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rateset's hardcore programme: Brava+ Bosom Beauty+Swansons BO+Volufiline+Biovea cream


I have a question. So I looked up BB to see what was in it, honestly expecting it to be a mix of fenugreek, blessed thistle, saw palmetto, ect ect, but their website states "This is a form of “Glandular Therapy” derived from beef cattle". Isn't that the same thing as BO? I'm confused.

As far as your brava is going, let me know!! I'm using Noogleberry now and although I like it, I'm really wanting to try brava. I've had a baby and had huge boobs from lactating and of course afterwards, lost the boob size and magical feelings of happy big boob love :) So I was hoping that brava would help me gain more and/or faster. Was also considering using brava daily and maybe throwing in noogleberry every 3 days or so in addition to the brava. I'd be wearing the brava about 12-13 hours a day since my kiddo goes to sleep around 8pm and wakes up around 8am, I can just put it on around his bedtime and wear it to bed. How long do you wear it for? How is it working for you? Have you had kids?

BB is a brand of BO and I believe the only thing that gave me significant growth. I still don't have the final opinion, I will make my conclusions after some time on my second round with BB (been on BB only for 3 weeks). But my impression is, only as long as I have been taking BB I had a progress rate of 1cm pro month. After I stopped, brava made perhaps some change, but it is minor. As I already said I need some more time to say for sure, but from my experience till now, I would actually not recommend brava. It is an impossible sacrifice and brava alone seems to be able to make just small improvements for me, that would not be worth it. I have never been pregnant, my breasts never significantly changed size before NBE, but I was able to get like a real huge swelling (2'' and more). I am also not sure to call the following a theory, but I tried doing extra long sessions and putting more pressure-they would become really huge- to get more growth and I actually believe it did not make much difference. After I stopped taking BB my swelling with brava was perfect,even better than before, I invested many, many hours and still there was no change, it seems to me that it only works good as an addition to a working regime, just pumping would maybe make a difference, but quite small, that is not worth the effort, at least that is what it seems to be doing for me. And as we all here always say, it may work completely different for you, but that is my experience.

Now I have lost some weight, which is quite bad to see a measurable change on the tape, but they really look rounder, pumping alone did not make them that round. I still hope to get results till the end of the month, but I have to get my weight under control.

It's been almost 3 months on BB and I definitely have visible changes. At first I wasn't sure, but now it is more obvious, I am getting more side and under boob, which is what I also read from some other BO users. Especially the side boob is noticeable, they pass my rib cage more and more and the base of the bottom boob got wider. The measuring tape did not change, but comparing the progress pictures and simply looking at my side boobs I can see the change clearly. No matter how many hours of pumping I did it never made such a change in shape, it never gave me more side boob, therefor it confirmed what I actually already thought, the shape is mostly influenced by the genetics. Pumping may make some change, but not radically change the shape. My breasts get actually quite a strange shape after taking of the domes - too much top boob and very little bottom boob, which is not what I have after the swelling subsides.

It may be wrong, but at the moment I got the impression that pumping may be compared to the massage, it is probably more effective than the massage, but for me it is not the main cause to grow, pumping alone gave me too little progress. Now with BB it works very well and I am very happy, I hope the progress rate will keep, I think it took around 1,5 months to kick in. At the beginning of my NBE journey I took pictures every month, later I came to conclusion that it is too often so actually see changes, now I am curious if I will be able to see changes at the end of the month, because the change from mid of february till the end of march was visible.

Now it is 3,5 months of BO BB and it still works very well! nothing else worked, I am very happy to have found something that works for me, if progress continues like that, I may end up with really great results. Development is still mostly on the sides and under boobs, I think they may be a bit fuller too, but I have wide space between them it will take time change that,hopefully it will happen some time, so that part is not satisfactory. I like the way the shape is changing, roundness is ok, now they are very round, I think they will change a bit to drop shape with size. I actually need more fullness, they do protrude enough for the size, they need to get bigger/wider/longer and then protrude more, I wish more fullness and volume.

I was hoping to reach 100cm (which would mean 15cm/6" more than before NBE!!!) and then to stop pumping and let them sort of naturally grow, I know that the growth is from BB and not pumping, since pumping alone did not give such results. The question is only to what extent pumping contributes to growth, I think in terms of more blood flow and massage, so even after I stop it shouldn't make such a great difference. Just I wish to get results I am pretty happy with and then to take it easy. As I already said in another post, I got the impression that the way they grow, I mean the shape, is determined genetically, pumping can help to get more top boob for example, but to get more side or bottom boob from pumping is difficult. I am using the same domes on both breasts, but they do not develop identically and pumping without BB never caused growth of side boob.

And as for the change, I was wandering if it will be visible in pictures after a month. Well, I think it is noticeable in a bra, but it is not noticeable without it.

The measuring tape is not kind, but the shape is still changing. I would say the arch from the nipple to the side and to the center of the chest is changing the shape. I think under boob is changing too, but the base is not getting wider. I do not have shallow breasts, actually I do not need them to protrude that much more at this point, they should widen out. Also before it looked like I will have a decent bottom boob, nipples in the upper half of the breast, at the moment that has gotten a bit worse, more like the nipples at the half, not upper half of the breast. Pumping is no help to get more bottom boob and naturally I actually had a good relation of bottom and top boob.

My wish was to reach 100cm and then take it easy then, hehe, that is not going to happen, I will have to take it easier before.

The news is acne on my chinSad I get like even 3-4 at the time, that's not good.. Beside that the shape from the nipples towards the center of my chest is still changing, the arch is somehow getting "longer" and I think I got a bit more bottom boob. I cannot actually tell if they are getting fuller because I am using brava domes for pumping and they have that 3cm wide silicon ring that flattens the center of my chest totaly, 3cm on every side so 6cm altogether! I doubt that is a good thing, the fat cannot gather and stay in that place when I push it away again and again. I plan to stop pumping completely for a while, because of that and to see where I actually standSad Not only regarding fullness, but also the size. That could be very disappointing.. But I really expect to see the shape of my breasts better, especially in the center of my chest, but also the bottom and top boob, because pumping gives such an unnatural shape, too much top boob, too little bottom boob. Even 12h after pumping there is still some rest swelling there and like I said at the very beginning, when I get huge swelling the breasts get fuller afterwards, as the swelling subsides, but if I get only small swelling the center of my chest remains flatter than it was before NBE, the domes push the fat away. And genetically I think the shape of my breasts would be OK, I do not need to try to correct it with pumping (only for fullness, but the way I do it now with wide silicon rings it is doing the opposite of helping) pumping was supposed the help with size more than with the shape.

Ideally the pills make me grow and I can stop measuring the hours of pumping and myself obsessively the way I do now and sort of forget about it, just take care about the pills and shakes, my temperature is naturally ok and measure every 2 months or so. If that happens it will be great, if not, it will be frustrating. But many girls grew on BO without pumping, actually if it works it should work without pumping or with occasional pumping. One more thing, I started a new BB lot, I hope all lots are the same quality, although I read here frequently that bottles are not the same, different color, smell I don't know if the effect differs too, hopefully not.

Good to see your results are positive. Why expect anything less? Yah, go with your progress. Very obviously you have grown and are good at observing your body and making appropriate changes for your success! Great!

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