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list of herbs ,substances and brands of nbe pills


herbal plills
breast sucesss
bust boom
breast actives
breast femino
total curve
bust boost
quick curves
perfect curves

I copy and pasted a lot
please add to this or correct me ;] on information to help others

nbe: herbs, nutrients and foods

it contains phytoestrogens - and more specifically:
Cumestrole (whose structure is similar to that of estradiol,
which has estrogenic properties), Medicagole and complex coumarines
whose structure is similar to that of an estrogenic hormone: stilboestrol.
Isoflavones: Biocanole A, Formononetole.

It is also known traditionally for its galactogogue property,
ie. for stimulating the production of mother's milk in nursing women. In all other women this hormonal action simply affects the body's natural hormonal balance and production of estrogens, which feed the healthy development of the breast,
the main receptor for estrogens in women.

Contains phytoestrogens associated with its traditional use to
increase breast milk in lactating mothers and to regulate hormones.

Contains components with estrogenic activities,
most notably beta carotene, which, like all
phytoestrogens, is a substance similar to female hormones,
and therefore able to regulate their production in the body, thus stimulating the natural development of the breast, the main receptor of estrogens in the female body. This property is confirmed by the traditional use of carrot as a stimulant to the production of mother's milk - indeed it acts on the breast by promoting the development of the mammary glands.

Panax ginseng
It has a high content in isoflavones (phytoestrogens)
and other hormone-like substances such as estradiol
which have a direct influence in balancing the female body's hormonal
production and thus contributing to the healthy and natural development of the breast, which is the main beneficiary of a good estrogenic production, not only because the mammary glands naturally attracts estrogens, which stimulate its growth, but also because estrogenic compounds in plants bind to these receptor cells in the mammary glands, thus blocking the absorption of bad estrogens from chemicals and foods, and therefore protecting the breast from harm.

it's a general tonic for the organism and assists in all processes of
healthy development and growth

Buckwheat Leaves/Flowers
Buckwheat leaves and flowers
First cultivated in China in the 10th century, recent medical studies
have demonstrated the far-reaching health benefits of buckwheat, including protection against heart disease, a lowered risk of diabetes, and gall stone prevention.
But buckwheat contains rutin,
an antioxidant that strengthens
the capillaries and improves circulation,
as well as bioflavonoids, which support collagen production,
both potentially beneficial in improving breast size and shape.

Hops (Humulus Lupulus)
Hops contain estrogen-like compounds, called prenylflavonoids,
of the most potent is 8-prenylnaringenin.
Hops' role on fertility lacks research.
Prenylflavonoids from hops may have anticancer properties.
Used in the brewing of beer, hops contain a potent phytoestrogen
called 8-prenylnaringenin which has 0.2-20% the potency of estradiol, the main human estrogen.
Hops are sedating and are used for anxiety and insomnia.
They can cause excess drowsiness, so people who are driving or who otherwise need to stay alert should use it with caution. Hops should not be used by people with depression.
Hops can affect the metabolism of prescription drugs in the liver,
such as drugs for allergies, fungal infections, cancer,
high cholesterol or oral contraceptives.

Licorice Extract is a very effective herb in promoting the increase of
hormones which help your body develop sexual characteristics.
Particularly buttocks, hips, and at times the breast.
Licorice also helps improve immunity and stimulate brain power.
Since licorice is believed to increase the production of estrogen ,
it is believed to benefit women in terms of breast tissue growth.
Further studies are needed to confirm the theory.

Read more:

Turmeric, found in curry, is known to
help increase the body's progesterone levels.

By having a high value on phytoestrogens, the effects of the fruit become more notorious on the female gender. Peru's native culture has used this plant for hundreds of years, and they attribute it with palliative qualities for dealing with menopause symptoms, as they
also claim that the fruit increases fertility.

Maca Root
It’s what’s called an “adaptogen,”
which means it boosts your body’s ability to heal,
adapt to stress and new situations, and is beneficial for your
all-around physical well being. And while it contains no phytoestrogens
or other hormonal properties, it has a unique ability to lure your body
into regulating its own hormones in healthy ways.
It’s chock full of trace minerals and vitamins like B6, niacin,
riboflavin, and vitamin C. Yellow,black and red maca. Black is highest in DHEa for butt growth.
"common side effects of taking dhea, and minimizing side ... For men, these hormonal changes may include breast enlargement,"
maca is mainly for butt growth high DHEa levels can be agured bad for nbe.

hyaluronic acid
"A Swedish doctor says that hyaluronic acid gel injections are effective for breast enhancement"
ChiyoMilk took hyaluronic acid every day to accelerate cell growth
Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally present in the human body. It is found in the highest concentrations in fluids in the eyes and joints.
The hyaluronic acid that is used as medicine is extracted from BioCell Collagen.
Hyaluronic acid is also used as a lip filler in plastic surgery.
Hyaluronic acid supplements are also said to
improve bone density and protect against osteoporosis, increase muscle strength, and enhance sexual function.

Marshmallow Root
It also has an inhibitory effect in hyaluronidase,
which is an enzymatic action in which the hyaluronic acid
and other muco-polysaccharides in the connective tissue are degraded.

OatStraw (Avena Sativa):
Avena Sativa came to the United states by way of Scotland.
Avena Sativa is rich in saponins, flavonoids, minerals,
and alkaloids necessary for a healthy hormone system.
A well known supplement designed for promoting natural
breast enlargement and female breast enhancement.

Kava Kava
It is believed that Kava Kava in able to
increase the body’s production of prolactin;
one of the hormones that are responsible for breast growth.
In fact, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
has referred to a study with 59 participants
taking the Kava extract for two months and 39 of them
have reported back with the increase in breast size.
This study was placebo-controlled.
Read more:

Cumin seed or black seed
I was recently reading the book "The Green Pharmacy"
authoored by renound herbalist Dr. James A. Duke.
In his herbal breast enlargement section he mentioned
cumin seed as a herb to try for natural breast enlargement.
He stated that in laboratory studies with mice,
it caused them to grow more mammary cells.
He stated there has not been any studdies on humans
for this effect but humans tend to react the same way.

Pueraria Mirifica This native root of Thailand is prized for its superior breast enhancement properties. Pueraria Mirifica is nature’s most potent source of phytoestrogens and miroestrol. These compounds have been scientifically shown to enhance breast size. Pueraria Mirifica (also known as White Kwao Kreu) is a herb native to only Thailand and the most potent phyto-estrogen unique to this plant that exists. It grows naturally in forests in North and West Thailand at altitudes of 300 to 800 meters above sea level. The tuberous root of Pueraria Mirifica is a rich source of phytoestrogens. The concentration of phytoestrogens in Pueraria Mirifica is much higher than other plant sources. Isoflavones are known to promote firmer-looking and uplifted breasts, alleviate menopausal symptoms and improve skin tone. Most women in clinical tests have achieved noticeable breast growth and firmness within a few months of using Pueraria Mirifica. For example, in a Japanese study, 80% of the women who received a daily dose of Pueraria Mirifica experienced significant breast enlargement or firming.
Not only that! But Pueraria Mirifica contains isoflavones which are powerful
anti-breast cancer and anti-colon cancer properties.Also known as Kwao Krua, Pueraria mirifica is a plant found in Thailand and Burma and used by the indigenous hill tribe people.
The plant contains compounds called miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol,
which have been found to have estrogen-like effects in the body.
Like the other herbs used for natural breast enhancement,
pueraria mirifica should not be used by pregnant or nursing women, people with hormone-sensitive cancers, or by people using oral contraceptives as contraception.
In one study examining pueraria mirifica in perimenopausal women,
side effects included anemia.

Agnus Castus
Agnus Castus Increases progesterone production,
helping the breasts swell and firm up to boost breast fullness.
Agnus castus is a potent plant-based source of sex hormones that
helps balance women’s sex hormones and estrogen levels and can effectively raise progesterone levels in women. Agnus Castus is a hormonal balancing herb helping to increase the growth of breast tissue and reduce breast tenderness. The herb has become well-known as a hormonal regulator for women. Agnus Castus helps in cases of corpus luteum insufficiency or prolactin excess. As a result of its effects it has the ability to normalize the secretion of prolactin and reduce oestrogen to progesterone levels. The basic mechanism of action underlying agnus castus is its effect on enhancing corpus luteal development (thereby correcting a relative progesterone deficiency). Agnus castus helps normalise other hormones and reducing both prolactin and the estrogen-to-progesterone ratio. It is extremely helpful in a wide range of pre-menstrual problems such as spots, irritability, breast tenderness, and premenstrual migraine and bloating. It can also help to regulate a woman's menstrual cycle, improve fertility, lengthen out a short cycle and even restore menstruation in a woman who has stopped her periods. For women entering the menopause, it can help to even out mood swings and improve hot flushes.

Fenugreek Extract Any breast enhancement product must contain fenugreek.
Fenugreek is a unique herb rich in phytoestrogens. Fenugreek aids in hormone production and facilitates the development of the mammary glands that "feed" on estrogens. This is a key ingredient for beast enlargement.This is one of the world’s oldest medicinal herbs and has been used for centuries to support mammary gland growth. Fenugreek has also been tested as a potential treatment for breast and colon cancer. Fenugreek contains diosgenin which is known to help with progesterone balancing. Fenugreek is a unique herb indigenous to countries on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. Rich in phyto-estrogens, fenugreek aids in hormonal production, and facilitates the development of the mammary glands which 'feed' on estrogens. Fenugreek Seed Extract contains some of the highest concentrations of the plant elements recommended by herbalists for breast enlargement. Fenugreek is rich in flavonoids that cause estrogenic effects. This boosting of secretion is key to the formation of new breast cells and tissue, and the boosting of excretion is key to the cleansing of the estrogen receptor sites which get clouded with environmental toxins that mimic estrogen. By acting to remove these and other toxins from the body, it acts as a tonic and stimulant as well. Fenugreek is also a hormone regulator that that has been used to treat menopausal symptoms and hormone balances the female system. Trigonelline, a chemical found in Fenugreek, has been in testing as a potential treatment for cancer as well. Fenugreek has a long history as a breast enlarger and contains diosgenin which is used to make synthetic estrogen. It has been found to promote the growth of new breast cells and increase the size and fullness of the breasts. Of all the herbs used for breast enlargement fenugreek has the highest concentrations of the effective plant compounds. For centuries rumors have floated out of the Middle East that harem women were fed fenugreek seed to make them more buxom. This turns out to be more than mere hearsay. The seeds, in addition to female hormone precursors, also contain compounds that increase healthy breast tissue. Since the seeds contain diosgenin and other plant phyto-estrogens fenugreek provides a mastogenic effect resulting in enhanced breast size.

Borage Contains phytoestrogens associated with boosting hormones for breast tissue growth and regulating and balancing female hormones. This balancing action has a direct influence on the development of the breast, which has estrogen receptors that naturally attract the female hormones naturally secreted by the body thanks to the effect of phytoestrogens. Borage also helps relieve the discomforts of PMS, endometriosis, and fibrocystic breasts - by interfering with the production of inflammatory substances called prostaglandins which are released during menstruation. Borage may also reduce some of the breast tenderness that women feel before their periods and calm endometriosis-associated inflammation. Many PMS sufferers are found to have unusually low levels of GLA in their systems, which is why supplements may help. In women with fibrocystic breasts, Borage’s essential fatty acids can minimise breast inflammation and promote the absorption of iodine, a mineral often found in abnormally low levels in those with this condition.

Saw Palmetto
A good source of physosterols, Saw Palmetto berries grow on small palms
trees found along the Atlantic coast.
In studies, Saw Palmetto has been shown to successfully
reverse the shrivelling of mammary glands.
Saw Palmetto improves and supports gland function, used as a sexual stimulant
and to increase the size of small breasts. Saw palmetto has its origins
in natural medicine as a breast enlarger and it is still recommended today
by naturopathic physicians for increasing breast size of breast tissue.
It is also used as an aphrodisiac, for the treatment of impotence in men,
and for inhibited sexual desire in women.
Saw Palmetto berries contain an oil with a variety of physosterols.
Studies have shown Saw Palmetto to successfully reverse atrophy of the mammary gland. Native Americans, dating back to pre-Mayan civilizations, used the berries for medicine and particularly for breast disorders in women. This remarkable herbs breast enhancing effects stem from phyto-nutrients that stimulate breast tissue, increasing health and size.
Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is a herb best known to treat urinary symptoms
resulting from benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) in men.
It is thought to prevent the binding of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
to androgen receptors and to block the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme,
which converts testosterone to the more potent DHT.

Fennel Seed Found in the coastal and sub-mountainous regions of
southern Italy, Fennel has long been praised for
its abundance of flavonoids.
These compounds exert mild estrogenic effects and are completely
harmless and non-toxic. Fennel can influence the female hormone level for up to a certain point and has a mild estrogenic effect. It is widely well known among women in Eastern Europe that drinking fennel tea will increase milk production for new mothers. As far back as Roman Empires women used it to actually loose weight. Fennel also helped women to deal with PMS, to increase libido and to increase milk production. Fennel has been used for centuries to enhance breast size and to promote milk production in new mothers. The herb’s history is similar to the story of fenugreek above. It is second only to Fenugreek in estrogenic compounds for thr breasts. It is rich in the phyto-nutrients that increase breast size and is a great addition to the program.

L-Tyrosine A naturally occuring and essential amino acid,
L-Tyrosine plays an important role in the functioning of glands,
which control hormone production and control breast growth rate.
It is an essential amino acid for optimal breast enhancement.
Tyrosine plays an important role in the functioning of the adrenal,
pituitary, and thyroid glands, which control hormone production.
Some studies suggest that Tyrosine
may also stimulate the production of
growth hormone which helps build muscle and reduce body fat.

Mexican Wild Yam Helps relieve PMS and menopausal symptoms, and promotes hormonal balance. Wild Yam is a excellent source of Beta-Carotene and diosgenin, which are powerful Phytochemicals aiding in optimal breast development. Wild yam contains potent plant estrogens (phytoestrogens). Estrogen causes fluid retention and stimulates breast tissue growth,. This herb’s estrogenic effect explains its use in breast enlargement. Wild Yam is probably the most widely used herbal tonic for women’s health. It is widely used as a breast enlarger and a sexual stimulant and is recommended by herbalist Susan Weed author of "Breast Cancer? Breast Health!" for healthy breast tissue. Wild Yam has long been used for it’s benefits in women’s reproductive health, including premenstrual syndrome and menopausal problems. The phyto-nutrients in wild yam are a good compliment to the nutrients in fenugreek for stimulating breast size increases.
Atlantic Kelp Powder Kelp is the common name for seaweed.
It absorbs fats and is rich in nutrients, containing 30 minerals,
so it is especially beneficial for anyone who is mineral deficient.
One recent study did find that wild yam consumption altered estrogen levels.
In the study, 24 postmenopausal women replaced their staple food with 390 g
of yam in 2 of 3 meals per day for 30 days. After yam ingestion, there were
significant increases in concentrations of estrone (26%),
sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) (9.5%), and a near significant
increase in estradiol (27%).Wild yam should not be used by pregnant
or nursing women, by women using oral contraceptives as contraception,
or by people with hormone sensitive cancers.

Kelp contains iodine which stimulates the thyroid to increase breast
tissue growth and has also been reported to improve skin, nails and hair.
Cultural studies relating to the result of diet including kelp have
determined a link to a lower breast cancer rate, and a healthier
hormonal balance.

Damiana is a small shrub found in the West Indies.
It is high in phytochemicals such as alpha-pinene, beta-carotene,
beta-pinene and beta-sisterol. Damiana is primarily used for treating
female hormone imbalances. Balances female hormones to bolster the growth
of healthy breast tissue, acts as a mild stimulant, restores natural sexual
capacities and functions. This herb has been used by herbalists as a mild
and safe aphrodisiac for women.
The herbs effectiveness is multiplied when combined synergistically
with the other herbs in Enhance Ultra that contain phytoestrogens.
Damaina restore bodies vital energy, treat hormone imbalance,
improve poor mammary gland development, and increases female sex drive.

Dong Quai
For centuries, this Asian root has been used to treat menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and cramps. Dong Quai has been shown to assist the body in efficiently using hormones. Dong Quai Root aids the body in the efficient use of hormones. Also used as treatment for some menopause symptoms. It has been used successfully to alleviate PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and menopausal symptoms. Dong Quai extract has been shown to have a muscle relaxant effect and has been used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Scientists believe that one mechanism of action of Dong Quai is to promote natural progesterone synthesis. Progesterone is another hormone whose production declines at menopause. The plant nutrients can help to wash these out of the system, aiding in increasing the health of the breast tissue. This therapeutic herb is effective in healing feminine or gynecological discomforts brought about by their monthly period. It also promotes milk production among moms who have just given birth. Dong Quai is also like ginseng, which enhances blood circulation and promotes an active sex life. Moreover, it is traditionally considered as something that purifies blood and other body fluid.
Mother’s Wort Herb
Mother's Wort is native to many parts of Europe on river banks and under hedges. Mother's Wort contains, Leonurine which is a uterine stimulant. Traditionally used as a cardiac tonic, nervine with specificity for the reproductive tissues , antispasmodic. Studies in China have shown that extracts have anti-platelet aggregation actions and decrease the levels of blood lipids. The root especially effects all forms of secretion and excretion from the body. This boosting of secretion is key to the formation of new breast cells and tissue, and the boosting of excretion is key to the cleansing of the estrogen receptor sites which get clouded with environmental toxins that mimic estrogen.

Black Cohash Root Extract
Native to the eastern woodlands of North America, numerous studies have been conducted to show the medical benefits of Black Cohosh. Studies suggest that Black Cohosh is similar to the drugs used in hormone replacement therapy.
Avena Sativa Oat Grass (Avena Sativa) is rich in saponins, flavonoids, minerals, and alkaloids necessary for a healthy hormonal system. In China, it has been used for more than 1,100 years for treating breast cancer and other breast problems. This herb is essential to help balance female hormones and facilitate breast enhancement.

Blessed Thistle
Native to South Europe and Western Asia, Blessed Thistle has long been used around the world as a hormonal balancing agent in women. A powerful estrogenic herb and hormone regulator used to treat a variety of female concerns including painful menstruation and associated aches and pains. Also used as a hormonal regulator and aid in circulation. Containing B-complex, calcium, iron, manganese, cincin and essential oils, Blessed Thistle can be used to alleviate inflammation caused by poor digestion. Blessed Thistle also improves circulation and purifies the blood increasing oxygen. Because of it's powerful estrogenic properties, it is chiefly used now for nursing mothers, the warm infusion scarcely ever failing to procure a proper supply of milk. It is considered one of the best medicines which can be used for this purpose.
Humulus Lupulus Humulus Lupulus is a Eurasian shrub rich in flavonoids, whose action in regulating the hormonal production facilitates development of the mammary glands and bolsters breast tissue growth. This herb is essential for natural breast enhancement.

Bovine Ovary Extract
Prolactin is a hormone that rises almost ten-fold during pregnancy to
stimulate breast development and milk formation. High levels of prolactin
can cause infertility, irregular menstruation, reduced libido, and possibly
increase the risk of stroke.
Growth hormone is needed to stimulate growth in children.
High levels of growth hormone in adults who don't need it can cause
the development of diabetes, abnormal growth of bones and internal organs
such as the heart, kidneys, and liver, high blood pressure, and
atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

The problem is the list of mixed 'breast pills' breast success bustmaxx natural curve breast actives etc for all I have read they are not effective for nbe they suggest too low a dose to work for most people so recommending them might be a bad idea.

(03-05-2014, 22:50)bmthx Wrote:  The problem is the list of mixed 'breast pills' breast success bustmaxx natural curve breast actives etc for all I have read they are not effective for nbe they suggest too low a dose to work for most people so recommending them might be a bad idea.

haha oh well hopefully they'll see your comment then c=
wanted to list a bunch of pills too
thanx good luck c=

more to add to list of herbs

Blessed Thistle (Cnicus Benedictus) (Leaf)

Blessed, or Holy, Thistle can be found in abundance in Europe, Asia, the American prairies, Canada and British Columbia as well as Australia. It is a handsome annual occurring in stony, uncultivated places. It is said to have obtained it's name from it's high reputation as a heal-all, being supposed even to cure the plague. The Blessed Thistle grows about 2 feet high, is reddish, slender, very much branched and scarcely able to keep upright under the weight of it's leaves and flowerheads. In cold infusions, Blessed Thistle is valuable in weak and debilitated conditions of the stomach, and as a tonic, creating appetite and preventing sickness. In warm infusions, it forms, in intermittent fevers, one of the most useful diaphoretics to which employment can be given. The plant was at one time supposed to possess very great virtues against fevers of all kinds. It is said to have great power in the purification and circulation of the blood, and on this account, strengthens the brain and the memory. Because of it's powerful estrogenic properties, it is chiefly used now for nursing mothers, the warm infusion scarcely ever failing to procure a proper supply of milk. It is considered one of the best medicines which can be used for this purpose.

Dandelion (Taraxaci Herba) (Root)

The Dandelion is a perennial plant found almost everywhere. The oblong or spatulatae, irregularly dentate or pinnatitid leaves grow in a rosette from the milky taproot, which also sends up one or more naked flower stems, each terminating in a single yellow flower. Dandelion has two particularly important uses: to promote the formation of bile and to remove excess water from the body in edemous conditions resulting from liver problems. The root especially effects all forms of secretion and excretion from the body. This boosting of secretion is key to the formation of new breast cells and tissue, and the boosting of excretion is key to the cleansing of the estrogen receptor sites which get clouded with environmental toxins that mimic estrogen. By acting to remove these and other toxins from the body, it acts as a tonic and stimulant as well. An infusion of the fresh root is said to be good for gallstones, jaundice, and other liver problems. No side effects or contradictions with normal use.

Watercress (Nasturtium Officinale) (Leaf)

A native of Europe and Russia, common in Great Britain and widely naturalized in the United States and Canada, Watercress is a hardy perennial found in abundance near springs and open running watercourses, of a creeping habit with smooth, pinnatifid leaves and ovate, heart-shaped leaflets. Watercress is the most ancient of green vegetables known to man and it's use can be traced back to the Persians, Greeks and Romans. The common method of preparation in those days was with oil and vinegar. In the 21st century, scientists are discovering that Watercress may indeed have properties to counteract the effects of smoking. Its cruciferous nature may even help prevent lung diseases, such as emphysema and cancer. Watercress contains gluconasturtin (only released when the leaves are chopped or chewed), which helps neutralize a carcinogen in tobacco. Watercress also contains credible amounts of folic acid and Lucien. J.E. Meyers, Botanical Gardens of Hammond, Indiana informs us that Watercress is one of the best sources of vitamin E. This is the fertility vitamin, essential to breast enlargement, Vitamin E helps the body to use oxygen, which increases physical endurance and stamina and improves heart response. As a medicinal plant, Watercress has been traditionally considered a diuretic, expectorant, purgative, stimulant, stomachic and tonic. It has also been used as a remedy against anemia, eczema, kidney and liver disorders, tuberculosis, boils, warts and tumors. Watercress has more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk and three times as much Vitamin E as lettuce. It’s packed with vitamins A and C, and is low in calories.

The iodine content in watercress may help regulate thyroid function. You may use watercress for thyroid and other hormones, to promote hormonal balance. Watercress for thyroid may also help reduce the risk of conditions such as goitre or hypothyroidism. )like kelp)

MotherWort (Leonurus cardiaca) Known as an important herb since the time of the Roman empire, MotherWort (Mother's Word) derives its Latin name from the Greek word meaning Lion's tail, which describes the shaggy shape of the plants' leaves. Motherwort tea has long been used as excellent support for the heart and female complaints. Mother Wort has been found to be helpful for maintaining normal feminine cycles, sleeping patterns and nervous system function.
Besides the beneficial alkalods in the herbs, it seems that motherwort lowers stress hormones thereby liberating progesterone, which is good for the cardiovascular system function and womens health.
Since it works in its own way and not through phytoestrogens like some other herbs, it is also useful and safe for men.
Motherwort is a natural sedative. You shouldn't take it with sedative medications or sleeping pills. Due to its cardiotonic properties, the herb may interact with blood pressure and heart rate lowering drugs.

Berberis... European barberry
wvs in a herbal breast pill but couldn't find much on why it would help soo ?

The herb Asparagus belongs to family Liliaceae and the Latin name is Asparagus racemosus. In Ayurveda, it is called as Shatavari (one who possesses hundred husbands and also that which cures 100 diseases) and Shatamuli (plant with 100 roots). Shatavari strengthens the female reproductive system, enhances female fertility and maintains health of women.
Anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, anti-spasmodic, antacid, anti-tumor, haemostatic, adaptogen, anti-fungal, demulcent, diuretic, galactogogue, female reproductive tonic, nutritive, rejuvenator, laxative, spermatogenic and immuno-modulator.
Shatavari (Asparagus) tones, cleanses, nourishes, and strengthens the female reproductive organs and is conceivably the best known as a female breast rejuvenating herb and used for breast enhancement and firming.

Ashwagandha (winter cherry)
Ashwagandha is a wonderful herb that helps naturally enhance breast firmness because of its estrogenic properties (phyto-estrogens) that work by regulating female hormones and promoting
healthy tissue growth.

Goat's rue (Galega officinalis) has been recommended by the German commission E for its use as a galactagogue. Its galactagogue properties were first noted to effectively increased milk in goats. It is used by nursing mothers and by farmers to increase milk production in their livestock. It grows so aggressively that it is now classified as a noxious weed. Goat’s rue should not be confused with Rue (Ruta graveolens), which is used in primitive cultures as a powerful uterine stimulant and abortifacient.

Chaste Tree (Vitex) has historically been used to treat everything from hangovers to flatulence and fevers to increasing breastmilk production. It has also been studied for reducing the symptoms of PMS and menopause. (high in progesterone)

Anise Seed (Pimpinella Anisum)
This seed has several health benefits due to the estrogen like properties it possesses. Medical research has noted these seeds are beneficial in stimulation lactation, treating infertility and improving the size and appearance of the female breast.
It's a culinary spice and a digestive herb that helps dispel gas and relieve indigestion and nausea as well as increase milk flow. According to the German Commission E, it is used in combination with Fennel seed and Caraway seed for dyspeptic conditions and gastrointestinal discomfort.

this would bbe cow,sheep, pig and but human is probably best xD

Placenta contains some bioactive nutrients which are beneficial to human beings. These nutrients include amino acids, nucleic acids hyaluronic acids and antioxidants. It also contains Epidermal Growth Factors and very unique Senescent Cell Activating Factors which can make it very helpful and resourceful.

Sheep placenta benefits are also to the bodily organs including the brain, joints and more. It may also help fight obesity, asthma, arthritis and metabolic problems. It delays menopause in ladies, sexual dysfunction and male impotence.

(high in stems cells)

(high in female hormones
(The major hormones of ruminant placentae are progesterone and other progestins, estrogens and placental lactogen.)

Placenta can be full of hormones and growth factors that are very important to promoting health. (OR NBE)

Placenta can also help regulate the menstrual period and cuts down on the menstrual pains.

“The placenta contains high levels of prostaglandin which stimulates involution (an inward curvature or penetration, or, a shrinking or return to a former size) of the uterus, in effect cleaning the uterus out. The placenta also contains small amounts of oxytocin (also found in fg?) which eases birth stress and causes the smooth muscles around the mammary cells to contract and eject milk.

Red clover
It's considered to be one of the optimum herbs to increase breast size naturally. It’s also known as: meadow clover, cow clover, Trifolium, purple clover, sweet clover, and so forth..

plz cheeck out really helped me ! V chemicals
Issabel's stuff was helpful

V nutshell herbs


and all of Lotus's threads are helpful

good luck
please add other substances for nbe or links to tips for help for meh =DD

Does natureday fulfillment really work? I've been on it for a little over three months the liquid the cream and the Soap and the first 3 weeks I noticed roundness and fullness and gained three to four inches but now it's like one week I'm full and my breasts and they appear bigger and look and feel bigger and the next week they shrink almost flat even though I gained a couple of inches I'm still in a small a cup bra it's like my breasts are fluctuating so could it be the natureday doing its work or because I'm gaining a little bit of weight even before I gained weight is when I noticed my breast started getting bigger the first 3 weeks but then a month after that I started putting on weight I was also taken the Fulfillment pills for 2 months and stop taking those and if this does work then why am I having this problem when one week they're bigger and the next they're small? I asked to natureday people this and they really could not give me an answer besides everybody is different and grows at a different pace but this is not really a fact of growing is the fact of me being bigger one week and then almost flat the next my breasts will not stay the same size and I use it everyday and it's been over 3 months so it seems like I would least have gained half a cup size more but now here I am still in a 32A bra any answers or opinions or advice would be helpful or if there's anything I can do to make this process beat up thanks God bless

This is a great summary of the effects of each herb! Honestly, trying to find which herb is better than others for the desired effect makes my head spin! Thank you for breaking down the primary roles of each in a concise way.

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