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Growth with Hypnosis, BBs, Subliminals,...etc


Hello girls Smile

I'm quite new to posting here, and to the whole NBE world in general, but I have been reading a lot here and I've got to know a lot in such a short time thanks to you girls.

My questions now is: Is it possible for me to get the growth that I want using Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, Rockmelon Ringtone, Subliminals and Isochronic Tones?
I mean, did any of you really experience growth relying ONLY on those methods?

I really don't want to start taking any herbs, pills,...and any of the other methods. Plus, I really fancy the idea of controlling my body through my mind.

By the way, I'm currently listening to the below Binaural Beats track and I do feel some pain in my breasts (I hope I'm not imagining things, through! Big Grin):

TIA, lovelies Smile

i have a hard time with some of those 'beep beep beep' binurals.

i listen to this one occasionally as well as afew others:

admittedly i do use herbs as well, so i cannot claim any growth soley on binurals

have you tried the progesetrone binural along with the estrogen one?

squirrelwithboobs: Yes, I almost listen to the progesterone and estrogen Isochronic tone tracks daily. I give 30 minutes to each.

I still don't have a solid program but I try to listen to this stuff every day and be consistent as much as I can:

- Rockmelon Ringtone (20 times)
- Estrogen production Isochronic tones (30 minutes)
- Progesterone production Isochronic tones (30 minutes)
- This one:
- And recently trying to incorporate this daily into my program:

Regarding Hypnosis, I really wish I could be more consistent with it but I don't always have time for it.
Out of the few ones that I've tried, Petite Mort is my favourite. It's very engaging, powerful and time after time I'm getting better at visualizing, imagining and feeling the things he is saying.
(Tip: If you are having difficulties imagining yourself with larger breasts, just spend some time before your hypnosis session looking at some large sets of breasts online and while doing this try to visualize yourself with those breasts. It helped me a lot. Make sure you look at ones which you like their shape and size, too.)

I've started looking into the hypnosis thing and the BBs and all that starting from July 31st. My routine has been all over the place, since I was being introduced to new stuff I want to try everyday. However, I think I've grown a teeny tiny bit. Or rather I feel like my breasts are heavier and on some days they do seem larger. Also, I believe the pain and tingles that I experience do say something, because I don't remember I used to have such feelings in my breast area before.

So, I'll just have to wait and see and if there's any considerable growth, I'll mention it here Smile

I highly doubt you could grow with that alone. I think of hypnosis as a placebo of sorts. It's there to raise our self-esteem and give us the positivity and hope we will need on this journey. The hypnosis videos are truly great if you believe in them. The binaural is strange but I like them.

I know you can grow from affirmations and hypnosis alone. I've grown a bit more than 1" with that without knowing nbe.

(20-08-2014, 13:20)uhuccup Wrote:  I know you can grow from affirmations and hypnosis alone. I've grown a bit more than 1" with that without knowing nbe.

Interesting, but are you sure caloric intake/metabolism didn't play a part in it? Anything is possible though of course.

(20-08-2014, 02:27)Jenniferlove Wrote:  I highly doubt you could grow with that alone. I think of hypnosis as a placebo of sorts. It's there to raise our self-esteem and give us the positivity and hope we will need on this journey. The hypnosis videos are truly great if you believe in them. The binaural is strange but I like them.

You know, that brings up to my mind a documentary I saw a while ago about Hypnosis. As far as I remember, there was this study where they concluded that Hypnosis activates different parts of the brain other than the ones that get activated when using the placebo effect method.

I sort of believe that hypnosis can affect how my brain works and help me with the growth process, and I think I just have to try this by myself and as a method on its own without anything else to confirm whether it works for me or not.

(20-08-2014, 13:20)uhuccup Wrote:  I know you can grow from affirmations and hypnosis alone. I've grown a bit more than 1" with that without knowing nbe.

That's very interesting. I also searched your other posts and I came across the thread where you discuss your program. From what I read, I understood that you couldn't depend on hypnosis and affirmations alone because your growth stopped at one point, or didn't I get this right?

Interesting. I have been part of several forums of the years and like studying just this exact sort of question. As far as all my experience, I know that the mind alone can change the body! It's very amazing, but true. Just remember, there are many factors in what works for people. Some hypnosis, tones, and whatnot didn't work for me in the past but helped other. Some of them were really great. I have posted some of the good ones I found in this forum. I like a few tones by Sapien Med, Ascension ArchAngel King Louie's "Breast Booster" (I posted this for y'all the minute I found it! Smile, and several of Andre James Hypnosis.
I have listened to many over the years! I have found that when I relax, ignore the doubts, and go with the flow (more and more recently), change happens better and faster. I used to measure, compare, doubt, complain. what have you, and spent lots of time and money on NBE. Results have definitely been better with a more positive mental state. I kinda got tired. I was like, "Oh, well. I tried." Then, when I didn't seem to care or obsess as much, what do you know? My bras have been getting tighter. Maybe, my mind finally decided to let my boobs grow. I also decided that I didn't like my nose, for years. I started learning about the Power of Intention. I notice that my nose actually is more acceptable! I mean, i think it is a little smaller. There ain't no kinda supplement that I know of for that and I am pretty much the same size & weight overall as I have ever been. Ha! With my crazy summer schedule, my supplement regimen went flying out the window like a canary whose cage was accidentally left open. Good luck y'all! Have some chilled out faith y'all. Cheers.[/align]

(22-08-2014, 06:17)char Wrote:  Interesting. I have been part of several forums of the years and like studying just this exact sort of question. As far as all my experience, I know that the mind alone can change the body! It's very amazing, but true. Just remember, there are many factors in what works for people. Some hypnosis, tones, and whatnot didn't work for me in the past but helped other. Some of them were really great. I have posted some of the good ones I found in this forum. I like a few tones by Sapien Med, Ascension ArchAngel King Louie's "Breast Booster" (I posted this for y'all the minute I found it! Smile, and several of Andre James Hypnosis.
I have listened to many over the years! I have found that when I relax, ignore the doubts, and go with the flow (more and more recently), change happens better and faster. I used to measure, compare, doubt, complain. what have you, and spent lots of time and money on NBE. Results have definitely been better with a more positive mental state. I kinda got tired. I was like, "Oh, well. I tried." Then, when I didn't seem to care or obsess as much, what do you know? My bras have been getting tighter. Maybe, my mind finally decided to let my boobs grow. I also decided that I didn't like my nose, for years. I started learning about the Power of Intention. I notice that my nose actually is more acceptable! I mean, i think it is a little smaller. There ain't no kinda supplement that I know of for that and I am pretty much the same size & weight overall as I have ever been. Ha! With my crazy summer schedule, my supplement regimen went flying out the window like a canary whose cage was accidentally left open. Good luck y'all! Have some chilled out faith y'all. Cheers.[/align]

I really believe that change can come from the mind only and that our minds are powerful enough to do so. We just need to know and have the keys and tools to control out minds, which isn't easy.

(22-08-2014, 06:17)char Wrote:  I have found that when I relax, ignore the doubts, and go with the flow (more and more recently), change happens better and faster. I used to measure, compare, doubt, complain. what have you, and spent lots of time and money on NBE. Results have definitely been better with a more positive mental state. I kinda got tired. I was like, "Oh, well. I tried." Then, when I didn't seem to care or obsess as much, what do you know? My bras have been getting tighter. Maybe, my mind finally decided to let my boobs grow. I also decided that I didn't like my nose, for years. I started learning about the Power of Intention. I notice that my nose actually is more acceptable! I mean, i think it is a little smaller. There ain't no kinda supplement that I know of for that and I am pretty much the same size & weight overall as I have ever been. Ha! With my crazy summer schedule, my supplement regimen went flying out the window like a canary whose cage was accidentally left open. Good luck y'all! Have some chilled out faith y'all. Cheers.[/align]

perhaps the reduction of stress in this case has been a significant factor? stress produces cortisol which has been suggested being a midriff weight gain signaller, or in other cases fat/weight to be distributed to other areas proportionately or inproportionately. i think, your turn to a more positive outlook and less stress, opened and released dopamines which inhibit cortisol,thus increasing breast growth? just a guess....


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