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My Program... (:


Don't worry about that Smile I keep 'em covered up so no-one can see that they're covered in batter Tongue

Gasolinerainbow, I've refrained from saying anything about your boyfriend after reading your first post; but now I have to say it. DROP THE JERK. I was once very briefly married to a shallow pervert like him, and the damage it did to my self-esteem and self-image has to this day not been reversed. He is the biggest hinderance to your NBE. You deserve WAY better than that scum! There are WONDERFUL men out there waiting for a decent woman they can give their love and RESPECT to. Don't waste another minute of your life being associated with him! Sorry I just had to get that out.

Despite him, your progress has been amazing! You're very lucky. I don't know what your goal is, but you must be pretty happy now! I think I'd die if I ever achieved your measurements. Smile

Guess what everybody...

... I came on a few days ago and lost all my growth. They looked even flatter than before.


Then yesterday they changed shape and looked a bit weird so I measured them and they were 38" (+!!) Which is unbelievable Smile

Not sure what to do about the bf. He does seem willing to TRY and change and I'd like to give him the chance before I finish with him. Not a very long chance Tongue

Took a break from NBE because I've been so busy. Had a german friend stay over and then went to a music festival for 5 days/.

Anyway, bad news.

Gone down to 36" Sad and my hormones are all over the place. I've been bleeding every other week and I'm so dizzy from blood loss! Urghh.

Oh no Sad not bleeding every other week, now its everyday!! And not just spotting, really heavy bleeding :/ I'm sure it's the pill and I have a pill consultation next month where I'll opt to change it Sad until then, I'm not really expecting any growth.

I started noogling again but my left breast immediately bruised. In fact, it looks like it has love bites on it which is going to be difficult to explain to my boyfriend as he knows nothing about my NBE Tongue

My right breast seems to have retained its growth but my left breast has lost it (+ extra!). This is bad news indeed Sad Henceforth, I do not recommend that anyone takes birth control that messes up their hormones in ways they don't understand!

I decided to take the hormone balance test at:

Because 3 weeks of bleeding just isn't right.

The results were quite clear and stated that I most likely have an estrogen defficiency. I take any results from vague online tests with a pinch of salt but these seem to make sense after being on the progestogen only pill for nearly 2 months.

I'm not sure how to convince the Doc to put me on the combined pill but I'll find a way...

Hi gasolinerainbow,

Sorry to read the bcp causes you so much trouble. Good luck at the doctor's!

Yikes, I'm sorry to hear about that. Sad I had lots of bleeding issues before my hysterectomy, including a period that lasted six months, with maybe one or two days off during that time. THAT TOTALLY SUCKED. Sad

If three weeks of bleeding doesn't convince your doctor to change your bcp, then you need to get another doctor, imo. Really. That can't be healthy to be that imbalanced!

Hope it gets better for you! Smile

Hi gasolinerainbow,

I hope that you can convince your doctor to prescribe you a combined pill. I was on a progestogen only pill for about 8 months and I was bleeding pretty much every day. It is really not for everyone. I am on a combined pill now and it works great. Good luck!

Thanks for the support guys (: haven't stopped bleeding yet ¬¬ and haven't had any time to go to the docs Sad

But good news! I can fit into a 34D! :O
I don't look anything like a 34D though, I look flat chested :/ I think it's because I got to this size by losing weight rather than growing breasts. I just have no cleavage whatsoever, it's like all the tissue is at the sides and I have nothing on the front... It's not pretty :L

I think noogling is the best solution but I'm terribly prone to bruising at the moment and my boyfriend's starting to get suspicious...

Hopefully I'll get bloomin' paid soon and can purchase PM. I think I'll get Siriporn pills and Ainterol spray.

Anyway, must dash! Happy growing Smile

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