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NB Works! and an implant horror story...asymmetric please read...


Hello fellow boobies, here is my story…

I’m 44, mother of two. I’m medium framed and I was always pretty tiny -100 lbs in my 20s and about 120-130 until age 40 when I chubbied and hit 150 Sad.

As soon as I started developing (age 11) my severe asymmetry became evident. My left breast (Leftie) size back then was a 34 large A small B and my right breast was essentially a nipple. By the time I was 13 I had a prosthesis that I would insert into a pocket sewn into my bras. There was no shirt or sweater that could hide my asymmetry—I ALWAYS had to have the prosthesis in if I left the house. It was a horrible way to live, and it destroyed my fragile teenage self-esteem and it broke my mother’s heart to see me struggle with fitting in and the absolute terror I had about my “deformity” being discovered—mostly the idea of anyone finding out I “stuffed” my bra on one side.

A mother’s desperation is a powerful thing and she managed to get me diagnosed with Polands Syndrome (I’m certain I don’t have it, but it got the insurance company to cover my first surgery) and (NOTE THIS BOOBIES) the plastic surgeon didn’t think twice about my age and gladly installed my first implant.—just one, Rightie. They will do anything for a buck...

Surgery #1 (Rightie): So I had my first implant put in at age 16, it was a double-lumen implant (to provide shape) that was one part silicone (this was the 80s) and one part saline. Finally, I could wear a bra (34A or 34B depending on the cut) without my prosthesis. Without a bra the volume was the same with both my breasts but my nipples were uneven and my implant breast nipple was snoopy-nosed shaped. Result, I never removed my bra in front of anyone with the lights on but I did feel SO much better about myself and glad to be rid of that stupid prosthesis.

Surgery #2 (Rightie):5 years later it became encapsulated and the saline section of the implant ruptured and at that time they had banned silicone implants in the US. The asymmetry was noticeable even with a bra on and they were afraid of a silicone leak so they replaced the implant with a 100% saline one. I was 21.

Surgery #3 (Rightie & Leftie): When I was 28 the implant capsulated again and rose high up on my chest and got REALLY hard. I was done having kids and at the time I had the money to spare so I went for it and spent $8000 on a complete breast reconstruction: Removal of the implant, reconstruction of the right nipple and repair of the scar tissue from the capsulation, a lift on my left breast to improve symmetry and two new saline implants (both breasts) making me a perfectly matched C cup. My boobies looked Frankensteinish for a couple of months after but I will admit, after I healed, my boobies looked awesome...for 13 years…

2 years ago my left implant ruptured. I think because of weight gain and just plain getting older/gravity/etc. it really wasn’t that noticeable with and without a bra so I didn’t even see a doctor about it and lived with the mild asymmetry (opposite of what it used to be—it was Leftie that was smaller now, but still a Large B, Small C cup). And it only ruptured, there was no capsulation so it wasn’t deformed looking, plus I had definitely gained almost a full cup size over the years (probably from weight gain/breast feeding etc)

6 months ago Rightie became encapsulated, rose high up on my chest and was rock-hard. NOTE THIS FELLOW BOOBIES: after all these doctors and surgeries it was finally mentioned by the last surgeon I went to that if you rupture once, you are more likely to rupture again and if you capsulate once the odds are almost 100% you will eventually capsulate again. If I had that information before surgery #3 I guarantee you I would’ve looked for other options. Anyway, this surgeon suggested liposuction and a lift on Leftie and a removal of the implant and capsulated scar tissue on Rightie in addition to the removal and replacement of my nipple on Rightie and a possible new implant.

NOT. So I hit the google...and here I am.

I ordered my NB with medium cups in early March—my intent was to use it for Rightie only, I figured if Leftie increased almost a cup size the largest Rightie could be after my implant deflated was a small A and my focus here was symmetry only, not concerned about working on Leftie at all just yet.

I called the surgeon to explain what I wanted to do—deflate Rightie and start using NBE methods for a year or so before getting carved up again. NOTE THIS BOOBIES: The doctor went ON and ON about how NBE would NOT work for Rightie. I insisted I wanted to see how I looked with Rightie deflated because Leftie had changed so much over the years and that SOB said it was $450 just to have him stick a needle in and drain the saline out and he was so adamant I NEEDED his scalpel I would probably have to listen to his lecture the whole time I was draining. So I decided to just do it myself...yes, I know, if you google it there’s all sorts of doctors out there warning you of the dangers of deflating your own saline implant...asshats. Leftie ruptured and leaked out inside my body 2 years ago with no ill effects. I’ve had a mammogram and you can see the balled up empty implant just sitting there. I can’t feel it and I was assured by this same surgeon, the mammogram doctor and my regular physician that we could leave it in forever unless it bothered me—which it doesn’t. So I’m not suggesting or recommending anyone with implants follow my lead, I’m just explaining how I made the decision to “risk” popping my own implant. It was painless and quick. My chest wall felt weird and my booby itched for a couple of days (keep in mind the scar tissue from the capsulation was a factor) but it went smoothly.

UNBELIEVERS NOTE THIS: Maybe it’s because my skin is stretched out from the implants, maybe because of my weight gain (and loss) and/or maybe from breastfeeding or whatever...but Noogleberry worked like MAGIC for me.

Rightie filled the medium cup the 2nd time I pumped—it has to be because it was literally only 3 days after I deflated the implant and the skin was stretched out. So those of you who are struggling with swelling—work on the skin stretching/elasticity—it’s key. Thanks to Karren and her genius DIY posts I rigged a plastic container (Kirkland Mixed Nuts, drilled a hole in the bottom and sealed the NB adapter with silicone caulk. One layer of foam tape and two layers of duct tape around the top for cushioning.)

I noogle Rightie 1-2 hours most days, broken up between 2-5 sessions (sometimes only 15 minutes per session) I use baby oil for lubrication. No supplements or massage. I drink A LOT of water (about 64 oz a day) and exercise 6 times a week because I’m still looking to lose another 10 lbs. During this 10 day period (photos) I lost 1.5 lbs.

Attached are my pictures, 1st one is before I popped RIGHTIE* (see how ugly an encapsulated boobie is), the 2nd one is days after right before I opened my NB, and the third is after 10 days of noogling. That day I noogled 3 one-hour sessions (pump and release) and the photo was taken one hour after my last noogle session.

As of today I retain most swelling for about 2 hours and almost all swelling is gone after 10 hours BUT the shape seems to be permanent—Rightie is not as pointy or going right like it was before NB.

I want to end this with a big thank you to all the veterans and frequent posters on here—I don’t know that I would’ve had the courage to tell the surgeon “No” without all the valuable information and encouragement you guys have posted in the forums. Waiting for my NB to arrive (especially the days after I popped Rightie) I stalked this forum and NB forums a lot and I was really positive and pumped (haha, see what I did there?) the day my NB got here.
-Heydurr <3

All I can say is, "Woooooaaaaaa..."

PS: "asshat" is a funny word!

Oh my goodness, you've been through so much, for so long! I can't imagine dealing with what you've dealt with from such a young age. You're an inspiration and super brave!

Thanks! I'll keep you up to date with pics monthly Smile

Yes, please do keep us posted! You deserve lots of success with your program!

(04-04-2014, 19:24)heydurr Wrote:  Hello fellow boobies, here is my story…

I’m 44, mother of two. I’m medium framed and I was always pretty tiny -100 lbs in my 20s and about 120-130 until age 40 when I chubbied and hit 150 Sad.

As soon as I started developing (age 11) my severe asymmetry became evident. My left breast (Leftie) size back then was a 34 large A small B and my right breast was essentially a nipple. By the time I was 13 I had a prosthesis that I would insert into a pocket sewn into my bras. There was no shirt or sweater that could hide my asymmetry—I ALWAYS had to have the prosthesis in if I left the house. It was a horrible way to live, and it destroyed my fragile teenage self-esteem and it broke my mother’s heart to see me struggle with fitting in and the absolute terror I had about my “deformity” being discovered—mostly the idea of anyone finding out I “stuffed” my bra on one side.

A mother’s desperation is a powerful thing and she managed to get me diagnosed with Polands Syndrome (I’m certain I don’t have it, but it got the insurance company to cover my first surgery) and (NOTE THIS BOOBIES) the plastic surgeon didn’t think twice about my age and gladly installed my first implant.—just one, Rightie. They will do anything for a buck...

Surgery #1 (Rightie): So I had my first implant put in at age 16, it was a double-lumen implant (to provide shape) that was one part silicone (this was the 80s) and one part saline. Finally, I could wear a bra (34A or 34B depending on the cut) without my prosthesis. Without a bra the volume was the same with both my breasts but my nipples were uneven and my implant breast nipple was snoopy-nosed shaped. Result, I never removed my bra in front of anyone with the lights on but I did feel SO much better about myself and glad to be rid of that stupid prosthesis.

Surgery #2 (Rightie):5 years later it became encapsulated and the saline section of the implant ruptured and at that time they had banned silicone implants in the US. The asymmetry was noticeable even with a bra on and they were afraid of a silicone leak so they replaced the implant with a 100% saline one. I was 21.

Surgery #3 (Rightie & Leftie): When I was 28 the implant capsulated again and rose high up on my chest and got REALLY hard. I was done having kids and at the time I had the money to spare so I went for it and spent $8000 on a complete breast reconstruction: Removal of the implant, reconstruction of the right nipple and repair of the scar tissue from the capsulation, a lift on my left breast to improve symmetry and two new saline implants (both breasts) making me a perfectly matched C cup. My boobies looked Frankensteinish for a couple of months after but I will admit, after I healed, my boobies looked awesome...for 13 years…

2 years ago my left implant ruptured. I think because of weight gain and just plain getting older/gravity/etc. it really wasn’t that noticeable with and without a bra so I didn’t even see a doctor about it and lived with the mild asymmetry (opposite of what it used to be—it was Leftie that was smaller now, but still a Large B, Small C cup). And it only ruptured, there was no capsulation so it wasn’t deformed looking, plus I had definitely gained almost a full cup size over the years (probably from weight gain/breast feeding etc)

6 months ago Rightie became encapsulated, rose high up on my chest and was rock-hard. NOTE THIS FELLOW BOOBIES: after all these doctors and surgeries it was finally mentioned by the last surgeon I went to that if you rupture once, you are more likely to rupture again and if you capsulate once the odds are almost 100% you will eventually capsulate again. If I had that information before surgery #3 I guarantee you I would’ve looked for other options. Anyway, this surgeon suggested liposuction and a lift on Leftie and a removal of the implant and capsulated scar tissue on Rightie in addition to the removal and replacement of my nipple on Rightie and a possible new implant.

NOT. So I hit the google...and here I am.

I ordered my NB with medium cups in early March—my intent was to use it for Rightie only, I figured if Leftie increased almost a cup size the largest Rightie could be after my implant deflated was a small A and my focus here was symmetry only, not concerned about working on Leftie at all just yet.

I called the surgeon to explain what I wanted to do—deflate Rightie and start using NBE methods for a year or so before getting carved up again. NOTE THIS BOOBIES: The doctor went ON and ON about how NBE would NOT work for Rightie. I insisted I wanted to see how I looked with Rightie deflated because Leftie had changed so much over the years and that SOB said it was $450 just to have him stick a needle in and drain the saline out and he was so adamant I NEEDED his scalpel I would probably have to listen to his lecture the whole time I was draining. So I decided to just do it myself...yes, I know, if you google it there’s all sorts of doctors out there warning you of the dangers of deflating your own saline implant...asshats. Leftie ruptured and leaked out inside my body 2 years ago with no ill effects. I’ve had a mammogram and you can see the balled up empty implant just sitting there. I can’t feel it and I was assured by this same surgeon, the mammogram doctor and my regular physician that we could leave it in forever unless it bothered me—which it doesn’t. So I’m not suggesting or recommending anyone with implants follow my lead, I’m just explaining how I made the decision to “risk” popping my own implant. It was painless and quick. My chest wall felt weird and my booby itched for a couple of days (keep in mind the scar tissue from the capsulation was a factor) but it went smoothly.

UNBELIEVERS NOTE THIS: Maybe it’s because my skin is stretched out from the implants, maybe because of my weight gain (and loss) and/or maybe from breastfeeding or whatever...but Noogleberry worked like MAGIC for me.

Rightie filled the medium cup the 2nd time I pumped—it has to be because it was literally only 3 days after I deflated the implant and the skin was stretched out. So those of you who are struggling with swelling—work on the skin stretching/elasticity—it’s key. Thanks to Karren and her genius DIY posts I rigged a plastic container (Kirkland Mixed Nuts, drilled a hole in the bottom and sealed the NB adapter with silicone caulk. One layer of foam tape and two layers of duct tape around the top for cushioning.)

I noogle Rightie 1-2 hours most days, broken up between 2-5 sessions (sometimes only 15 minutes per session) I use baby oil for lubrication. No supplements or massage. I drink A LOT of water (about 64 oz a day) and exercise 6 times a week because I’m still looking to lose another 10 lbs. During this 10 day period (photos) I lost 1.5 lbs.

Attached are my pictures, 1st one is before I popped RIGHTIE* (see how ugly an encapsulated boobie is), the 2nd one is days after right before I opened my NB, and the third is after 10 days of noogling. That day I noogled 3 one-hour sessions (pump and release) and the photo was taken one hour after my last noogle session.

As of today I retain most swelling for about 2 hours and almost all swelling is gone after 10 hours BUT the shape seems to be permanent—Rightie is not as pointy or going right like it was before NB.

I want to end this with a big thank you to all the veterans and frequent posters on here—I don’t know that I would’ve had the courage to tell the surgeon “No” without all the valuable information and encouragement you guys have posted in the forums. Waiting for my NB to arrive (especially the days after I popped Rightie) I stalked this forum and NB forums a lot and I was really positive and pumped (haha, see what I did there?) the day my NB got here.
-Heydurr <3
Wow ! That's fantastic . Congrats

Wow, what a journey! It's heartbreaking to hear all that you've been through just to have "normal" boobs. I was lucky enough to have cute perky small C cups until breastfeeding 2 kids left them deflated and slightly asymmetrical. I tried Brava and gave up because of skin irritation problems and am now using Bosom Beauty with PM supplements and spray. I have gained about 2 inches and 2 cup sizes total since beginning my BE journey back in October. I'm glad you are seeing results and wish you the best for continuing growth! Please do keep us posted.

About 2 weeks ago I got large cups and started pumping Leftie as well - using less pressure and less time. I started to see growth (might have been my cycle though) and since I'm still so uneven I stopped on Leftie after about a week - I'm afraid I'll just make them more uneven so I'm continuing to focus on Rightie only.

I'm using Large only on Rightie now 1-1.5 hours a day. I've been working with the dome on so I get distracted and forget to massage so it's mostly pump and hold. Also, I think breaking up the pump time throughout the day (like I did in the beginning) was better. I've been so busy the last couple of weeks I've done my sessions all at once in the morning. I'm going to try to spread them out again and try to mix up 7-2 with massage as well, I think my swelling/growth has slowed since I stopped doing that.

No weight change, updated pic attached!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

That's amazing... all you've gone through.... I'm glad the NB is working for you.... So the saline implant bags are still in place?

(21-04-2014, 15:03)Karren Wrote:  That's amazing... all you've gone through.... I'm glad the NB is working for you.... So the saline implant bags are still in place?

Yes. I had a mammogram done in March before I started NBE and Leftie (which had deflated almost 2 years ago) was clearly visible as a tiny squished up ball in the center of my breast. With a bit of searching and pressure on the outside/armpit side I can feel that Rightie still has a small amount of saline in it but I suspect that will dissipate over time. It took almost 3 months for Leftie to fully deflate/get absorbed by my system so I expect by summer I'll be working with nothing but my own tissue on Rightie.

There's no real medical purpose in having them removed (I've never had side effects from any of my implants) and it's pretty expensive. Plus despite my progress, I know the plastic surgeon is going to try to bully me into at least lypo and a lift on Leftie and I just don't want to hear it lol.


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