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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!


Day 28

Ok, so I feel like my motivation is slightly waning at the moment. Its the last day of my period today, and I have noticed that my breasts look deflated, smaller than they did before a few days ago. So that is annoying.

I've upped the EPO dosage, so I'm now taking two 1 gram EPO capsules per day. All other stuff is the same.

I have also started listening to that Rockmelon ringtone. It sounds horrendous, but thought I'd give it a go. No idea if there is any basis to it or not. I've been listening to it for about 20 minutes today, on and off in 5 minute intervals. I found it on youtube. I will do it for about 10 days I think they recommend.

I keep getting pains, itchy feelings, and even my nipples were tingling throughout the day today.

Its hard to keep motivation for doing this, when you don't seem to see results. Its like - so why am I massaging with this stinky maple syrupy stuff and spending all this time when there are limited results! But I will stick with it. I have read that some women notice they seem smaller during and after their period.... so I am hoping that as time goes on they will get bigger.

I seem to be holding the 31" that I got to, but only just.

I am thinking about increasing my fenugreek pills too, but am not sure. Its hard to know as I don't want to take too much. I am extremely small so my receptors will be very few as it is. I was reading from a page that Waihaka had wrote about the smaller breasts you have, the least amount of receptors you have. So you have to build it up slowly.

Anyhow, will keep doing what I am doing for now, and see what happens. I guess in another month if I haven't experienced any more growth, then I would need to review the program and up my dosages.

Any advice appreciated.

Day 29

Had massive growing pains in right breast during the night, to the point it was quite painful. Not much during the day.

Have been listening to this rockmelon ringtone and thinking about doing the blaketalks too. Although I might just give the rockmelon a go first, then do the blaketalks afterwards.

hi there. just want to encourage you and wish you good luck. i too listen to the rockmelon ringtone sometimes. yes it does hurt!! especially if i listen a lot. so i think it's good you are giving a shot. i didn't take measurements, but i noticed that even though my nbe wasn't doing much for me at the time before i did a cleanse, the ringtone seemed make the girls look bubblier! we are in it together. good luck girl. sending good waves. happy boob growing!Tongue

Day 30

Decided to take 2 fenugreek capsules as opposed to the usual one.

Pretty much no tingly sensations at all today, only slight heavy feeling to breasts throughout the day.

I keep listening to the rockmelon ringtone which is driving me a bit mad.

I have been looking up about Noogleberry which is a pump system. There seems to be a few people on there which have very small breasts like mine, but are seeing results from it. So am going to do a bit more research on it and I might start using that too.

Thanks Char for your comments.

Hi girlfriday29,
I ordered my NB yesterday!!!I decided to place an order only after reading and reading allot...I was sitting all day long on the computer...until my eye's hurt!!! Smile (I can't wait to get the Noogle!!!and start pumpin...Big Grin)
I love the results of the girls on the noogleberry forum!!! (anastasia916 also uses the NB - I heard it from her!!!she also got great results form it!!!)
I think it's a good product...and Lucy (the customer service of NB) is amazing!!!I sent her e-mail's asking about the NB and she respond to me less the 12 hours...
good luck on reading and searching Smile
I will post here when I will get my NB...I will also put here photos.

Day 31

Breasts are going crazy today, I've had sharp pains, deep pains, and throbbing throughout the day. I was just listening to the rockmelon ringtone and they feel like they are dancing to it. I don't feel any larger though.

I am down to 53kgs so have lost some weight. First place I usually lose weight is on my top half so around my collarbone, arms, breasts (if its possible for them to get any smaller!) etc. What is amazing is that my breasts don't look any smaller, which is quite remarkable as I could have lost what little I had gained, but I haven't.

Took 2 fenugreek capsules again today. Am going to stick with two per day.

Am trying to eat lots of protein during every meal including snacks e.g. hummus, mussels, eggs, chicken, fish, brazil nuts, quinoa, feta, lamb.

On another note, my periods have been absolutely amazing since I started my "diet". I barely have any pain at all when I get them, and before I used to have so much pain and take anti-spasmodic drugs etc. But now its fine! I also barely ever have any gas or bloating which I used to get all the time. I haven't gotten sick either (touch-wood) since I started it, despite alot of my friends getting colds etc.

My breast massage "batter" that I have made gets really gluggy towards the end of the bottle. So I scoop out the solids and mix it in with a new batch. Looks quite strange on my breasts as its really a bright tan/brown type colour and has lots of granules in it. My new massage batter smells delicious! Makes me want to put it on pancakes! (not that I'm eating pancakes because of my "diet"). I shake the mixture about 3 times per day because otherwise all the solids go to the bottom and the oil stays on top, so mix it up to ensure it is "mixing".

Am trying not to get obsessed with measuring myself! But its hard not too. I notice there can be quite a variation when you measure yourself, not just on bust, but under bust and waist.

Will look forward to posting some more photos soon to see if there has been any difference. Sometimes my breasts look so much bigger, and sometimes they look deflated! So hopefully on the whole they are growing! I keep taking a peek at them throughout the day to see what they look like!

I'm still not wearing a bra during the day if I am not going out anywhere in public. When I do look at myself I keep thinking "gosh, I am small"! The reason I think that is because usually I wear padded bras, so I look bigger! So without the bra, it is like "ohhhhhh, nothing there"! Quite a weird sensation to be a) growing, but then b) looking smaller than before hehehe

DAY 32

Old Stats (Day 1)

Under Bust: 28"
Bust: 30.5"
Over Bust: 30"
6" over left breast from one side to the middle rib cage
5.5" over right breast from one side to the middle rib cage
4" from bottom of breast to top of breast

New Stats

Under Bust: 28"
Bust: 31.25"
Over Bust: 30.5"
6.5" over left breast from one side to the middle rib cage
6" over right breast from one side to the middle rib cage
4" from bottom of breast to top of breast
4" from bottom of breast to top of breast
Waist 25"
Hips 36"
Weight: 53-54kgs

Note that I have found that there is fluctuation when measuring. I think last time I measured I thought I was 6.75" on my LH breast, but this time I have measured 6.5", so there is room for fluctuation and human error!


I have completed:
- 25 days of massage (twice daily)
- 16 days of fenugreek (1 capsule)
- 3 days fenugreek (2 capsules)
- 27 days of fennel tea (twice daily)



Fenugreek Capsules 610mg twice per day (before breakfast, and sometime in the afternoon)

EPO Capsules 1000mg three times per day with each main meal

Echinacea Tablets 3 per day after meals

Vitamin C powder twice daily after breakfast and dinner

Fennel tea twice per day usually before breakfast and sometime in the evening. I make my own with fennel seeds and steep them in hot water for about 10 minutes. This is a very refreshing tea!

Spearmint tea during Day 1-10 of my cycle, twice daily (although I have been quite slack with this as I find it hard to drink so many teas per day, as I also need to drink water). I was taking this because of excess hair growth.

Eating lots of protein with each meal, including 1 protein shake per day with Rice Milk


Massage twice daily for 10-15 minutes with mixture that has steeped for at least 1 week made of ground fenugreek, borage oil, avocado oil, Vitamin E oil, ground fennel.

Apply heat pack for 15-20 minutes after each massage.

Before each massage either shower, or wash breast area with hot water, apply a wet hot towel for a few minutes or heat pack.

Massage mainly consists of rotations, and "normal" massaging of breast, "clawing" each breast. I have found a link to a breast massage from Waihaika's breast board site which is a type of lymphatic massage, so will start incorporating that into my routine.


I have been listening to the rockmelon ringtone for about 4 days now, approximately 30 minutes per day, staggered throughout the day.
I try not to wear a bra at all.


I have noticed a huge difference in each breast. When I put my hand over my Left Breast in particular there is just so much more breast and the breast seems to go wider towards my back (if that makes sense) than I expect it to. My right breast has always been the smaller of the two, and actually has enough flesh to grab something in it now. I'm not sure if they look any bigger though when I look at them, more the feel of them, feels bigger.

I have been thinking about getting a noogleberry. I might wait to see if I grow a bit more like this first. I'm guessing that would make the noogling easier, if I have a bit more to noogle! I have also been thinking about doing the Blake talks.

I haven't noticed any other side effects from the herbs I have been taking.

I have lots of growing pains some days, and hardly any on others. This past day I haven't really had any, just a heavy feeling in my breasts. Whereas yesterday my breasts seemed to be almost dancing.

I haven't taken any of my Saw Palmetto capsules yet. Need to do a bit more reading on them. I also am thinking about Wild Yam.

Anyhow, thats about all for now. I will keep my program as it is for another 8 days or so and reassess again. Any advice welcome.

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The first photo here I have my arms right up in the air. Before if I did this there would be nothing to show! But now I notice that there is a bit.

I couldn't resist this last photo. Before if I tried pushing my breasts together there was a huge gap! There was no way they could be pushed together, mainly because there was nothing to push!

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Last one!

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