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Tibetan's PM and Experimental Thread


(30-12-2014, 06:12)TibetanPrincess Wrote:  12/10/2014
Took 5 drops of my sp tincture. I did an aloe arginine massage with pumping. Breasts are nice n soft.

Today is day 3 of this new unexpected cycle. I have decided to do 350mg of PM. Im trying to stop the flow. My breasts are like jelly to the touch rather than waterlike or bloated feeling.

My new dosing schedule:
1-2 no Pm
3-7 300mg PM ( 2-3 divided doses)
8-12 400-500 mg
13-14 preg 25 mg
15-23 200 mg PM/ 25mg preg/ PC/raspberry tea leaf?
24- 25 pc/25mg preg

Pump eod w/ aloe n l-arg/ take up to 10gms with l-arg/protein/2gms fo/SP or mushroom extract.

12-12-2014 (D4)
I have pumped yesterday and did the aloe/ arg massage. I hate how sticky it is. I've got a recent scar on my left breast and I am hoping this helps heal and lighten it as well.
My period is practically non existent.Smile I will be upping my dose slightly to 350 mg today. 250 mg am a 100mg pm. Have yet to try l-arg for nightly HGH release. Stuff is nasty!

12-13-2014 (D5)
I am feeling mild bloating this am. I took nearly 5gms of l arg last night. I felt almost nauseous. Plus its so nasty. I cannot do 10 GMs. And most likely won't ever.

My period is done Wink I'm happy to say PM has stopped it just like I suspected. It must have been the E drop and possibly the introduction to P topical over those next 4days. Breasts are jelly like. I took my 250mg this am and will take another 100-200mg later today. Maybe a pump session.
I am debating whether or not I should do B up drop in addition for lut only or just do what I set out to do, which is just lower my pm dose and do preg with PC . skipped arginine dose. Massaged with it and aloe /coconut though

11/14/2014 (D6)
I'm still having some bloating but it maybe due to detox or fruit juices. I think I'll stick with 350mg for today. Major wetness this morning.
New measurements:
32-7/8" overbust
36 5/8" bust
26.1/8" underbust
24" waist
36.5" hip

12/15/2014 (D7)
Some ovarian aches. I did around 450mg. I have decided to do progestomend by Douglas labs in lut to see how it goes.

12/18/2014 (D10)
I felt some breast needling. I did not pump for 3 days or massaged. I have taken my half dose of 250mg (500 total)
For the first time this cycle. I will continue till the last day of lut the same dose . have not taken the l arg since last noted.
I got sized yesterday at VS again. She said 32D but I tried one and it was too small. I tried 32dd it fit perfect. This was my size in the summertime shortly after fast. I guess I'm not yet growing out of it.
I wear a 34C (band a Little loose) at H&M.

12/19/14 (C1-D11)
I did 500mg again for the day. No needling this time. I wonder what causes it. Trying to think what was different. I'll do it again today. Breasts are actually feeling slightly firmer. Other than that, no changes and i have not massaged until tonight. Areola are still dark.I've also measured back half inch bigger in the hips @37"! Was not expecting that. My mom made a comment on how big my but was the other day. I did not put it together till I literally looked in the mirror and somehow I looked thicker in the thighs. My bust measured 36 n 3/4". It must be pm.

This may be my last day on pm.

My 1st day on 200 mg PM dose (am) as well as placenta c jelly that I scored from a small Japanese store here where I liveSmile

12/23 (D15)
My first day on preg 50mg. Hopefully that helps. I hope to the heavens my Areola don't expand. I have what looks to be thickening nipples. The Areolas are darker now! On the left, its more and there's a velvetyness around the nipple. I noticed this yesterday. But as far as size, my measurements have shrunk for some reason. I think my breasts are dropping? I'm busting out of my bra so what else could it be?

12/25 (D17)
I think I'll do 25mg am/pm and Half placenta c jelly with sp and pm in the morning. SP at night. Have not pumped or massaged lately. No protein or l-arg. Just being lazy for the holidays.

Did am massage with aloe/arg. Did 100mg of pm. A few ovarian aches but no breast aches. It's weird. My breast measurements are dropping! I'm 36.25" I believe it's actual shifting of the breasts as they grow, they seem to drop a bit downward toward the ribcage. And since I'm very broad (as going up from the underbust), its narrowing as growth continues down.

DEC 28 (Day 20)
I pumped for a good hr . I'm still dropping in measurement! 36" I look in the mirror I seem like my breasts are lower slung. It's bizarrely strange. Either I shrunk or I'm shifting here. I did aloe massage again. I put very little pc on.

Hey T, whats the benefit to Aloe massage but then PC later on?
Thanks love. I have aloe sitting outside my window and always wondered what it would be like to massage with it, although I imagine it dries out pretty quick :s


(10-12-2014, 19:21)TibetanPrincess Wrote:
(for hormone panel)

Sept. 10/14
From follicular phase day1-14 was 25mg am dose (preg)
From luteal phase day15-28 was 25 mg am dose/25mg dose (preg)
Armour 45-90mg every other day, alternating. SP drops 10 in the am

Light period
End of period

Time to increase protein by 20-30 GMs daily. Supplement with fish oil and pm.

Nov.13/ 2014 Finally Started protein 2x daily.

Oct 28/14.
32" overbust
35.75". Bust
26". 24"w
36.5" bum.

32.5" overbust
36.25" Bust
26.5" Underbust
25 (after eating)
36.5" bum

Nov. 19/14
New cycle started.

Nov. 20/14
40mg of ainterol pm liquid.

Nov. 22/14 AM
1st dose of 500mg ainterol pure-d

Dec. 3-4
I did 700mgPM ( 500 am dose /200mg pm dose)

Wetness more significant. Did not take pm.

Dec. 9
Breakthrough bleeding ( bright) mid cycle occurred this afternoon while shoving a raw vegan squash soup down my throat. It just randomly gushed :/ so dramatic and funny. I had been doing bio identical topical pc in wrists and chest for the past 4 days. I think I might have popped a cyst or brought on a period. I had a Sig drop of E from 700mg to O. I started 100mg this morning. My plan is to stop PC and up pm as soon as the red river flows much less. I had a queasy stomach 2 nights before. I think both E n P rising are responsible.

I guess I'll act like its an official cycle since I don't know what else to do. My areolas darkened with this time as well. Some needling. Somethinghas happened. I'll do 500mg at most once this period ends.

Your breasts look amazing! I would love to be at your size one day!

(30-12-2014, 06:17)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(30-12-2014, 06:12)TibetanPrincess Wrote:  12/10/2014
Took 5 drops of my sp tincture. I did an aloe arginine massage with pumping. Breasts are nice n soft.

Today is day 3 of this new unexpected cycle. I have decided to do 350mg of PM. Im trying to stop the flow. My breasts are like jelly to the touch rather than waterlike or bloated feeling.

My new dosing schedule:
1-2 no Pm
3-7 300mg PM ( 2-3 divided doses)
8-12 400-500 mg
13-14 preg 25 mg
15-23 200 mg PM/ 25mg preg/ PC/raspberry tea leaf?
24- 25 pc/25mg preg

Pump eod w/ aloe n l-arg/ take up to 10gms with l-arg/protein/2gms fo/SP or mushroom extract.

12-12-2014 (D4)
I have pumped yesterday and did the aloe/ arg massage. I hate how sticky it is. I've got a recent scar on my left breast and I am hoping this helps heal and lighten it as well.
My period is practically non existent.Smile I will be upping my dose slightly to 350 mg today. 250 mg am a 100mg pm. Have yet to try l-arg for nightly HGH release. Stuff is nasty!

12-13-2014 (D5)
I am feeling mild bloating this am. I took nearly 5gms of l arg last night. I felt almost nauseous. Plus its so nasty. I cannot do 10 GMs. And most likely won't ever.

My period is done Wink I'm happy to say PM has stopped it just like I suspected. It must have been the E drop and possibly the introduction to P topical over those next 4days. Breasts are jelly like. I took my 250mg this am and will take another 100-200mg later today. Maybe a pump session.
I am debating whether or not I should do B up drop in addition for lut only or just do what I set out to do, which is just lower my pm dose and do preg with PC . skipped arginine dose. Massaged with it and aloe /coconut though

11/14/2014 (D6)
I'm still having some bloating but it maybe due to detox or fruit juices. I think I'll stick with 350mg for today. Major wetness this morning.
New measurements:
32-7/8" overbust
36 5/8" bust
26.1/8" underbust
24" waist
36.5" hip

12/15/2014 (D7)
Some ovarian aches. I did around 450mg. I have decided to do progestomend by Douglas labs in lut to see how it goes.

12/18/2014 (D10)
I felt some breast needling. I did not pump for 3 days or massaged. I have taken my half dose of 250mg (500 total)
For the first time this cycle. I will continue till the last day of lut the same dose . have not taken the l arg since last noted.
I got sized yesterday at VS again. She said 32D but I tried one and it was too small. I tried 32dd it fit perfect. This was my size in the summertime shortly after fast. I guess I'm not yet growing out of it.
I wear a 34C (band a Little loose) at H&M.

12/19/14 (C1-D11)
I did 500mg again for the day. No needling this time. I wonder what causes it. Trying to think what was different. I'll do it again today. Breasts are actually feeling slightly firmer. Other than that, no changes and i have not massaged until tonight. Areola are still dark.I've also measured back half inch bigger in the hips @37"! Was not expecting that. My mom made a comment on how big my but was the other day. I did not put it together till I literally looked in the mirror and somehow I looked thicker in the thighs. My bust measured 36 n 3/4". It must be pm.

This may be my last day on pm.

My 1st day on 200 mg PM dose (am) as well as placenta c jelly that I scored from a small Japanese store here where I liveSmile

12/23 (D15)
My first day on preg 50mg. Hopefully that helps. I hope to the heavens my Areola don't expand. I have what looks to be thickening nipples. The Areolas are darker now! On the left, its more and there's a velvetyness around the nipple. I noticed this yesterday. But as far as size, my measurements have shrunk for some reason. I think my breasts are dropping? I'm busting out of my bra so what else could it be?

12/25 (D17)
I think I'll do 25mg am/pm and Half placenta c jelly with sp and pm in the morning. SP at night. Have not pumped or massaged lately. No protein or l-arg. Just being lazy for the holidays.

Did am massage with aloe/arg. Did 100mg of pm. A few ovarian aches but no breast aches. It's weird. My breast measurements are dropping! I'm 36.25" I believe it's actual shifting of the breasts as they grow, they seem to drop a bit downward toward the ribcage. And since I'm very broad (as going up from the underbust), its narrowing as growth continues down.

DEC 28 (Day 20)
I pumped for a good hr . I'm still dropping in measurement! 36" I look in the mirror I seem like my breasts are lower slung. It's bizarrely strange. Either I shrunk or I'm shifting here. I did aloe massage again. I put very little pc on.

Hey T, whats the benefit to Aloe massage but then PC later on?
Thanks love. I have aloe sitting outside my window and always wondered what it would be like to massage with it, although I imagine it dries out pretty quick :s
Aloe makes arg melt like water. I also have a scar that needs to fade more. PC I'd used because I don't make progesterone.

Hey Ella, sorry for my late response, I did not see yours for some reason. I don't really have much thought on this. It's all just an experiment. I think it's just good overall. I had so much extra since i use it for my hair. I figured why not for massage? I noticed it melts argininE pretty good since oil doesnt. I didn't want to use water. Ihave actually used it all cycle long on and off. Not daily though because it maybe estrogenic, I didn't want it to compete with pm caps I was taking so I just used it every other day especially in the luteal.
as for the arg, I was inspired by MydreamisG's (I probably butchered that) thread.
She grew quickly taking it internally in high amounts. I have not been taking it since it makes me nauseous. So I do topical.

1/1/2015 (day 24)
I have not taken anything today.
1/5 (day 28)
I'm feeling My menses will be late I'm cramping more just now and my breasts are aching here n there.

1/6 (day29)
Wow! I couldn't be more wrong. I cant believe I woke up and realized I started my 2nd cycle. Almost a 28 day which I have not had in years!
I believe I truly am low in not only progesterone, but some for of estrogen!

I will duplicate this cycle but stop one day earlier to see if I can have a 28 day. I feel like I have discovered something about my hormone health. Why is it so many women go from 28 to 32 days over the years!

I really think since our cycles are regulated by magnetic forces and sun energy, we are all, or should be on the same schedule (28 days).

I dont have any new growth to report yet. But my areolas are friggin shades darker. I think circulation from l arg massage is a factor.

Hey Tibetan!
I remember you commenting on my photos once that we have similar shaped breasts (specifically the lack of middle an underboob) I find noogling one at a time allows me to focus on the underbreast, I also Will gently hold my nipples and shake my breasts this way to push the tissue away from the nipples and in to constricted pouches (middle and under) finally, I do myofascial release massage all over my breasts to hopefully reduce construction, I also use flaxseed oil.
My next guess is going to be cupping therapy. I intend on buying the cups from the naturalnews website.
I think that they have cups small enough to target the underbreast. Maybe you can check them out and see if you agree with my hypothesis.
wishing you all the best!
Xo beckie

Hi Beck!
Thanks for this. I have thought about cupping the area but never did it. Let us know how it goes if you do. It will surely motivate me to try it. Ive just been lazy, as in, ill just get a fat transfer there sooner or latet, lol! I think the l arg massage helps too because now when I pump, I notice more underboob in the domes, unless that's just from possible new growth?
I wonder. I have been doing pumping more seriously now. So as far as being a responder, I have no idea.

1/6 (C2-day1)
Flow is light so far. I think I will be doing the following, after going over some notes: lolz

Day 1,2- nothing
Day 3- 500mg PM/ SP drops
Day 4,5,6- 500mg PM/SP drops
Days 7,8,9- 500mg PM/SP drops
Days 10,11,12- 500mg PM/SP drops

Day 13- nothing just SP drops

Days14-23- 200mg PM/SP drops/ Placenta C jelly/ Adrenal tonic/ preg 25 mg
Day 24 continue preg/adrenal tonic/placenta C/SP drops (Last day)
25-28 nothing but SP

neat thing is, I finally got those ovulation kits from the dollar store. I'll do this with my basal temp around day 10 to 13. See how it goes.

1/8 (Cycle2 Day 3)
300mg of PM/ Dr rons thyroid formula. Massaged last night, breasts look wider and still low slung. Breasts feel like water.

1/9 (C2-D4)
I'm having more of a flow this cycle than last. It's normally very light by today. I took 500mg divided at am/noon. I did this because it's impossible to half a capsule correctly, then add 100mg. So 500mg here on out till day 13 (I'm thinking)

1/10 (C2-D5)
Flow won't stop! I'm normal but it keeps going!

1/15 (C2-D10)
My 1st day introducing progesterone herbs by Douglas labs. I made that tincture long ago and today, I'm spraying it under my tongue. I think I'll do 8 am and 8 by night. See how it goes till lut.
Im just doing 500mg pm daily as last mentioned about half cap in the am and the other at noon or pm.
No changes to note. I am 1.5 months in just about. I'm measuring 36 at my lowest and about 37" at my fullest.
Areolas are still hyperpigmented and I am still doing an hr of pumping 7:2 method every other day with l arg/aloe n water massage. I'm fuller in my bras though I'm not sure if that's strictly due to pumping off n on. I guess 4 months in, ill know. I'm not expecting fast growth since I have already slowed down in my last year.

1/16 (C2-D11)
I'm sore a bit from pumping. I'm due to pump today.

1/17 (C2-D12)
My ovulation test showed strong LH surge so I'm hoping I can stop PM @500mg today. And as of, there is no b growth to report or changes. It will be 10 days at this dose

1/21 (C2-D16)
I haven't pumped since last Friday! So much going on. I am firm and areolas are still dark. I look perkier. Don't know if that is lut swelling or not. Measure about the same, a little over 36" at my smallest. Itching at nipple and areolas.

1/25 (C2-D20)
I am a little fuller. I hadnt pumped in a couple days. I guess it's good. I think I need that Lil break sometimes. I don't know why areolas become so dark. I just feel like I'm wider more than anything.

I guess I'll continue pm at a low dose tI'll day 22 to see if my period begins a day earlier.

1/28 (C2-D23)
These past couple of days, I've felt tired. I think my estrogen levels are high along with my progesterone.
I felt awful last night, I slept so early around 6pm.

My breasts feel larger this time in the 2nd cycle compared to last. I may have some actual new growth unless it's kickass swelling from both noogling and hormone spikes.

Wow. I started my menses early! This is strange. I think those progesterone herbs kicked in. I think I will start pm on day 4 and progesterone herbs on day 14.
maybe that will straighten things out.

I just wanted to drop by and say thank you so much for the awesome logs of your process. I find it very helpful and useful. I'm taking it all in. I'm on BO right now...using PC and also using some herbs as well.

And I can't get over the picture of your breasts. They are so much where I would like to be one day. It's really encouraging to hear you started off as an A cup.

Best wishes

wow I am defs going to read this when I have a bit more time, I love your swelling! great job Big Grin I hope when I start PM I get the same results ^^

Amazing results again! Lucky you.
Im wondering what brand of mammary glandulars did you use and do think it could work for some?

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