worth it...Wish I had known...

(Login Sharon)
Re: Cellulite
June 19 2007, 8:05 PM

Massaging can help a lot with cellulite. Target a specific area with massage and you might be pleasantly surprised by the results.

(Login MissFartyPants)
June 19 2007, 8:07 PM

My friend has been trying to talk me into taking L-Carnitine for a while now but I didn't pay attention. I would definitely check out this Nivea lotion, but I'm not too keen on taking the supplement coz I don't want to lose the little growth I've been having from NBE. hehehe.

Thanks for sharing, Michelle Smile

(no login)
June 20 2007, 6:11 AM

i'm adding nivea lotion to my list+

thanks girls Wink

(Login Liz1967)
Re: Cellulite and Saw Palmetto
June 21 2007, 9:17 AM

L-carnitine and GOTU KOLA are very good for cellulite.
i tlaked with a nutricionist and Best things are:

1 - diet; lots off vegetables, fibres and water
2 - exercise (about 3 hours a week)
3 - suplements (green tea, gotu kola...)
4 - a good cream to drenate the liquids

(Login PinkNika)
Hey Michelle
June 21 2007, 7:00 PM

are you massaging your legs as well? Or just flat out applying the cream?

(Login lissamae)
Re: Cellulite and Saw Palmetto
June 21 2007, 9:05 PM

I jumped on the Nivea bandwagon too... just bought some of the cream and patches today Smile I've read other reviews on it and it seems everyone only has good things to say about it!

(Login chelle_choi)
June 22 2007, 2:29 AM

Hi Kari,

what I do is in the mornings is do my body brushing, shower, then put the nivea on and yes I do a little massaging it in (circular motions) on the bigger trouble spots, hoping that I will maybe 'break up' the fat deposits somehow. Smile AFter the circular motions which amounts to just maybe 15seconds, I massage upward by taking both hands and pulling up my skin of my whole leg. (if that makes sense) Everwhere else that I don't really have cellulite and I just want to firm up, I just make sure I rub it in enough for it to absorb. Hope this helps. Good luck!

thank you for posting what helps cellulite...I've read so many things about the Gotu Kola being good for health in general and now I definitely want to try it later on for the anti-cellulite benefit also. Smile


Good luck to you, I hope it works for you, especially let us know how the patches work for we'll know if it's worth spending the extra dough on the patches also instead of just the cream. Smile

good luck to all the ladies that are trying it or trying something to combat the nasty cellulite.

(Login lindyrose)
Re: Cellulite
June 22 2007, 7:25 PM

Man I went to the store today and forgot to buy the cream!!
I looked up in my nutrition book and it says gotu kola lowers body temp Sad

I also tried some kind of essential oil product made for cellulite and it did absolutely nothing! Gonna try the nivea patches... what's a few more dollars for the price of beauty Smile

(Login lissamae)
Re: Cellulite
June 22 2007, 8:28 PM

Oh by the way... I found the cream and patches on ebay for a little bit cheaper than they sell in stores. You can find anything on ebay lol Smile

(Login MayuAmakura)
Re: Cellulite
June 23 2007, 3:23 PM

I bought the Nivea cream and patches yesterday, because I got interested reading your posts here Smile. The cashier woman said, that I was lucky to get some, it has been flying off the shelves like crazy!!!
She was wondering if it worked at all, I said I had no idea, but I sure hope it did.
Well, I put on the patches for overnight on the back of my thighs (where the butt ends and lower), I took them off today morning, and I simply couldn't believe how much softer my skin was! I'm about to put on the cream, see what that feels like. Smile
This regiment I will definitely keep up with, because it truly seems like it does what it supposed to. Smile
I really recommend it to everyone!!
Btw, if you buy the patches, and plan to move around while you're wearnig them, I recommend circling the area with a gauze or something like that over the patches, otherwise it will most likely fall off. It sticks quite well, but not on the edges, and once the edges start to come off, they get stuck to everything. Smile

Hope this helps, and I hope it works for everyone! It'd be nice to get rid of that cellulite... Big Grin


(Login Kath1985)
Re: Cellulite
June 24 2007, 3:21 PM

I've bought the cream but couldn't find the much are they normally? It seems to be helping me as well, I drink lots of water and i've focused my excersise on my lower legs the last week, it seems to be helping. This is looking kinda positive- I'm going to Italy in a week, if by then I have reduced the cellulite even more, and I just bought a FAB M&S bikini because I spill out of my old ones...not much but EVERY little bit helps!
Good summer-growing to everyone, and may Nivea grant us fabulous thighs...Smile

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