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beckie's quest for E cups.


lol I am like you, I have my supps all over the place. I am so excited for you btw! esp the under boobie, woo hoo! I hope you continue to grow. Are you just now seeing results from your BO from when you first wrote on my thread about BO?

Thanks dollface! It really is exciting. You don't notice at first, I wasn't really looking for it.. then I looked in a mirror one day and was like holy boob. D's I fit loosely are now tight so win!
This was maybe a week ago btw.

Hey everyone.
just in with a quick update:

I started taking tibetans tonic : ub, liver and pituitary about two days ago. I forgot to take it last night though and now I'm bleeding today. it's not a full blown period or anything but its enough to show me that the tonic is raising my hormones and the lack of it causes spotting.
I take 500mg swansons in the am and five drops tonic in the PM.
I'll report more as it occurs.
Over and out!

hey love, your pm box quota was full! Just wanted to let you know I have a pm for you in my drafts. Didn't want you to think I forgot about you Smile

Smile emptied. Fire away dear (^__^)

Hey love, you had amazing progress with BO! Nice Smile how long did it take you to get to a B/C cup? I was on BO for I think 2 months but then I got kinda scared and I'm taking PM now lol. I had a lump in my breast when I took BO but now it's gone.

Funny, I had a lump in my breast when I was using an estrogen based cream! They are called fibroadenomas,
they grow and shrink with your monthly cycle. I'm surprised PM isn't causing them for you actually. but I suppose it's all individually based :p
That's a tricky question, it became clear that I was wearing the wrong bra, I thought I was a 32A but it was rather tight in the cups, leaving me with marks from the seams inside of the cups. I switched to a 32B first, that was without NB or BO. That was on natruful or some thing like that. It was a cream a friend bought for me which caused the fibroadenoma( note I also first got on the pill at this time, so it could have been both!)
Within a month of the NB (July-August) swelling brought me up to a C cup, with slight gap in some.
By January 15 i moved up to a D cup, so that was BO and NB . I gained weight, but I have been this big before with the same 32A boobs so I don't attribute the gain to the weight.
in summary, looking back, I imagine birth control, NB, BO and the naturaful cream all impacted my growth in a positive way. The improvement first was to my shape, it's not the best, but it's a lot less Tuberous than when I started.
The N cream first caused swelling, then the NB added some fat to them (making a rounder shape) then BO has been helping keep them full. If I skip a night, they deflate I n the morning. They still are wider at the base but they won't feel as full. But I've only been back on bo for about 1.5 months, and I was only on it the first time for 3 months. So we will see better as time goes on. also worth noting that I'm pretty sure I'm a 32DD now, I just need to bra shop.

Oh yes! Swoop and scoop for my bras has changed my shape too! I think putting it on wrong, wearing too big a band and too small a cup had been negatively affecting the shape.

I was wearing a 34A when I should have been a 32B (32A's would leave the prints on my breasts)
And as for shape, during puberty I was in all kinds of wrong sizes, I think I even had some 36 Bs I was lying to myself saying they fit when the gaps were EVERYWHERE

So it's completely fine to use bcp with NBE? I was too scared to try because I tried fenugreek with bcp before and I just bled out of nowhere.

Yeah surprisingly I'm fine with PM, however my period hasn't come yet Sad supposed to be here on the 5th. When I was on BO I was never late lol.

But wow you did really well with noogling! Any tips how to make it grow faster with Nb? I've been using it since May and I haven't really grown on the measuring tape but I have got rounder. And ooh okay thanks I'll try swoop and scoop more often lol they look so much better when I do that.

Do you have any pics of your journey? I'd like to see!

My pictures can be found on the NB forum in the pictures gallery section with the same username Smile
I need to post an update pic, I haven't in ages..

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