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Caffeine Effect


Quick question about caffeine. I've read different reports that whilst on NBE (looking at Red clover/Fenugreek/Saw palmetto + GABA) caffeine should either be redused or cut complete.

Can anyone shed any light on how much, if any, I could have ?


The main ingredient in coffee that gives us that jolt is caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant. Caffeine affects each of us differently - a hit of caffeine that will cause insomnia in one person can be a great nightcap for someone else.Caffeine may be found in its natural state in many plants, including tea leaves, coffee beans, and cocoa nuts.

Not sure that I can answer your question but I love my coffee so when I started taking herbs about 6 weeks ago I cut back to 1 cup of coffee in the morning and then about 2 or 3 cups of decaf throughout the day. I used to drink 7 or 8 cups of coffee a day. Although I haven't seen any significant growth yet, my breasts are fuller and firmer and I'm having lots of aches and tingles which I'm assuming is a good thing. I did read somewhere though that you shouldn't drink coffee within an hour either side of taking the herbs so that's what I do.

(25-01-2010, 21:56)davemcwish Wrote:  Quick question about caffeine. I've read different reports that whilst on NBE (looking at Red clover/Fenugreek/Saw palmetto + GABA) caffeine should either be redused or cut complete.

Can anyone shed any light on how much, if any, I could have ?


Hey Davemcwish it sounds like you have a pretty good line up for you NBE program. Well, I hope I can help you with your question because I wondered the same thing. A lot of people say that caffeine stunts your growth and I have looked into that in the past but I'm going to do some quick research again to give you a good background. All together from most of the websites I've found...caffeine shouldn't effect your breast growth unless you take excessive amounts. As long as you are considerate about caffeine intake then you should be just fine. The only reason I can think of for caffeine being bad to take with your NBE program is because it kind of dries out your system (if that makes any sense). If you notice...when you drink a lot of soda or anything with caffeine in it, it makes you feel dehydrated and makes you need to use the restroom a lot. If you want to have a healthy growing body not just for your NBE program but for your general health you need to make sure your body is constantly hydrated. To make it easier to understand I cut and pasted a few key points from a few websites that I just pulled up on google search with their links attached below the quote...I hope this helps you out.

"A small amount of caffeine intake by a completely healthy person may have minimal effect. Caffeine is a stimulant and it will elevate heart rate, increase blood flow, and raise body temperature. It increases blood sugar levels and act as a diuretic, meaning you urinate more frequently and reduce water intake."
Quote From:

(Caffeine increases your blood flow but not for a long period of time...which shouldn't negatively effect your growth. In fact, a have seen people use a herb called cayenne pepper to help increase their blood flow. If you research on the old BreastNexus site I believe their were two people I noticed who used cayenne pepper for their NBE program because it helped stimulate their body in a positive way for their growth. In order to have healthy growth you need to have a healthy blood flow.)

" Some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others. With frequent use, tolerance to many of the effects of caffeine will develop. At doses of 600 milligrams (about six cups of coffee) or more daily, caffeine can cause nervousness, sweating, tenseness, upset stomach, anxiety , and insomnia. It can also prevent clear thinking and increase the side effects of certain medications. This level of caffeine intake represents a significant health risk.

Caffeine can be mildly addictive. Even when moderate amounts of caffeine are withdrawn for 18 to 24 hours, one may feel symptoms such as headache, fatigue, irritability, depression , and poor concentration. The symptoms peak within 24 to 48 hours and progressively decrease over the course of a week. To minimize withdrawal symptoms, experts recommend reducing caffeine intake gradually."
Link From:

(From that quote you can see that over use of caffeine can cause anxiety, depression and etc. This is very bad for breast growth! If you want to have healthy breast growth then you need to be happy! Just being a happy person can make you a healthier person. Tongue )

"Q. Is it true that drinking coffee with caffeine from the age of 9 on up will stunt a young girl's growth and keep her short?

A. We could find no research to support this old wives tale. The Penn State Young Women’s Health Study found no connection between caffeine intake and height or bone strength (Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Oct. 1998). Caffeine has other undesirable effects in children, however, and may weaken bones in older people. "
From Link:

(This quote pretty much sums up that caffeine will not effect your growth. It isn't specific on the whole breast growth thing but I was not able to find any links that specifically talked about negative effects of caffeine on breast growth.)

The only link I could find that actually talks about breast growth and caffeine is this one (but it does not seem to have a good background...they are not medical professionals and do not have anything to prove that they are experienced in that field of information):

It pretty much states that you should stop all intake of caffeine but I really do not believe that it is that big of a deal as long as you try not to take caffeine within a close time period of when you take your supplements. I would say about an hour? So if you eat/drink anything with caffeine wait an hour before taking your supplements and/or after taking your supplements wait an hour before eatting/drinking anything with caffeine. The article also states what I said earlier about how it increases blood flow (speeds up your metabolism so nutrients are used faster) and that it can dehydrate your body.

Hope that helps! My replies tend to be lengthy...sorry. Blush

Enough caffeine actually has a dulling effect. I've seen neat graphs that get across the basic idea. Some coffee raises our awareness, etc., and then eventually adding more coffee makes our awareness, etc

A small amount of caffeine intake by a completely healthy person may have minimal effect. Caffeine is a stimulant and it will elevate heart rate, increase blood flow, and raise body temperature. It increases blood sugar levels and act as a diuretic, meaning you urinate more frequently and reduce water intake.

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