I also think this is an issue that is very important for you to adress. Each of us has a unique hormonal pattern, and bovine ovary will fit in differently into each pattern. I think if you're having these kinds of pains and discomforts you might need a to see a specialist. I think Naturopathic Medicine best addresses these issues because Naturopaths have a huge array of medical exams/panels for...most everything, moreso than M.D.s, and much more specified.
I am a student pursuing a Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this medicine both bovine ovary and placenta are used for fertility issues and also poor growth/development in children.
BUT, I truly believe that those of us whose sexual development was impaired or hindered in some way, who have the potential to see growth even later, will experience it. At least that's what I hypothesize, according to some people's success.
I know I have the potential because of my family and personal history. I was growing slowly, but normally (I feel). And then I had an eating disorder that really messed up my body, and it lasted from about age 16 to age 22. Still some residual problems up until my current age (25). But I was almost severely underweight. I was also very, very athletic. All these things, I feel, hindered my sexual development.
Now that I am giving my body an estrogenic environment, I am growing. I have all these growing aerolas are bigger, I noticed yesterday.
I feel like my hips are widening. I've noticed my overall curvature is different. I am still petite. I'm a size 0-2, still athletic/muscular/fit. But my ratio is different. I can tell in the mirror and also by how my clothing fits. Like that I fill out my jeans in the hip/butt area, but my stomach is still the same. And that my breasts are already filling out my bras....
I MUST SAY THOUGH, that I neglected to say in my previous posts that I HAVE been experiencing some side effects, which I did expect:
I am MUCH MORE EMOTIONAL than is typical. I feel more "female". Things make me cry more easily. And i cannot control it. It's actually frustrating.
My anxiety seems to be affected. I think that being more emotional makes my anxiety worse because I am so, so, so much more sensitive. Things that normally I wouldn't take personally, I am. If my boyfriend doesn't kiss me a certain way, or if someone says something matter-of-fact...I seem to take it personally.
I have a greater tendency to cry.
My period has been delayed. It seems to be struggling to come. It's been a week and I'm starting to spot. I had all the PMS symptoms.
Definitely, the depression and anxiety symptoms I normally experience during PMS seem to be worse this month, and have lasted more days.
And so, it's like I'm a friggen teenager again.....
But I'm willing to adjust to this and accomodate these changes like an adult. I feel I have more tools and mental/emotional control now, at age 25, than I did when I was 15.