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nbe on a budget, comparing herbal pills to home bought formulas


Growing breasts budgets and prices

I wanted to compare pills with "buy it yourself" ways
all pills from amazon for the reviews
some spices and powders on ebay

This was something I wanted to play with anyway ....I've been logging prices already for myself so I wanted to share it with you in case it helps anybody =D
my personal 90 day program I'd consider if I didn't already have is at the bottom before the super budget stuff


to do this you'll have to consume rawer forms of herbs ...eating of drinking them (this is fine for me but not for everybody)
if herbs don't work for you I'd say a budget pm cycle with fg or a whole pm routine or not at all
you'll have to measure one tablespoon is 5 grams ..5 grams is 5000mg -faints) however sometimes things are finer milled I thinks ._O and ratios effect them ....I assume

but pleae check out C= and suggest budget programs.....if anybody knows low priced routines that grew them I'd love to know !!!!!
haha you can bitch if you want about it too I won't be wait yes I will ..I may run off and cry ;[ nah don't worry xD correct anything thats dyslexic or unhelpful c;

I'm only wanting to share and help anybody desperate or curious about herb pills to herb gathering comparisons!!! =3

tumeric powder 100 grams - 1.69 free shipping- one gram a day
feenugreek 500 grams - 3.49 - 5 grams a day
msm powder - 100 grams 2.80 1.00 ship - 1 gram a day
black cumin seeds- 4.99- 4.99 fshipp - 3 grams a day
fennel seeds whole - 200 grams 1.99 free shipping ebay - 2 grams a day
hops flower powder - 250 g 7.77 ebay frship - 2.5 grams a day
organic kelp powder 100 grams -2.43 free shippiing on ebay 1 gram a day
L-Tyrosine Powder 50 4.25 add ship 1.00 5.25 1 gram a day
bustmaxx 3 month herbal 42.72 1509 mg
1 gram = 1000mg

Pure Coconut Oil 250ml - 3.48 OR Flaxseed, Virgin Food Oil (250ml) 5.61 250 mil
pm 14.00 for 100 caps or 5.29 100 caps from native (for cycling)

total 40.18 = 3 months

3 months breast actives herbal pils with cream = 61.90

Bustmaxx pills (top rating pill) 71.95 dollars from amazon with reveiws 42.72

now following the herbs under popular bust pills most only required 500 mg for main ingrentints but 1000mg is the best to aim for on top herbs (wild yam, sp, fg)

Fenugreek Powder (Methi Powder) 200g 1.5 grams a day 2.09
100g Damiana Leaf POWDER Turnera Diffusa £5.75
fennel 200 grams 1.99 free shipping ebay - 2 grams a day
Wild Yam Root - Grade A Premium Quality (200g) 6.25 2 a day or 1 and last longer
dong quai root - Now Dong Quai (520mg) 100 caps £7.36 1perday
mother wort - 100g Dried Motherwort Leaf leaves Herb Tea Cut£4.75 (eat 1 gram a day)
blessed thistle - Natures Way Blessed Thistle, Organic, 100 Cap (390 mg one a day) 6.12
saw palmetto - Swanson Saw Palmetto (540mg, 250 Capsules)
£7.38 2 a day
L-y - 5.25 1 gram a day
organic kelp powder 100 grams -2.43 free shippiing on ebay 1 gram a day

59.2 for 3 month supply however 3 caps of breast sucess only have 100mg
bust bomb has all same herbs but highest mg is only 350 mg in 3 caps ...3 months on this would come to 90£ range but with only 300mg a day

bustmaxx however claims 1509 mg 3 month herbal for 42.72 (unsure if it means mg for every herb ..don't know if it fit in there ) is top rated with same herbs ..

personally I think this is good mix

Fenugreek Powder (Methi Powder) 200g 1.5 grams a day 2.09
100g Damiana Leaf POWDER Turnera Diffusa £5.75
fennel 200 grams 1.99 free shipping ebay - 2 grams a day
Wild Yam Root - Grade A Premium Quality (200g) 6.25 2 a day or 1 and last longer
dong quai root - Now Dong Quai (520mg) 100 caps £7.36 1perday
saw palmetto - Swanson Saw Palmetto (540mg, 250 Capsules) £7.38 2 a day
L-y - 5.25 1 gram a day
organic kelp powder 100 grams -2.43 free shippiing on ebay 1 gram a day
hops flower powder - 250 g 7.77 ebay frship - 2.5 grams a day
msm powder - 100 grams 2.80 1.00 ship - 1 gram a day
50.07 3 months

pm 15.00 for 100 caps or 5.29 100 caps from native (for cycling 10 per cycle (3 months)
making it 55 for cheap brand or 14.00 for Ainterol

Pure Organic Castor Carrier Oil - 5.09 so 20.09


for super budget

14.00 for Ainterol (cycled)
Pure Organic Castor Carrier Oil - 5.09 (for massage)
feenugreek 500 grams - 3.49 - 5 grams a day
msm powder - 100 grams 2.80 1.00 ship - 1 gram a day
fennel seeds whole - 200 grams 1.99 free shipping ebay - 2 grams a day
Swanson Red Clover Blossom (430mg, 90 Capsules) £5.05 only one

33.42 or about only slightly under 25 if you use native pm brands ebay you can't miss .....this is when cycling ( it means take late into your menstrual cycle for 10 days)

a full course of pm from native country could come to only 15! no herbs or cycling ...a 15 for 3 months sounds pretty sweet to me
for the better brand ainterorl it be 42 c=


it is in pounds£ but you can convert ....prices in spices shops internet constantly get higher or lower so yeh but still it is pretty interesting I think for nbe newbs =3

So its cheaper to buy separate herbs because combined herb breast pills? With combined you may need a double or triple recommended dose to have a good chance of results even then quality of herbs is always important I wouldn't choose an unknown pm brand because I have heard pm is rare and often pills are fake at least ainterol I know its effective for a lot of people and good value.

(12-05-2014, 22:45)BonitaDDs Wrote:  So its cheaper to buy separate herbs because combined herb breast pills? With combined you may need a double or triple recommended dose to have a good chance of results even then quality of herbs is always important I wouldn't choose an unknown pm brand because I have heard pm is rare and often pills are fake at least ainterol I know its effective for a lot of people and good value.

yeh I never released it untill I started researching the ingredients
plus you can get the stuff in the raw too ..I made my own nettle root and dandelion tea on‌ce =D's how they make a profit though ...breast actives is a big seller ..but some of the herbs in it are only 100mg when you think of it Natures Way blessed thistle is only 6£ on amazon for 100 caps with 3 times the mg ...then besides dong qui and a few 50 mg extas the only other herbs are fennel and fennugreek ......I've bought them very good price as real seeds...good thing about spice is to you can taste it and smell it can get it on amazon with reviews of in spice shops too =D thing though I know about raw nuts is when you are non-powdered you have to soak when you buy fennugreek seeds some people think you should soak them if your eating over 10 grams whole seeds you have to leave them in water over night to get rid of enzyme inhibitors ...means better nutrients your waking up the seeds and sprouting them ...they no longer have a long ass shelf life when you turn them into plants xD

the powder is great though.. It has never given me bother ...I mean 500 grams for under 4£ ....I started adding it to my face creams as it made my skin very soft ....I look at the lil tiny bit of powder in my last batch of herbal combo pills and think wow now

and yea I agree !..I've had my eye on this one brand from the native country .....rating seem safe but for the price it really just be an experiment......yes ebay is bad for scams D= best to check ratings, feedback and the date they joined (scammers hop accounts)
but ainterol sometimes do a fairly priced pm powder's same price as pills but 100 grams more therefore 100 days more ..they just tell you to measure in half teaspoons .........I would not blame you for being picky ;/ I've gotten a lot less naive on ebay xD.....

spices are sold in the shops not much different to online I find c= oh and in herbal stores they do sales and buy one get one sales ^_^
so even if your offline it can still work out cheaper than the combined pill

btw thanx for commenting on my thread xD
I really wanted to get feedback on what people thought <3
btw I love your program thread your beautiful c=

Thanks no problem I like how you looked up all this stuff and put it together.
Well I like Amazon for reviews you can see if its a verified purchase(I don't know how accurate it is) but if they write fake reviews a lot of sellers don't bother making it verified purchase, I see with some combined alot of women who say it works only gained through weight gain eg ' I went from 34 b to 36c' .
On this forum lots of bad breast actives reviews except from advertising I think there was only one good real one.
Yes I just bought spearmint in the spice section of the store for about 80c.
Ainterol can end up very cheap because there pills are higher dose than most i only was thinking taking 500mg and cycling 3 bottles would last over a year.
With the native brand try it i would love to know if its good. I tried f up supple a Japanese combined pm pill it worked still I liked it because the pills were small.
How was the tea?

(13-05-2014, 06:57)BonitaDDs Wrote:  Thanks no problem I like how you looked up all this stuff and put it together.
Well I like Amazon for reviews you can see if its a verified purchase(I don't know how accurate it is) but if they write fake reviews a lot of sellers don't bother making it verified purchase, I see with some combined alot of women who say it works only gained through weight gain eg ' I went from 34 b to 36c' .
On this forum lots of bad breast actives reviews except from advertising I think there was only one good real one.
Yes I just bought spearmint in the spice section of the store for about 80c.
Ainterol can end up very cheap because there pills are higher dose than most i only was thinking taking 500mg and cycling 3 bottles would last over a year.
With the native brand try it i would love to know if its good. I tried f up supple a Japanese combined pm pill it worked still I liked it because the pills were small.
How was the tea?

aw thanx ^_^ ...
but 60 pounds for one month? to get a few cramped spices in a capsule you can often buy in the supermarket xD ....maybe things like amnio acids are bigger investment but I get one good price on ebay the guy claims to have a certificate for his msm powder from him was like 4£ for 100 grams? hasn't made me sick of anything

that's interesting =/ it wasn't until nbe on I really saw I didn't need the pills could just make my own combos and only buy pill form of things I can't get local like pm or blessed thistle ...not that all them are bad just too pricey and yea the weight gain thing hmm you ever heard of "chicken pills"..some hip/butt enlargement pills claim to use herbs but many where found to be chicken hormones feed to meat birds to gain weight on their chests and thighs ..although it works it can be very bad your peoples health taking them can cause cancer ..very scary =s

well I really want to try it on ebay too seems pretty honest and a lot of people on here would appreciate me testing it...I assume it's cheaper cause it's is cheaper on ebay too the shops they jack up the price to make a profit ..although some brands claim to be pm it's often other plants like Pueraria montana, Pueraria_tuberosa etc...I know often they still work maybe not as well but am unsure if any them are not eatable ...
...I'm already testing a cream on ebay too..had very unbelievable claims of it's content ! after using it so far it has really improved my skin more than anything ...the only thing is seeing I'm seriously trying to grow my boobs I take other stuff so it's hard to know if the cream is whats kicking any growth I get into boobs are softer and firmer than my face though so the cream has got something xD ( want to get the one with apple stem cell a bit of money a side to get them and I'll get a three one too ^^
..and I agree =D that is a good brand ...for cycling it would last a whole year ..I think it's good your safe with your pm it ends up really good price anyway.....but I'm still want to do a test on that other brand.....I wish I could send one off to a lab xD

tea was great but making it traditionally was too difficult these days I like to just mix it with juice or make powdered tea make the real tea you have to dehydrate the roots when powdered then put them in teabags just use an oven for the dehydrating on low temp ..dehydrators are more an investment for serious tea makers or raw vegans ..I know you can get dandelion coffee =D ..I eat all the plant even the bitter bits cause its meant to be healthy ...nettles taste like they smell and don't sting you inside xD..I live on a farm so my weeds are all chemical free and are just like crops xD

your welcome ...and you deserve it even if you do this for yourself you did show patience and dedication plus you inspire me ..I love hearing nbe before after stories gives me a kick of enthusiasm and helps us all feel more motivated for our own goals c=

Wow! You've done a lot of work gathering this! Thanks!

(13-05-2014, 20:00)Karren Wrote:  Wow! You've done a lot of work gathering this! Thanks!

^_^ aw it's no problem , I'm glad it helped c=

Yh the lab thing would be so interesting, for tea I have cups with a sort of metal net bag inside then lid you fill the cup with boiling water put the herbs in the metal net and the put the lid on and leave it 5-10min I like it strong then remove the net with herbs and drink it seams better than the empty paper tea bags because you can just wash it and use again.

(13-05-2014, 22:00)BonitaDDs Wrote:  Yh the lab thing would be so interesting, for tea I have cups with a sort of metal net bag inside then lid you fill the cup with boiling water put the herbs in the metal net and the put the lid on and leave it 5-10min I like it strong then remove the net with herbs and drink it seams better than the empty paper tea bags because you can just wash it and use again.

omg I never heard of these =O they have them on ebay
how cute I have to get one c= I'm getting strawberry

^_^ee have a nice day Bonita <3

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