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its gonna work this time!!


Great job, Hopeful! We can keep each other encouraged with the whole no sugar thing. I allow myself sugar every Tuesday now, and that seems to work. I also have a blog where I record what I've eaten that day, and putting it out there where other people will see it helps me feel guiltier when I entertain the thought of having a sweet treat (which isn't often anymore).

We can do it!

Sounds great! We can keep eachother motivated . I wonder how much less sugar/sweets will affect our boobie growth? ( although I'm not just doing it for my breasts but for my skin and just overall health)

I'm doing it for my skin and high testosterone, too. I've had acne since I was 5 and I grow some hair on my chin and jawline. Dodgy Really hoping going low/no sugar cuts down on those annoying little hairs.

I find that as long as I eat plenty throughout the day and never get too hungry, I really don't miss the sugar.

Are you cutting back on unhealthy carbs as well( white ride bread etc). I am but it's hard doing both

I must confess that I'm not. I like to change one thing at a time and make sure that it sticks before I add another restriction. To be honest, I don't eat a lot of bad carbs, anyway. My family has never bought white bread. My sources of carbs are mainly fruits, vegetables, wheat bread, and oatmeal. Occasionally I will have pasta or something with a flour tortilla, but that's about it.

You're strong to be able to do both!

im tryinggg. no sweets is going well the carbs not so much. but update i am pretty sure my nipples are getting bigger...not sure if this is good or bad. Whenever I wake up in the morning or if I am hot my breasts defintley seem bigger to me but if I am cold they seem to be as small as they always were (do people get what I mean when I say that?). the cold vs hot thing

Keep at it! There are now peanut butter cup chocolate chip cookies in this house. Must resist!

Yes, your breasts keep swelling better with heat. That's why, when someone has an injury that swells, it's recommended to put an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas or something like that on it. Try to stay warm as much as possible!

Im trying. I like it better when I am hot then i can trick myself into thinking they are growing hahah. Because of the hot thing I use a heating pad every other night for maybe 20 minutes. Also thinking of adding MSM again (I used it for two/three months awhile ago and say no results but thought maybe I'd add it again) What do people think? Also considering RM or binaural beats? I know this seems like a lot but I am trying to get really serious and i leave for University in 5sih months so I want to figure out a program that works ASAP

It is much, MUCH easier to imagine them bigger/growing when you're warm, I agree! I used to be cold all the time, but since starting NBE, I've managed to make sure I'm warm the vast majority of the time, even during this long, hard winter. Staying cold is a no-no! I use my heating pad twice a day, before and after each massage session both times. Love it! Probably won't love it so much in a few months once summer hits, though, ha ha ha.

Definitely give the MSM another shot. What form are you taking it in (capsules, powder, crystals)? I just switched to powder today to see if it will make a difference, as I was taking the capsules and capsules have fillers and therefore aren't as potent.

I'll be adding both rockmelon ringtone and binaural beats starting next month, myself. I say they're worth a shot!

MSM capsules from trader joes...for rm and binarial beats (or whoever you spell it haha) what is your routine going to be...i tried it months ago but found i kept slacking on listening and just gave up. These next two months I am going to go all out 100% and if by then i don't see results I might decide to stop spending all this time and money haha

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