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Hey all,
So this thread has been on my mind,
And I was noogling tonight when something hit me...
I found my arm in pain! And then I realized something else whilst raising my arm!
I was sucking in fat from the arm pit on the side that the pain sensation was occurring!
So I removed the fat that was sneaking in and not only has the pain ceased but my breast is perfectly centred in the dome which almost never happens!
I wonder if this armpit suction is in relation to the aforementioned issues.
Just a thought.(:

Flaxseed oil for hardening of the arteries

'The ALA in flaxseed oil and other related components is said to be affective in reducing inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory (swelling) diseases.


(21-09-2014, 19:44)hannah14 Wrote:  You guys are really sweet and thinking along with me, it warms my heart thanks!
But Beckie I indeed have losened skin under my armpit, my underbreast-skin is loose too.(*have to mention: the medium domes are way too round for me i couldnt do any different then suck my armpit)
I also see two thick veins from my underbreast to the sides of my hips, you know this crossroad off veins towards your legs.
The veins are thick from underneath my breast all over my belly to my hips.
And then 2 veins from underneath my armpit, which show up again from my elbow twisting over my upper wrist to my upper hand.
They indeed look hardened and flaxseed oil might be helpful.. but after 2 years would it still be helpfull?
Ever since I used the NB system i am only losing weight no matter how much I eat, my Boyfriend looks a bit like a bodybuilder he's very ?muscled?and he's also tall. And i am eating more then he does!
I push myself to eat so much that i am almostly trowing up with every meal.
You might think I am crazy but i am already underweight which i never have been. So i need that food! Whats also very weird is that i keep gaining and loosing. I gain 3 kilo's in 2,5 weeks and i loose everything within one week. And this is a circle which i cant seem to break for months now.
You see my arms go from size s to size m and back to size s. Then it sticks for a while and then you see the same thing at my legs.
Since your arms and legs gain and loose first I cant seem to put weight on at my butt, belly or breasts. I've been pushing to eat more and more and sometimes I can build some fat around my belly and hips. And then al off the sudden everything goes away and my weight scale(which is correct) shows i lost again.
What I want to say with this long story is that flaxseed oil might not be the best for me since I saw in your link that people use it to loose weight.
Maybe I can use it external? Or would/could this make my breasts shrink?

isobasic thanks for your post, Trombosis and other heart and vein diseases are not in my family neither is diabetic disease or things like that.
I cant have high cholestrol i think, since i am quite skinny have Always been very athletic, busy doing sports, work hard. Eat healthy, no fastfood and I am just over 20 years old.
I really thinks however it is a fucking vein unfortanatly.
But alright.
I also have few small purple veins on one side of my breast. And after i take a hot shower i see big veins on my breasts they are popping above my skin. You can almostly catch them between two fingers.

Oh and didnt you girls had nipple changes?
Because my beauty's are gone..

And one very important question for me: Since the NB system I have vomit tendency's(hope this is the right word)
So my throat does like bleeh but I really never seem to vomit.
It occurs at all kind of moments of the day. Not just food related.
Also from every kind of smell and tendency coming out of nowhere from really nothing.
No pointable reasons. And I have this for 13 months now!!
This is such an important thing to me, it is really getting me isolated.
You cant go sit in a restaurant like bleeh, and it deff. isnt an example for my little one..
So I rather eat alone.. without anybody around me.
Thats a bit hard at times.
And when it happens when I am talking to somebody i turn around pretend like I am coughing.
So with my weight people might think I have boulimia or anorexic disorder.
I hate my life since this device, really beckie becareful!

Talk to you later!


Flaxseed oil will not cause you to lose breast, if anything it May aid in growth as it is a mild phytoestrogen.
I would apply it topically over the veins in question, if you resolve the eating thing (may I suggest chewing slower and counting the chews? When I'm really anxious , my senses heighten and I am generally faster with everything.
This has caused me to be sick from eating to fast, regardless of the content or quantity, perhaps you are doing the same? It took me 10 years to figure out. That is why I ask.) I would avoid grains and eat lots of raw veggies and berries and pasturized grass Fed meats if you can get them. Regardless of the cause, all bodies benefit from the antioxidants in those foods and when the body has optimum 'fuel' it can do amazing things in terms of healing. If you can, watch 'food matters'. I believe it may help you on your journey.

Alright, flaxseed oil sounds good. I'll give it a try.
I am into food already, i spend all my money on it since i lost my job i havent a lot to spent, and to make money i need my health so food is my bible these days.
I eat brocolli and loads and then i mean loads of raw veggie's.

Oh and i eat like very slow, its taking me half an hour to work away this big plates of food.
I eat so slow that it almostly turns into a nearly fluid mass.
Is there something like to good chewed food?
I also am into digestion and looking at my poo (dont know if theres a neater word in English) it seems pretty fatty and slightly light brown and sometimes very dark brown.
And also mixted texture like hard an soft.
But I dont know where your knowledge reach in this subject..
Cant watch ''Food matters'' in my country. But i definetely in what you say: You are what you eat.


I'm not a doctor so my suggestions are all speculation but
If your diet is mainly veggies, please be sure to eat a variety of them and make sure you are getting all of your essential amino acids.
I actually think your first step (if you have health care) should be blood work.
Good luck (:

(21-09-2014, 20:33)Beckiee Wrote:  I'm not a doctor so my suggestions are all speculation but
If your diet is mainly veggies, please be sure to eat a variety of them and make sure you are getting all of your essential amino acids.
I actually think your first step (if you have health care) should be blood work.
Good luck (:
What do you mean with blood work?
Let myself check on iron or what?
I know it is al speculation thats what I am doing myself too.
I cant go and let everything checked that will costs me to much money.
So first I try out what i can do myself.
My diet isnt mainly veggies, i wouldnt gain a gram if it would be.
I also eat carbohydrates like rice and sweet potatoes. Meat mainly red. And ofcourse fruits.]
All suggestions even though its speculation are welcome.

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