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Generic BO this time around


Hi Ginie,

Sorry to read it hurts. Are you sure it isn't just Siriporn?
Are bgirl and Nila are the only other people using it?

I am so happy for you that you are growing so fast!!!! Can you please tell me your trick? Smile
I am now on day 9 of taking PM and day 8 using the PM cream.
I don't have any growing pains at all! When I took BO I felt the growing pains right away! and now that I am taking PM I don't feel anything at all. I am taking Bella's PM and I am taking only one capsule a day so that I wont mess up my cycle. the capsules contain 300 mg per pill.
Please...tell me your secret!!! Smile
On my 5th day of my cycle I felt that my boobs are bigger...and much more bouncier...but since day 6 they went back down. I never had full an bouncier breasts when I was on my period....

On the other hand, I am sorry to hear that you are not really happy with your growth! I hope that you will like it in the end!
Good Luck!
And thanks for updating us!!!

Thanks, guys, for your support! Please don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy with having boobs now, I'm just not very comfortable with the sudden change in me and looking for ways to adjust. I've been experimenting with NBE for almost two years and I had occasional increase in size but I never saw myself as a person with breasts, I always saw myself as a flat chested person. With PM it's different, it is very obvious and I can no longer deny that I have breasts now, especially this month when the increase was dramatic and the breasts are sore and swollen even after the period.

I think before I've always thought that what ever increase I will have - it will shrink back if I stop taking whatever I was taking (herbs, BO, PM). I think I'm reaching this point where I have to believe this is for real.

I can no longer hide this from my husband, he had noticed and keeps asking me what is going on. In the beginning I was telling him that it was all his imagination but I think I will have to tell him the truth because jumping from A to C or even D for no reason is strange, isn't it.

Eva, I think there's no secret. I've read in the archived posts that whoever tried PM they all had good results but as Kelsie said you have to do it right. Don't "overdose" on PM, your body will just shut down estrogen receptors, use topicals, use other supplements which will help your growth. I don't take high doses of PM, I also use cream, I massage but not every day, I use NB and I think it contributed A LOT to my growth, I take other supplements (placenta and HA, vitamins) and most importantly: I BELIEVE in PM, it really works but you have to give it time.

If you want fast/better growth you can add what Chiyumilk was taking. In luteal phase she was taking B-Up Drop but you can just mix the herbs yourself. It's good old FG, WY, Fennel, hops, so on. PM doesn't have prolactogenic effect and prolactin is important for breast development. My theory about Chiyumilk's extraordinary success is that PM was getting accumilated and even though she wasn't taking PM after ovulation it continued working. And as she added FG, fennel (increase prolactin) together they were giving best results. If you notice simptoms of estrogen dominance then you can balance it with PC cream in luteal phase. This will also "wake up" your estrogen receptors because as they say the problem in most flat chested women is not the quantity of estrogen, there's enough floating around but stupid receptors just don't "see/understand" it.

I will see how it will go from now, if the gorwth will be better then it will definately mean that PM takes few months to kick in. Maybe it gets accumilated really. Maybe Siriporn is stronger. Anyways I will keep you guys posted!

Happy growing everyone!

PS. NB is a must! Smile

Hi Ginie,

congrats on your growth. I think it is normal to have an adjustment period. If you do decide to stop, a full C seems to be a good place ... too big and you may lose your perkiness.

For me, I have growing pains ... pulsing, throbbing ... you name it. It keeps me up at night, sometimesSmile Maybe you are getting pains that you didn't have before because your growth is much faster, now?
Also your problems adjusting may be due to the fact that they grew overnight?

Anyways, congrats again. Big Grin I know you'll be celebrating in no time, despite your current, mixed feelings

Hi again Ginie,

Wow congrats to you..but sorry your confused..hey maybe it is just today your feeling this way, tomorrow may be a different look at it.. how long have you been on PM and my brand says the first month is when you see the skin change and some other small things but they say in the second month is when the girls start getting the attention..I am going to look up your brand of PM sounds interesting.. I am also wondering even though my brand says 2 a day (1000mg) what if you have really low estrogen.. I am wondering if mine is really low and if I take 1500mg will it hurt.. I did go to 3 then down to 2 then one before period and during the first few days then 3 days into period started to up it, within 3 days went back to 3 pills for about 2 days the dropped it back to 2 I confusing my body too much or doing it good..just thinking out loud..but you all can comment on that ..I am thinking today to take 3 for a couple of days then going back down.. I am staying on PM though the whole cycle... I am so sorry I am motor mouth..dam I wrote so much..sorry for butting in on your program..

Hi again to you to Nila,

I know you said you are taking it as long as I PM that is..what brand did you say you are taking I forgot.

Again Ginie sorry for taking over you time..Blush

Hey Susan,

I first of all bought from Siriporn (pills, serum and cream). The pills contain 100mg, each of PM. Was taking 200mg in the morning and 200 mg at night. Then I ran out of the serum, at which time I decided to buy the PM spray from ainterol ... also bought the pills (500 mg) from ainterol.

So sometimes, I mix the pills. 200 mg from siriporn in the morning and 1, 500 mg pill from ainterol, at night. Other times I just take 1 ainterol pill, morning and night. But I never exceed 1000mg a day. If I have any siriporn pills left, when I get to my maintenance stage, will use that (100 mg per day).

Like Ginie said, be careful of taking too much PM because if you do, it'll overload the estrogen receptors in your breasts, which would lead to a stall. You just have to play around with the dosages and listen to your body, to find what works for you. Also if you are trying ought a particular dosage, give it time so as to better understand how your body reacts to it.

(17-07-2011, 14:51)Ginie Wrote:  Another thing I struggle with may sound crazy, totally nuts. I can't adjust to my boobs. I used to be flat and now I have boobs. Nothing super big, C cup or something between C and D. I think when I started NBE I wasn't thinking how I will feel if I grow boobs. Now I don't think I like big boobs on me very much. At least now I feel this way. I wasn't wearing a bra before and now I must wear it, men look at my

Do I really want big boobs or is this the time to stop?

I so understand what you're going through, Ginnie. Ok, please don't shoot me, but when I reached that certain point which I was shooting for, all of a sudden, I lost the motivation. It's beyond what I thought was possible I can reach naturally; I'm not super big either, 34C/32D cup. I asked the same thing; do I want to get any bigger than this if it's possible? I'm so happy that I can fit the current size I'm in right now. I went to the store, and tried several bras of my current size, and I was genuinely very, very happy, and still couldn't believe the progress I made.

Also, husband is now repeatedly asking me to stop. He offered to pay for implants/liposuction, anything, if that's what will make me truly happy. I guess he doesn't want to see me striving/trying too much. He sees me weighing powders and taking supplements, and he's getting worried. He requested that I labeled all my boob supplements just in case I drop dead or something, and he'll be able to tell the hospital. He mentioned not even once did I voiced my dissatisfaction with my breast's size, and now, all of a sudden, I'm trying to grow bigger? He kept on mentioning he doesn't care whether I have small or big boob, he says I'm perfect the way I am right now (ok, this is coming from him, so he may be blind or biased).

Just want to say too that I'm so tempted to stop also...take a break, think if I want to continue. I hate to admit this, but this is consuming my thoughts and energy, which quiltily, I should spend on taking care of husband, children, home, family, friends, etc.

Thanks for the post, for being honest.

Hi Ginie.
Thank you so much for giving us all this information. GOD bless you!!!
You have contributed so much to this thread, but may I please ask you a favor, I think a lot of us will benefit from it. Can you please make a list of all the supplements you are taking, the brand , the milligrams, and how much to take?? That way, everything will be listed in just one post.

I hope you feel better about your boobs. Its been a long journey and you should be PROUD of what you have achieved!!! I personally think a "C" is perfect, but obviously its totally up to you to continue or not, but don't feel anything but PROUD. You will eventually get used to them.
I read that Cheryl (here on this board) kept wanting to grow, but later eventually kind of regretted it, she wanted a little smaller.
Do whatever makes you happy!!!
You have given us all hope and thanks to you, we are all wanting to try PM.
Thank you so much for this wonderful thread!!!!

hi genie,

you mentioned that NB contributed a lot to your growth. how often do you noogle and for how long?

Hi Melissa, I do understand that it will probably take you the whole day seaching through my program, so I don't mind posting again what I'm taking. I based my program on Chiyumilk's program. I don't use the same supplements and creams just because it is close to impossible to buy them outside of Japan. So..
1. PM pill - St.Herb 400mg a day, Siriporn - 200mg a day. Morning and evening, on empty stomach. After 20 minutes - food rich in calcium or Ca pill.This is only until 1-2 days before ovulation. PM cream - twice a day throughout the cycle, morning and evening after shower, in shower I use PM soap on my boobs, let it stay for few minutes.
2. Pig placenta (Maruman) - 4 a day, 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening, on empty stomach, with cold water. I take it together with supplement #3. I think it is 500mg, or so it says on Maruman site though on a bottle it is all in Japanese.
3. Hyaluronic acid (from Japan, sorry,I don't know what is the brand) 2 a day - take it with supplement #2. Next week I switch to Neocell HA just because that Japanese HA was brought for me by a colleage of mine who went to Japan and I ran out of my supplies.
4. Protein shake - once a day but as I hate the taste I drink it 2-3 times a week max. I should be more consistent with it.
5. MSM - 4000mg a day with vitamin C. Imprtant NOT to take it with Ca food or supplements becasue they cancell each other.
6. Collagen, from Japan, the same one that Chiyumilk was using, Meiji, it contains vit C and arginine. Before going to bed on empty stomach.
7. Noogleberry! In the beginning - every day but later - few times a week. It is a GREAT thing for growing. I think I should thank NB for improving the shape. I used to have skin on bones between the boobs, this area was pretty wide. Now I have meet on, not really a cleavage yet (thought a bra) but the boobs sit "closer" together if you understand what I mean. I advise noogling laying down, use oil instead of cream. I can only use one cup at the time, so unfortunately it takes really long time but it's worth it. I use "serum" from Siriporn which I bought. I turned out to be plain OIL! I didn't know what to do with it so decided to use when noogling. I love love love noogling. I wish I could do it every day but I keep it a secret from my husband, so, I can only use it when he is not at home.
8. Sometimes I drink Contrex, it is the mineral water Chilyumilk was drinking to avoid bloating, besides it is reach in Mg and Ca.
9. Massage. Usually before NB.
10. During luteal phase I sometimes use PC. Just a little, really little. And not every month. I was told progesterone sensitizes the estrogen receptors which after a continuous use of PM (or any other strong estrogen) can become insensitive to estrogen. Especially if you overdose on estrogenic herbs.
11. Last month I added fennel tea few times a week, not consistent with it.

Chiyumilk was taking other herbs in luteal phase, B-Up Drop. If you want you can just take the ingridient list and combine the herbs yourself. Maily it is FG, WY, Fennel, Dandelion root, etc. I think these herbs contributed to her growth a lot. They are weaker phytoestrogens than PM so they are not supposed to mess up your cycle even if you take them in luteal phase (when estrogen is supposed to be LOW). Important - she was taking low doses of these herbs. Fennel and FG also have prolactogenic effect, prolactin is equally important but please be careful with increasing your prolactin, for women it can be dangerous.

Good luck and I know that you will have success if you do it right. Be safe, don't overdose on PM, cycle or not cycle - it is up to you but for those of you who don't want to screw up your cycle it is better to cycle. Use NB. Most important - stay in good mood, eat right, sleep enough (important for hormonal balance) and don't think too much about your program. It will work, it wil just not be overnight, may take few months to see significant results.

Happy growing! I will try to pop up here from time to time even though I'm no longer here that often.

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