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Time to BO!


I still didn't receive my supplements but I'm supposed to get them any second now. My period is due tomorrow or after so hopefully I receive it by then. Best time for an Aquarian to start a new serious program is in Aquarius season!

February cycle
Day 1-4 (period)
3 Milk thistle
3 Dim plus
6000mg MSM
And one day of juicing

Day 5-16 (follicular)
Green tea
Protein shake
250mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
750mg Bovine collagen
1000mg Vitamin C
Magnesium, B complex
1000mg CLA

250mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
750mg Bovine collagen
1000mg CLA
Green tea

250mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
750mg Bovine collagen
Whey protein shake
1000mg CLA

Day 16-30 (Luteal)
Same as follicular but with the addition of PC

(Total per day 6000mg MSM, 2250mg Bovine collagen, 750mg BO, 3000mg CLA)

Current: bust 35.5/36 inches, butt 39 inches & waist 25 inches.
Target from BO: bust 40 inches, butt 40/41 inches & waist 24 inches.

Massage twice a day with coconut oil while listening to rocketmelon ringtone or any other subliminal. I use affirmations and talk to my cells throughout the day.
I do heavy weight lifting x3 (aiming to build a bigger booty) and do cardio once a week. Green tea, CLA and a better diet for a flat stomach. BO is for boobs and butt.
I also take a tsp coconut oil for thyroid and overall health benefits.

Hi AquaA!

Your program looks amazing! I noticed in your siggy that you've grown 4.5 inches in your bust.

Was that growth due to BO?
How long did that take?

I'm sorry if you've already documented all this, my eyes are already bleeding from all the archive reading I've been doing lately! Feel free to just point me to the relevant thread. Smile

Xo, Soli

Hey Soledad46, I'm still a BO newbie. Just got my period today so will be starting this program on saturday (as I will be receiving my supplements then) till then im just giving my body some rest and will be juicing.
I grew from different programs, the one that agreed with me the most was Fenugreek, Maca with PC in luteal. It took me a year to get this growth. If you're just starting out with NBE, the most important component in any program is massage and affirmations. Oh and of course consistency!

Happy growing Smile

Hi AquaA!

I am putting together my own program, and lifting liberally from yours because it looks so sensible to me.

For days 1-4 of your February protocol, it looks like that's a little break. Is that something you are planning to do every month or is that just because of the delivery date of your BO?

If it is going to be the regular segue into each month, do you believe it will preclude the need for a major detox a few months down the line?

Xo, Soli

Hey Soli Smile

Initially I was planning on doing it every first 4 days of my cycle, when I'm on my period but I've been reading that we're not supposed to stop BO too often so I plan on doing it every 3 cycles. I think its always good to take mini breaks, have to keep the body guessing.
This program is only for the first cycle, I'm planning on adding more supplements and upping the dose of BO on my next cycle, I'm just giving my body time to adapt and to listen to its reaction.

I received all my supplements first day of my cycle minus the bovine collagen, still waiting on that.

Starting BO tomorrow! (Super excited) Will actually start with only 500 mg first week then increase to 750mg till the end of this cycle.

Good luck to both of us Smile

Got it.

So then, how will you fold the DIM and Milk Thistle into your plan? Will that be a daily thing or still just a few days out of the month?

Thanks so much for your patience answering these questions! And good luck to both of us indeed!

Xo, Soli

With any program the first cycle is always a test to see whats going to happen. I don't want to add too many things with BO so that I know if it has an effect on me or not. I read different things about taking BO and DIM together that just confused me. Basically, I'm planning on taking BO on its own and DIM (Milk thistle too) on the mini cleanse. Maybe in the future I might experiment with both at the same time. so far I'm sticking to the program above.

Day 2 on BO, I know its way too early to be writing a post but Ive been getting tingles. Not itching sensation nor constant tingling but shooting ones in both boobs like the ones I got when i first started NBE. Definitely a good sign especially that I'm only taking 500mg of BO. Will stick to this dose for atleast another week since I seem to be responding to it.

Also, Ive got quite an appetite, not sure if its from the BO or the new brand of MSM but I have to watch what I eat so that I don't gain weight instead of losing!

Happy growing y'all Smile

Day 12 of my cycle

I received my Bovine collagen and will be taking 750mg twice a day as mentioned in my program. I'm also upping the dose of my BO to 750mg as planned before, Hopefully I've given my body enough time to adapt to BO so that I don't get any side effects. I seem to respond well with it even though I haven't felt any sensation this week but they do feel sensitive sometimes.
Other reactions I've noticed is that I've become quite emotional, I keep crying over anything and everything. I feel like a teenager again where the world is out to get me. To make things even more interesting I've been super sexual, more than I already am lol
It seems anything I take gets me super horny, makes sense since I'm committed to NBE and also in love with all that it has given me so add the extremely high sex drive and I've gotten my self in a relationship. I am dating NBE and so far its been my most successful relationship hehe

Happy growing Smile

(02-02-2015, 21:08)AquaA Wrote:  I still didn't receive my supplements but I'm supposed to get them any second now. My period is due tomorrow or after so hopefully I receive it by then. Best time for an Aquarian to start a new serious program is in Aquarius season!

February cycle
Day 1-4 (period)
3 Milk thistle
3 Dim plus
6000mg MSM
And one day of juicing

Day 5-16 (follicular)
Green tea
Protein shake
250mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
750mg Bovine collagen
1000mg Vitamin C
Magnesium, B complex
1000mg CLA

250mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
750mg Bovine collagen
1000mg CLA
Green tea

250mg Swanson's BO
2000mg MSM
750mg Bovine collagen
Whey protein shake
1000mg CLA

Day 16-30 (Luteal)
Same as follicular but with the addition of PC

(Total per day 6000mg MSM, 2250mg Bovine collagen, 750mg BO, 3000mg CLA)

Current: bust 35.5/36 inches, butt 39 inches & waist 25 inches.
Target from BO: bust 40 inches, butt 40/41 inches & waist 24 inches.

Massage twice a day with coconut oil while listening to rocketmelon ringtone or any other subliminal. I use affirmations and talk to my cells throughout the day.
I do heavy weight lifting x3 (aiming to build a bigger booty) and do cardio once a week. Green tea, CLA and a better diet for a flat stomach. BO is for boobs and butt.
I also take a tsp coconut oil for thyroid and overall health benefits.

I read nearly everywhere that green tea is counterproductive. I wanted to start taking green tea for a different purpose. Do you think it'll really hamper growth? Also, do you know how much Protein to take everyday? I thought MSM is the building block for Collagen, but you're taking both. Can I please ask why? And what kind of affirmations do you use? Can you please tell me where I can get them? Anyways, you've had amazing success thus far and I wish you more success with this new program.

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