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Caitemh 's program


So, I found out last night, my pump on my Noogleberry may be busted!

I could not get the hand pump to keep Suction and pump the girls up! I tried and tried, and ended up just using my mouth to suck out the air.

I don't know what the warranty is like with Lucy? I bought the Noogleberry in January.

I'm not super upset, as I actually find it easier to use my domes.. I probably had a leak the whole time (maybe you were totally right Karren!)

I may just have to buy a new pump.

But I'm happy to be back on my program. The girls were so tender yesterday, and I'm getting close to my period. So I'm excited to see if I can notice dramatic changes this cycle on PM.

It's been almost two whole cycles without it. So we will see!

Caitemh, much to say after reading through your program! First of all congratulations on your growth and quitting smoking! Two huge (no pun intended) life changes!

I have a quick question: how did you go about doing your herb cleanse? I was thinking of doing something similar to what I do for my workout supplements, which is a very basic 3 weeks on 1 week off for the majority of them. Certain things that are more potent I do 1 month on 1 month off to really cleanse my liver and kidneys. Aside from simply stopping the supplements I also drink ~1.5-2gals (6-8 liters) of distilled water/day plus 1tsp Apple Cider Vinegar and 1-2 lemons juiced in my water at night.

Just a thought on the amino acids (l-lysine and arganine) these, plus l-leucine, are used a lot in the bodybuilding world (and with exercise in general) because amino acids are essential to both brain function as well as muscle repair, retention, and growth. Because I workout 7 days/week and have a physically active job sip Aminos throughout the day, the best product I've found is Cellucor Alpha Amino - each serving (powder I add to 1 liter of water) is:
- 5000mg BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acid) mix, which is a 3-1-1 ratio blend of l-leucine, l-isoleucine, and l-valine
- 2500mg blend of glutamine, alanine, l-citrulline, l-arginine, l-threonine, l-lysine, and a few others
- 2500mg blend taurine, raw coconut water, phosphates, chia seed extract

I'm wondering if a more complex blend of amino acids, rather than a super high dose of lysine and arganine will benefit you more? Also, being able to sip this throughout the day vs taking a large dose in pill form tends to be better metabolized and absorbed.... just a thought Wink

Anyway...your progress is amazing. It's reassuring, too, to hear that even when you've gotten busy with life and didn't NB as often your bust didn't deflate back to its previous size! That makes me feel a lot more confident about NBE hahahaha Can't wait to read about more progress! <3

(30-05-2014, 18:53)KinakoNeko Wrote:  Caitemh, much to say after reading through your program! First of all congratulations on your growth and quitting smoking! Two huge (no pun intended) life changes!

I have a quick question: how did you go about doing your herb cleanse? I was thinking of doing something similar to what I do for my workout supplements, which is a very basic 3 weeks on 1 week off for the majority of them. Certain things that are more potent I do 1 month on 1 month off to really cleanse my liver and kidneys. Aside from simply stopping the supplements I also drink ~1.5-2gals (6-8 liters) of distilled water/day plus 1tsp Apple Cider Vinegar and 1-2 lemons juiced in my water at night.

Just a thought on the amino acids (l-lysine and arganine) these, plus l-leucine, are used a lot in the bodybuilding world (and with exercise in general) because amino acids are essential to both brain function as well as muscle repair, retention, and growth. Because I workout 7 days/week and have a physically active job sip Aminos throughout the day, the best product I've found is Cellucor Alpha Amino - each serving (powder I add to 1 liter of water) is:
- 5000mg BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acid) mix, which is a 3-1-1 ratio blend of l-leucine, l-isoleucine, and l-valine
- 2500mg blend of glutamine, alanine, l-citrulline, l-arginine, l-threonine, l-lysine, and a few others
- 2500mg blend taurine, raw coconut water, phosphates, chia seed extract

I'm wondering if a more complex blend of amino acids, rather than a super high dose of lysine and arganine will benefit you more? Also, being able to sip this throughout the day vs taking a large dose in pill form tends to be better metabolized and absorbed.... just a thought Wink

Anyway...your progress is amazing. It's reassuring, too, to hear that even when you've gotten busy with life and didn't NB as often your bust didn't deflate back to its previous size! That makes me feel a lot more confident about NBE hahahaha Can't wait to read about more progress! <3

Well, first off to say, your cleanse seems to be much more than what I do! I only cleansed with lots of water and milk thistle for my herbs. I did two weeks.

And as for the blends of amino acids, that does sound like it would be a much better option for me. But, I guess there's no shame in admitting something in not necessarily embarrassed about, I really should stay away from L-arginine completely. I was researching L-lysine and L-arginine together at the beginning of my program, but unfortunately I have been living with herpes simplex 2 virus for about two years now. And with my research I discovered that L-arginine exacerbates the virus and breakouts are more rampant. Where as the L-lysine helps to reduce breakouts. So now I just take L-lysine for the sake of controlling my virus.

I don't know what else I could do really.

And yes, my life has gotten very busy lately and it's put a damper on my program.

When I was with my ex, it was my obsession to keep my mind active, occupied, and off the problems he and I had. It was my salvation and I dedicated so much time to it. After he and I split, I didn't even have the energy to continue my program. I stopped for a couple weeks, herbs and NB. Not even massage. I have shrank a bit, but by no means back to my original size.

I have picked it up again over the last couple weeks, simply because I felt like I was cheating myself out of the year I promised. Im not yet near the goal I set out for myself at the beginning (which was to simply fill an unpadded 32C bra) but I still have hope.

Within the week of restarting my herbs and massage, I have felt those wonderful achey tingles again, and my girls love the massages. I finally picked up some organic cold pressed flaxseed oil, rather than the capsules I was puncturing. So that may be a big help to me.

The NB still hasn't totally been in my forefront. Mainly because of my living situation at the moment. Im in a transition from my home I shared with my ex, to my new home I'll be sharing with my sister. So at the moment I just don't have the time, comfort or privacy to pump.

But I will definitely keep updates, and I WILL make it to my goal. If not by my date set of Aug 25th..then soon after.

Thank you for the kind words as well. :-) it's nice to be told your progress is inspiring.

caitemh, your pump isn't in need of cleaning, is it? I find that when I can't get suction with mine, it's just because the oil I use to lube up with has made it sluggish. I pump warm, soapy water through it and it works again. Just a thought.

(04-06-2014, 01:38)blessedbreasts Wrote:  caitemh, your pump isn't in need of cleaning, is it? I find that when I can't get suction with mine, it's just because the oil I use to lube up with has made it sluggish. I pump warm, soapy water through it and it works again. Just a thought.

I will have to give that a shot! Thanks blessed!

Haven't bothered cleaning my nb hand pump yet. I've had a busy week and weekend!

The man came back into town this weekend, and we took his sister to the fair. Busy busy!

I've started a new cycle of PM. It's been about 2 or so months since my last cycle on PM.

For those who don't know, I'm taking ainterol pm, and I'm only taking 500mg in the am, 500 mg in the night.
Could I ramp it up, you think?

I'm not feeling the aches quite as much, but my girls have been feeling more plump than they have the last couple months.

Gonna seriously try to get more pumping done. I really should! I can pump all night tonight while I'm catching up on game of thrones!

Today I'm really missing my headphones at work! I can't do my binaural beats! Damn!

Haha happy Monday girls. Happy growing!

Totally fell asleep with my domes on last night.

Champ. Hahaha!

Hello ladies!

I need some wonderful encouragement and kind words! I'm struggling it seems.

Well, the last few months has been crazy for me. I split up with my ex there in March, and started seeing my new guy shortly after (I know, tsk tsk).

The new man has expressed his dislike for the program not because of disbelief or thinking I'm silly, but rather because he feels like I don't need to grow my boobs. I haven't slowed down my program for him, technically. But he's made it easier for me to feel comfortable with myself right now, even though I'm still unhappy with my Breast size. I just feel like I don't have to look a certain way for him to be attracted to me. I'm fine the way I am.

Anyway, I started up my herbs again when I moved in with my sister. But the last month has been really strange for me, and I'm considering stopping my herbs for at least a month or two. A little over two weeks ago I had an early "period". It was about a week and a half to two weeks early, and only lasted two days. Which is too short for me. Since that period ended, my ovarian pains (I have reoccurring cysts I think...) have been acting up, I've been bloaty, and my breasts have ached to high hell. For three days straight my nipples were too sore to even touch.

So I have been freaking out, wondering if I'm pregnant. Two negative home pregnancy tests say no, but I will take another if my period is late (9 days away).

What's really strange, is the last month I've noogled maybe three times? And massaged only a small handful... But my boobs are so big right now! It could be my period swelling I get every cycle, but I rarely swell this far from my start date, and definitely not this much.

I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but I know my herbs are out of the question until my cycle regulates again. I believe it's out of whack because I'm syncing up with my sister.

But anyway, the boyfriend is going on tour with his band next week, so I will have plenty of me time. I'm going to noogle the crap out of these girls.

Happy growing everyone!

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