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Zoft gum


Zoft Gum
March 29 2008 at 4:58 AM CuteLittleBunnie (Login CuteLittleBunnie)


So, has anyone tried Zoft Gum? I am thinking I might just get it because it's the only gum that is made with sucralose instead of aspatame. So, you have two benefits. You get boobs and cut your chances of cancer and get to chew gum all while doing it. So, has anyone tried this or know if they sell it in the stores in the U.S. or do I have to buy it online?

Author Reply

(Login Hopeful88)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Zoft Gum March 29 2008, 5:08 AM

That's cool, wish the sold it in every convienent store and then we could have all had big ones maybe Wink

(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER I've tied it March 29 2008, 5:36 AM

I actually just bought some off e-bay. It doesn't taste bad. Long story shortened...I chewed it for two days, I am about 5 months post lactating and I thought it was restoring my milk as I could see it squeezed from the nipple. You probly won't have this problem (lol)! So I stopped the gum chewing .

(Login Hopeful88)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Zoft Gum March 30 2008, 7:05 AM

Aw kekie that's awful, poor you nothing is allowed!? I would think at least the gum would be safe in terms of not causing lactation... hang in there before you know it, everything will be dried up and you'll have so many huge capsules to chock down you'll be wishing you be on a break again Smile good luck

(Login TRoshyn) Re: Zoft Gum April 13 2008, 1:21 PM

Haven't been around for awhile, just had a look through the forum quick, and saw Zoft posts and producing milk!

I'm not sure, haven't read all, but is this an effect of Zoft, or an ingredient.

I am contemplating getting a 6 month batch soon, just I'm a little wary now if that could be something 'not good' for me.

I used it for a couple of months before Xmas, and got limited results but was quite happy with how it worked for me.

Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated!


(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Zoft Gum April 14 2008, 1:04 AM

The only reason I started seeing signs of milk is because I am 5 months post lactating after stopped was the ingredients that I reacted to because my milk is not dried up. Rather the gum works or not I don't know.

(Login TRoshyn) Re: Zoft Gum April 14 2008, 3:04 PM

Thanks for your reply... I must get back into reading the forum regularly again.

Zoft gum, does it work???
December 21 2008 at 8:04 AM B (no login)


So i am looking into natural breast enlargement. I just want to know from people who have tried it or who have friends who have tried it, does zoft gum work? what were your results? have you found better products?

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Zoft gum, does it work??? December 21 2008, 9:07 AM

Okay, i'm looking into natural breast enlargement. I just want to know, from people who have tried it, or have friends who have tried it, does it work? What were your results?

(no login) Re: Zoft gum, does it work??? December 21 2008, 7:24 PM

You'll find the answer when you go to the "Search This Forum" page - type zoft gum - choose "match" then enter. Read the "View the thread".

(Login ShyBoobs)
SENIOR MEMBER Not recommended December 21 2008, 8:59 PM

You're prolly better off doing what most of us here are doing: taking individual herbs, massaging, etc. Usually commercial products like that don't have enough amounts of the herbs.

I tried that and for me, all I really got was swelling that went away after periods every single time. And I used the recommended dose and then the max with the same results. Then again, I admit I found out I was low in progesterone so I was ED. Still wouldn't try it now though, all that gum chewing I had to do was a bother (5 times a day!). I use PM and I've gotten better results from that than I ever did with Zoft in less than 1 month! I can only imagine how they'll be 2 months from now. ^_^

Consider my sugggestion and save yourself some money.

(Login CuteLittleBunnie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Zoft gum, does it work??? December 24 2008, 8:13 AM

Oh the chewing gum 5 times a day...that is no hassle for me...I chew gum about that much a day anyway!! I would like to know if you can buy this gum in a regular store or do you have to order it online? I live in the U.S.A...

(Login ShyBoobs)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Zoft gum, does it work??? December 24 2008, 5:24 PM


I don't think they carry it in stores. I got mine online at

If you don't mind spending $180-$240 total for it (prolly way more than that if you're taking the max of 6 per day! I went through 10 packs a month, but thankfully I stopped before I spent too much.), then I hope it's because you don't like taking pills. They aren't as strong as pills either.

Good luck, maybe they'll work better for you.

(Login aprl) Re: Zoft gum, does it work??? December 24 2008, 8:59 PM

No, it doesn't. Don't waste your money. I tried it for a few months, and it didn't do ANYTHING. Then I got on a massage/hypnosis method that made a world of a difference. I definitely don't recommend it.

(no login) Re: Zoft gum, does it work??? January 24 2009, 6:56 PM

zoft gum did make a difference for me im definately fuller and fit my bras better after chewing 2-3 per day for just over 2 months. They look more like boobs now lol so im happier but still looking for ways to be bigger.

zoft gum for breast enlargement
October 13 2009 at 5:31 AM arissa (no login)


Hi has anybody tried zoft gum to enlarge the breast, and if so please let me know if it does work. Also if it does not work what works to enlarge the breast naturally

Author Reply
(Login millanii)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: zoft gum for breast enlargement October 13 2009, 9:12 PM

hi, i took zoft gum it did improve the shape and gave me fullness but i responded much better to wonderup. I would pick wonderup or seperate herbs over zoft gum now.

Nell Gwynne
(Login nell.gwynne)
EVE MEMBERS Re: zoft gum for breast enlargement October 15 2009, 8:36 AM

Everyone says that the gums are not that strong. I think you'd be better off taking capsules.

Does Zoft Gum work?
August 2 2009 at 8:41 PM Alessa (no login)

Has anyone here ever tried this? And what were the ending results. That would be great if it worked!! I love chewing gum and I had taking any kind of pills Sad Plus the Voice Mail testemonials at the bottom sound pretty convincing...!

Sally Anne
(Login sally.anne)
Re: Does Zoft Gum work?
August 3 2009, 10:44 AM

Pills are stronger than gum, if that's what you're asking. Even the people who make the gum say that it's not as strong as taking pills. By chewing gum you only get a modest amount of the active ingredients.

(Login millanii)
Re: Does Zoft Gum work?
August 3 2009, 11:25 AM

Yes i tried this and noticed a difference mainly in the shape and fullness but not much proper growth. I cant really say if the results stayed because i went straight onto wonderup (which made a much bigger difference)

(no login)
Re: Does Zoft Gum work?
August 3 2009, 12:24 PM

i have tried the gumz for 1 month and i found my boobs became fuller and rounder, but not much growth and i switched to pump becuase i hate chewing gums.

(no login)
Zoft Gum
August 12 2009, 10:25 PM

I took the gum for a few months and had absolutely no results. Also, before you order, you should know that it definitely does not taste like regular gum.

(Login millanii)
Re: Does Zoft Gum work?
August 13 2009, 6:55 PM

It does taste a bit different but it was nice tho i could chew it for hours no problem and completely forget about it

(Login ShyBoobs)
Re: Does Zoft Gum work?
August 13 2009, 6:57 PM

Guess I'll add my 2 cents...

Zoft gum didn't help much with me either. I got a lil fullness, and pre-period swelling that went away each time. It was really frustrating. The gum falling apart easily was pretty nasty too. Yuck.

(Login Anastasia916)
Re: Does Zoft Gum work?
August 15 2009, 3:20 AM

I took Zoft gum for 6 months, the first 2 months I gained 2 inches and gained roundness and fullness, after that the growth stopped. I continued to take it till I ran out. That was a year ago and I never lost my growth from it. I ordered mine off ebay ALOT cheaper than most sites sell it, it's also cheap on, hope that helps! And I liked the gum, when it fell apart which was rare for me, I would just drink something and swallow it. It has a mint flavor.

No wonder one of the members relactated..most of the ingredients are galactagogues ( enhance milk supply). They are on Amazon right now 8.95$"u.s. for 5 packs . Not bad, for something that promotes lactation, chew and go milking :p

Just for giggles, i ordered 10 packs :p

(08-01-2016, 23:26)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote:  Just for giggles, i ordered 10 packs :p

LOL, it'll be in intresting to see how you get onRolleyes

Lol yeah.

Visual imagie :
Exhale; breasts shrink as you blow bubble. Inhale bubble and breasts swell..just dont pop that bubble..breast deflate :p

I like that it has all the herbs I dont yet use but want to, but dont want to be taking nbe pills and liquids for two hrs straight every day. And since I chew a lot of gum every day anyway, it wont be an issue to chew it all up.

I was looking to add galactagogue herbs anyway, and this may be a convenient way with to-go packing :p

So the gum came in..even though its supposed to be mint, it has an overwhelming fenugreek flavor.. scent of it and bitter aftertaste. As you chew it, you do get some hints of mint flavor. Of course, only having chewed 4 pieces, I certainly am not expecting anything to have happened yet :p.

I can see that getting through these ten packs will be something of a chore :p. If the flavor was a biit more yummy, I think it would be better.

February 14 2007 at 10:56 AM sam (no login)
i came through this the zoft breast enhancement gum.(a chewing gum)
and a similar product namely breast success(pills)(though the name is a different one seems to b from the same brand).
there seems to b a hype about this product in its site claiming its acceptance from some top channels.
the the to know more bout the product juz go to google type zoft breast enhancment gum .

thanx neone knowing bout this product or ave used it plz share information .
thank u all.

(Login Sabrina.)
February 16 2007, 9:52 AM

A few women in this forum have tried breast enhancement gums, but I can't remember offhand anyone saying they had been successful. As for what you said about the top channels, I'm afraid you are wildly jumping to conclusions. Many television shows have had features on natural breast enhancement, but they did not promote particular brands. Yes shows in the US like the Montel Williams show have discussed the subject, following which many products have mentioned this on their websites as if the show had been a discussion on their own brand.


(no login)
February 16 2007, 6:47 PM

well 1stly thanx sabrina 4 being da 1st one to respond .
secondly i actually wanted to know whether u went through da zoft enhancement product site ?
also plz share more bout the da product breast success()from the same brand).as i am new to this community would like to know whether there has been discussion on this two products dat i mentioned i.e,
zoft brest enhancement gum.
breast success.

also did u go thru the "breastenhancement scam" (which comes as a sponsered link wen u search for any breast gain product ).plz can u juz go thru it share ur comments?their the writer certifies these 3 products as the best & safe onesSadin da order of their merit)
1.zoft brest enhancement gum.
2.breast gain plus .
3.breast success

it came as a shock to me after going thru da this forum's reviews on bgp!!!
thanks a lot .keep sharing .

(Login Jenneelle)
February 16 2007, 8:25 PM

The kind of websites you're referring to are set up to promote certain products. You're not supposed to take their recommendations seriously. The writers get paid for promoting the products they write about.

(Login lilmama40)
February 16 2007, 9:11 PM

From what I've heard about the gum you'd have to consume a heck of a lot of gum to get much benefit. Whatever's in the gum you're better off just taking it in the pill form and probably will spend less money in the long run.

(Login TRoshyn)
I'm using Zoft!
December 3 2007, 4:58 PM

Hello I'm new to the forum, I've been using zoft a few weeks now. I was searching the net for info about zoft especially if there were any users who had put there findings up...

I've been using it just over three weeks, I'm prity happy with it, I've experienced aches/itchiness that others on hormones etc report, so I think something is happening. I'm planning to continue with zoft and I would be happy to share here.

I am genectically male.


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