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[archive] silicone is back in usa


silicone is back in usa
November 19 2006 at 9:17 PM diana  (Login Diana1978)


yup u read right. and i dont mean just for those whn are getting secondary surgery. all women can have them for reconstructive and women over 22 can get them for breast augmentation. as of friday 17 nov. fda lifted the ban. so now we have more choices. they have to do clinical trials for 40000. and of course u have to pay for surgery and the dr's fee. but they say sonething about monetary compensation. just thought i would share.


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(no login) Re: silicone is back in usa November 21 2006, 8:16 PM 

Yes plus they are also back in Canada too (which is the only other place that banned them).

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: silicone is back in usa November 21 2006, 9:22 PM 

they both decided to lift the ban at the same time?

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(no login) Re: silicone is back in usa November 22 2006, 9:09 AM 

No, Canada was the first. It was announced in Canada on 20 October.

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(no login) Re: silicone is back in usa January 16 2007, 10:10 AM 

I always thought they would get back eventually, as it seems that the evidence against them was always far from conclusive. Europe is more careful about these things and no country there ever banned them. I rest my case.

Regarding silicon breast implants
May 22 2007 at 11:57 AM Tiffany  (no login)


Women who are excited that silicon implants are back on the market be warned. A former employee of implant manufacturer Mentor claims he was part of a group asked to fix leaky silicone breast implants that were up for review at the FDA, stirring up more questions about the already-controversial falsies.
First, some history. In 1992 the FDA placed an indefinite moratorium on the silicon implants, citing a lack of long-term safety data about oily discharge that oozed into women’s bloodstreams. For years, most women were left with saline — silicone’s safer, but less realistic, counterpart.
More than a decade later, two corporations (Mentor and Inamed) came back to the FDA, making their case that thanks to technological advances, implant-leakage is now both minor and benign. T FDA believed them and issued approvals to both manufacturers.
But around the time the approvals were confirmed, the former Mentor employee wrote to the FDA, asserting that he was told to create a "low-bleed patch" for "sizers" — the implant models women wear externally as try-outs. The patch would stem that worrisome oily leakage, which one assumes is not a big Mentor selling point. Trouble is, if the company believed it needed patches for sizers, wouldn’t it be safe to assume that patches might also be needed for the real things, when implanted in the body?
These recent allegations beg the questions constantly raised by women’s-health activists such as Diana Zuckerman, president of the Washington, DC–based Center for Women and Families, who has spent years researching and testifying against silicon breast implants. She asks: "If this patch is bleeding silicon, how much silicon is it, and how much is that going to amount to over several years? And most importantly, how is that going to affect women’s health?"
In a statement — released after questioning the former employee’s character, and accusing him of stealing from the company — the corporation claims that "the sizers are not the same as Mentor implants, and are not for implant purposes."
Apparently, this isn’t enough to warrant additional FDA investigation. An agency spokesman wrote in an e-mail that "we believe we have received adequate data to support the approvals."

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Black Sheep
(no login) Re: Regarding silicon breast implants July 4 2007, 5:10 AM 

Not to be picky, but it's 'silicone'. Silicon and silicone are two different substances.

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(Login Jenneelle)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Regarding silicon breast implants September 11 2007, 10:45 AM 

That's true, but it's not a big difference. Silicon is a chemical element, silicones are plastics and other materials made from silicon.

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Black Sheep
(no login) Re: Regarding silicon breast implants October 25 2007, 11:16 AM 

I thought all breast implants had to be saline now, which is just a salt solution isn't it?

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Woolly Sheep
(no login) Re: Regarding silicon breast implants October 25 2007, 6:21 PM 

You are way out of date. Silicone breast implants have been allowed again for more than a year.

does anyone here have silicone implants??
November 22 2006 at 4:03 PM diana (Login Diana1978)


just wondering if u are satisfied with them. i heard somewhere that they dont ripple like saline ones do. any personal input from all types of implants to get a broader general idea as to which is best and why is greatly appreciated and positioning over or under muscle and of course the incision placement. thank u so much!

Author Reply
(Login Corrie73) Re: does anyone here have silicone implants?? November 25 2006, 3:44 AM

Personally, I think the natural method is WAYYYYY'll notice that people who have surgical augmentations often have various problems (rippling is actually one of the more minor issues) and many have to have repeated surgeries. Just my opinion, I know its a very personal decision.

Good luck!

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER hi November 25 2006, 1:23 PM

i am actually on herbs right now. but keeping my options open. thanks for the site!

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(Login Corrie73) Re: does anyone here have silicone implants?? November 26 2006, 12:08 AM

I understand completely. I like reading the posts on that breast implant board because those ladies are going through the same thing we are: trying to make their boobs bigger. But they are obviously taking a very different route, and the issues they run into are completely different than what we experience with herbs and NBE in general. It's very informative really. Best of luck whatever you decide!

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(Login traceyb4444) oh yes December 22 2006, 9:25 AM

Hi im tracey,
im a 40 yr old woman from sydney australia. I was divorced 3 yrs ago. I struggled to find guys who were really interested me at first. About 12 months ago i changed a few things in my life and i went back to a dress size 8-10 and i changed my hair style, my wardrobe to look a lot sexier. I also had a breast enlargement. With all these things in place i have'nt looked back. I have so many guys interested in me now and even at 40 yrs old i still attract guys in their 20s and 30s too. I an also appearing in several mature age web sites. im really happy with what i did.

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(no login) tracey December 30 2006, 1:57 PM

did you get your boobs done on an asian trip or in australia ? how was your experience ? how are your boobs now have they gone into position yet ? we dont have many people giving thier full experience here ? would you like to share it with us ?......

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(no login) Re: does anyone here have silicone implants?? January 7 2007, 10:02 AM

I had silicon implants. Not many women will go for saline if they have the choice, silicon is much more popular. I only had a modest augmentation. If you don't go ridiculously big the result is always a lot better.

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(Login hos50) Re: does anyone here have silicone implants?? February 18 2007, 5:31 PM

I also have modest silicone implants. I had them placed under the muscle. This was recommended since I am small--5'3" and only 96 lbs. I have my incision on the edge of the nipple. I am still trying to increase the size of my breasts but this time with NE.

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