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Noogleberry Users, be aware of Permanent Indentations!!!

(10-08-2014, 19:10)iaboy Wrote:  You are right about the length of time Natty, I push mine to about 2 x at 30 mins. I have some indents but they go away after about 2 days. (I never pump more than 3 days of the week). That is why I get so worried when peeps take like 10 times the amount of Herbs or PM. I figure there goes their liver, kidneys and maybe cancer. It takes a real bio woman 2-3 years to go from buds to breast and some women continue growing for even longer. Why do peeps think that they have had the same breast for 10 - 20 yrs and yet through pharma or herbs get er done in 3 months?? That is the biggest reason why she has the problem she has now... Going 120 in a 25 speed zone is NEVER wise.

You are soooo right, iaboy!!!

(10-08-2014, 19:10)iaboy Wrote:  
(10-08-2014, 18:19)NattyTooty Wrote:  If I recall the website recommends 15-30 mins of use per day. if you are not following the proper usage, that is now your problem. as for a warning. I truly believe you would have disregarded it anyway. nobody should have to warn any logical and reasonable adult of anything. don't try to cast stones at those that are far from responsible for you sheer stupidity.

This reminds me of the money hungry moron the had a lawsuit on McDonalds because there was no warning label that the coffee was hot. seriously, you should be put in a home if you can't figure put coffee is hot.

You are right about the length of time Natty, I push mine to about 2 x at 30 mins. I have some indents but they go away after about 2 days. (I never pump more than 3 days of the week). That is why I get so worried when peeps take like 10 times the amount of Herbs or PM. I figure there goes their liver, kidneys and maybe cancer. It takes a real bio woman 2-3 years to go from buds to breast and some women continue growing for even longer. Why do peeps think that they have had the same breast for 10 - 20 yrs and yet through pharma or herbs get er done in 3 months?? That is the biggest reason why she has the problem she has now... Going 120 in a 25 speed zone is NEVER wise.

Not sure if others do this, but I try to move the cups of my noogleberry around ever so slightly several times each session after massaging so as to avoid indents. So far so good, and I watch to make sure that I don't over do the pressure of the suction on my chest. It's all just common sense, don't abuse your body by misusing a product and then cry foul.

Iskry, I do the same thing. But probably not for the same reason. Being male, I am trying to "fill" out the entire breast. I noticed the bottom needed some help and trying to "pull" the nipples more straight as well. But, I would assume that is why I have no discernible indentions.

Dear Sara,

First of all are you alive or did you died of health problems NBE related?
I so know what you are going trough. I hope you'll read this and if please out the name off god respond to me. I would love to speak with you or with Teeny Tiny.
I've been having a terrible experience with the NB system too.
I only used it 2 times and i used for 30 minutes both times.
I think you(Sara) and I have very high pain level because i had no pain at al.
No purple or blue breasts nothing or agressive usage at all!

But even though I now have ruined breasts they look like man boobs and i have extreme big inner nipple and outsides are very puffy.
BUT that's not the worst problem.. I have serious health issues and i dont know if i will make it.
I am a young woman in the prime of my life. But my life is now filled with nerve pains bad blood circulation numb toes sleeping arms and all other kind of horrible maybe life tthreatening experiences.


I saw Lucy had some implants herself. So dont buy her marketing story's.
She just a bitch and she is getting away with this way too long.. Maybe i one day become a terrorist if my life does not improve..
She nothing but a dirty hustler, ruining the breasts of European women.

Everybody with health problems of the NB, come together here we might be able to pluck the chicken. If you now what i mean.

Said in previous posts: ''what goes around comes around''
I am referring to the director/ the nasty marketeer of NB.

Oh and the reason I wanted to speak with Teeny Tiny is the following:

I've been reading about your pains, tingling fingers sleeping hands weird stuff like one sleeping toe. Cold and muscle cramps..
Am i right?
Just been reading it somewhere, and i saw you think its from a car that bumped to your legs. I know you get money from that guy so you have to be careful responding me i guess.. But i can tell you this guy is paying you for nothing.
I am just an honest person so dont blame me for the things i write..
But i'm saying this because i have the exact same things only these complaints were occuring after using the NBE> The device off hell
Which probably ruined many many lives.
And all i want to know is where the hell are these people?

Dont you guys feel responsible protecting other women from making this stupid decision?

Or are all the women around here chicken?

Afraid of Lucy?

Or what the hell is it with this girls attacking a victim like Sara?
I ordered this stupid device too and i did not get a prescription or caution or any kind of manual description.
So really blame Lucy she is trying to make us believe this stupid thing works.
Dont blame yourself!
Blame this fucking boogiebitch!
My life is ruined i cant get to work barely can take care of me babydaughter. I cant even brush my hair for longer then a minute because all the blood gets out of my arm..

Every bad experience should be communicated come on girls!
Shutting your mouth want help you get rid of this problems, it will only make more victims.


Wow hannah14, I believe you are cursed...... You must of gotten a very nasty witch that put a hex on your domes.... I would burn them, and ask for a prayer of forgiveness. Oh ya, one other thing you should do is go outside, howl twice at the moon and spin counter clockwise 12 times.

Oh wait, you must of spun 12 times in the wrong direction and too fast because you have just shown how dizzy you are to think that sucking blood and tissue from upper chest can in fact cause circulation problems in your toes. And here I thought the use of leeches and blood letting days were gone. You have just proved superstitions are indeed still with us.

I wonder how many other post since June are so daffy???

I know that I'm super late but I just wanted to share how much my heart weeps for Anastasia and teeny.
You have both fallen victim to the insanity of a person suffering from:
-black and white thinking
-extreme interpersonal relationship issues
Summary: borderline personality disorder.

Take none of it to heart! I see each backwards insult as a projection of her own perceived inferiority complex.
You've both been an inspiration to me.

(17-09-2014, 19:31)Beckiee Wrote:  I know that I'm super late but I just wanted to share how much my heart weeps for Anastasia and teeny.
You have both fallen victim to the insanity of a person suffering from:
-black and white thinking
-extreme interpersonal relationship issues
Summary: borderline personality disorder.

Take none of it to heart! I see each backwards insult as a projection of her own perceived inferiority complex.
You've both been an inspiration to me.

In and of itself, it's harmless, but when used in a forum, it turns a bit hilarious. I can't believe I even read this whole thread thinking "damn, why don't I have any popcorn?"

(17-09-2014, 16:44)iaboy Wrote:  Wow hannah14, I believe you are cursed...... You must of gotten a very nasty witch that put a hex on your domes.... I would burn them, and ask for a prayer of forgiveness. Oh ya, one other thing you should do is go outside, howl twice at the moon and spin counter clockwise 12 times.

Oh wait, you must of spun 12 times in the wrong direction and too fast because you have just shown how dizzy you are to think that sucking blood and tissue from upper chest can in fact cause circulation problems in your toes. And here I thought the use of leeches and blood letting days were gone. You have just proved superstitions are indeed still with us.

I wonder how many other post since June are so daffy???

Are we going on the attack tour again?
You either believe me or you don't.
Why would I invest time in this forum if the problems weren't for real.

Let me explain..
When you ''noogle'' its Obvious you stretch things up. This also happens to your veins and your nerves and all other delicate things in your breasts.
You''ll get vasodilation, enlarged veins.
When you have vein disaeses or other abnormality's in your veins blood circulation is disturbed.
I've heard lots of other girls about enlarged veins showing up on their breasts.

Its been 2 years ago and things(my veins) are getting worse and worse you even see veins(en profil) on my fingers.
It aint normal.

If you do research in German you'll find results texts wrote by doctors who warn you for vascular damage!!
And when you damage one vein soon other veins will be attached too, even organs.
So Ladies out here talking about more heavy and irregular menstruations its caused by the Noogleberry. I have it too. Also darm and stomach problems. I have more to tell but i need to do this sneaky.. so see ya later

If you want more proof that Nb can damage your whole body since it deff. damages your vascular system search on penis pumps a similar kind of thing only with way more real information no fake marketeers etc. You will then find out that penis pumps can even lead to death. And ofcourse other serious complications..So why wont the Noogleberry lead to death? You are doing the same thing.. putting a vacuum on your body.
You create some kind of anurysm veins..

But be silly and be naive and just ignore my REAL experience. Wish I read this before i started this stupidity.
I'm not a faker or an idiot.

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