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I'm going to do this


Hey everyone,

I'm roro, i've been reading this forum for a year or two already and never really did anything about it. I guess I was just super overwhelmed by information and my self-doubt always got the best of me. But this year, I've decided that I'm going to be the change I want to see. I've always been such an indecisive person, sensitive and hyper-emotional (which I kinda feel is the reason why I am so underdeveloped, I also have hair loss issues since I was 16). So, I just started massaging, no more waiting. I just picked up the coconut oil i use to moisturise and started using tiger lily and chiyo milks massage techniques. Only been a week so far, but I will make this a lifestyle!

I am 22, with size 10/12A cups hoping to get to 10/12 C/Ds! I understand that this is all about trial and error, and I promise to dedicate myself.

I have lost a fair bit of weight recently, I use to have a decent butt but I've lost all the fat and just have muscle now. I developed anxiety over the last couple of months and it has affected my appetite greatly as well as my life. Im really hoping that this can help me eat better, live better and think better too. I usually would be scared to speak out about appearance, in fear of judgement of others, but I feel that I can open up in this forum.

Anyways, it would mean the world if anyone could help me on my journey at anytime. Much love x Smile

Hi roro,

I wish you good luck! Do you plan to introduce herbs or buy a breast pump?

Welcome, roro! Good on you, deciding to just do it. Massage is a good place to start. I second peggy's question. What else do you plan on adding to your routine?

(17-03-2014, 14:30)peggy Wrote:  Hi roro,

I wish you good luck! Do you plan to introduce herbs or buy a breast pump?

Hi!! Thank you! I will answer your question underneath together with blessedbreasts' quote Big Grin

(18-03-2014, 00:57)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Welcome, roro! Good on you, deciding to just do it. Massage is a good place to start. I second peggy's question. What else do you plan on adding to your routine?

Thank you!

Okay, so after a fair bit of research, doing that online hormonal test and my latest blood test results I have gathered a few pieces of vital information:

- I am oestrogen dominant and progesterone deficient.
- This made total sense to me because my blood test a few months ago indicated that I had abnormally high levels of prolactin (900). My doctor was concerned and asked me to do another test a month later or so, which I haven't done yet because my doctor got sick and has not yet returned.

After some research into being deficient in progesterone, I read about Premenstrual dysphoria which is essentially the severe version of PMS. This is a snippet from wikipedia about the symptons:

emotional symptoms are generally present, and in PMDD, mood symptoms are dominant.[6] Substantial disruption to personal relationships is typical for women with PMDD.[6] Anxiety, anger, and depression may also occur. The main symptoms, which can be disabling, include[8]
Feelings of sadness or despair, or even thoughts of suicide
Feelings of tension or anxiety
Panic attacks
Mood swings or frequent crying
Lasting irritability or anger that affects other people
Lack of interest in daily activities and relationships
Trouble thinking or focusing
Tiredness or low energy
Food cravings or binge eating
Trouble sleeping
Feeling out of control
Physical symptoms, such as bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, and joint or muscle pain
The symptoms occur during the week before menstruation, and go away once it starts. A diagnosis of PMDD requires the presence of at least five of these symptoms

I can say that I have all these symptoms the week before my periods. I couldnt believe it when I read all of this, I was actually so ecstatic to learn about this problem because this entire time I thought I just had anxiety and that's it. It's crazy because little did I know that hormonal levels can affect me so intensely! It really does all make sense now! My mother was diagnosed with depression, but now that I read all these symptons I think she just has premenstural dysphoria as well, it is quite common for women who are about to go through menopause due to changes in hormone levels.

So after learning about this, I looked into herbs etc. So as you guys may already know the thing to take/eat is chasteberry for progesterone during the luteal phase and to use PC as well at the same time. However, an article I read about progesterone stated that you shouldnt eat/take anything for this hormone because the progesterone goes straight into the blood stream and is not produced in the stomach. It said something about the stomach and liver breaking it down to virtually a small percentage left for the body to intake. I can't remember where the article is, but if I find it i'll link it. I thought that that was a valid point, so I'm a little hesitant with chaste berry, but thoughts on that one? Anyhow, I like the idea of PC, im just trying to understand where to apply it because in that same article it indicated that applying it in the vaginal region will allow the body to absorb it most effectively, thoughts on that one? I mean all other articles suggest rotating the location of application so you can't really just apply it in the vaginal region the whole time right?

To sum up, I will add PC for now and continue massaging. Probably won't look into the pump right now. But let me know what you think about chaste berry! Thanks guys!

Oh! One other thing, from the article it says that stress will stop progesterone from increasing because cortisol takes over the receptors, and cortisol is the stress chemical. So in order for PC to be absorbed and actually being used, you need to be stress free and calm/happy. Oh man, everything links! It's insane. So really, to be healthy you're mind has to be healthy first.

I have to admit, I don't have the healthiest lifestyle. I sleeping pattern is wacko jacko, I party on the weekends, I eat random stuff. I stress over everything.. so really.. its about having a good work/life/health balance. So I'm looking into doing some sort of moderate physical activity I can engage in everyday (Im a dancer, but I take classes sporadically and its more a creative thing than exercise), probably get into meditating or yoga or whatever stress relieving activity i can get into.

So yeah, this whole booby growing is making me realise that it all starts with mentality and the every day things you do too! Big Grin

I'm not familiar with herbs, as I don't use them, so I can't weigh in there. But I really love the last thing you said! Everybody who gets into NBE should be taught that phrase along with all the other basics.

Hello Roro!

I wanted to ask you if you tried some hypnosis (like one hour or so meditations) that you can find on youtube or on the internet?

Let's say twice a day you massage to this :

And before going to bed you meditate to that :

or that one which is also very cool you can find on this thread:

I think meditation can be very beneficial in relieving daily stress and improving cognitive capacities. At least it has been for me. It has helped me getting better in controling my thoughts and will and breast focused meditations are really inspiring and full of "good vibes". My dreams are more vivid and my sleep more restful when I stick to that routine. I've been meditating and using hypnosis and subliminals in my life way before NBE and it has done a lot for me, so I thought it could help you in your journey.

I wish you good luck and a lot of courage throughout your breastquest Smile

(23-03-2014, 19:33)blessedbreasts Wrote:  I'm not familiar with herbs, as I don't use them, so I can't weigh in there. But I really love the last thing you said! Everybody who gets into NBE should be taught that phrase along with all the other basics.

All good! Haha, thanks =) I think it's something I try to tell myself everyday. I think its just all about positive thinking and being healthy.


(23-03-2014, 19:42)DianaSaturna Wrote:  Hello Roro!

I wanted to ask you if you tried some hypnosis (like one hour or so meditations) that you can find on youtube or on the internet?

Let's say twice a day you massage to this :

And before going to bed you meditate to that :

or that one which is also very cool you can find on this thread:

I think meditation can be very beneficial in relieving daily stress and improving cognitive capacities. At least it has been for me. It has helped me getting better in controling my thoughts and will and breast focused meditations are really inspiring and full of "good vibes". My dreams are more vivid and my sleep more restful when I stick to that routine. I've been meditating and using hypnosis and subliminals in my life way before NBE and it has done a lot for me, so I thought it could help you in your journey.

I wish you good luck and a lot of courage throughout your breastquest Smile

Hey DianaSaturna,

Thanks for that! Will definitely integrate it in my regime where possible. Do you do the meditation every night? do you lie down or sit up? Mmm, I do agree that the subliminal can greatly affect your body. What is the first link? Just music for booby growing? Smile

I can't seem to log on to the site you linked for the last one but I'll try again tomorrow! Big Grin Thanks again!!

You might not succeed logging in for the download because the link in the post is "broken", by clicking on it you don't get the proper site Smile is where you have to log (courtesy of OP of the IDs Wink )

About meditations, I do all! The last one before going to bed because it makes me into deep relaxation and I fall asleep inevitably after.
The first is binaural beats.
Binaural beats, with special frequencies encoded, have the ability to make your brain enter a mode of specific types of waves that stimulate conditionment of cells according to the purpose of the track. It's not always really pleasant to listen to, but since it works on more or less of a subliminal level, you can use it background of a music you love more, as long as you can hear it (even very low).

How to meditate? Well personnaly I lay down in bed and give myself a rest, only that way I can reach the most deep state of muscular relaxation I need to have my mind at peace and opened to hypnotic suggestions, but if it seems unnatural for you especially during daytime, you can relax on a chair, feet to the ground, as long as your muscles can ease off. It's all up to your preferences.

I'd add that the key to success imo is to be deeply convinced until the subconscious layers of your mind that you will eventually grow. I just started my NBE journey so the results aren't there yet, but they will I am sure of it Wink Be asserted and be regular in your conscious acts in your program and I am sure all your stress troubles and doubts will flee away!


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